(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

VS - i'm a very bread person so normally i'd jus take sandwich. unless i crave for indomee

Thanks mummies for the suggestions. i think it's good idea to cook extra of G's porridge, then i eat with some veges. I am also bread person but bread itself cannot fill my stomach.

summer u also eat black olive vegetables huh? nice to go with porridge hor...one of my favourite.

Bulma, G also 3-4x/day poos this week , i was thinking if it's due to she is growing molar. Anyway, when i brought G to take MMR last month, my PD suggested letting G takes cultured milk drinks( yakult etc) to aid digestion.

Stella, sorry for being naggy, try not to eat too much fast food nw...the oil they used very unhealthy, not gd for both u n baby.
summer: hehe... so funny u... :p
when i preggy i practically drink only cold water leh... when i go and visit my in-law, i also take coke, chrysanthemun all those cannot drink water also like tat.... my BIL still ask me 'can drink meh??' i say 'can la... so hot...'i tink they themselves no preggy before hence they dunno how it feel like and what are the craving are like lor... and also they dun understand what a woman have to go thru as a wife n mother... all they know is talk... haha....
if u dun feel like eatin then maybe take some herbal soup??? if not bb wun get the nutrients leh... do take care ya....

etelle: hehe 15week+ put on 3.5 ah.. hehe ok la... dun worry abt puttin on lor... hehe... just make sure it dun go over the line can le... hehe.....

i_bless_u: hehe i saw ur Ringo pic... ur boy very cheeky leh... hehe.... :p
he look like u hor....

washing up: hehe no matter xr wake up or sleep i also can do but i try to avoid the time when she is awake so can spend more time w her... hehe....
and if she make noise, she will stand at the kitchen gate there to wait for me lor... hehe

JSim:u like noodles ah... i cant remember what i really like liao.. i know i only wan meat meat and meat... hehe other than tat is cold drinks and no other cravings liao.. haha sometimes am thinkin if i m those that have cravings in the middle of the nite sure siao one.. cause my hb super lazy and no car... so sure wun be able to cure my cravings... hehe then there was once i crave something but no chance to eat and my mom tell my hb 'what she wan to eat, try to buy for her to eat... if not bb come out a lot of saliva' haha but lucky i am those tat not really have special cravin one... hehe

bulma: J LS again ah... his milk and food intake ok or not???
Amanda: All my frens say his eyes loks like me, then some say he has daddy looks. Ya he is damn cheeky and playful and hyperactive! V tiring to look after her, I 'pei fu' my MIL looking after her daily. She even help me pat him to sleep almost every night! Cos my son soemtimes don't let me pat him sleep! His fav lullaby is 'ke ren lai kan pa pa, pa pa bu zhai jia wor qi ke ren qi zhuo xia, zhai her yi pei cha'! Hahaha!

is it bad? u can let J have some yoghurt. it can help with the LS. C also LS since yesterday. Dunno whether it's coz i let him try goat's milk or coz of molars. His lower molars are already erupting, can see about half of them. Today his poo was so smelly i wanted to faint. Had to wash his butt, coz it's much easier to clean up that way.

ya lor i love noodles to nuts. cuz last time b4 preggie i must make sure i have at least 1 meal of rice esp for lunch as i stayed in sch from b4 the sun rise till sunset so have to ensure that i am full. but when preg i see rice i no appetite liao. then i eat a lot of bread. now my girl like "roti kia". loves bread to nuts. hahaha

i bless u,

ur boy so cute must have night time lullaby then can sleep. mine ah...her lullaby is her milk. b4 can finish her milk she zzzz already. hahaha
hi mummies
din come in for so long cos hubby flew off to States last sat n brought along his laptop.got to serve net in school or when i cant access using my sis laptop.
my sis got married at Sentosa last sat too.(Sad cos my hubby not around). My bro in law kneeled down and gave her flowers. he gave a very touching speech, being the MC of the nite, i cannot tahan, cried to finish the wedding ceremony.
my Bro in law is a malaysian, not highly educated n not holding a high pay job but the way he loves my sis, i am so touched.(own wedding din evern cry but hers i cried)my Hubby never thanked me like what he did. a lot of my relatives also touched by my bro in law. he sang "forever love" to my sis to end the ceremony.

