(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Talk abt bb wt....

Hmm... my boy drinks the same amt as everyone else leh... How come he so SUMO huh??? Buay liao gai leh....(scratch head)...

U getting the shirt also?? Me too leh... You have your own design ah?? Can share share??

BB Wipes

Other than the J&J wipes given by hospital, I only use pigeon leh. Not sure abt other brand. So didn't know that the wipe is rough. Both my kids have no problem using it anyway.

There is another packaging from pigeon that can use to clean hand and mouth. It is yellow in colour.

How many pcs does a pkt of Silver Nano wipes have?
ya, my HB quite possesive lah, told u b4 what... but i also get use to it liao... and one thing he really likes to get on my nerves and make me angry then he will laugh and joke and try to "pacify" me... a bit seow right?

Noel last feed lately is at 12am (150ml) then he will sleep all the way to 8am then he will wake up for milk.he has been skipping night feed since 2.5 months leh. i am not worried about night feed but i am worried cos Noel seems to sleep a lot....
zzz 12+am
wake up 8am
play then zzz at about 9+am
wake up abt 12pm.
bathe then drink plain water then zzz at 1+pm
wake up at 3+pm
then play and feed zzz at 5+pm
wake up at 7+pm
play and feed, night cleaning, drink plain water then zzz at 8+pm then wake up at 12 +am etc...
see! sleep a lot right? dunno good or not. but one thing good now is he dun want to sleep yao lan nor want pacifier. pacifier only given when he want to fall asleep about 10 min he will spit out. anyone can tell me is he sleeping a lot?
wah... u all update about 5-6kg then i think noel really over weight liao leh... 3.5months -7kg leh.

actually come and think about it,ur gal very smart leh, she rather take more at one go and stretch the time leh... like that, she dun have to use so much energy to suck milk... hmmm.... big eyes, pretty and got brain... ok noel chop her first! kekeke...

bb wipes.
i use a few kind leh.
tollyjoy wipes for cleaning backside when poo poo
pigeon wipes (red packing) for cleaning legs.
pigeon mouth wipes(yellow pack) for cleaning hands and mouth.
pigeon mosquito wipes(green packing) to wipe b4 going out
pigeon wipes (blue packing)for cleaning pacifier,teething toy etc...
nano one good or not?
Hi gals,
i think Elvin is really a small eater. Now at 4.5mth only drinking 120ml every 4hrs lei. And the weight and height percentile is 25% made me so worry.

He still wake up for 1 nite feed. I find that ok cos he dun drink alot during teh day also.

Elvin 1st 2 mth the weight percentile iz 90% now become 25%. How? His height really make me worry from 50% to 25%.

Now i start to add 1 scope of rice cereal to his milk.
Hi Koli,
u are worry noel sleeping too much i worry enough sleeping too little. He only sleep long during teh nite. Day time if he take two naps i will be very happy liao. Total at most will onyl sleep 4 hrs during the day now. Keep wantying to play and talk.
I started to use bb monitor when my gal is sleeping in her own room around age 1+. I find it useful when she wakes up at nite, can hear her fm the monitor in my room.
One of my fren uses it 'cos bb sleep in aircon even at day time so put the other monitor in the living rm so that she knows when bb cries or wakes up.

did u try using cetaphil? it's quite good, can buy at guardian pharmacy, watson, etc. about $9+ for small bottle and $14+ for bigger bottle.
Can ask PD to give u some sample to try if they hv.
koli: hehe u hubby so funny one leh... make u fed up liao then pacify.. hehe actualli like that more easy to pass time leh.. hehe
Noel abt e same as Xinru leh... started to skip night feed ard tat time also...

Her schedule is 8+,9pm - sleep
morning 5+,6 wake up drink milk
after tat sleep till 8+ go infant care
then sleep for 1-2 hour wake up drink
after an hour bath
after tat sleep again for abt 1 hr wake up dunno do wat
then after tat they will put her at the bouncer there then if she no sleep then wait for her to cry for milk
then after tat sleep... then wake up put bouncer again to see the other play
then when I go pick her tat time she will be sleepin on the bouncer or drink milk liao...inbetween she will have those short short nap like 45mins like tat...
So if she drink abt 4 feed at infant care then last feed ard 7+ then come back ho se liao I just entertain her for awhile, play w her, give her water then she will wan go sleep liao then till next morning le... hehe
but if her last feed is ard 4pm like tat then she will wake up to drink ard 3am like tat... but normally if her laast feed at 4pm then will try to let her take before sleepin so we can have longer sleep... haha

