(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


looks like my boy is slow on the language side. sigh... still not talking. only heard daddy clearly, doesn't pt to body parts when asked.

i just tried egg yolk on my boy upon advice of his PD. Coz need to take MMR. So he said to try. If mild reactions can still take. But some people can go into shock after taking egg and can die from MMR. And he came across a few patients like that. So far no reaction to egg yolk. Going to try egg white this weekend. Your gal is allergic to the whole egg? how about egg yoke?

What is the different between the normal MMR jab and the eggless one? I mean, why take the risk? I won't bother to find out if she is allergic to just the egg white or the egg yolk. Just gg to tell the doc that she is allergic to eggs!! I am sure the doc himself also won't want to take any risks.
wow amanda, yr post mk me worry about j's development again lei... i alr decided to let him develop freely but i look at yr WARNINGS! i start to worry again hahahhaa cham meh

summer, take care ah.... dun "lun lun zhun zhun" lk dat hehe b carefuul wen walk walk, ok?

bbger, where r u gg?

haiz what to do? Just have to let them develop at their own pace liao lor.


ur girl so cute leh. Mine ah.. see her milk bottle will be very happy. she wants to drink but refuses to lie down. hahaha.

ya lor. she likes to listen to us talking. Looking at your chart hor, i think she more into physical development lor. Maybe in another 1 to 2 months she will be better in her lauguage development.

mashy / bulma,
our babies same same leh. Haiz. Think we cant do much liao. just have to wait and see if they learn within the next few months lor. pray hard hard.
mai worry la....if really concern next visit at pd ask him lor but if pd never raise anything to you means no cause for worry mah....
My boy's physical development v slow, only walk recently and v small size. But he follows whatever we say. My maid said 'alamak!', he heard liao also follow say 'mamamak'. hehehe, so funny. now, he can say nite nite, jiejie, korkor, flower, popo, train, bus, taxi, aeroplane, moon. Now is the time where they r very fun to play with hor, but very tired gotta follow him to make sure he does not fall and hurt himself.
yeah lor whatever we say they imitate hor haha and very cute too hee the way they speak ethan also say things like oh my god, or bi good haha when he hear us say la or aiyo haha hear le also want to laugh hee :p
dun worry. i slipped n fell in the school toilet when i was 8 months with N. nothing happened except small cut on my face, big black bruises on elbows as well as knees. but my principal freaked out and asked me to go to my gynae. gynae scared also, gave me 2 months MC.u must take care of yourself ok?
really opt for C sect ah? hmmm... maybe ur pain threshold better than mine. anyway, u r really brave. please take care. cant wait to see Jovan. dunno look like Jarren not. hee hee
(i bought 3 boxes of XL pampers premium for Carrefour yesterday. stock up too)
must eat some tonic after ur miscarriage. sad to hear that. please take good care. no worries, ur hubby everyday in singapore can make some more babies kekeke....

Re: flat feet
i suspected N got flat feet. can see his feet flat. will bring him make special shoes when he is bigger. my hubby custom made soles for the shoes cos of his knee cap prob. they make flat feet soles too but a bit ex. ($300 plus per pair of soles)
rather hapy cos flatfeet meaning down grade in army. my hubby not so happy to hear that.
Re:diabetes during pregnancy
i thought after birth will recover? my colleague had diabetes during pregnancy but after that recover leh. never take medication liao. anyway, it won affect the bb right?
how many nepia seal to change? got a few with me liao. change what? which part of NTUC to change?
JG course quite fun leh. N enjoys it very much. Today went for bum boat ride at Clarke Quay and picnic at fort canning with 25 babies and parents.
N took bum boat, so excited, kept pointing at the birds, Merlion, tourists and other bum boat shouting.
picnic, he kept holding a girl's hand(so happened same valentine's day bb) till the girl cry.(refused to let go)
like father like son.
after that, went on the trolley bus, he fell asleep straight away
i asked my FIL to go to JG with me cos N having lesson. he brought my MIL along. at first a bit annoyed but after sometime, i can see that they really miss N a lot. can see form their expressions and eyes.let them spend more time with him. after lesson brought them to plaza sing for dinner and chat for a while. MIL suddenly treated me very nice. a bit scare leh
bulma: ai yeo.... dun worry pls... hehe...
tat one is a guideline of what to roughly expect mah... normally tis kind of chart is based on average kiddo la... so kid developed slight difference one... so dun worry k....

