(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

I also dun dare to leave xr on my bed if no one around. Even with pillow n bolster n blanket to barricade, cannot feel totally safe. Even the cot also can leave her alone already coz she can pull herself up from sitting to standing liao.

She now sleeps on mattress on the floor at night. Though it's not high, the other morning she woke up n turn turn around. hb n i ge ge sleeping so she self-entertain. Who knows she turn and bump her head on the floor. Luckily not very hard though can hear. Then she like stunned, lie there, dun dare to move about. coz no harm done, we actually found it quite funny, but now really must take care when she's anywhere...

went to ikea yesterday wif xr n my parents n sis. So many ppl there and a lot of bbs too
XR seemed to enjoy herself, esp when we gave her food from our dinner at the ikea restaurant. see her suck the chicken bone really like little doggy.

FK sleeps with my gal and maid. I hv no extra rm for the maid la. When my mum stays over she oso sleeps with them.

Now he is crawling so is difficult to let him sleep on the mattress on his own. We will carry FK till he sleeps then put him down on the mattress.
And I do not have the time to stay with him in the room and wait for him to be tired and fall asleep on his own leh. The elder one will come and seek attention.

So satisfying to see that your kids love wat u cook hor?
hehe.. really ah.. oh boi.. haha.. mayb i shd get preggy b4 zj really noe how to hit me man :p



of cos all of us are just kidding abt the alcohol thingy lah...

who in her rite mind will feed alcohol or dangerous food to bb? esp we taken so much effort to keep them healthy...

none of us can live until 100yrs old to take care of our kids if we damaged their health so much that we have to keep staying alive until our kids passed on at a ripe age rite?

unless we can live beyond 100yrs... else not possible..

haha.. scarly our kids live till 100yrs old.. wah piang... think of the torturing yrs ahead man.. 130yrs at least.. *faint*
i cant stop laughing at violet's suggestion on adding beer to milk.

i have a mental picture of ZJ being drunk and burping!

the thing i enjoy most abt this thread is everyone's sense of humor. nice light-hearted moments in a tight-arsed environment. oops pardon the language. heh
Yeah taking care of a baby is no easy task so think we have to relax a bit and talk "crazy" sometimes to unwind ha ha :p
about the alcohol thingy.. should nt it be a joke.. come on la who wan to harm their bao bei.. i dun wan to live so long just to take care of the future generations hor.. they should be taking care of me..
Dun have to be so serious leh.If so serious u want Chee Soon Juan to speak up for you at the speaker's corner?Voice your concern to him that our joke can harm our future society of drunkards.

He's still there so please hurry up..haHA
like dat wait CSJ kena sued for dunno wat reason or speaking nonsense we hv to pay for his legal fees or not ah?
Aiyo got to pay his legal fees then i cham liao i not working cannot pay leh, never mind i ask him whether he needs a miad anot i go to his house n do houseworks for him hehehe...

Ai yoh, nowadays, dunno what is said as a joke anymore lah.

Anyway, there might really be some ignorant pp reading the thread and take it for real leh. U never know. I've read too much abt ignorant pp. U know that it's silly to do that, but there are such pp in this world lor.
You wouldn't have to worry about ignorant ppl reading and doing it.Any internet savvy mum will not even tink abt adding alcohol to milk.HAHA

What im worried is how serious u took this matter..worries me.But if u do have any ignorant frens who is into this adding of alcohol pls direct them here and i'll try to (CSJ--BRAINWASH) them...the PAP way.
Ya...really very satisfying when my children eat my cooked food eapecially Nichole. She is seldom so keen in eating except yesterday. She jus couldn't wait for me to feed her..

u worry too much lah...

dun think realy got such stupid pple lor... even those lowly educated mums oso noe alcohol not gd.. then the higher educated ones cannot be so idiot bah? if so then its a waste of their time studying so much liao lor.. waste time waste money.. donate the money to the needys lah..



i oso waiting for my boi to open mouth big big with my cooking...

but he oni open mouth big big to expensive cereals... *faint*
kelly ,

if you pregnant now ...the ur ZJ jump on ur stomach ...hahaha... ur going crazy :p

Etelle ,
can update chloe height n weight
height : 67.5cm
weight : 7.12kg

chloe having fever again
....yesterday afternoon 1pm started then last night at 5am her temp went up to 40c ...scare me ... faster give her medicine but the fever still around 38 to 39c till 8am then i bring her to PD .... now recover liao .... she must let the PD touch then can recover one...hai....
if i preggy now ah... i hide far far fm zj.. hehe... since my mil so much wanted to be mum of zj then let her b lor..
hehe can see so many bonkers flyin around... u all very stress up ah?? hehe

ivory: ya... tat's what the little boy did to her mummy leh... then the mummy also let him do whatever he wan... haizz
but by the time ur tummy gets bigger more dangerous liao leh... hehe
ZJ got expensive mouth leh... hehe
huh... ur MIL wanna so much to be ZJ mom.. hehe so funny... :p

yvonne: no special recipt huh.. hehe ok ok... when my mom got the slow cooker then will cook porridge for her.. hehe laterly when i feed her cereal she always open her mouth.. then when i use the scoop to remove some of the cereal, she will make noise cause she expect every feed tat goes near her mouth all must go into her mouth... hehe

Lim: how's chloe now?? hehe ur PD magical touch... :p
It is better to standby the headband (Gel type) in the freezer. I always have it prepared in case and it is always kept in the freezer. This is to prevent any brain damage if the fever comes up to 39 degree n above. You can try to buy it at the gardian. Mine is the OSIM brand...not ex lah...I remember was less then $30.00.

ya lor.. super stressed ah... ZJ super hyperactive mah.. testing my patience every min of the day...

