(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

ya. the traffic out from punggol to town is terrible isnt it? public transport is like one big round. even since i move to punggol. i am late for work a lot of times leh. aiyo... so difficult to predict travel time. unless i get out super early.

Ah May
hihi. I saw you at the trial class for the aquaducks. in the end, did u let your boys join the class?

my R shorter than J lah. so no need to worry abt his height lah.. if you worry, i will need to double my worry level leh...

your girl very smart leh. can remember medicine name. Good to hear that she is better.

i notice you quite a systematic person leh. not like your nicname bochap leh.
how? happy with your new clothes and new office?

i also thinking of changing job, but worried that i will have to spend a lot of effort learning and adjusting if i change job. Did you get agency to help u look for jobs?

Hi Violet,
ya hte No "1" cake need to have min of 2 or 2.5kg. I went to see fourleave even with cartoon not so nice need at least 1.5kg. So i think this swensen 1kg cake will be my best choice.

Since elvin cant eat alot so abit of ice cream cake should be fine loh.

Hi gals,
any suggestion on birthday presents?
I am thinking of something as below. Wat u gals think?

i also thinking of changing job. Go for a few end last yr but most of then worry that i will try for 2nd bb and dun wan me lei..

And all the job cant give me my current pay also..
I dun mind coordinating, but in that case will only have 10% off for Cat 2-4 tix. Ladies, pls pm me if still interested.

didnt know you were based at paragon? Was just there on Tues but only bought 1 top. Didnt notice monsoon had sale.

got a cheongsam for xr from one of those trolley stores at IMM outside kids mall. will post the pic when I can. It was only $16 but is not for CNY, is for my great grandpa's bday, this yr is 1 century old liao
v hao ming.

Thinking of getting the cupcakes for xr's bday coz at home only 3 adults so get a cake will not be able to finish. And the cupcakes are so pretty!
dont say u rotting lah... at least your current job has lots of good benefit rite.

the pic of swensew is the kind of candy with pix scan on kind ah? so complicated how to draw

make your own cake lah since u like baking also..
Hi Bulomum,
the design is printed with edible ink on a mouthwatering cream sheet and layered onto
the ice cream cake. it not drawn one.
thanks claire for helping..

we re thinking of going perth but must see airline tickets worth it or not.. same as last time we re going with my ILs.. my FIL say elly take his trait like travelling.. haha.
Kid's memory very good la, if u teach other children my gal's age they can remember oso... is I old and lazy, dun wan to make the effort to remember :p

Jappooh, the trike is a good choice. Or can get him Thomas the train set or Bob the builder lego set, etc.
sunshinekid: ya... have... especially the gals one.. they are all so sweet... so now u all know why i spendin so much on XR lor.. hehe whenever there is good discount, the staff will keep aside for me to see whether i wan to buy or not... hehe

etelle: the job tat is near to my place i reject liao... u know what.... they need me to work 1/2 a day in the office and the other half at the storeroom leh.... i dun tink i wan tis kind of job... then till now no other job interview... so i give myself till the initial date tat i am tenderin lor... if by then still no job options, i will stay...

jappooh: i vote the mickey one.. cause more cheerful and bright...
for boys i tink the last 2 is better...

my fren gonna buy this for XR... hehe i tink it's good...
initially wanna buy ourself... then since my fren wanna buy then we can save the $$... hehe

violet: yes yes... hehe pls go and see... i am sure u can find something tat u like for ur gal...

as for the traditional 1 cake hor.. the min is 3kg leh.. so i changin my plan for the cake liao.. cause 3kg too big le.....

bulumun: i tried.. but some not really to what i wan... i am more concern on the workin hours... i need to fly off at 6pm if i work in town.. which is quite hard... so stay in the current company, the timin very flexible.. i can leave on the dot....

Oh ya... forget....
Happy Belated Birthday to Yu Jie, Zi Jie and Sarah....

Happy Birthday to Summer......
Whose on the next Birthday list!!!

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>ihave3cats</TD><TD>Ashton Tan</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Bbcutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Ronella</TD><TD>Sivan Kyle</TD><TD>3-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Chattyhus</TD><TD>Atika</TD><TD>3-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara Ooi</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Carebear</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Ashley</TD><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Feeshy</TD><TD>Haris</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>LemonTee</TD><TD>Jing Xun</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Fen (Eleanor)</TD><TD>Elie Tan</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>mtan</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>tiffanys_mum</TD><TD>Tiffany Lam</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Bamwicca</TD><TD>Cayden Cheo</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Annissasim</TD><TD>Anya Sim</TD><TD>15-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Tiffany</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>kak_sunshine</TD><TD>Caleb </TD><TD>16-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Mummyo</TD><TD>Ian Hon</TD><TD>17-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe Lim</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>JH81</TD><TD>Lim Zheng Yu</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>i_bless_you</TD><TD>Jovan</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston choo</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>Mindy</TD><TD>Reyes</TD><TD>24-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>VS(junior)</TD><TD>Giselle Teh </TD><TD>24-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>53</TD><TD>mommyhome</TD><TD>Ian</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>54</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD>55</TD><TD>Precious_gem</TD><TD>Hamzah</TD><TD>28-Feb-2006 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday to Nicole!!</font>
i also vote for the last one coz I am a Heffalump fan.. haha

how's my little DIL? Is she much better?
Mus help me to hug her more and kiss her more too.