sunshinekid: some kids is like tat one lor... they will understand and listen but just dun wan to talk... somehow i feel tis kind of kids are smart in the sense that they really observe and learn quietly... hehe...

koli: tat is something good mah... maybe ur MIL got go for reflection class... hehe since she ok w u then ok w them lor... like tat life is better also...
have to collect 10 and then post and send to nepia. Then they will give u a $10 ntuc voucher...hee not u go ntuc and hange urself one haha :p

good what, your MIL probably 'siang tong'. So just be nice to each other lor.

My boy also enjoyed the JG classes very much. Esp the water play. haha, he was splashing and screaming away. Cried when we tried to remove him to go back for music class.

According to my PD, if the reaction is just rashes, still alright to take, but will probably give anti-histamine before taking. Coz the benefits of MMR outweighs the reactions. only if the reaction is like going into fits, then cannot take. I dunno anything abt eggless MMR. Can check with your PD?
<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
This looks fun hor! I think the Jan thread mummies are organising to go together. I dun mind going, but must see if hb is playing soccer on that Sunday morning. I cant cope with 2 kids.

<font color="ff0000">Development</font>
Think some kids develop faster physically and some are faster in terms of speech lor. For sure, Annika is faster physically. When she sees food on the table, she will climb onto the chair to reach for the food, at all costs! So we have to be extra vigilant in looking out for her.
Do u know which Nepia address to send to? TIA!

Let me know before noon if u want to buy the Physiogel cream hor. Thanks.
amanda, haha it's good to hv such information as a guide... last month when j see the PD, PD did not mentioned that he is slow but did say some boys slower but not a concern yet... so nx month bringing him for development check again then see wat PD say lor... cos j still bb talk... he dunno how to say proper word like papa, mama even...

but v grateful for the guideline.. at least i know roughly the milestone to look for
thanks again

koli.... not i brave than u or pain threshold better than u lah but cos i wanan "shun pian" ligate so i opt for c-sec... dun wanna deliver then another x go bk hospital ligate or wat... actually i v scare
Lai yee
together with pts pasted on a paper and include ur name and address and send to:

Nepia (HK) Ltd
Raffles City P O Box 1783
Singapore 911760

sunshinekid: hehe.. u so cute leh... say annika will cheong to the table... hehe... i also feel tat too leh.. tat day see her really behave like a big girl... will just run about and play and climb... hehe...

wow.. they very on hor... hehe.... i dunno my lazy hubby wan to accompany me go or not... :p

bulma: haha.. no issue la... tryin to create topic to discuss and chit chat in the forum... cause the forum now very very quiet..... :p
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Don't be scared. Are u gg through GA or LA? I went through LA, ie epidural C-section. V fast lor, can bao bao your Jovan almost immediately. Do remember to buy the binder and ask ur gynae to put it on immed after the C-section. Not so painful when u walk. U really dun want another baby? Maybe girl wor..

<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
Our thread so quiet hor. I come in cos I am v stress at work, so it's a good outlet for me here. :p Yeah.. Annika is v greedy. You must have seen how she literally stand infront of Kelly waitg for food at May's hse.