N coincidentally fell sick on my sis' wedding. pretty bad. fever then coughing with a lot of phelgm. so worried that will become bronchitis. now trying to control his phelgm.

ur hubby is ignorant. forgive him. when N born with club foot, my relatives said that because i beat the dog once when i was pregnant cos the dog bite my shoes. silly also!

3.5kg a lot meh? i remember i put on a lot till doc curb my appetite
sos ur bil so sweet hor. my hubby also nv thank me during our wedding leh. haiz.. some men are like that not very good with words. my hubby is a good example lor.

btw mummies, i also have a ringo account but i honestly have no idea who is who.so far i only added 2 then today i tried adding again. dun mind can add me too? my email is [email protected] thanks alot
Re: thanking u during wedding

I'm reading a book by Wu Dan Ru (famous Taiwanese compere). She said that knowing how to 'hong' a gal, is not guarantee to a blissful marriage. She cited one eg of a gal whose hb really know how to make her happy before marriage, saying during their wedding that he will let her be a princess after he becomes successful, that she will never be in the wrong, only he will be the one at fault etc. But after getting married for a few years, she had to work and take care of the kids while her hb just sat there without helping her at all.

So, don't be bothered about what your hb said or didn't say during your wedding. Most importantly it's how he's treating you now.
Hi mummies,
Im Feb 06 mummy too; need feedback and advice on my girl speaking development. She is my first child so blur blur on many issues. Are your child taking a lot?????.......My girl is coming to 16MO and she doesnt seem to speak much word and I try to force her to speak up a word or two.I mean like not giving her want she request (food)but ended she rather give up her request and still refuse to mouth it *attitude man*. She rather shakes or nods her head to indicate. She do understand what we are saying and able to following our instruction. HOW???. What is the problems.??? normal???..Im worryand helpless.
mashy brainz: Agreed with you!

I always have a likings to bread and my son also love them! I apply margarine and abit of kaya for him. Come to food wise, he is quite a picky eater, must have taste if not wont eat...he dun like to eat meat but love the 'chao siew so' meat. He don't like chicken cooked with porridge but likes our chicken rice meat! I feed him practically anything now eg, chicken rice, eat steam boat, my mum's zi char noodle, everything we eat he also want. My MIL cooked prawn with kechup sauce, he loves the sauce on his rice!

When can our kids start to eat prawns?
koli: Did u bring ur child to PD? Haiz...nowadays kids having brochitis is very common, mine too kena b4, took some time to get rid of. We even borrow the inhaling machine fr PD. After that the phlegm loosen up and we continue the cough & phelgm syrup but to no avail. In the end, i brought him to chinese sinseh. He loves to take the chinese medicine (powder form, got mix with kao cho sua) very good for phelghm. And after abt 2 weeks his phelgm is gone for good!

My gf bought the inhaling machine for $120 fr PD (we use the same PD fr Mt E), otherwise is $5 per day for loan. Minimum hav to use for 7 days. Her gf's PD is TMC, and they charge $10 per day for loan!
thanks for ur reply and the link. Its helpful...a guidline for me to follow up. Once again thank you.

your babies stick t you like glur? Is clingy and "super glue" syndrome common?
ya la. i think he is not suitable to snack. he went Julia Gabriel, teacher give organic apple (from jar), biscuits and juices then got cough. aiyo... first time eat all this already like that, how next time.
went to PD he said phelgm in the throat not lungs.not Serious but see him cough like very poor thing. anyway PD said bronchitis no big deal, very comment in Singapore. i shouldn't broad over it. haiz... just worried lor.
Welcome TCL,
dun hv to worry if they dun wan to speak now, forcing them may hv adverse effect as in they may lose interest in learning to speak, etc.
At this age some will speak more and some may choose to observe only. It may not mean that they do not know even when they do not speak or say the words. Who knows yr gal may surprise you some day?
If you are very concerned you can ask the PD to do a developmental check to see if any professional attention is required.
hi TCL
welcome! ever since from May onwards, i am spending a lot of time with my baby, he also sticks to me like super glue. don even wan my mum who is the main care giver so i find that at their age, should be normal and common lor.

