(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

feza: tat time stella and me got discuss... hehe but she mention later 2 BP near to each other dunno got ppl got or not... hehe...
but the stuff also quite x leh... even if sales....
Hi all,

Tomorrow I'll be going on a cruise with Marcus, hb, & my in-laws liao. Hope all works out smoothly & that we'll all enjoy this short break.

Packed most of the things but find that it's not as much as I thought it'll be. Worried that I may have left out something. Only have 2 small hand-trolley kind of luggage for Marcus, hb, & myself. Thought I might need another handcarry bag but seems like all can squeeze into the 2 luaggages. Hmm.....

Re: CNY Clothings

Marcus also have quite a few sets of new clothings for CNY (some are birthday gifts). My hb also bought his CNY clothings liao. Now only left me with nothing so far. Haiz....really don't know where to buy my clothes coz' can't find any that I like leh. Any suggestions where I can shop for clothes?


You can look at Prima Deli's cakes. The cake that I got for Marcus is a round chocolate cake with a raised 3D No. 1 on top & it's only 1.5kg. My guests all said the cake taste good.
Hi mommies!

Sorry I haven't log on for a long time. I was busy with work, and the kids got sick, and was also away for more than a month.

Anyway, it's good to hear that you are all as busy as ever. Well it seems our babies gonna be ONE soon. Can't believe my Hamzah going to tbe one as he's so small and babyish looking.

Anyway, I hope everyone will have a great 2007 and that one Feb babies will have a wonderful year ahead of them.
ur hubby kua zhang le....why he say until like that? sentosa why cannot go???

free join us and chit chat lor here or msn also can
Hi Vovon,
i look at the Prima Deli's cakes already. Yes the min is 1.5kg. But i am look at max of 1kg only cos there will only be 5 adults. Actually 1kg already too big for us but that is the biggest we wan to get loh. 1.5kg really too big liao
you enjoy life also not wrong wat. last time before having R, i also aim to have 1 long and 1 short trip. ehhehe. also like spend all money on travel.

hahaha next time when R and E a bit bigger we can plan and go for a trip together.. ohh have one more person who like to travel in this grp.. bochap.. she also like travelling...
Hi Gals

My boy still hvg cough after 3 weeks. His phelgm has reduced a lot but he still cough during night and morning. He cant sleep well during night time and my hb and i are so tired for 3 wks liao.
btw is hou ning sang effective for cough?

So poor thing since he is hvg his 1 yr old birthday celebration next sat. Really hope he can recover on time.
mtan: tat time my gal cough very long then my mom went to the chinese sinseh and get 1 med but cant remember is what liao... within 3 feed her cough clear...later i call my mom ask for u...
oooh sentosa stay costly la...can do shopping la dun buy expensive stuff la...if not u find some home biz to do? sell things, rent things ....???
Tks. Will wait for yr reply.

Actually I have brought him to see Eu ren sang chinese physician at Hougang branch cos he was having cold sweat after taking western medication. He was recovering quite well as initally was quite bad but after 3 weeks still cough, we r quite worried. Nt sure is it chinese med quite slow
JH also seems like going to fall sick liao. she having runny nose since sunday nite and today she seems to be keep clearing her throat like v uncomfy. hmm... if still like tat then tom i may bring her see PD liao. better get cure earlier.
I am back.... i cannot believe tat Paragon's car park is full! Got to park at the other side and walk a bit.
I only managed to get a t-shirt for FK but no small size alrdy, got the 12-18mths one. Almost wanna get a cardi for my gal but control.... she has a lot of cardi alrdy.
Most of the 70% suffs are for gals but small sizes, for boys I don't see any small sizes so end up I oni buy that 1pc for FK and some hair bands for my gal. Then i went up to the junior level to get some art stuffs for my gal

hope yr boy gets well b/f his party. I am oso celebrating FK's bd next sat.
Just talked to my SIL yesterday, JX these few days very sticky, not willing to sit in walker.. Now she likes to climb.. when refuse to sit into walker, she will climb up on the walker, stand on it! *faint*
Wow.. today so many posts.. can't catch up..

