(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

no longer r also liek to do gong xi gong xi. then now liek forget leh. ahhaha..

your girl really got interestign wardrobe hor.. u spending lots on her mei mei leh.

my MIL bot the CNY clothing as per describe by violet above. but i find its too big for JH...heehee.. its in pink color. and JH no hair wear liao so ugly.
Those CNY clothings in Paragon also sold in Metro Sengkang? I am sooo busy I cant find time to go town. Will try gg to Sengkang this wkend.

I havent collect my Clarins from u yet also.. hiazz.
violet: ya... tat kind lor... hehe... i also have tat tinkin like u.. but hor... it's really very cute leh... hehe
hmmm actualli the top can match w those basic bottom also mah.. like if got dinner or what can dress up... hehe

bulomum: hehe actualli not really leh..cause huh sometimes i also dunno what to let her wear... like cannot match like tat... i realise she got a lot of sleeveless top.. then go shoppin mall time cannot wear... hehe scare later she cold... my mom also scold me... say i keep buyin.... for tis new year, actualli i din buy much.. it's mostly i buy liao then haven wear one... hehe

i bought the one tat she is makin her ear tat set..but i prefer the other one but that one bottom too long so no point lor... hehe
sunshinekid: paragon has more range... but those in sengkang, paragon has...
ya la... haven collect from me leh... pay liao dun wan ah... :p
Smiley, the fish oil giselle is taking given by PD, got to go back and check the manufacturer..think it costs abt 100..quite a big bottle though...but must referigerate.
Giselle also got one set of the Chinese type of clothing ..but think cannot wear already...like violet has said...hardly chance to wear..then by the time, already out of size...ur JH still better than my botak gal lah...already applied coconut oil for 2 weeks but the front still not growing anything...all growing to the back...i give up
Vs: hehe i was laughin when tryin the top on her man... so cute leh... yesterday i bought her another top... so nice also leh... she wear le also very cute... jia lat... spend $$ like no need earn like tat.... haizz
Amanda, i like this top lei...abit like kimono style..u bought from metro huh? i have no time to go down orchard..think for me gotto be last min shopping again..
aiya..bo bian..now got baby usually will tend to spend more on their needs instead of buying for ourselves..haha..dig into ur hubby's pocket lah..
very cute leh, xr. think other than new yr, wedding dinner also can wear leh. so cheery... good wat.
R also has lots of sleeveless. think once b used to it can wear even in aircon places. now R hates clothes with collar.
I oso buy a lot of sleevless tops for my gal, then i just buy a few cardigan to match lor.
Singapore so hot... if need to go malls then put her cardigan on can alrdy.
lucky xinru feet oni red red...

tdy ah.. i saw a boi... oso abt 1YO.. tink he fell or something like dat... the top of his left feet... all chao tar skin liao.. u know... like whole skin kena scrapped off ah.. then dry like like black scales like dat... n its the whole top of the feet... n the chao tar part dropped off tat the surroundings.. left about 5cm diameter circle in the middle havent drop off yet... the those dropped off part.. the skin so red n raw n stretched...

see liao i oso keep staring.. dun understand how can scrapped off the whole skin like dat...
J not shortie lah.. his time to grow havent come yet.. screly in Sce sch he shoot up to 180.. haha then u hv prob toking to him liao.. haha...
me ok to meet on mon.. hehe wanna go kiddy palace to buy du dou for monster for CNY.. then take his pic.. then in future can black mail him.. hahaha...
you really spending alot on your little sweetie pie ah....for me my thinking like violet le..only wear for CNY then cannot wear le so buy those traditional clothing abit waste $$$ le....but cute lah haha :p

still want to buy du dou for him ah thought u went chinatown?? din buy?
my hair stand just by reading how u describe.... eeeeek

can understand that u will spend a lot on yr XR. Hving a gal is like dat lor... so many nice/cute things to buy. But now I really control alrdy. Stop buying her so many things in case she takes them for granted. Besides I already 'overbuy' fm the past few years kekeke... everytime got sales, will buy bigger size clothes for future :p
Vs / Bulomum: cute hor... i let her try when i reach home then really so cute... hehe *me so buay hiao bai' hehe

bulomum: ya... can wear as normal go out also... i intend to match w jeans.. hehe so not really say very new year hor.... hehe
u know why...cause huh she sweat very easily then if wear out then go shoppin mall i scare she catch cold lor...

