(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i asked my gal's cc teacher b/f 'cos i oso worry mah, wat if my gal still need to nap when she go P1. She told me the kids will slowly out-grow it as they get older. By the time they are around K2 or P1 they dun really require to nap le.

anyway now at 16/17 mths still very young la, if they can sleep let them sleep lor...

J's LS got better or not? just FYI, I no bring mobile phone to work today... couldn't sms u la.
Bulma: hope Jarren is gettin better....

Naps: Hmmm xr sleep ard 2 hrs in the morning nap and afternoon take another nap for abt 1-2 hrs... or opposite then 8pm + knock off liao...
when i was workin in CC, the kids dun really sleep a lot also one... tink once only...the rest of the day is study n play n tv liao...
so tink should be ok if still nap twice a day bah...
Hi mummies
thank you thank you all for sharing ur info. This thread cool man!...really appreciate all the feedback...no more feeling helpless..kee gee.

my gal was not feeling well last nite too (fever) MIL say due to teething. she was moody the whole day.

i agreed with violet that our kids are still young.if they wanna to sleep let them then.

my gal nap 2 times a day, each nap 1-2hrs oni. she very "hong sim" type whenever there's lots of ppls at home she will join in n refuse to nap. When she missed her nap time she tends to get restless and gloomy easily so best to let her sleep lor...less problems for the care giver mah. anyway she look happier and more active when she gets enough of sleep.
i thought nap is good hehe! Cos in many countries like Japan got afternoon power nap time for their workers leh... how I wish we have it here hehe!

YJ nap 1 or 2 times as her wish wan leh... I dun bother leh... haha! As not as she not so cranky I am ok...

Here is wat I found from Youngnutrition website:
12 to 24 months nite sleep avg =11 hours nap=1 to 3 hours (1 to 2 naps)

thanks for the infor..yeah ethan napped 2 times a day then each nap about 1.5 to 2 hours lor so think ts normal as for overnight is 10 hours cuz from about 10+ to 8+am...

welcome welcome
HI Feb Mummies,

Sorry for "intrude" into this feb thread.

I just realise that i am preggie with #2 and due date is around CNY 2008.

Shock to hear from friends that confinment nanny are hard to get during CNY.

I believe most of you deliver your precious darlings around CNY... so can you kindly share with me your confinment nanny contact no. and how much you pay for it?

hope you can help me on this and i really appreciate it a lot. Thank you and paiseh for coming into this thread to pose this question.
hi Feb mummies, I'm from the Jan MTB2006 thread.
Hi mummies,
My sis owns a market research co. and needs to do a survey on mummies with the following criteria:
1) has a kid between 1-7 y.o. taking milk powder
2) Can attend a 2 hr survey session on tuesday 19 June. timeslot depends on which milk powder the kid takes.

If keen, pls email her at [email protected]
Mothers will be paid $70 for their effort.
C naps once in late morn & anoth ard 4...both abt 1-2hrs long...pattern almost like Amanda - but knocks off only at 9.
but if i go out with her on off days & wkend, then she forgoes her afternoon nap. she's not the type to slp in pram cuz she's always easily distractd

gd thg is she slps abt 11-12hrs @ nite, so i know she gets enuf slp

what i do notice is when she has a growth spurt, she eats & slps more! then after that i hv to get new batch of clothes cuz she's outgrown them! haha
siewlng: I noe nap is good for them while they're growing.. Bt for me I tink napping at the correct timing oso veri impt.. My MIL will let my kids nap 2times in the day..the 2nd nap ard 4plus smtimes 5pm lehz! Den they wake up ard 6 or 6plus. So angry..coz by sleeping time..they are still so wide awake den they will slp veri late at night. So whenever I look after them myself..I will let them nap ard 1pus to whichever time they wake up.. Den at night they will slp early..hee.
tomatolander: hehe on weekends, my girl nap the second time ard 4+,5 one leh... hehe then wake up ard 6+,7pm... but later she will knock off ard 8+,9 liao... hehe.... very short interval between the second nap and night sleep rite... :p
but weekdays, her first nap will be ard 10+ then second one ard 1+,2 then come back sleep ard 8+,9... so i tink she already adapt to sleepin ard 8+,9... hehe
Hi mummies,

Had been a long time since I last login. Think I might have lost track of what's going on in this forum....hv to find time to read up & get myself updated.