ZJ got golden mouth ah...

my MIL think im incapable of taking care of zj mah... she feels my scientific proven methods are wrong while her old wives tales are correct lor..

she wan then let her b lor...

hehe... how bonkers can u b?
yvonne ,

i prepare a lot a home ...i got 6 boxes of kool strip....hehe....i also got the osim one....just incase.... bcos chloe always fever ...haha

Haha, yah, maybe I'm too serious. Well, I've read some threads in this forum before, and I was shocked at how ignorant these pp are. So, it's not a thread for normal pp only. There are some weirdos who are really *sigh*. Dunno what to say about them.
Yohooo Amanda, how u know i rent that har? I rent another exersaucer, he gave me a brand new one. and then I rent another whole set musical instruments also brand new. This guy bery good.

back to the alcholic thinggy, I know of a mum who really give beer and XO to her son. I saw it and the best part is this mother thot she super clever!!!!
I oso wana join ur bonkers club.. me almost let my shayna drive me crazy.. feel like dupping her milk jus to make her slp the whole day(jus joking but, will i get shoot jus becoz sum1 cant tk the joke here??)
k.. k... i wait for u to tell me ah...

hehe.. dat mummy ah.. is wanna train her boi to be a gd drinker...
not like me.. wanting to shut ZJ up...
purpose diff leh...
so im more dangerous.. haha..

we arrange lah.. either i go ur house or u come mine.. then we feed them diluted Jolly Shandy since pure alcohol no gd.. then we can hv peace for at least a couple of hrs???

PD ah... wait he bluff me... gimme plain water in the container n bluff me sleeping med how? hehe... then he go call IMH pple to come fetch me to their resort cos bonkers mummy wanna make mad bb go sleep so bonkers mummy can rest..
heard that the coolstrip shdn't put on the forehead, place at the back of neck and shoulders to bring fever down

so many going bonkers liao...i last night also a bit gonecase, xr kept ngeh ngeh, end up just let her lie next to me and latch whenever she want otherwise i cannot sleep ah.
mindy: cause i saw ur Ringo then saw Reyes inside.. hehe then i mention to tat guy and he say ur name.. hehe ya.. he quite good leh.. nice guy... he send to me quite late wor... 9+ in the nite....

hehe seems like all mummies showing the bonkers side of them liao... hehe :p
all mad liao... tis thread bcom a mad mad forum.

last nite brought bb home to sleep after his 1 week "resort" at my mum's place, he was so happy. reach home touch tis n dat then laugh n laugh hahaha then tis morn sleep until refuse to wk up to go "popo" 's hse... cried when i hug him up fr his mattress.

1 bad thing is while he sleep at my mum's hse, whenever he wk up in middle of nite, my mum feed him milk so that he will stop his nonsense and go bk to sleep....so end up now he bcom back to last x must every middle of nite wk up once to drink milk then my hb v unhappy last nite... haizzz gotto retrain lor wat to do... unhappy for wat
hi everyone,
so sorry, no time to come in cos got lotsa thngs to pack. Shifting over to new place on 7 oct, finally...
at times some mommys will sms to inform about some bulk purchase then i quickly log in just to place orders.
all your babies quite fast leh, my boi no tooth yet although drools a lot.
he was down with a terrible cough till got wheezing sound, scared me. my aunt got contact from her friend to see a chinese physician in AMK. she heard that the physican ever cure baby with asthma so my mum brought him there.
his cough recovered completely.
bulma, u wanna try TCM or not? wan sms me ok? i find out the place for u.
one of my school primary 4 boy passed away last fri due to prolonged bronchitis. he suffered from last stage cancer. very sad case. only son some more.
bulma: hehe Jarren happy to be home.... he gettin better mah??? he wake up to drink every nite ah.. but after milk, he straight go to sleep? if he straight away go back to bed then ok lor... at least now he is drinkin more... tell ur hubby mai angry la....

koli: long time no see u wor... hehe how's everything???
Seems like Jarren is much better?

Wat time does Jarren drinks at nite? My KF still wakes up at around 11pm-1am for 1 feed leh. He is drinking very little in the day so I just let him drink at nite.

Where u rent those toys ar? The guy handsome or not? If handsome then I go rent oso.... hahaha

aiya, look at nice things will make our life happier mah. Want to spend $ to rent then might as well get the most out of it? :p

tks for the link... i take a look first.