Vs: ya.. it's a kimono... i cant remember which magazine has this also leh... bought from metro.. it's $38.90.... hehe i aim very long then dun have her size then when the repeats came in i grab.... :p

violet: hehe i also got one cardi for her but huh very ma fan to bring out... hehe

ivory: ai yeo.. poor thing leh... that pic hor is taken on the day was scratch.. now it become those skin liao.. i scare got scar leh... haizz i guai guai every nite apply zambut for her... and know what.. the day she got hurt, i also got the same injury but it's on my hand....

etelle: hehe cause 1st year mah...
cardi not very big la, jus stuff into the bag that u put her stuffs, unless u got the thick thick type la. When my gal is older, i buy her a little bag, put her cardi inside and ask her to carry herself.

The Kimonos are very nice.... i oso bought for my gal before

For XR's foot, you can try the calendular cream or get some cream fm pharmacy with Vit E contents. Don't worry la, baby's skin heal very fast one.

Haiz.... lasy nite my gal vomited at sch during dinner then come back kena high fever 39.8. This morning still high 38.8. Me now at home...
violet: cause my tat diaper bag hor a bit hard to find stuff de.. so i rather let her wear short sleeve.. hehe then sometimes if we go out after her milk, the bag will be lagi small de... hehe

it's very nice... hehe tat time my boss buy her a knit kimono but u know la... my gal small size then end up so lang lang.. and we went for a wedding dinner and the place so cold... and end up i kana say by my hubby....

what happen?? food poisoning ah...
Re: Chinese New Year Clothings
YJ bery heng dun need to buy liao. She got 2 traditional chinese knot buttons clothes liao. 1 from passed down a bery nice qi pao n 1 new from nanny hehe!
Let me go download the pic from my digital n post here hehe! Err... how to post pic here huh? Need to make it small size is it?
hahaha... ya loh.. 'travel' to celebrate her bthday.. hope she behave herself on tata day... she tis few days quite grouchy.. wana bring her go buy her CNY clothings oso spoilt our mood... sianzzz...

aiyo.. is ur ger ok nw? did u bring her to see doc?? gt high fever better bring her to the doc...
YJ also has quite a no. of sleeveless tops. I usually bring sweater or cardigan for her. N put 1 in the car. Cos she is easily get running nose...hehe! i bought a few for her liao. Got abt 5 cardigan liao haha!

Aiyo, wat happen? How is she now?
i also will bring cardigan whenever i bring JH shopping. I KS mummy mah. even she wearing short sleeve i sometime also put on cardigan for her :p
aiyo I jus make a list of YJ's medicine record, she has so far give 27 medicines liao within a year! Haiz!
I record all her medicine name, the purpose of each, the color, feeding date, amount n interval
Hello mummies
All talking about buying CNY clothings for our little ones. hHiaz. i have been so busy at work, I finish at about 8+ every nite, then still hve to tabao home to work. Last nite i worked till 130am. Sometimes I have a teeny weeny tinge of regret to change job. This co. of course pays better, but I lose alot of time on sleep, beauty + the little ones. IN life, there is always this trade-off. Sad sad.
think I quite lost now. dunno how to catch up with the posting too. abt new year clothes, I not buying those cute new year wear clothes, cause boys mah.

but they received quite a lot of new clothes for their birthday.
take good care of yourself.

so much! not sure if my boys also like that. think i better start recording too.
hi gals, long time i never chat inside here already.. have been feeling sick.. got the virus from elly..

re: cardigan, elly has alot.. cardi la, cape la, sweater la.. all sorts.. purpose was for the europe trip now just use when necessary esp now sg weather also very unpredictable.. call me kiasu but i just bring whenever we go out.. although elly usually sweat more than being cold..

re: outing, joyce lemme know the details.. i dun mind joining in if it s in the evening.. but i m bringing elly coz no one babysit.. hubby works late on mondays..

re: Disney on Ice, can claire or violet take over the coordinating?? coz we might be travelling again so we might not go.. and there's still no news from hus so my suggestion is dun wait already in case no more good seats..

re: jab, have to bring baby for their 1st yr jab on the 12th month or 13th month huh?

re: shayna's burdae, sorry bb ger we can t make it .. very the far la.. send my kisses to her ok and thanks for the invite..
xin ku ni le. I can still remember that time both my boys so sick, can vomit during sleeping at 3 to 4am, i virtually din sleep for 3 days. take good care of yourself too.
mummies... if u all comin to town rite, maybe can drop by paragon... my dept, Monsoon havin a lot of less 50% and 70%... it's at the ladies wear level... both gender clothings k... and the ladies wear also have discount.. maybe can go see see....

may: long time no see u... how u??? everything ok???

sunshinekid: haizz a lot of xi sheng rite... now i am reconsiderin my decision to tender liao... i really scare no time for my family and own things if i change job.. all my frens and environment here.........
hi may....really long long time no news from u. so u resign n take care bb yourself. must be v tiring huh.