haha she smart ah.. hehe thank u... hehe but really thankful she like tat.. if not me and hubby sure panda liao... hehe true lor.. she stretch longer than she drink faster also.. hehe
thanks for the compliment.. hehe ok noted and i keep Noel in the list liao le... hehe

jappooh: Elvin start cereal liao ah...wat brand u buy huh?? good a not.. hehe
no need worry la... if elvin is sleepin at abt 15hrs a day then let him be lor... then if he awake, he need ppl ard him a not???
The nano wipes comes in 80s, 30s n 10s but we getting more of the 30s can use at home n can bring out too n plus 80s now not much stock oso.
Hi Amanda,
elvin took the heniz rice cereal. Actually wanted to start only when he is 6 mths but he dun drink much milk so we add the rice cereal in his milk so more filling. He like the rice cereal didnt reject. I just took a few sample from PD is nestle brand but that is for 6 mths onwards so let him try when he is 6 mths.

So envy that xin ru drink so well.

Today just bring him to PD. HE vomit alot of milk and can see 2 big lots of phlegm. He has abit of cough and running nsoe also. The PD say Elvin have sensitive skin and abit dry also ask me to put more lotion for him. And sensistive skin baby usually have more phlegm.

But my MIL say is when i carry Elvin i drink cold water. Feel so upset and feel like crying. I already so heartpain to see Elvin not feeling well and my mil say this make me feel bad. I blame myself. Though Elvin still can play but i feel bad lei. How.

Elvin need ppl to be ard all the time. Both sleep and awake. When he awake he will turn and see anyone ard. if yes he will continue to play by himself. If no one he will cry till very sad.
Dun blame urself, it's not proven tht during preggy drink cold water will caused bb to have alot of phlegm. Me during preggy nv drink cold drink keagan oso got alot of phlegm. Was told by my PD tht bb on FM usually got alot of phlegm n it is known as "ni tham".

Sometimes all this old folks tales r not totally true dun take ur mil words to heart, ok...
I also got drink cold water during pregnancy....dun blame urself lah.....your mother in law is ignorant that's why she said things like that. We cannot control if our bb gfall sick mah...just take extra care of him during this period..... PD never say anything right?
<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob</TD><TD>Birth Wt</TD><TD>Wt/ Ht</TD><TD>Type of Diaper</TD><TD>Type of FM</TD><TD>Caregiver</TD><TD>Address (Area) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>1-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>7.1kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Jarren</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>7.9kg/ 63.5cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Butterfly123</TD><TD>Le Le</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>6Kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol 21 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Ah May</TD><TD>Sam/Ray</TD><TD>13-Jan-2006</TD><TD>1.9kg/2.3kg</TD><TD>6.4kg,5.8kg/60cm</TD><TD>NTUC(Day)/ Nepia(Night)/ PP(Gng Out)</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma/Maid</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Bochap (Siewlng)</TD><TD>Yu Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>6.97kg/ 61.5cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Huggies/Pet(Day)Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>Zi Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD>7.4kg/66cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.5kg</TD><TD>5.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>24-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.45kg</TD><TD>6.1kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.63kg</TD><TD>6.0kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PP/ Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.32kg/ 50cm</TD><TD>Mamo poko(Day)Pureen(Night) pampers(go out)</TD><TD>Friso Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.65kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/66cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma (Fm 5th June)</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>3.32kg</TD><TD>8 kg/62cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko/Drypers/PetPet/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>5.9kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Babycutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>8.5kg/ 65cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.8kg</TD><TD>Nappy (Day) Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/64cm</TD><TD>PP/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.89kg</TD><TD>6.9kg/ 68cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Friso 1 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.86kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Pet Pet</TD><TD>Similac/ Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>Drypers</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Carebear (Carol)</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4.43kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.46kg</TD><TD>6.7kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.67kg</TD><TD>7.18kg/ 66 cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>5.7kg/63.5cm</TD><TD>Drypers(Day)PP(Night)</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Infant Care</TD><TD>Sengkang West </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Fen (Eleanor)</TD><TD>Elie Tan</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.58kg</TD><TD>5.9kg/61cm</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>mtanlove</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.51kg</TD><TD>5kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>PetPet/Mamy Poko/ PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.38kg</TD><TD>6.35kg/61cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maid/ Childcare</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>5.55kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia (Day) PP (Night)</TD><TD>TBM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.34kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Tanjong Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.53kg</TD><TD>9kg/ 70cm</TD><TD>PP/ Huggies</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>UK </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>7kg/63cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.26kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/61.5cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet/ Sealer</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>West Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe Lim</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.03kg</TD><TD>6.08kg/ 61.5cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Japanese Brand</TD><TD>Friso</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>4.4kg/55cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Marsilling </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD>7.1kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Drypers, Pampers, Huggies</TD><TD>Dutch Lady</TD><TD>Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.9kg</TD><TD>5.1kg/ 56cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Mindy</TD><TD>Reyes</TD><TD>24-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.75kg</TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Kranji </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4+kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Fitti</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I was in Paris/vienna for 10 days. Weather was sunny, wished it were much cooler though. Things there were very ex, one simple meal in a restaurant costs $60. Most of the time, we ate pizzas and sandwiches, just not worth it to spend so much on eash meal. Hmm..oreo cheesecake sounds good...I tried once on jap cheesecake, the bottoms crumbled leh. I onli managed to get tiramisu correct as dun need to bake ma, hehehe