hubby sms-ed saying he is tired of working in army liao. ha ha... said he wants to further his studies.
hmmm... he plans to sell our place in 3-4 years time then go over US to study for 2 years.
dunno whether should go with him not?
if i go, got to work there. think working there not easy leh, then N how? dunno school there safe or not. sarli, got terrorism in school how?
headache when my hubby told me this.
but only consolation is won hear nagging from my mum for 2 YEARS! hee hee
Too much cold juices will make him cough. I seldom give cold drink to him but sometimes if i eat icecream i will use the spoon let him eat a bit bit. Does he eat yoghurt? Mayb u start off with a bit of snacks such as yoghurt for him to eat. I usually take the yoghurt out fr the frige,let it cool down 10-15mins then let my son eat. Not straight fr the fridge cos i scare he cough. Don't need worry too much since PD says is nto brochinitis, just monitor lor and make the milk dilute abit.

I let him eat abit durian on sundays, and he loves it...and ask for more, but scare heaty so ever give in to his request.
N dun like durians leh. has stopped eating since i go on diet.
except milk, water, porridge and rice, N dun snack at home. and due to his sickness, he lost weight again. 9.7kg only ah... sian liao
Yup! I should relax and not being too forceful. As a mum jus cant stop worries. Very tiring job! Thank you! And hopefully she surprises me by calling me mummy soon. (*O*)

Tot it was good opportunity to experience out of sin lifestyle and it also gives ur child wider learning value. Over there have ample space for outdoor play making it an ideal and conducive learning place for your childs growth and development. Dun worry too much let nature take its own. U can come back to your home sweet home anytime if you dont like e environment. Talk and let your hubby your worry and Im sure it will work up!

Understand your concern too. I send my girl to weekend program at GUG and theres 5-10mins water break. Most babies will snack biscuits so its really hard to control from snacking too too much will get heaty so makes her drink lots of water.
TCL: no issue la.. hehe we share share information here one...

My girl dun really stick to anyone in the house but when she wans to be carried, she will mostly go to daddy cause she know when she ask daddy to carry, daddy will do it... next is my mom liao... but when i am w her, she will come to me, sai nai like tat lor... then wan me to play w her...
Koli, my jovan also 9kg odd nia. He eat here eat there also wont put on much. Maybe too hyperactive liao. Actually i feel that kids should try a variety of food and snacks, if not next time eat that particular food will fall sick easily.
Recently my son got alot of mosquitoes bites on his hand and legs. Can i know do u mummies spray the kids mosquitoes repellent on their clothings when they sleep to prevent? Do i apply on his clothings or skin direct?
amanda, j LS few x today.. brought him see PD lor then PD say intestine infection. I asked izzit cos teething... PD again "scold" me for being ignorant liek uncle and auntie haha last week i go KKH A&E cos j LS, also kena "Scolded" by the doc there for being ignorant and believe in old wives tale haha then i tot re-confirm today mah hehe they both say same thing - say teething is NOTHING RELATED TO LS. teething will not cause LS so stop being so auntie haha

anyway, ask us continue gv semacte and monitor. if thurs stil LS, gotto br him bk to jab him and br along his stool for lab test.

then huh... he refuse freezer pop lei how ah? doc say must let him drnk to prevent dehydration lei but he totally dun wanna drk haizzz

he lose 500g lei so ke lian... now 9.8kg
Generally, I think teething does not cause any problem, maybe discomfort to our bbs. But if the area gets inflamed, then fever may occur. loose stools possible when the bb gets weakened from slower system due to fever. Like for us, when we have our menses, some got loose bowels for 1st 1-2 days like me.