Marcus is fine so far. Been running around and learning to dance to the sound of music. As for speech, he's kind of slow, not much progress from 'pa pa', 'ma ma', 'no'. Very strange coz' he was able to say words like 'apple', 'open', 'close' at 11 mths. Now he no longer verbalize those words. Well, will just have to continue encouraging him to speak & try not to get too uptight with his devt.

He'd a minor accident on last Monday. My hb bought a packet of hot coffee back home that night & was standing in front of the TV, too caught up with a piece of news report that he didn't notice Marcus happily walking right next to his packet of coffee. The next sec, he squeezed the packet & coffee spilled all over both his hands. My MIL & I got so frightened that we immediately picked him up to rinse his hands with running water, apply cream to his hands. At the end of the hoo-haa, we realized that he didn't shed a tear but was in shocked seeing us get so uptight. When we asked him if he's ok, he can still grin at us.

Re: Napping

Marcus naps at twice a day, 9-11am & 2-4pm. He turns in at abt 9-9.30pm at night. I always remind my MIL not to let him nap any later than 4pm, else he will not be able to sleep by 9.30pm.

For me, have been v busy at work & been feeling very sick....MS....all the vomitting & nauseousness....and yes, I'm preg, 2 mths, EDD on Marcus' birthday, 26 Jan!!
Very concidental huh! Been very weak & tired as couldn't stomach anything. End up having to drink glucose water to boost some energy. This time my MS is worse than previous. Can't wait to feel better, otherwise, baby will not have enough nutrients.
hey Congrates Vonvon!! So maybe 2nd one will have same birthday as gor gor ya?

i can imagine your worried face when u see marcus got 'scalded', he is a tough boy...

Take care!
congrats, vonvon
I understand the feeling of MS haha cos my 2 i also MS like hell hahahhaha "jia you jia you". take care... feel so happy for u
Congrats huh.. Long time no hear from you, and now got good news to share! Planned pregnancy?

Aiyo, poor Marcus. Thats why I always warn pple in my house not to put their hot coffee so near the edge, or not to put it on the low coffee table. The kids are so fast!! And we cant jaga them every minute, so accidents can happen.

Not to worry lah, our kiddos are only 16MO!! from now till K1/K2/P1.. there's still a long way to go.
My son used to nap 2 times a day too, but the poor kid, after he got to an afternoon session in K1 now, he doesnt get his afternoon naps. But he coped just fine. Will still need a bit of adjustment initially, but kids do adapt v fast.
Re: Nap

Morning my boy wake up for feed at 7+ then go back sleep till 9+ or 10am...then 12+ ~ 2+pm is his naptime. Then no more napping liao. Nighttime slept around 9 or 930pm. Somtimes 8:30pm.
your son's nap time close timing hor...mine is 10+am slep then hhor another time will be 4+pm le...then by 8+ he tired want to zzz le but we only put him to bed at 10pm le cuz sleep too early he wake up veyr early too hee :p

i agree with you le..we really ought to be careful even with scissors or stuff like that le cuz they have grown taller ah they just reach out for anthing on the table within their reach one le..so sometimes due t careless accidents may happen....but sometimes inevitable also la..
Thanks gals!


Don't think will be so 'zhun' to deliver on EDD lah. Most likely will be earlier as my 1st one was also early by 2 wks (I hope coz' I don't want to do confinement during CNY).

Yup, was completely terrified when I saw him 'scalded'. Luckily no blisters.


I'm v sure u'll understand wat I'm going thru' now. It's really tough going thru' this period & I really hope my MS will go away NOW!!!