<font color="ff0000">Stella</font>
Thanks for the info.!
Hi Sunshinekid

Tks for asking me.I think I will not tompang u cos hv difficulty in meeting up to collect the stuff.
My hb has brought him to c PD today again. If still not better will bring him to c skin specialist.
oooh so u been through both types of birth ah....hmmm so for u what would u advise natural or c sect?

think regarding binder, u ask your gynae first. coz for my gynae, she got one for me even though i didn't prepare any nor asked for it.
etelle: haha... i wanna be like laiyee... first one c-section second one try natural... hehe... my motivation is her... hehe...

sunshinekid: hehe i din see her at kelly side when we were at May's place but i see her very active... run here and there and climb... hehe
ya.... very quiet nowadays... sometimes even 1/2 day no come in the next day i see still no posting.... :p

bulma: i got the binder leh... can borrow u... cause just in case the second one i cannot natural birth again... :p
ya... u must try to come down and walk the second day.... will be better...
haha w the binder is secure but i still scare.. hehe
violet: hehe another motivation.... :p

after how long then emergency c-section for ur girl??? and what's the reason huh??

laiyee: same question... hehe what's the reason for ur c-section???
LY, i vvvvvvvvvvvvv scare of preg le haha so i 100% v firm dun wanan go thru another pregnancy hehe so v determined to ligate hahahha

i also opting for epi c-sec lor so hb can witness jovan's birth and also many recommended epi c-sec cos GA difficult to regain consciousness... but my mama keep say pple epi c-sec is only tk out bb so fast fast everything chop chop over but i stil do ligation lei so wont b so fast lei she keep ask me go for GA. she worry i will b scared by wat the gynae say in the OT also... she say my cousin SIL had epi c-sec then afetr dat, she keep say she die also wont hv epi c-sec again. if nd to c-sec, she go for GA cos she's scared by those "king king kiang kiang" noise and also watever the gynae and nurses say in teh OT during the ops.

mashy, i chk w my gynae le.. she say if i wan, they can buy one for me but lk dat means i also nd to pay mah then i might as well get myself, tio bo?

amanda, i v kia si one lei.. w binder really will not pain meh? MP has loan me one... ah may say will loan also but hvnt get fr her hehe u also wanna loan me? hehe.... how many binders shd we hv haha? then how binder is wear inside or outside clothes? wear inside then will touch the wound then not pain meh???????!!!!!!! i v scare lei OMG... i thk also hairs all stand up *sob*

thought KKH can't have witness for epi c-sec? they changed policy or u change hospital?

Don't worry. For epi, after you hold your bb in your hands, and then your hb carry him away, they will give u mophine and u will be knocked out totally while they stitch u up & ligate in your case. U can't see a thing when they cut u up lah, just feel a little pressure. I was shivering away with the epi and didn't pay attention to what the gynae was saying.
my gal not kicking like she used to at wk37 and a check at gynae shows that the fluid in the womb is very little so she say 'har? i oso dunno wat to do with u, go deliver now'.
Fortunately she delivered then 'cos realized that she had water in the lung' and was warded at NICU for 7 days. I oni had a slight cold and I tot i was ok, but apparently it passed on to her so she had slight lung infection at birth... so poor thing.
Now come to think of it dunno whether it's due to this that she fall sick easily even though i BF her for 7 mths, hmm....

Besides she is in breech position so w/o this episode she will still be born thru c-sect anyway lor.

I wanted natural birth very much so 2nd one I early early tell the doc I 'die die' want natural birth if possible.
jus read this; thot it might be intrst'g to mummies...click on update baby's milestones


saw quite a no of emails fr mummies who added me
hehe cant wait to update tonite & see all yr faces as well as yr kids YAY!

lost the baby @ abt 2-3mths...quite a bad miscarriage cuz it was ectopic to begin with (impregnated outside the womb)
actually was spot'g fresh blood for abt 1.5mths but didnt suspect i was preg at all;
everytime i arrg appt with gynae, had to cancel cuz had to attend to C.
by the time i went to KK i was suffer'g fr a lot of pain & had pass'd out ALOT of clots.
they gave me an appt for 2 days later so decided to see my chinese sinseh to see what she cld give me for the pain...
she did sm accupuncture cuz she discovered a blockage in my fallopian tubes & my left ovary was inflamed.
so uncanny...that nite @ abt 4am i woke cuz of pain like labour like dat...keep want'g to go to loo many times, then at 5am i pass'd out the foetal tissue.
head'd to KK again & after admission & blood tests, found my HCG levels were sky-high...
so they suspect ectopic. so in a sense, miscarriage was a blessing in this case. i think my sinseh saved me from surgery!