As for jobs, it all depends on yr priority and see which is better.

any gals wan to join trial classes for MY Gym at causeway point? But it has to be weekday Trial bet 1-3pm.The trial lesson will last abt 40mins and cost$30. If U like the lessons then the trial lesson cost will deducted from the fees. The usual lesson holds actually on weekends morning. It will be either MOn, Wed or THurs?
Stella and Me are joining in.Any more wan 2 try?
then don't want lor....i guess in your heart you know what kinda job you want to look for lor...so until your heart tells you so then stay on lor
Hi Violet,
elvin have 2 train set at hm already though is not the Thomas lar. And also 1 lego set at my hse and another set at my granny hse..Haha..

My hubby also headache dunno wat to buy for elvin cos he has so amny toys liao like toys keyboard, remote control car etc..
I dare not make for the party 'cos so long nvr bake liao skali taste like rock, safer to order

But i was thinking on the actual day I bake a simple butter cake lor, shd hv time to bake after i get home.
Ya the company is good but i dun like my job lor so difficult to make myself feel motivated to work.

how nice!
My hubby mostly gg to start working shift starting on MAr or apr so i thinking of me us adjust to his shift work 1st then i plan for elvin class. Too many things very headache.
Hi Oscar,
u so cute... Elvin also like full of energy lei.
I feel so tired latey..

I have beem coughing for abt 2wks also havent recover. See doc liao still teh same.
Hi Violet,
my hubby keep saying me buying toys and clothes for elvin. U knw elvin is so small size still wearing those 6-12mths clothing so still have many new clothes havent wear b4.

We are planning to shift hse this yr and my hubby say by then elvin need a rm just to put his toys liao..haha
same same lor, FK oso wearing 6-12mths clothes. Then all the new clothes I bought last time he still can't wear them. So now I got to buy more new clothes for his CNY and BD :p (All the excuses for me to spend $ la kekeke).
ya, u can design a play room for Elvin at yr new house alrdy
Ya loh.. Tavis is also full of energy. Every day wans 2 play and mus either watch him play or play with him. By the time my ideas also run out...
I just trying the trial lessons first and then plan.Wanted to try the rest but must plan
See how it goes.

Maybe U will like to take some chinese herbs for yr coughing before it changes into Bai ri Ke. It will be quite bad.
talking abt baking, thinking of getting a conventional oven for grilling n baking. saw 2 at sheng siong: 1 morries and the other 1 new brand. both below $100. Is 30L capacity enuff?
Hi Violet,
me same as u lar. Last time by one elvin also cant wear. Recently bought a set from kiddy palace. When i take pic i post it here. My hubby say elvin have so many new clothes liao still buy i say all too big cant wear yet so have to buy for his BD.

Hi Oscar,
wat chinese med to eat?
U may wan to try ling yang xu: antelope's horn.
but is a bit ex if U buy from Yu er sheng.
THey have prepacked one. Just boil about 1 1/2 bowl of water together with it and drink.
I will boil the medicine twice for good worth of money.
But Yr cough is it dry or have phlegm?
This one medicine is okie for both but i think even better for dry cough.
Fu hua oso got sell ready made ones, but oso ex $5 per bottle.

i got my oven almost 9 yrs ago, oso dunno wat cap alrdy. But enough to make 1 20cm diameter cake.
ya, I din let my boys join after that cause 3 days later they were sick for almost 1 month. so far no swimming after the first attempt.

as for toys, I think my recent purchase of the fisher price zebra quite good. my boys love to ride on it. they will take turn to ride on it and sometimes fight for it. :p my students gave my boys a swing, they also like it a lot, surprising thing is sam sometimes can swing himself so high and laugh, I headache.

baking, hee... I no confident after so long no bake.
ah may,
my fren bot a swing for my gal last time, so FK now oso playing with it... he likes.
u bake simple simple one la? butter cake shd be very easy, cannot go wrong
hehe, my entire family is ok with ling yang, but dunno why since young I really cannot tahan the smell. Still remember my mom had to force it down my throat. Til now still cannot bear to take it. Maybe my mom made it too strong

Last nite I called my il place, then mil straight away told me that xr fell down while she was looking after. AIyoh, feel so heartpain, but I know she also same same, so just forget it lor. When we went home, hb saw the bruise on her forehead then he tried to tui for her, she super manja and started to cry. This morning he tui when she's zzz, she also whimper and squirm, sound so poor thing
no la, i think ling yang taste is really bad too. Everytime i buy is for my hb to drink. He oso dun like it but no choice, I buy liao he die die got to drink hee....

I oso jus realised FK had a bruise at his jaw. Think it's fm the knock he got when he fell as he walks near the metal gate. haiz....
oscar, is tavis's surname "Toh"? cos i saw the feb mother and bb mag got a bb photo "Tavis Toh" i not sure is it tavis hehe cos the bb laugh til "jian ya bu jian yan" so i not v sure hehe

feza, u v rich lei just bk from holiday then gg perth holiday again... v envy u
saw XR wear the traditional chinese costume.. wana ask u is the material used very warm for the bb?? coz i gt 1 being passed dwb by my aunt, i let S wear, less than 5 min she sweating liao.. poor thing. dun dare to let her wear outside...

bbger: the 2 pic tat i post hor.. the material very thin... i lookin only those thin one.. cause of SG weather and my gal easily sweat... hehe
tat one nice leh... can wear after new year also... u got BP for tat ah... i lookin for BP for gymboree leh.... hehe