Yup, planned pregnancy but was hoping to conceive earlier so as to avoid CNY period during my confinement. On the other hand. am glad that my EDD is in Jan 2008....2nd child will still be born in the year of the pig but not in 2007, so need not hv to 'fight' with those born this yr when it comes to school enrolment in future (there seemed to be sooooo many babies born this yr)....think the numbers can fight with those born in the year of dragon leh....(or so I think).
really ah scare me le..dun want to fight for enrolment le..i also think many babies this year le....but hope its not as many s those in dragon le if not siao liaoz....
talking abt schools, my hb and i thought we'll just join our sec sch's alumni (which have pri sch) then no need to worry anymore. much easier than having to queue and volunteer and may still end up dunno where. If boy, go to his sch, if gal, go to my sch.

Even though i don't quite like his alumni, but bo bian, easier this way. Also, it'll be easier for my boy next time when he becomes a father and needs to enrol his children in a sch as he can join as an alumni. And being in a reputable sch, we can be sure it won't close. haha, both our pri schs are no longer in existence coz MOE decided to consolidate.
my hb primary school is Nan Hua primary so i was thinking just let them go there study dun need worry about enrolment or what hee for my pri sch already demolished le hee :p
Etelle: Nan hua is good, but my hubby is against it cos he says 'see my standard' wait our son cannot make it! So bad of him hor!
i bless you
haha...actually personally i feel if ur child can study ah which school also the same one la...its how u teach ur child and the interest of the child lor...
Etelle: Ur thinking is also v.traditional, just like in the past parents often say chin cai school will do, can study means can study.

To me, school play a part too as they will help in ur child development- be it character or education wise.
But of cos location must be convenient as well.

then can go nan hua. Yah, it's a good school and being a good school is a good start already. Although the children don't need to go to a reputable school to excel, and reputable schools also have bad eggs, I'm doing it for the convenience of enrolment and for his children next time.

There's a pri sch right in front of my blk, and my friend is teaching there, but I feel that I should give my kid a 'alumni status' since I can do it, for his children next time. I can send him to the neighbourhood pri sch nearby, but he will not be able to claim alumni status for his children next time unless the sec sch he studied in has a primary section like what my hb and I had. And that's not very common...
Wow Mashy,
So which reputable school did you and your hb go to? Can share share. heehehhe.

My hb's pri school has closed down lioa..HIazz headache.
i bless you
not traditional thinking la. I just feel ah if ur child not cut out for studies ah u go reputable school also like that and then may add on stress or other forms of problems le hee thats just my view though u dun ahve to agree

but i do agree with you since convenient to enrol might as well do the same hee hee but i dun understand the alumni status thing le...
hehe... i seconded etelle's thinking...

i also feel no need to go what 'reputable' school la....*but if there's a shortcut in enrollin into tat school then is another story la...*
what i feel is can study means can study lor.. cannot study no matter how much u force also cannot study.... :p
hmmm i wun be so bothered abt whether the school is of a good one or what... i already decided to let xr go to the school just beside my house... cause convenient... no need to spend so much time on travelling... hehe....

u have to join their alumni. u know those have to pay type. But it's cheap lah, compared to parents' donations.

ai yah, just happened that they've pri sch mah. my hb went to the sch which is known for swimming and all the potatoes. His Chinese was not bad in pri sch, but after he went there, now he can't even read the newspapers. Guess which one already?

Mine is a chinese sap gals' sch. very cheena. Can guess? this will only come in handy if i have a gal lah....

agree that will add stress lah. But it's easier to go neighbourhood sch than the others leh. So since we're alumni, rather we go to our sch, then if cannot cope, at his/her agreement then transfer.

last time i've a pri sch classmate becoz her family move house, they wanted to transfer her to another school end up commit suicide leh. So next time if u wanna make any decisions regarding your kids, remember to discuss it with them first. Make sure they're ok with it and don't insist if they don't want.

haha, if cannot study, then sec sch go neighbourhood sch lor. I can only provide them with the primary sch, sec school is up to them already.
Well....seems like I've somehow started a discussion on schools huh?

