(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Summer/ Koli
No he does not wear a scarf nor is he wearing spectacles one le...He has moustache one hee :p

yeah my hb and I were sorta giggling too when we hard his name hee abit crude hor his name haha :p But he is a very nice man. Then that time came to inject for me he wore aloha shirt haha :p my hb nearly wanted to stop him cuz he mistoood him for stranger barging into the wrong room.

i separately washed all clothings of individual one le. My hubby one load, mine one load and ethan one load. i dun mixed one le...hee :p its best to separate bb one and ours le...cuz hor adult more "dirty" in a sense hee :p
u went for triple test le??? How's everyting? Put on how much weight as of now how man wks?

I be gng for my triple test this saturday. Sad have to go through needle poking again sob sob. Then seeing gynae end of the month and hopefully can know the gender le hee :p

You all lay your bets le haha cu the result may be out this month end haha =p
siewlng, I am thinking to buy a new washing machine too ler.. yesterday went to Best Denki, saw one not bad, LG, about 359 only with Child lock. This is only 6.5kg. Cos people not much, no need to buy too big one I think. Another 7kg, same brand, cost 399.
I went for my triple test at week 15. No news so far means good news. I think i prob put on less than 3kg so far. Appetite not as good as before plus 2nd pregnancy busier and lesser time, so no time to think of food. Plus quite afraid to put on too much weight this time. Are you taking those milk for pregnant mothers? I started y'day, tastes quite bad. Today is my 16th weeks. What about you?

Motherhood Exhibition
I went there last afternoon, items exhibited not fantastic. Only good offers are the ear thermometer going at $69 (UP $108) and the Nepia diapers. Buy 1 packet, free 4pcs at S$14. But all the sizes i wan ran out. Getting hubby to go there this afternoon to grab and stock up. Last year, NUK was there and their items are going at 30% off retail. This year, went there specially to stock up on teats, bottles and pacifiers for my 2 darlingd... but disappointed that NUK is not participating this time. For those who visit the Motherhood exhibition, can also pop by the John Little Mega Expo Sale... the bedlinen are going at very good prices. Jean Perry (King size) at only $28. Oh, i'm so auntie... wahaha!
I still wash separately. My maid wash adult clothes twice a week, while kids clothes everyday. Check your washing machine whether got a lint filter, mine got leh, so my maid will take out the lint in the filter b4 washing black clothes.

When you ligate, ask gynae to tie the tubes not cut la, so you can reverse the decision if you do change your mind, you never know.
BC i wash our ( hubby n mine) clothings n baby's separately. and i am using different detergents also cos the usual one too harsh for kids, theirs not so soiled hence need not use strong detergent.
I think it's worth to invest in good washing machine. cos i can see the diff when i wash at mum's place and at home. Ariston is good.

Lemon, don't buy LG, lousy korean brand

But ultimately the best is still handwash then u wont get the linen haha

Actually LG not too bad lah. I'm using the LG 7kg washing machine for 5 yrs already and it's still good.

I've also LG aircon and TV. So far so good.

Unlike Akira. Never ever buy Akira. Very bad.
<font color="ff0000">Washing machine</font>
I find National brand very good. Now I think they are all under Panasonic now. My mum uses hers for nearly 10yrs w no problem. My current one is also Panasonic, 7.5kg.

If I remember correctly, Dicky Tay has a moustache. Funny guy ... Very assuring. I didnt even realised the epidural administraton is over until he told me, DONE!

<font color="ff0000">Stella</font>
Hey, let me guess, u should be having a GIRL!
same as me i prefer national panasonic brand le reliable durable and good. hee hee yeah lor dicky tay very cute one haha when he inject the LA he told me good job the worse is over haha even before epidural was administered le haha :p

girl ah okie okie once i know gender i let you all know. This pregnancy i feel i drink a lot of sweet flavoured drinks , like to eat longan ice and like to eat bee hoon haha are these helpful to make the guess easer hee :p
i also want to buy thermometer le...my cadi one lost le dun know where it has gone to...have to buy another one....where got cheap lobangs ah other than motherhood exhibition dun intend to go there...

triple test only draw blood to test right?
LY, stella,
i prefer japan brands, hee... dunno la still got the thinking made in japan is better. when I move in to my flat 9 yrs ago we try to source for made in jpn models we can find. 'Cos some models of appliances alrdy start to manufacture in other countries.