Do you feed your kiddo biscuits for snacks? Is it heaty? What about cereal? I have 2 PDs with 2 school of thots...i also confused.
jasmine - my D always snack on cheerios. she has 1 sall container with sliding cover so she's walk around the house carrying it n snacking from it

bulma - hope J gets better n the diarrhoes goes off. sorry not much help. D ever LS too for no apparent reason
Hi Mummies,

FYI, Nestle is giving away a $38 goodie bag that contains a NAN 3 follow-up formula (900g), hippo plush toy, powder dispenser and a set of 3 bibs tomorrow between 11am to 3pm at OUB Centre Walkway.
Mummies, in order to collect the goodie bag, you must remember to bring along your child's birth cert and any empty tin of formula.
(But I saw a lot of people working in that area just give the baby's birthcert no, never give any empty tin to the Nestle Staff to collect the $38 goodie bag)
NAN 3 is a follow up formula for baby fm 10mths to 3 years
hi TCL

dont worry abt yr kiddo's speech devt...mine also started to whine a coupla weeks back when she wants smthg.
she onli sez dada, mum-mum (for food) & nen-nen for BM. everythg else sounds like duck/dog haha
sad thg is also she doesnt say mummy
when i ask her who i am, she says ma.
i ask her to repeat after me, she says 'ma' and then signs "ME!" headache!!!
C is also very sticky, esp when she wakes up & when she's slpy...apparently this clinginess can last til they are abt 3! i hope not...hehe

prawns = 12 mths shld be safe, but if any1 in yr family has allergy to shellfish, then wait til 3YO http://www.babycenter.com/plus/readyornot/articles/food/108
mosquitoes = C also suffered fr her 1st mossie bites last week. jus brot her out to dinner, let her walk for 15min (not even tt late - ard 6pm) & kena bitten 1 on ea leg.
so scared she got ckn pox/dengue, but turned out mossie bites swelled quite a bit. got scolding fr MIL

swelling prob'ly her reaction to 1st bite...hope she's not allergic!
my fren's bro used to swell up in the face then need to head to doc to get injectn. jia lat!
stickers & this band (fr mothercare) can be exp, esp in teh long run, so i use a citronella oil & put a scented sponge under her crib - natural & mossies hate the smell
J&J also sells this liquid (Baby Clear Lotion Anti-Mosquito; small bottle) u can apply, so its gentle & safe.
if u're spray'g repellent, look out for DEET - its harmful

i hope J gets better soon. C also LS yday but lucky thg it stopd 2day...so i think its cuz she luvs to put stuff in her mouth.
also teeth'g now so she puts her hand in her mouth often
yeah, PDs say tt LS has nothg to do with teethg, but the only 1 who sez it does is Dr Sears
http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/t083000.asp (info on teethg)
http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/T081500.asp (info on diarrhoea)
if yr kiddo is drooling alot when teethg, it might account for sm loose stools

C also snacks - i give her the organic peanut butter puffs cereal tt they sell in supermkts (panda on teh box) but she's sensitive to sugar & gets hyper. so only during tea time
in fact, most of her snacks are given during tea. if u're afraid heaty, then try fruit (i give her avocado, banana or sweet potato)
Can share what the 2 pds comment? Both my kids also snack on cereal quite freq, my sis said its too heaty... it is true?

Hope J recover fr LS soon. U take care too.

ya lah. but just that hope he would have at least said "thank you for agreeing to marry me" hehehe. Now ah, nv even bother to say thank you for washing my clothes. haiz.


don't worry lah. my girl also like that. Initially was learning quite okay "elmo, baby, tiger, star, mama, papa, bread, mum mum" then all of a sudden only "mum mum, papa and bread bread" when i tried to teach her some more she will smile at me and walk away. i was also worried but then these ladies here assured me it should be alright. So now i take the approach of letting her develop at her own pace liao. though still worried but cant do much except continue to talk to her.


good chance to go to US. new experience mah. but then must be prepared to have cultural shock lor esp the initial stage cuz their lifestyle is very different from ours here.
Maybe give N more water, barley water and all. i think slowly they will be able to enjoy all the food without our fears of then having cough. Now dun give him banana, grapes. Heard from my mil dun give chicken and egg now that N got cough. Not sure how true lah but better safe than sorry lor.