To me, I feel that my children need not go to reputable schools but I will also not anyhow enrol them to unknown neighbouring school either. Convenience will be top priority coz' I don't want them to have to travel long distance at such young age. Haven't really thought of the school to enrol Marcus into but he's definitely not able to enter my school (coz' I'm from a convent sch). As for my hb's pri, it's too far for my consideration. Will see if my 2nd one is a boy or girl, then decide whether to enrol him into boys sch or co-ed sch.

There's a sch just opposite my parents' place (few bus stops from my place) which will be most ideal coz' my dad will be able to fetch him to & from school. BUT, it happened to be one of the 'good' pri school & thus will very difficult to get into.

One thing for sure that I won't be doing just to get them into a school is to do voluntary work or give donations. I find it simply ridiculous.
Let me guess, ur hb was from ACS. As for you, Nanyang? Since u mentioned it's a Chiese SAP school, and cheena somemore..eheheheh.

I personally find it's ridiculous to give donations, cos I dun have so much money to donate. But I find doing Parent Volunteer quite ok leh. Sometimes really boh bian lor. Sometimes even if u just stay opposite the school, but if it's really so popular, it doesnt even guarantee tat ur child can enter. What to do, next thing u can do is PV.

Don't laugh at me, I may do PV. Hahahahaha. Because firstly, the school is not bad, and secondly, it's near home!

your guess for my hb is right, but not mine though.
Mine is also a convent sch like von.

For me, i think it's ridiculous to give donations too. For parent volunteering, there's tons of parents doing that and sometimes they have to interview you to see whether they need your services or not. So doesn't mean u want, means can volunteer. And volunteering also doesn't guarantee a place. Some parents volunteer already in the end also no place.

That's why I rather go to our alma mater. Save us the trouble and it's guarantee sure in. Don't have to ballot.
got this from another thread


Mother, Mom, Mama, Mommy, Ma

Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment.
Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.
Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities.
Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

- The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5.
- Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.
- Must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.
- Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers.
- Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects.
- Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks.
- Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next.
- Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices..
- Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
- Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product.
- Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

Virtually none.
Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

Get this! <font color="ff0000">You pay them!</font> Offering frequent raises and bonuses.
A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent.
When you die, you give them whatever is left.
The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered;
<font color="ff0000">this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life.</font>
yea, can't possible list alllll the things about mum mah... even FTWM oso on call 24/7, must be prepared to take leave anytime.
Jus a general 'guide' and jus for laughs only...

I took out the seat from the exersaucer and my boy has found another way to play this. hahah, he will crawl under the exersaucer and stand up thru the hole. After he finishes playing, he'll duck back down and crawl thru the bottom. hahaa. Can practise his spatial skills.
Ask you abt the cupboard thing tat u made for C. Where u got tat empty cupboard? hehe! I wanted to get one, but scare bery dirty if I go to kio from downstairs... n wan to make one for Yj to crawl n hide haha!

u mean the box?

I got the box from the LCD TV that my FIl gave us. Maybe u can ask ard if anyone buys any big items like TV, frige, washing machine etc. Sometimes downstairs one if just thrown should be still clean...

haha, C really enjoys the tunnel and now he likes to hide in it. So good luck on your search.
My old pd said cereal/biscuits eat too much, v heaty for kids. Another pd said it is the traditional thinking, no such thing, children's biscuits not heaty, gets soften easily unlike adult biscuits which are harder so can irritate throat and induce cough, other than that it is not heaty. What do you think?
I bought 1 big pack of cheerios to eat with his formula milk, my boy doen't like, want to eat on its own. After he eat, i feel he gets very phelgmy, jus like cereal. I also gave him the gerber puffs and the egg biscuits sometimes.
Congrats! Take care of yourself.

i've given my boy biscuits & cereals, so far no prob. I even gave him chocolate crispies which is supposed to be heaty. He's fine with it. I guess in all things, don't overdo it. Then should be ok.

hi jasmine, i wonder too. my pd even say nowaday formula milk are not heaty compare with the past. But when my gal get phelgmy and cough MlL will say due to formula milk n biscuits leh...

wow! Look like there's severally mummies here expecting no.2 ya. happy happy for u all. congrate!
