(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Sometimes the teacher can be so busy that they dun see who hit who first. So tat's the prob, very hard for the teacher to punish, unless there is some injury marks lor.

And... I also believe some teachers practise favortism, thou they are not suppose to!

sunshinekid: i agree lor.. tat's y i say if i see i will do something but in infant care a bit hard to ask the teacher to beat the kiddo also...
haha.... ya... i agree... last time when i was workin in cc i also like tat but... i treat all the kids the same la.. except a few tat i really like i will let them stick to me... haha
- from wat i know hor, the boil pack that we buy from t medical halls got a few ingredient right? by omiting 1 of the ingredient, the LY is actually quite tasteless and odorless. i'm sorry i cant recall which one cos everytime i boil i ask my mum, then i forget AGAIN! so if u really want to feed LY to your kids can do that lor. i feed my kids barley every weekend. it's sweetened, but better than nothing... :p

- we teach our son not to retaliate. but to tell the teacher instead.

- i'm still holding back. cos i actually hav the opinion that it'll 'weaken' the immunity system. anyway, D's running nose n cough is better. i'll go look for this Bao Ying Tan that some of u r using. THKS!

ps koli - our hbs are really soooo alike... he did that too once in a similar situation when my son was young
elly's update:

just send her to pd and pd wants her to be on neubuliser so have to rent for a week.. then to see her again next wed for review.. i think it s flu bug season la.. the pd clinic just now so many brochitis and asthma cases..


yea i started working a month back.. already on child sick leave..


you take care ok.. must be tiring for you..

re: being tired

i m so tired last nyte then when elly wakes up crying and coughing so many times i also cry with her ley..
j also gong gong let pple/cousins snatch thing one... dunno how to retaliate. but i prefer he dun retaliate cos i dun wan pple say he mei jiao yang or parents dunno how to teach haha i rather slowly teach him to share and also inform us or teacher that he is bullied... dunno my way of thinking is right or not. but hor to me, hb and my mum, he v garang and noti. he will fa pi qi and scream at us if we tk away things that is on his hand. he will wave his hand in the air action wanan beat us... haiz.. which i every x will tell him cannot do that but he stil doin lor... so he is qi fu pple he familiar only. when in front of stranger, he v "angel" haha

you've been a good mom! I think the teacher got problem leh. How can she teach amanda to bite back or hit back? It's teaching her to handle violence with violence! That's not the right way to teach a child! If I'm you, I would be proud of XR who could stand up for herself by not listening to her teacher's way of retaliating with violence. I think you should also speak with the teacher not to teach XR to bite or hit back.
ha ha all dun teach them to hit back. to me depend on situation lah. case to case. really bad ones i think N will beat back by himself lor.(his father will stand up for him anyway)
same same... our hubbies soldier, think alike.
maybe they scared their sons kena tekan in army next time.
maybe can try speaking to the toddlers' parents?
bulma: HIGH 5!!! same here.. i dun wan ppl to have tat kind of thinkin also.. hehe and xr also very fierce to us at home one.. so chia so i din expect her to be so 'forgiving' haha....

mashy: haha... cause they see xr kana bully yet wun fight back and feel the heartpain and ask her to bite her back lor... hehe
got.. i tell her teacher tat i dun like her to do tat (to bite back or beat back)... and she also agree also la... hehe
i do feel glad tat she dun do what back to them what they do to her lor....
in the meanwhile i just monitor lor. see how situation go....

koli: hmmm i dun see the point... my fren also tell me to speak to their parents and tis is what i reply her...
"even if I go and tell his and her parents, what do u tink they will do??? will we be sure tat they will scold or beat them or will we be sure that that wun happen again I can give u a confirmed NO.
Cause the word young and dun understand what is wrong or right plays the most portion in tis case, I can ensure u.. even if now is xr the one doin tis, I can tell u. here I can scold and wack her but she will still do it. Cause in her point of view, she is too young to understand tat that is wrong. haha..."
i dun wan to make things diffcult for the school also... haha sikali later the parents ask me back 'how sure can u be tat not ur girl bully my child first' haha... then is like make things more worse... :p

seein what u all tell me and advice i feel i should not worry la... monitor her and see she will be more smart when she grow older... hehe

i also agree. no point telling the parents coz the parents also not there to teach their kids. Also children have short memory. Even if the parents scold them, they may not know what they're scolding them for.