I think my girl still not so bad lah. She will let ppl carry but then it all depends on her mood lor. If she is happy anyone also okay. if her mood is not there only daddy or mummy. hahaha


i think my girl too heavy liao leh. She is currently 11.4kg. I am not sure abt her height though. Will see if she will cooperate with me tmr then i can measure


dun give too hot milk or drink to J now. apparent drinking too hot drinks will cause them to have the runs.

maybe give bread lor. or cheese. biscuit once in a while i willl give my girl. she loves the wa wa ball biscuit. will give her that when we go out so that she will be very guai in her pram. hahaha
wow we all night owl leh. so late liao still haven zzz..my hubby snoring away liao.haiz...got to go and ask him to wake up then i can sleep in peace..heheheh
no worry abt the wgt loss...after recovery, J will put on his wgt in no time.
oh...he dun like the freezer pops ah..hmm..jh love them a lot cos so sweet n salty leh. maybe u try again.. if not u try glucose water. or else got to keep feeding water or other fluid. ribena all these also ok as long as he drinks.

take care

u can give yoghurt to him. And stop all cow's milk. Would he take the freezer pops if it's not frozen? That time i gave C unfrozen freezer pops.

Don't worry, he'll put on wt once he recovers.
mashy, i give him the freezer pop non-frozen... mayb i try to freeze one to try on him... can give yogurt? that petit one?

i dunno wat to do... he last nite 8pm drink only 60ml soy milk... morn 8am gv him milk he totally refuse... then just now 10am again drk only 60ml... then keep cry and say "mum mum umum mum mum" thk he hungry. now boiling porr see he wan or not...

so clingy and keep crying haizz... so tired...

can give yoghurt, it's supposed to help diarrhoea. Nevermind if he doesn't want to eat. just make sure he's hydrated. Don't give him any solids though coz it'll irritate his stomach further. Give only when he's better. If u want, can give him the porridge water.
just fed him watery porridge and the porridge water.. he finished 1 bowl.. finally he got pee... he hasn't been really peeing since last nite.

gd gd. important to have pee. u must have been really worried. take care! And careful, don't share his food and wash your hands freq. This can spread. The last time my boy had stomach flu, he spread to everyone in the family. It's really vicious.
got pee is good...maybe the night before e also din drink much so no pee....take care le..dunk him water as and when lor....

my son stil nap 2 times a day le...AM nap and PM nap each nap about 1-2hr...s it alright? do i have to adjust to only one nap cuz if not my friend ws saying next time go school got problem...
gd gd. at least he take the watery porr and porr water. if not will easily hydrate. if he refuse milk, it ok, u feed him other fluid. once he is better, he will start taking milk again. no worry.

i think nap 2x now still ok lah. slowly he will outgrow one. no worry.

oh, is it? my boy takes only 1 nap of 3hrs in the afternoon. When he was at infant care, he took 2 short naps. But whenever he's at home, he'll take 1 long nap instead. Guess it's coz at home there's no distraction. I think it should be alright to take 2 naps bah. A lot of the Jan babies take 2 naps. Mine is one of the rarer ones to take only 1 nap.
Hi mummies..Cheryl was having fever last night too.. Luckily today better le.. Haiz..

I heard frm my colleague tat it's better to start letting them nap one time a day instead of 2.. Den slowly let them stop napping.. In case they go school next time..they will feel slpy during lessons..

Mummies..any1's husband's gd at computers? Can recommend me a good notebook/laptop for home usage? And any good lobangs? THanks!


oh, is it? my boy takes only 1 nap of 3hrs in the afternoon. When he was at infant care, he took 2 short naps. But whenever he's at home, he'll take 1 long nap instead. Guess it's coz at home there's no distraction. I think it should be alright to take 2 naps bah. A lot of the Jan babies take 2 naps. Mine is one of the rarer ones to take only 1 nap.