thnx for teh info on diabetes

control diet i assume means less carbo & sugar. anything else to avoid?

pls be careful! my SIL also fell alot (cuz she hiao always wear clogs haha) but her gynae said bb is well protected by the amniotic fluid

jus look out for spot'g/bleed'g or reduced movement.

my kiddo also like yrs - energiser bunny! for sm bks, she wil only sit stil for half the time & can nvr sit dwn for too long. wil chk on her ptd butt hehe
she loves to climb, even after a fall, she climbs back up - SUPER stubborn!
slow to talk as well...
was a lil worried initally cuz a fren's kid who's 3 mths younger is very talkative...so i read up like crazy on it.
discovered 3-5 words at this age is normal

good news is tt Einstein talkd only @ 3YO!!! hehe so i'm comforted

lucky she can use sign lang, so not so frustrat'g to communicate...but since last week, she starts to whine instead of signing pls, so must remind her.
once my hubby cursed in teh car...lucky he said "Fish!"...then C started to sign fish. & ask "where?" so farney

u so farney! enuff bb's liao. tt's why this preg caught me by surprise cuz i wasnt plan;g for any! this my 3rd miscarriage liao, 2nd 1 after C was born.
hubby said i so fertile he scared - jus stare @ me can get preg LOL
btw what's JG? i think C needs to go mingle with more kids - my SIL sez tt might spur her on to talk cuz she wil see oths her age spk
i think yr MIL's genuinely touched tt u are spend'g time with her...tt generatn, jus a meal & time spent with grandchildn is a big deal
huh they will knock me out meh after tk out bb? tot will be conscious throughout?

mashy, i having c-sec at Glen E this round
<font color="ff0000">Violet / Bulma</font>
I had pre-eclampsia for Gareth's case. My BP was so high (180) so after monitoring for 5 days, the Doc said bb won't grow anymore, and I run the risk of a stroke, so better to do a C-section at 36wks 6 days to bring him out. I had no regret for epi C-section. The only side effect is tat I felt terribly cold!! Think this is normal even for natural birth right? Yeah. I can hear what the docs and nurses are talking about! The topic was on cars, ACJC, etc.. I was drowsy yet conscious. I was drifting in and out of sleep. U cant see a single thing cos they have this cloth between u and the tummy, acting as a screen. My hb sat next to me, holding my hands. It's quite assuring lah. Cos he will be updating me like .. Hey, baby is out.. alot of hair.. etc etc.. Quite funny.

<font color="ff0000">Amanda,</font>
Good to try VBAC.

<font color="ff0000">MTAN</font>
No worries.
mashy, but my SIL is throughout epi for her c-sec + ligate lei.... even when stitching... u sure they will knock us out? thk i chk w my gynae nx fri

for mummies who had epi c-sec.... did gynae knock u out after bb is out when they stitch u?
IF u are having C-section at Glen E, can I recommend you this anaestician, called Dicky Tay. He is very good, gentle and very experience. Added bonus is tat he is very entertaining. Makes me less scared by cracking jokes.

Ur experience is so scary! Pls take good care. ACtually if u are not ready for a baby yet, can go for IUD or something.

I am curious with sign language. think it's so cute to communicate w our kiddos using sign language. I won't have time to teach Annika, think she's too old to start learning liao.
LY, i duno which anaestician my gynae book for me le....

u had yr c-sec at glen E? how much cash did u pay huh? stay 1 bedder?
ya amanda,
go for natural for yr 2nd bb
can de...

oh gosh... so sorry to hear a/b your recent loss.
ya maybe u shd consider IUD? I oso wanted to try IUD but keep delaying 'cos lazy to book appt with gynae...

oh is it? then maybe my case was different. Always thought that's the norm...