Sometimes you can get pretty good discounts at Robinsons when they hv sales. I got mine at one of the Robinsons sales 5 yrs ago, paid oni like $78 original price is about $119 if I remember correctly.
Thanks think robinson having sale maybe i dropped by and see if have then i snap up le..yesterday Ethan suddenly fever le...due to teething cuz can see teeth sprouting out le..sigh whole night keep waking up to check...SHI SHANG ZI YOU MAMA HAO hee :p
Hi mummies
So tired. This morning we brot the kids to Hay Dairy Farm (Goat's farm) at Lim Chu Kang, as well Qian Hu which is just nearby.

It was fun for the older kid though. Gareth was so thrilled as he had the chance to feed the goats. But Annika was frightened and refused to come down to walk, kept wanting us to carry her.

As for Qian Hu, I find it so so, cos basically I am not a fish person. Never could appreciate fishes. Gareth was trying to catch some "long kang" fishes, but he fell into the small pond. Hahah. Even I couldnt help but laugh at him.

Mummies, can consider bringg ur kids to these 2 places if u hve the time. Next wk we will try to go Farm Mart.

<font color="ff0000">Violet</font>
Panasonic is made in Japan right? Me too, I try to buy Jap brands whenever possible. Though they are slightly pricer, but at least we are assured of quality to a certain extent.
U bery eng ah! Go n see such blog again! haiz!
I dun wan to read lah! Sad story...

My washing machine, LG, got a linen filter, I also clean it b4 wash clothes... still got alot linen loh... maybe I should try Summer's method... haha!

My house mostly LG also haha! Got fridge, washing machine n TV... cos they r cheeper...so far so good also... lasted me like 7years liao

U now so eng liao... hand wash for me lah hehe! I lazy lah, even eng also dun wan to hand wash... so hor my clothes easy damaged loh... especially bra

U take care leh, better monitor Ethan loh, give him as much as possible amount of water also...

I jus bought a Cadi thermometer from Guardian for my fren cost me $86 leh...
Re: Japanese brands vs Korean brands

Actually i find that Korean brands are also not too bad. The fridge that i have at home is Goldstar i.e LG. It was passed down from my grandma's place when she shifted. Think the fridge is abt 10yrs old already and moved house with me twice. Hehe. Still working well, but intending to change coz it's a little too small for our needs now.

So now my hse has a lot of LG stuff. hehe.
My hb always says I am "jian" (4), purposely go and read and cry myself silly. :p No lah, I feel that as parents, once in awhile, it's good to read about other's depressing plight, then we are reminded how blessed and fortunate we are, and love and treasure our precious even more.

Korean brands like Samsung are catching up though. They are pretty good.

after sabie's case, i don't wanna watch another bb die already. So altho i knew abt her case, i decided not to read it. Coz i know i'll feel very sad abt it lor.
yea, they are catching up, jus that last time i would trust japan brands more. Still hvn't got a chance to change any appliances yet :p who know I may get a koren brand someday

You very bad lar, wanna make us cry again. I dun wan to read le... later get myself so depressed again.
Re: Japanese brands vs Korean brands
Actually hor, now buy wat brand also will have to change your appliances by 1-2year time leh...

I told some of them in forum... last time I worked as electronic reliability engrg b4 hor, we used to have bery tight specs, for our products to last for bery long (abt 20 to 30 years), cos used military std mah haha!