Just talked to my SIL yesterday, JX these few days very sticky, not willing to sit in walker.. Now she likes to climb.. when refuse to sit into walker, she will climb up on the walker, stand on it! *faint*

That day my sis at Japan sent me a few baby/kids kimono from Japan Auctions web. So cute! but I can't find the url now.. else can show u all.. but very expensive.. avg about S$500 I think..
Yaya it me tat like travelling hehe! But not on biz trip lah! Hehe next time we can jio n go tour. But without YJ lah! hehe! So I can shake legs!

I think got to keep track lah! I got so many medicine in my fridge now all YJ's... need to know the purpose mah n when she took it... my house like yao fang le, any times got medicines for yj... haha!

Feza got work now lah! Where got stay at home?
Hey.. talk about travel.. thinking to go Japan as my sister is working there now.. consider to bring JX to Japan.. but think about the milk powder all this.. a bit scary ler.. Japan sure got no same brand as my JX usually taken.. so normally what can I do on these huh? anybody can advise?
mtan: my mom say tat one is pearl powder leh.. but tat time the sinseh ask my mom buy another powder to eat w tat so the cough will recover faster... the other powder is make by the sinseh.. tink call what 'gou zuo shuan' something like tat... maybe u try the pearl powder lor...

violet: hehe not much size left rite.. hehe... the boys t-sht also not bad but i tink mostly big sizes le....

violet / mtan: i also celebratin xr's birthday next sat leh... celebrate in advance....

lemon tee: wow so x ah.. hehe then did u buy??
me also celebrating next saturday haha
celebrating in advance 2

gym stuff quite ex le even sale items...hee thats why i haven't org any spree yet hee :p
Amanda.. hehe.. of coz no la.. but got some cheaper one, cost about S$50 to S$100.. still don't think I'll buy la.. coz later if bought, JX dun want to wear then die lo.. wasted $$.. haha..
Lemon Tee,

wan to bring JX go travel must be 'brave' and must have lots of help.. 'brave' becoz you must adapt quickly so that JX is comfy.. be prepare to bring all the milk powder diapers that kind of things.. it s basically like move house.. somemore you going japan things are ex there..

aiyo why have me working or not become an issue huh?? bochap work from home consider work or not?? but i have been slacking la coz whole family sick.. cannot work properly also... i m exhausted.. everyone is cranky.. sorry whining in here.. bochap when the babies re older then we go tour ok..
me also celebrating next saturday haha
celebrating in advance 2

gym stuff quite ex le even sale items...hee thats why i haven't org any spree yet hee :p
amanda, etelle,
ya loh ya loh... their stuffs after convertion to sin dollars can buy branded for our darlings leh.. keke... maybe if got go US, can buy there.. heard the children clothings quite nice and some quite cheap.. ;p
jappooh, cough for so long make the immule system worse de.. I heard some say cooked pear is good for cough.. you may try.
if you want the recepi, can PM me, I have a recepi in Chinese...

for pear, u have to see whether it's cold cough or hot cough. it's good for hot cough with phelgm and bronchitis.

1 Pear (Xue li)
10 bei xing (almonds)
Chuan bei

Double boil over high fire for 1 hr.
If u wan, can also add nan xing and ice sugar.
Dear mummys,

Would like to share this with you in case anyone end up like me kena sabo. My hub and I went to Scruffy Murphys at East Coast(next to Seven eleven). Thought the ambience there was good so asked the manager to send me a proposal cos I want to celebrate my baby 1 YO there.
They got back to me with a VERY NICE PROPOSAL and we are almost done and finalised all the details and I actually printed the invitation cards for all my relatives(my bb birthday party on 10 feb) then guess what ? When we were trying to fix a date to put the deposit, the A. manager told me that the manager said that they will not fulfill what was in the proposal unless I add up my guest list and it hit $3000! Oh gosh! Can u all imagine the despicable way they operate business? the proposal was sent only on Monday and my invitation cards already out!
Haiz just my luck. You can serve the website to see their other restaurants. Please take note and dun fall into their trap like me!
Is there a place that i can actually lodge a report on them? The saddest thing is I have only 2 more weeks to find a place and most of the resort was fully booked.!
(i still keep the proposal with me.)

*hugz* koli... sorry to hear abt this..

anyway... Happy Birthday to all Jan/Feb BBs of all mommies here..

times flies, seems like not too long ago we were all here 'watching' 1-by-1 going off to deliver...
then poof! ~ all coming 1yo liao...