Since u were not knocked out, what happened after stitching? They immediately push u to the ward and u were still awake? I was knocked out after i handed my bb to my hb and when i awoke again, I was being pushed to the ward.
bulma: it really helps... i also ki si one la...hehe some more is something tat i never tot i will have to go thru...hehe.....u wun feel the pain... but i xin li zhuo yong lor...hehe
after i put on the binder i feel more secure at my wound.. but of course when i sneeze i will try to hold the wound part also.. hehe
one is enough la... hehe u wear over the tummy under the clothing... then if itchy then put powder inside lor.. hehe i tink the most challengin part is to remove the binder time la...hehe cause paste down one la..so when u wan to remove a bit scary...hehe tat's y i dun remove... then put binder also hard to breastfeed i feel cause like something stuck there and also have to remember there is wound there....
i was on GA.... hehe... i was push into the threatre at 8.20 then 15mins later xr arrival liao...hehe... then shortly i wake up liao... the nurse told me i consider not bad cause within an hour or so i wake up liao.. and no vomiting sign...hehe...

violet: i was like u too lor... the fluid in the womb gettin lesser day by day then gynae say since can deliver liao just ask me to go..
i also die die wan to natural birth tell my gynae from day 1 i wan natural birth if possible and ... haha i tink that give me the courage to tahan the pain for that length of time...

ya... i insist a natural birth for my next pregnancy...am prayin hard.... hehe.... cause somehow i feel like din give birth before if no undergo birth canal...hehe

sunshinekid: ya ya.. hehe i really desparate for natural birth...hehe.... u n violet are my motivation... hehe.... so when i get preggy must encourage me k...hehe....

carla: OMG.. sad to hear that... take care ya...
my anesthetist was dickie too hee :p haha he like ah beng hor but surprise he is a anesthetist haha he very gentle and nice and assuring le...hee :p yeah BULMA shd opt for him..
wah.. long time not coming to this forum liao.. seems like i missed out a lot ler..

jx just recovered from high fever, but having stomuch flu after that. poor gal has 6 kind of medicines to take.. worse is she dun like medicine at all! been refusing to eat and crying till me heart pain ler.. so poor little gal.. good that her appetite comes back and now can eat can drink.. but still dun quite like milk milk ler.. every time can't finish 8oz..
she still not so willing to speak out.. just speaking her own language which i dun understand... haha.. but she loves to kiss poeple now and always give flying kiss to people.. make my hb and in laws so happy..

new to our forum? seldom come to the forum recently.. been busy on work and taking care my gal.. haha

my hb just bot a 2nd hand PS2, play play play almost every day.. edicted..haha.. i told him this is going to be his birthday present, but he refuse ler.. such a good deal also dun want..
lemon tee
u mean flying kiss is it? hee for a moment i thought ur girl so affectionate ah.... give FRENCH kiss :p hee
Gals, thanks. I will be very careful from now on. Carla, i was very scared after the fall... any sign of pulling of discomfort, i start to panic liao. But i think i am fine, coz i still can feel baby's fluttering.

I was very alert during the operation, even after the bb was carried out i was still wide awake. Had a photo taken together with bb and hubby by anaestician while gynae do the stitching. No worries, no feeling at all. But i agree with LY, will feel terribly cold after that when i return to the ward. Only when i return to the ward then i feel drowsy and lethargic.
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
I was fully awake while the gynae was doing the stitching. It was quite fast lah, I didnt even know what he is doing. ONly knows he is meddling with my stomach.. Hee.. After everything is done, I was pushed to the recovery ward for them to monitor. Think maybe 30 mins or so, I was pushed to my ward. Then.... like Summer, I also felt super lethargic and drowsy, think I fell asleep.