Then hor, our marketing ppl realised we so "stupid" ask us to reduce our spec! So tat the consumer will buy every 1-2 years mah! haha!
hi sunshine
thnx for the link...y'day C was very cranky & acting up...seemd like she was 'purposely' being defiant & test'g boundaries, as well as my patience.
i'm glad i didnt lose my temper with her altho i was close to.
jus now after i read abt Ashley, i ran into the room to give C a hug, even tho it was 12am & she was fast aslp. haha lucky she didnt wake.
yes, u're right. i didnt think i wld be affected but i'm now immensely touched by their story.

dya try the fish tt eat yr hard skin on yr feet @ qian hu? crowded or not ah?

kids DHA: maybe u can try put'g that half teaspoon in Annika's fave food. jus mix enuf for 1 or 2 spoonfuls so u wont waste her food if she doesnt like it
also give tt to her in the first spoonful when she's super hungry...maybe in time she'll get used to the taste...
C doesnt hv a prob with it cuz she luvs oily fish. she v 'atas', fr a young age like salmon v much & reject oth kinds of fish. so the fishy smell of DHA doesnt turn her off...

hehe i also very lazy...only 2 off days to set appt with gynae & always got smthg else to do

hi lemontee
yups, brand spanking new. gonna take me awhile to get to know u all

jus to share:
every 3 mths fr the time C was 7mths old, i tried to give her avocado cuz its supposed to be a super brain food/antioxident, etc etc...but she always reject.
today i thot i'd try again & i mixed 1/4 of the fruit with sm concentrated apple juice (comes in a jar, looks & tastes like honey but a tad sourish). mash all tog & C lap'd it up! maybe mummies can try with honey as well
LY, txs for the link but i avoid read such depressing stories one :p cos i ll cry lei .... but it's true that after reading or hearing some sad stories, it's agood reminder to treasure ours

think my hse's stuff are philips or toshiba ah

etelle, take care. better go get a thermometer quick. i fl thermometer is v handy when kids are sick hehe is ethan better le?

btw, why u also separate wash yrs and yr hb's clothings ah?

since j about 14MO, his clothings and our clothings all washed tgther le lei :p lazy mummy hehe
Haha! Cos Etelle got ranking one leh...
Most dirty = hb's clothing
medium dirty = hers
not so dirty = Ethan

Jus my guess... BL Monday blue!
Hi Mummies
Sorry! Didnt mean to make all mummies feel depress. In the midst of day-to-day activities, tempers tend to flare, patience get depleted.. so I thought it serves as a good reminder to treasure our little precious.

<font color="ff0000">Zhen Zhu Fen, ie Pearl Powder</font>
Any mummies feed their kids with Pearl Powder? My fren's mum highly recommend that, saying it helps to reduce phlegms, prevent colds and flus, and also ya (1) jing (1). I am tempted to try.

my hb also said last time the stuff were built to last, now it's not built to last so that we'll continue to buy, else the company will go bankrupt if no one else buys from them.

Re: Feeding

My boy can eat solid rice already.
Fed him cha siew rice over the weekend and he finished half a bowl! Hehe. And he can take his eggs.
SO happy for him.
Hi mummies..juz dropped in to say Hi! Been busy at work.. Haiz.. STressed sia.. Hope all are doing fine and reli too many topics happening here tat I duno hw to start commenting on each of them.. Haha.. Bt will defintely come in to read occassionally.. Take care mummies!

i finally let my boy play with the tunnel, even though i didn't finish painting it. He loves it.
haha, guess he didn't really bother abt how it looks anyway so long as he gets to play in it. He's been playing hide and seek inside and 'cleaning' up his hideaway when i threw crumpled newspapers inside. haha.
if you crave for sweet stuff, it should be a girl? I have very sweet tooth when i was carrying Tiff
I am going for my appt this Fri, hopefully can see gender.
You wash men and women clothes separately, i guess that must be passed down from your mother's way of washing clothes? I have a colleague's hubby whom mothers wash men and women clothes separately, so she is supposed to do the same.
haha think the sweet tooth thing aply differently on individual one...i am having my appt end of the mth only then hopefully can see gender le hee :p

Mmm haha washing clothes ah my mother don't do it this way le hee :p but for me its i prefer sorting them out le haha just a preference la..no special meaning.

How have u been ah? any cravings or anyting? My tumy now obvious le....
End of the month ah... can't wait hor? heehee.
Me ok loh, having no cravings is a bad thing coz i get sick of thinking what i feel like having come meal times.

