(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

i think u can complain to CASE....you mean they gave u a good proosal in the end back out on it and will only fulfill if u hit $3000 is it? Find another restaurant lor...how many people u looking at...can check with the resturants tung lok, crystal jade or jumbo seafood...if not then hold it at home and call buffet...relax ...

Gosh... that's the worst scenario... but relax. Maybe u can book ballroom at safra or hotels?

If not borrow a function room from your friend and cater buffet food.

Time really flies.... our babies turning ONE. I was still living in yesterdays when Jayden is still a baby..... Not too soon, he will start fighting with Belvia liao.... Another onset of nightmare for me....hahahahaha....

For those who plan to have 2nd baby can consider conceiving....hehehehe....
Happy Birthday to all Jan/Feb babies!!!

Times really flies fast!!! But this is the real fun period when they starts to walk n talk.

Me also celebrating early, 11 Feb. CNY all very busy so no choice.

I am ordering cake fr Room for dessert. Anyone tasted their cakes before?
jaspooh ,

my girl also cough for very long with see 7 months... see english doc for 1 month then go c chinese doc 3 days recover liao .... maybe u can try chinese doc .
Think you can try case but as you have not spent the $, not sure if they will take up the case or not.

my gal's fever recurr again... haiz, so me at home again today. Guess it'll take a couple of days to go away.
thanks everyone,
will try CASE. my bb also very unlucky. born on valentine's day, evry where packed. even cup cakes cannot make for me

sian leh

i tried to attach the proposal for you all to see but cannot attach leh
Talk abt CASE, I wan to complaint abt them also!
There was once I wan to logde a complaint with them, they ask me to pay membership fee then can complaint! I told them why should I join for 1 time complaint? Then they say sorry u cannot lodge complaint liao... haiz!

I also wan to complaint abt Downtown East NTUC... 1st dun allow me to have my own caterer, they said in case food poisoning... ok fair.
2nd, dun pick up hotline phone... wonder wat is their hotline for?
3rd, call their chalet booking/check-in phone line, voice message say not open on Sat, Sun n Public holiday... alamak, I thought only such
days more ppl go chalet?
4th, since nobody pickup my phone, I purposely went down to Downtown East to enquire. I also purposely asked them to give me Chalet unit near to the main gate... tat little girl (like teenage) at the counter, chatting with her friends next to her, n said confirmed... haiz, in the end last Sun, we went, ya is near to the gate BUT is at the back door n next to the Escape theme park... faintz!

Hehe sorry for complaint so much in early morning! Really buay tahan!
dun worry, things will turn out fine. just concentate to work out whatever options you have now. I borrow the function room of a condomnium a relative stay and order buffet. worst for me is I have no one to help me look after my babies, so I cannot entertain or run the operation, lots of things happen but I try to enjoy my time spend with my boys and whatever little time I can with the guests.
enjoy your trip with your family

re: hotel stay in sg
If starhub members, they have a redemption reward, $170 t pts for 1nite stay at conrad centennial. Thought it's quite a gd deal, but now hb so busy, also dun dare to redeem. sekali only i go with xr. thot join private sector will be better, but who knew, not quite 24/7 lah, but almost there, every single day also work including sat and sun, then dun get home til 8-9pm. I tell him that we can shelve our plans for 2nd bb liao until he slows down at work.

wah, seems like downtown east quite despicable. Will take note n steer clear of them.

Just managed to order xr's cupcakes, so settled for 16th liao. Luckily school celebrations that day so can zao early (fingers crossed) and collect from her. Will just be own family at home, so should be enuff unless everyone decides to come over uninvited. Will only have a big celebration for her chinese birthday coz more convenient.
ah may,
your boys looks quite different, grown up a lot, and so cute.
Nice cake, but how to cut? I was looking at the cakes like what you got but dunno how to cut so end up still order the traditional '1' for FK.
hi mums, did u read in the news, there is a supermarket in Hong Kong selling Oilfish as Cod fish?
Be careful when you shop for Cod fish as i won't be surprised if there are suppliers who are doing so here...The two species look very very similar.
Oilfish causes diarrhoea after consuming.
Ah May
Ya Ray n Sam look so diff from previously seen at Carol's house.