<font color="ff0000">Stella</font>
Oh, didnt know Dicky Tay goes to Mount Alvernia too. He is Ah beng right!! So cute, when we heard his name for the first time, Hb and I sort of sniggered. So bad to laugh at others names. :p

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
I am sure u can request for a particular anaestician. Maybe check w gynae? And book early in advance.

<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
U went thru emergency Op. cos cervix didnt open ah? Just take it easy for ur next pregnancy lor. Can or cannot have natural birth is something not up to us to decide.
hi mums
TGIF liao!

ask u all hor, now do u wash your bb's clothes with yours (adult)? N using normal washing powder?

i am still wash separate n using bb powder leh.

I am thinking to buy a new washing machine b4 GST up hehe! Now thinking wat size to buy? 7kg or 8kg? Any advise? Now mine is 6kg. If buy bigger kg wan can wash all our clothes together... usually I wash clothes like 2-3X a week oni hehe lazy mah!

Reason of changing washing machine was bcos, my hb think current machine no good create alot of linen on our clothes leh. Any solution to remove them? bery frustrating leh, especially on black color clothes.
Re: Dicky Tay
Are you gals referring to this guy who wraps a scarve (dunno the correct term) on his head? Young chap, about 30+?

re linen on black clothes, you may want to separate the dark color clothes and slot them in a separate bag (netted) so that lint won't stay on your darl colored clothes. Or vice versa, you can slot those clothes with a lot of lint in the netted bag to prevent them from sticking on your dark colored clothes. I am still using bb detergent and separating her clothes and ours.
sunshinekid: ya lor... emergency after 8-9hrs...only 3cm nia... haizz if my fluid in the womb not low i would have opt for longer labour see cervix will dilate or not...
hehe ya la... not up to us to decide but i hope the next one i am able to do it... hehe

siewlng: hmmm wun recommend u to wash bb and adults wear together cause our clothing got 'oil'...
i usin 8kg washin machine... and xr's clothing i use normal powder cause bb powder like not clean leh... i used to use the pigeon washin powder but like not clean then i stop usin liao....
i realise if i dun put softener bb clothin will abit rough rough like tat.. so i will put when washin her clothing...
actually c sect not that scary lah. my frends a lot C sect too but recover in no time. think cos i never went for the prep course on how to take care of bb, N is my first born plus no confinement lady, my mum last min cant cope and MIL give prob at the same time so the pain inflicted was much more for me. i opt for GA c sect cos hubby was not there to see me deliver, umbilical cord was 2 rounds his neck and Peter Chew my gynae dun want to stress me so put me on GA. waited for 8 hrs b4 C sect was a torture to me cos N already had 2 rounds around his neck, hubby studying at that time. luckily my sis was there for me.
u bathe before going for C sect, 1st day dun get out of bed, 2nd day can stand and walk a while. must put binder, helps a lot cos it provides support. wash ur wound regularly.
i took care of N myself during confinement then din take care of my wound, got pretty bad infection and wound bled. when my gynae pulled out my stitches, haven fully recovered, got flesh still stick on my stitch. pretty bad healing.
last thing, dun drink too much sheng yu soup. suppose to be good for wound healing but my chinese physician told me drink too much, the scar will be very thick.
i also deliver in Glens. cost about $4k leh cos i think emergency delivery cost more.

JG - Julia Gabriel. going for last lesson today. i am only going for holiday class cos normal class 3 times a week cost $1.2 k i bo money to send him there.

i think i also got Dicky Tay(wear thick plastic specs is it?) mine was a joker. he poked needle in my hand and he asked me pain not? hee hee i told him later after operation, i poke him see pain ot not then he will know lor. wanna put me on GA, give me the gas and tell me later i will get very high, what kinda of jokes i want before i go to lala land.

i am ok with my weight, as i say my hubby is not lor. now lost weight liao, i still have to go Gym to tone myself.
hmmm... anyone has got a plastic surgeon to intro?

re: delivery
i always thought i will go for natural birth,kept walking through pregnancy cos people told me delivery will be easier. haiz... who knows C sect.