Tiff has been coughing for the past 1 week with a lot of phlegm and can you all believe it... my hubby says it's because i took cold drinks when i was preggie with her. I am so mad! How come nobody 'praise' me for eating well when she is healthy and good for the past 15months?!! So angry, i told him no. 2 is final and last coz mothers always get the blame but not the credit.
me and hb everything just throw into washing machine wash lei... no "fen" one :p

summer, i preg w j and jovan both also sweet tooth lei but both also boy lei haizzzz

u just ignore yr hb lah he bo knowledge haha drk cold drinks with phlegmy where got guan xi... but sm mummies in forum also alws tk cold drinks but their bbies strong lei... when i was preg, i got ask gynae, gynae say mei guan xi one lah just old wives tales... so dun blame yrself

mashy now is 24-hr mum haha i guess kids wont bother how the thing look like but so long it's something new, they will enjoy

mashy, j eat rice stil will e e eh eh lk dat lei sm x choke choke lk dat..

i also mix my clothes and my hb's together to wash, underwear, bras, socks, everything. only separate dark and light clothes. So far still washing C's clothes separately coz he's got sensitive skin, so use the baby detergent.

yah, they really don't bother how it looks, just something new to play. haha.

Just found out that Babies Resort at Pemimpin shifted very near to my hse coz their lease ended. Just across the road. Haha, now can consider letting him go join their playgroup. It's a downgrade for them though even though it went to a shophouse, the place is rather small thinking whether it's coz biz not gd enough?

He started off also choke on rice. Then when i let him try the rice outside (yummy yummy food outside), i was surprised that he didn't choke at all and can chew very well! So it's coz of the food, not that it's hard or anything.
U are such a "traditional" woman, washing men & women clothings separately .. heehee... Good leh.

I was eating alot of sweet staff when I had Annika, so I guess there is some bearings to the gender!
I feel that having cold drinks during preggy do have some relation to phlegmy babies but just that it doesn't makes sense that he starts to point finger at me when she is 15months already. Anyway, here in there out.

Filipino or Indonesian?
Washin clothing: hehe i will only separate hubby n mine if i am throwin in the undergarments... hehe

summer: hmmm sorry to say.. ur hubby very bad leh... moreover now u are havin his #2 and trust him to say such things... but dun be bother k... guys are guys... they are stupid in such things... haha.... :p

hmmm i dun remember i have craving for sweet things leh..but i know i crave for a lot of meat... hehe.... and 95% of the ppl guess that i am havin a boy cause of the shape of my tummy n the things i eat.. but turned out.. it's a girl... hehe
Ya loh, so insensitive. Anyway, now when we go out i only order hot drinks and people ard me will question how come i am so disciplined and i will tell them what my hubby said... heehee. By the way, remember to keep us informed on the next Metro 20% storewide sale. I wan to stock up on the Pigeon wipes. Realised Metro is the only place who give another 20% off on top of the 9.90 for 3 packs price.
BC, now TSAHM even more busy lah..u can see i hardly log in liao..Bra cannot machine wash la..or u should throw inside the bag first before dumping into washing machine.

SAHMs, i have a question to ask. What do you eat for lunch huh? cos now my hubby tapao breakfast and lunch for me...or sometimes my mum will go out buy...i felt troublesome for them. But i don't cook leh..other than cooking for G cos hers is simple.

i usually shui bian eat. sometimes sandwich when i don't feel like cooking. Sometimes fried rice. Sometimes i cook a bigger portion of the porridge for him and myself, then i fry my dishes lor. WHen lazy, i also buy some frozen food which i can store in the freeze, then bake them in the oven.

My miracle companions are microwave ovens, conventional oven and steamer.
Mashy, u r much capable than me..i felt useless cos i need others to take care of my daily meals.
I bought some chilled ready-meals also but think will get sick of it after sometimes.
Do u intend to go back workforce after so many months as SAHM?

I am thinking just eat porridge with salted eggs will do haha..Bulomum, is ur hubby ready to make some salted eggs to sell me? hehe

no lah. If too lazy, then open canned food lor. hehe. or why don't u cater? They have those tingkat lunches. then don't have to worry abt food.

Or if you can still make maggi mee/ fry an egg, why don't u learn to make a soup or steam fish? For soup, just prepare all the ingredients and dump into the water to boil and boil. After that just fry egg/steam fish and eat soup, egg and rice. that's my diet for a long time when i was working too. And it helped me slim down 3-4kg last time.