Re: Traditional 1 cake
YJ's cake is 1 of them, it weighs 2kg... we have abt 40 guest but cannot finished! I order from 7th manna... gosh, the candle gone missing... I complaint, they say got give leh. Their cake so so, I find it lah. My sis like it. My hb dun like... hmm
Hi Mtan,
wat amadma called 'gou zuo shuan' i also give to Elvin. My MIL bought it from chinese med hall. I hear from elderly that baby boy cant take pearl powder lei.

Hi Lemon Tree,
thx for the info.

Hi Mashy,
thx for the recepi

i will be celebrating elvin birthday next sun. THat day is his actual day...
koli, beside complaining to CASE, i think you should write to ST forum to expose them..cos CASE is very slow in handling complaint usually..
Did u reason it out with the manager? it was not mentioned in the proposal in the first place on the minimum amount
Ah May
your boys look different from the last time i saw them at aquaducks. hey, u stay at punggol also ah?

last time when i wanted to complain to CASE was told that have to pay membership fee. mafan one.
Sorry to hear abt ur case. These pple are really unethical, for the sake of business, they can resort to all these gimmicks. So if u are very sure that there is no clause anywhr stated that u need a minimum amount, then chances of u seeking a recourse should be higher. I am not so sure abt all these. CASE is indeed v slow.

Now think of alternatives! Try asking for frens who are staying in a condo to help u book a function room? I rem u have quite alot of guests right? Restaurants may not be able to accommodate all ur guests.

Ah may
Ur boys hv grown heaps! And look different from the time I saw them at Carol's house.

I never heard of this co. before. How did u stumble upon them?

Birthday celebrations,
Seems like many of us are celebrating on 3rd Feb, next Sat hor. ME too! i have placed an order for the cake oredi, havent order buffet though. HIaazz, so busy at work!! My cake is 3 kg, and I only have about 30 guests. Chiam liao, I will have to gorge myself sick with cake for the next couple of days after the celebration. Pine Garden requires min of 3 kg for Traditional "1" cakes.

My mum tried the fake codfish before. I heard from my maid that it's really oily. Quite yucky.

Doubt u can do anything about it. Coz a proposal is just an invitation to treat. They can withdraw the offer anytime. It's just like supermarket when they display the stuff on the shelf. They can choose not to sell to you even though they displayed it there with the price.

And gals
I just got blessings from my hb to be SAHM again. Haha.

Going to send in the notice to terminate my boy's IFC on mon coz it's 2 mths notice. 1 mth later then i quit.

Now I can do toy rental, art & craft workshop and any other biz liao.

Von, heard u wanna do biz. Do contact me.

sigh, my boy lor.

but many many reasons lor.

1) job too boring, hate it
2) C tiang tiang sick
3) i spoke with my colleague. She said she still felt guilty not being at home with her child. said it's odd to work so hard at work, then pay the maid to stay at home and play with your child (something which we should be enjoying). How true!
i also interested to do biz leh. then really stay at home with kids. :p

cutting cake.
just cut loh. the kids all aim for elmo's nose, eyes and head. hahaha. it's a 3kg cake, but i distribute to all guest who want to tabao.
y dun u try emailing to costa sands.. tat time i email them in the morn n they get back to me in the afternoon.. n the lady very kind, let me noe my room no 1 week in advice so i gt ample time to send out my invitation card... their hotline is always very busy 1.. i tried b4 oso very pek chek.. u wan i can give u the no of the lady who handle my case..
haha bulomum
u so cute.. 1 haven;t celebrate then 2 already..
so fast..
or u wan another 2.
yr cake tat bad. I keeping my fingers crosss. I also order from 7th mana. I will be celebrating Tavis this Sunday.
haiz.. ur ger so poor ting, gt bring her to see doc anot?? my ger oso dwn with diarrhoea.. jus brought her to see doc tis morn b4 gg to work.. so sian.. tmr her birthday celebration still kena tis kind of thing... poor ger, cant taste her 1st bthdat cake.. feel so sad nw... hopefully she will get better tmr...
mashy...*envious look*..i been nagging about this issue too to my hubby..told him i wanna be a 'tai tai'..haha..
if u need to set up a website to promote you biz i might be able to help.

ah may, i was looking at your cake and thinking i probably wont bare to cut up the nice piece of 'art'
happy birthday tavis!