There was a little boy who bullied the other bigger gals in my boy's infant care. Even though the teacher told his mother, his mother didn't believe that her son is capable of that!
i agree with u... there are some kids out there who are reali very mischievous n reali notti... it's alrite to teach our kid some self-defence skills.... of coz must oso tell them the purpose of the skills n cannot misuse to hit anybody they like lah.... i tink it's quite useful especially for girls... if they met a molester or wat, can protect themselves.. haha

Aiyo... xr reali very poor thing leh... i tink mus reali speak to the parents ah... cant let their child win all the time mah.... i will scold the parents if i see this thing on shayna... overall the child's discipline is all the parents' jobs...
i'll send my kid to learn akido next time. akido is to use the other person's strength as leverage, so can be sure that he can defend himself but not use his skills to bully others.
re:telling other kids' parents
to tell the parents is not to complain but to alert the parents that this thing happen and so parents can take note. this can also help other parents to help their own kids. as u say, some parents are ignorant but some if they knew they might help their own kid to change. sakali parents dunno, the habit will carry on and on and in later years hard for them to kick the habit.
if N does that, i would like teachers or other parents to tell me cos in my point of view, they are giving me good advise to help N to be a better person. my personal thought lah.
Thanks Mummies for the advice. So its alright to love breead...hee :p but i give him white bread le not wholemeal bread le...Mmm his appetite is coming back...meal time i still giev him porridge and rice as per normal..only snack time then i give him bread...cuz like what jasmine said his little tummy so small so dun want him to be lo ti boy only and nothing else :p
haha the teacher veyr funny hor how can teach xin ru like that haha that teacher sayang her alot one is it?

anyway this is inevitable lor...i mean kena beaten or bitten...but for me i will think hor at this age they still cannot speak up ah thats the problem with putting them in infant care or childcare lor...cuz they dun know how to express yet and only if we saw what happened or injury marks then we can ascertain some things have taken place but by then too late le.

i also cannot advise you what to do le cuz if this happens to ethan frequently think i will withdraw him from the centre....seek alternative care arrangement maybe with nanny .
I'm impressed that xr can already let the tr know what happened. if my girl was in the same boat, she'll just be crying and not know how to let us know what happened
bbger: wow scold ah.. hehe if i saw la i might have say la.. if i din see then maybe just monitor and see how...

etelle: hehe ya lor.. when i heard tat i tell the teacher huh cannot... hehe...hmm not really leh.. tat teacher who does tat is not the one who dote her a lot one...
Hmmm alternative arrange ah... i dun tink so... cause my hb dun like her to be taken care by nanny so nanny out liao.. then change infant care, that's the only infant care centre at my area....
moreover another few months she goin into playground liao... so if things really not on my side then will change her to e other childcare lor....

But one thing abt the teacher there, they are quite frank teacher lor... they will tell us every little thing even if its their own teacher's neglect they will tell also...

Claire: haha ya...when her teacher tell me how xr complain, I cannot help laughin she told me tat day the younger boy beat her face ah then she go and pull her teachers hand then like demo to the teacher what the boy did then point tat boy and her teacher ask her and she show her again then her teacher say who beat u? her teacher k k point another kid and she shake her head and she point tat boy again I find it so cute lor hehe
Then her teacher repeatedly tell her dun go and play w them and she nod her head but later go again haizzz
amanda: huh so farni. Anyway i receive the cardi already...thanks! My coll will drop ur item in ur letterbox today. She is on MC today. Haaaa..
Hmmm your hb dun like nanny huh..but if XR can complain maybe its alright lor..u decide for urself what u think is the best for XR lor. But i think ah this kind of "bullying" is everywhre in every centre one. So hor change centre doesn't solve the problem also.....
i bless u: ya lor... so strange leh... i send u a email u got receive?? hehe no problem la... just post out nia... hehe
i tot u wan to tell me ur fren help u to post into my mail box but locked.. cause i tell hb will receive on tues then wed he go and lock liao.. haha lucky i go and check yesterday... :p

claire: haha ya lor... i tell my mom, and my mom got the same reaction as u... haha

etelle: ya lor... if he ok w nanny, then tat time we decidin who to look after her, i will win le... hehe....
i also feel that tis is inevitable one... and yesterday actualli she kana from the girl again... she pull her hair while she is sleepin... kaozzz then i tell her the fiercely tat u cannot bully my xr and she smile at me... haha
but one relieve thing is.. tat girl is goin to another cc tis month end... phew....
u mean u want nanny but he prefer infant care ah? Why he dun want nanny le? nanny more individual attention and less likely prone t getting sickness le hee :p