sunshinekid, ya..new job is never easy. bear with it for a couple of mths n u will start to pick things up and would be much easier.
i also v scared of changing job now. i would wait till beginning next yr then search for new job.
tks all,
my gal is better alrdy... phew...
after the brufen this morning she now measures 37.0
I had the fever med stand by so did not bring her to the doc, so long as no other symptom she shd be fine la. So just monitor her for the day at home.
My hb say when he brought her to sch yesterday, he saw a list of kids on medication so i guess could hv kena fm sch lor.

u very on.... I not so hardworking to keep track. But I think it's a good habit. My hb can remember the medication they take but I can nvr remember the names except for para and brufen. And he is teaching my gal to remember them so my gal is better than me now

Ah May,
ya, boys very difficult to find 'cute' clothes hor... i oso buy normal t-shirt/pants combi for FK oni.
Ah May
I will take care lah. Firstly, I am new to this co., and secondly, this co. is really very chim and complex. I will definitely ask for higher pay if this goes on. :p

Monsoon has kids clothings too? Aiyo.. I am so tempted to chiong down to take a look.

You are right, alot of xi sheng. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. But then again, we should continue to improve and upgrade ourselves while still young, and try to earn and save for money for the sake of better life in future.. This makes sense too right? We are trying to save as much as we can within these 2 yrs, and look for another place. I kinda cannot tahan living in Punggol anymore. The environment, everything is good, but it's too far away. I am especially scared of the CTE jam every morning, spoils my mood when i have to be stucked in the jam for an hour.

At the end of the day, it boils down to what one wants in life.
I forgot, Violet, hope your gal is okay now. Sorry for being so whiny this morning.

For boys, there is not much variety. But I find them look very cute in those jumper suit.
yeah u r right...it boils down to what one wants in life if you want to live in condo, want to spend on branded and want to dine in resturant everyday then i think if both go out and work and can earn god amt of pay it can lor...

but if ilke me simplicity way of life is more for me. Then currently i am very happy lor...happy with the way my life is...hee
contentment is great gain....

think carefully lor but i think maybe changing job is good for you le...my 2 cents worth ah...cuz better pay nearer to your home and lesser temptation (shopping) in that way you can save money and can move on also...
u take care too, CNY is coming, dun tire yourself till fall sick ya?
It's ok la, vent yr frustration here lor, I oso complain a lot mah kekekeke...
And it's good that u found a job that u like though it's hectic for the start. Better than me rotting at my desk everyday dreaming of quiting rite? But i'm still ok with that, at least i can go back on the dot jus that i find my job is not fulfilling at all.
Like u say, it depends on what one wants in life. So to me, my focus in on my family so if job is boring I can live with it lor.

Amanda!! Wah u tempt me like that.... I am on leave leh, can chiong there today when my gal is napping later whahahaha! Can cfm if they have kids clothings? If hv I sure chiong there... then maybe can meet u for tea.... hee...

Ah May,
wat to do, last nite I set alarm to monitor her temp throughout. Lucky that it maintained below 39.

if no disc then i am not keen alrdy to go alrdy. I can pass on this one.... tks for initiating.
Where are u going? So good go holiday again, evny u.
i vote the last one, where are u ordering this? They are all so nice!
I am thinking of ordering the traditional '1' for FK, but still havn't decide.
Hi Etelle,
u order the baby mickey one is just 1 baby mickey is it? Dunno i find the baby pooh cute but feel like lonely like that.
u still very young leh.... shd give yourself more opportunity to expose to different jobs, differnt environment and diff ppl. Expand your social circle and know more ppl is good, maybe helpful in yr career in future if u meet some good ppl.
Dun like me, stuck alrdy, wanna change oso nobody wants.

I also find the baby pooh a bit loney... that's y i prefer the last one over it. And I find the mickey one too much details.
Hi Violet,
i am looking at Swensens. It a ice cream cake.
Actually wan to get a "1" for elvin but most place need it to be 2kg and above. ORginally plan should be ok cos invited quite a no of relative but due to my hubby granny passed away we cant celebrate with other ppl so now looking for a smaller cake loh. And swensen have the nice pic..
haha cuz my theme party is Mickey Mouse mah...then if have all the friends wait like steal the show from Mickey haha :p

i agree with violet le....should have more exposure when young

Hi all,
ya, staying at home temporary, hope I can go back to work in June this year or next year. Sam and ray are fine, sam very accident prone this two days,sigh, hope will be over soon.
i trying to post pics of my boys and their elmo cake but cannot find the pic viewer in this new laptop, will take a while.