Just received a phone call from a photo studio that offered a free photo shoot package, hair, makeup n shoot incl. then immed family also incl n 2 hrs shoot. dunno whether is da pao sian or 1 of those gimmicks. Going to go on sun n see whether really so gd or not. If so will recommend to you girls coz she said one of my frens went n gave them my contact. Supposed to be a studio at the raffles place/boat quay area.
my gal's fever came back last nite, ok for the day time. Same for today, after morning dose ok till now, hopefully dun come again tonite

Just give shayna a little bit of cake la, just let her taste lor if not so poor thing. Cannot eat her own bd cake...
I'm ok la, just tired during the nite, fortunately she is ok in the day time so i get to rest in the morning.

now me taking course.... :p
so I asked my neighbour(my gal's nanny) to help take care of my gal after she wakes up fm her nap later.
thanks thanks bb ger.
hehe shayna also celebrating.. so happy birthday.

All babies have great mummies behind scene to celebrate their birthday.
So mummies give yrself a good pat.
it seemed everyone thought my boy is called Travis

he is called Tavis.. daddy finds this Scottish name without a R,,

maybe sponge her a bit and give her lots of gulcose water. Maybe it will help
hi all
Can we dun intro Step3 (i.e after 1YO) FM for our bb? Cos jus now I called up Dumex to order hor, tat lady told me Step3 got sugar one, I dun like tat idea leh...
It got 2 types, either regular or honey... both I dun like...
Which chinese doct you bring yr girl to? Where is the location?

Amanda, Jappooh
how to pronouce gou zuo shuan. Worried that chinese medical hall don understand what I am saying. Yest night, after the feed, my boy vomit out. Must be the phelgm tat irritate him cos he keep coughing after the feed. Heard that drinking milk powder will trigger more phelgm. Is it true? Hv switch to soy formula
Hi Sunshinekid,
this company Trust Media called my hubby say we was draw from a lucky draw but to claim our gift we have to stay for 2 hrs talk. Bu the gift are credit and vouchers which allow us to shop online. I called the company and they say they are adv company so after teh 2 hrs talk there will be some travel company to promote their air tkts and tour but we can choose to take alook or dun wan.

They guarantee no property membership or timeshare holidays loh. They hope ppl that enjoy it promote the advert the company by word of mouth.

She did tell me that those curise voucher we need to pay the sea port tax by ourselves lar. And those credit that allow us to shop we need to pay the delivery charge loh.

So i wonder true or not see wan to attend anot. Total amt is $3.5k. (In voucher and credit not cash)

i also interest to start biz lei. But i cant quit lar like that can i join anot? I dun mind putting the effort.
i go hm and see i still have the box anot then i let u knw.

I have already switch elvin to step 3 fm already. He is taking gain iq. I didnt check gain iq have sugar anot..
coz milk powder sweet ba.. so will trigger more phelgm.. that's what my mum said la..
gou zuo shuan i think if not wrong..
'gou' = monkey
'zuo' = date
'shuan' = 'san' in manderin...
so full pronouce should be 'hou zhao san'...
correct me if i'm wrong.. hehe..

Don't attend lah. I heard a lot of pp kenna pressured like siao there. Unless u are that kind, dun care type. and won't snap under pressure. Else, don't attend.

haha, how much effort can you put in? Coz if serious, will be very taxing on u leh. Can tahan?
Hi Mashy,
dunno lei my hubby like interested to go. I am those can dun care type. We attend a timesharing b4 and once we knw it time sharing we wanted to leave and the ppl dun allow. I straight away told them that if we cant go i will call police..haha..

It all depends on wat biz we are gg to do loh. Ofocs i dun mind if my effort is not as much as other ppl then i have the less share. It ok if u think i not suitable to start biz if i am working then never mind.

I knw is hard work to start up biz also cos my hubby biz fail 2 yrs ago.
u mean u knw someone that attend this b4? So did they really get the voucher and credit without purchasing anything?
anyone working stat board? i just got offered but it starts with 2 yr contract. i was told its a procedure and checked with my friends, they all also started with contract. i'm so nervous.. its been 10 years since i went for interview (surpassed interview for current job cos employed by same boss who shifted).

Hi Sally,
i work in stat board. BTW which one u gg. Mind telling me can PM me if u wan.

Nowadays the stat board is on contract base. For my compnay they used to have perm then after that now all contract liao.