Updates on my 2nd BB
went to gynae for NT scan yesterday and was relieved everything is fine. Then gng for triple test next month...everything going on well for little bb. Gynae said slow weight gain is alright he said eery pregnancy is different so cannto compare
etelle: hmmm initialli i am totally against Infant care and cc one.... cause i scare later they be ill treated or been bully then also like very poor thing like tat.... then i always want my mom to take care... but mom cannot so aunties they all initialli ok.. then end up all cannot... haizz then wan to get nanny at my area, i tell hb what u mention lor... and he say nanny also need to do housework also cannot focus all the time on her, and payin ard the same $$ why not give professional to take care... then i managed to convince myself to tat lor.... but now, no regrets la... hehe

Hmmm great to hear tat everything is good... hehe.... it's ok one la.. now still 1st trimester mah... later will slowly gain weight...

i bless u: u now then receive or what huh?? my side here really got problem leh..my normal email khaki no reply also.. haha not like them.. hehe
U got considered to get urself a maid? i tink if i get my flat liao, den i will be facing the same prob as u leh... my mum oso wking no time to help me look after shayna.... so we agreed liao, i will put shayna in the CC near my mum's plc so she can help me to pick her up... (provided tat i can get the flat near her vicinity lah :D)
bbger: hmmm i got tink before again hb dun like cause dun trust maid... and a lot of cases maid not good la... so i also give in lor.. for me, if i feel reasonable i will give in... hehe
Put her in full time cc lor... then after work u go and pick her up.... hehe i will be doin tat also la... cause no choice la.. if we have to work...
yeah think working parents no chocie sure put full time at child care but its alright la cuz alot of parents are doing the same thing and their children are well taken cre of
hee so no worries la...ncidents happened no matter which cc u go so...just have to give and take and then as long as our kidod is unharm then try to close one eye lor
just my 2 cts worth ah..

i guess there are pros and cons wherever we put our kid. In cc or infant care, it is such they the kids are taught stuff and they get to play ard with kids in their age range. Makes them more sociable. But it's the teacher-kid ratio is not up to us to decide.

putting kids with nanny means definitely is one to one. It also depends on the nanny whether she will really take care of the kid too. Some nannies just do very basic stuff like bathe, feed the child. There are some nannies that really go the xtra mile.
Hi everyone
din come in yesterday cos today i have Meet-the-parents session. so busy preparing cos i dun want parents to take leave and come then see me for 5 min then go back. must really give them good info on their children.
today got to stay in school from 7.30am to 4.30pm although i have only 9 parents. my class really hard core leh. parents refused to come. i have to call them and pester them to come to see me. sometimes i wonder y parents want to give birth yet dun care about their kids.
yesterday Mars and Venus show, the little boy so poor thing. i see liao so hard pain. told my hubby, if he divorce i will get N with me in case step mum ill treat him. if one of us got to die, he must die before me also in case he remarries. hee hee
my class has got 2 physical abused case. both by step mum. 1 girl got hit on the face, bled and bad bruises on the upper thigh (so the father cant see). the girl behaved usually quiet in my class then i kept her for recess to ask her. she cried then i realised y.
the other one, bruised the entire ribs, upper arms and legs. clot bruises can be seen. As usual, the boy will hug me after school, that day no hug then i tried to hug, he shouted in pain. next time i pose the abused pictures for all to see.
informed principal and forced parents to come.really give them a good one.
i told the step mum, if u love and chose to marry the man, u have to accept his children. haiz...headache
I thought in physical abuse cases supposed to report police? So awful, the children are so young and yet they have to go through the pain of their parents' divorce/separation and a new parent who is cruel to them. I did think before that if anything shd happen to my marriage (touchwood), will stay together just for the children. Which is what my hb's aunt did, and now the two of them are basically ok with each other. Sometimes just need to give each other a chance.
i cried when i watched that show. My heart went out to the boy. In a divorce, the kids are the one suffering and no matter how nice the step parent may be they can never be as tolerant and loving as own parent. So all out there, we realy out to maintain our marriage, keep it well for everyone's good sake.
Etelle: I cried too!! I feel so heartpain to see the child like that.. I told myself if tis reli happen to me..I would get custody of both children.. No matter hw xin ku for me.. But of coz I hope tat wun happen la.. Haha.. My hubby was so shocked when he see me cry.. But the kid reli so poor ting..and so sensible smmore.. Haiz.
Mummies..can anyone help me out here? My boy have been vomitting his milk out evtime he drink.. Duno wat's wrong with him.. First time he like that.. Den my ger is having diarroea..her stool like water like tat.. Haiz.. Duno why they keep on getting sick.. I'm so fan! And my MIl make tings worse for me.. I reli going bonkers!
yeah lor the boy so sensible hor the last part when he said "i am going to somwhere to do something important" wow i tell u i cannot take it le haha i was like crying liaoz then my ethan see me cry come and hugged me and call "mama mama". Hee my boy very sweet one. If he see me or my hubby cry he will cry and then come an hug us one.