For steaming, i got a tefal steamer, so just put my fish on the plate and put in the steamer. 10mins and it's all done. No need skill at all. if need seasoning, just rub some salt, put in a few pcs of ginger or get those ready made teriyaki sauce and pour on it after cooked.

I find that kitchen gadgets are very important for those who are inept in the kitchen like me. Steamers not only make healthy food, it's easy and fast. Just 10 mins and the meal is ready.

i just became SAHM again in March only leh. So not that long. Now looking for a playgroup for my boy, then maybe can do some part time stuff or take up a hobby.
for me i either order macdonald, eat bread with peanut butter or biscuits lor me not particular about food one le. Then breakfast i will buy frozen bao or eat bread or sometimes my hb buy lor...

haha i drink flavoured drinks le eveyr now and then jialat le hee and today went for the blood test took my weight so far 15 wks+ i put on 3.5kg le...cham...
although i din put on as much as before, but i already look fat and swollen. but my only concern now is not eating enough nutritous food. I get hungry easily these days, so i will be very fat in no time.

I also have the same problems when i am on leave at home. My hubby would have to dabao back for me else i would have to cook my own porridge and make do with sardines, marmite or black olive vegetables. Not healthy. I can cook simple dishes but I hate to wash up after that plus with an active toddler it's rather tough. But sometimes i do what Mashy do too, cook extra porridge for myself when i cook for my gal.
Hi Bulma

Ur 2nd son have the same name as my boy,Jovan! it's meaning is well liked by every1. Indeed he is well like by the youngs and the olds ones. Especially by young ladies cos he loves to smile sweetly and wave byebye to them! He can wave at every1 in the lift but i dunno them! He seems to know all the ppl staying my blk! (though i get to stay there first!) hahaha!

Etelle: My boy start to walk around few days ago, but he still love crawling at well! Very lazy to walk. I brought him to his 1st swim in the pool yesterday! The float not so good, seems to be plunging down when he beats his hand in the water and start splashing, we got to hold on to the front of the float. Our float is round type with a 'chair back rest' inside. He loves playing with water!

I think ur second one is a boy too! Some folks have this saying that 1st one is a boy, 2nd one most likely a boy too..kekeke! Whatever sex, u will be v happy too as i can see u enjoy staying at home look after kids!!!!

For me, i don't intend to have 2nd one, v tiring leh...and mine issit as guai as urs, easy to handle! haaaa! But my boy loves to play with children around. Aiyo i scare my 2nd one is a twin
! Then i faint lah!!
me also le always hungry like that then i got munch on potato chips, chocolates one le..but this time round lesser on fast food le..hee :p i also think eight will pounce on in no time and also everytime 11+pm hungry one le sometimes i drink milk to get it over with sometimes i eat bread hee :p

i bless u
haha u so cute le so which means whoever has a first one as boy the 2nd one sure boy ah haha
yeah u r right la having a girl is a bonus but having a boy is my darlng as well

washing up
i also do washing of dishes and washing of clothes everything when my kiddo asleep and when i have more time le...ethan quite alright sometimes can let me wash dishes when he's awake also hee :p


that time i preg also ppl tot mine is a boy cuz i dun like sweet stuff and rice. i love noodles. everyday 3 meals all noodles also can. but just simply hated rice. And love meat.. hahaha but in the end came out also girl leh...heheheh


for zhen zhu fen hor apparently it helps the phlegm part abnd also make the baby skin very smooth. that;s what the nanny told me that time. she said take once fortnightly or monthly would be sufficient. Can get from Hock Hua. must ask them to grind for u. buy the "yi mao" type.


you can just cook extra of your kid's prorridge for yourself. if not cook stuff like mee suan soup, noodles. just add egg or meat or vege if you like. I do that sometimes. at times i just open one campbell soup and eat together with bread lor. But at night sure not to cook. wait for hubby to tabao or just cook simple stuff like spaghetti

i bless u,

i also worried when i think of having baby no 2. cant imagine me preg then running after my hyperactive girl. I faint also. So told hubby wait till sabrina can talk liao then plan for baby no 2. that will mean in another 2 years time liao. hahaha