got bring them see doctor or not? sick think get medical advice better.
tomato - sounds like both your kids got stomach flu! if vomiting don stop better bring him for a jab. it happen to my kids too
take care!
Etelle: Yah..my son too. He came and sit in my lab..den he stroked my face.. Haha.. So sad lor.. Tink abt it oso sad.. Bought him to see doc le.. Eat medicine oso haven reli recover.. Haiz..

Wendy: Wat's meant by vomiting dun stop? Izzit vomit all the time or whenever they had food intake? Yest my boy see doc but the doc didn give him any jab lehz.. I oso worried tat it might be stomach flu.. Haiz.. But wat are the symptoms?
tomato - wat happen to my son is he vomit like every half hour and every hour. if in between we feed him water or food (light ones like plain bread or biscuits) he';ll also vomit out. so poor thing can see his face go green everytime he vomit. but must still feed water in case they dehydrate lor. he also complain of stomach ache. for my ger she diarrhoea later so we link the 2 case tog immed and see doc. son got jab and ger got med to stop the vomit/diarrhoea fast.
the nite b4 i watch the mars and venus shots for last nite, i tell hb that boy v ke lian hor.. then i say i not gg to watch the show for last nite.... hehe so i last nite no watch hahahaha

morning i saw a chio chio old auntie.. then i tell hb dunno nx x i old le will stil pretty bo... then hb say u also no "ta pang" how to pretty.. then i say so sad... then he say anyway old = ugly mah... i say who says old = ugly.. many old auntie stil pretty pretty and chio chio one... then he say who ask u so fat, how to pretty ....BASHHHHHHHH HIMMMMMMMM.. then i say some aunties fat fat also pretty and chio ah liek the HK "xue jia yan".... then i continue say i should not give birth in the first place, give birth le let pple "xian" i fat :/ then he smile and keep quiet
u always ask ur hubby question like this and the reply he give is always not what u want to hear..haha he not smooth talker ah he direct in one ha ha nvm la...

yup, sounds that your kids are having stomach flu.

HAve to hydrate your children. Normal water is not sufficient to hydrate. You can feed glucose water or get the hydralyte from pharmacies. Also can get Smecta and Lacteol Forte from Pharmacies. It's to help protect the stomach linings and kill the viruses.

Re: Drama
I also watched it last night with my hb. SO sad hor. But the boy is so intelligient. When he said he's going as undercover, couldn't help laughing.

your hb is lao shi ren, don't know how to 'hua yan qiao yu'.

My hb said these kind of questions always put them in a fix coz no matter how they answer also not correct.
ha ha u tricked ur hubby to answer these kinda of questions. my hubby also will say same thing like ur hubby. like what mashy said, tell u the truth rather than lie to u. they can say something like that but i think ur hubby loves u lots cos u sacrifice so much to give him 2 wonderful kids. ur hubby is just teasing u