You can just go for a simple getaway in a hotel here also romantic hor,hahaha.
Congrats, Mindy! Reyes is chubby n cute lei! he is my choice hahaha

preciousbabe, hmm no design in mind but just fl those design in yahoo photos not v nice hehe.. it's ok lah thk when i got time then i design something for my boy then i chk w u how to go about fabricating it. Thanks alot =)

jappooh, everything i drink during preggie is COLD water and fast food (cos i vomitted fr 5 weeks til i deliver and can only consume cold water and fast food else i ll vomit)and my boy's lung now weak - get infection easily. EVERYBODY blame me that it's bcos of me drink COLD water and take fast food during preg so now jarren lk dat but i just ignore them cos i fl they pitiful lah so lack of knowledge hahahhaa cos i seen pple take so good care during their preg time but their bb also a lot of problem also got lung problem. so u dun fl bad lah all these is tian shen one. of course we heartpain to see our bb like dat but i fl wat we shd do now is just try to nurse them bk lor do watever we, as parent, can and should do. other things dun think so much.

koli, wowowowowowow use so many types of wipes for 1 bb lei... i only use 2 lor 1 wipe bkside, 1 is wipe hands and mouth and toys.

as for my boy, he is stilllllllll wheezing lah and cough w phlegm lor.

hey gals, someone mention Saw baby clinic (hougang) is good for treating cough izzit? thinking of trying. i also searching around to look for good respiratory professional for baby cos my boy main thing is his respiratory system no good (nose and lung)

ehhh i think i also nd help to do housework finally liao though v reluctant but really buay tahan liao... any good recommendation for those part-time type 3 hours in weekend one - nd to clean window, change bedsheet, vacuum mop floor, wipe here n there, iron clothes, and wat else huh.. think bo liao hor those mummies who engage such part-time. wat does yr P/T do ah? and how much?
ur MIL oso as nonsensical as my MIL...

i drink jia jia liang cha n eat oranges everyday... but my boi oso ok... phelgm in bb r common cos their throat n lungs still sensitive.. not fully developed yet... my boi oso got blocked nose n phlegm in the 1st 3 mths... my MIL keep saying he caught cold bcos i refused to let her wrap bb up at nite (hello... its burning hot n stuffy at nite until she herself oso cant tahan so how can bb b cold? if i let her wrap him up more likely he willkena heat stroke isnt that even worse?)... i just shoot back at her its bcos the whole house very dusty (cos she oni dust the house once a yr), burn incense for diety n ancestors, 2 men in the house keep smoking (during me preggy n after bb born)... how can bb be well when there's all this stuff...

then my boi is super afraid of heat n my MIL blame me for eating too much fast food... i just directly tell her she is as no common sense as those ppl who blame their DILs drink cold water during preggy n bb have phlegm..

so.. dun b upset... MILs are all very stupid no matter how well educated they are...

do u live with ur in-laws? imagine i live with mine n i have to put up with her nonsense everyday...

take it easy
<font color="ff0000">Jappooh</font>
Like what everyone says, dun be too affected by wat ur MIL said. She just had to push the blame to someone, tats all. And u are the most convenient person. It's easy to blame the mummy whenever the child is sick, something is wrong, or whatsoever.

U know my 2 kids have very sensitive skin. Itchy, red and dry. My baby now has eczema too. Can see her face red red and patches of dry skin. Also her arm has this patch of round round thing. My hb suspects it is fungal infection, cos it's abit wettish. NOw my sis blames me that I always put on perfume or body lotion, tats why they are affected. I dun know how true it is, but I do feel bad that my kids' skin are so lousy, and worse, if they are suffering becos of me.

<font color="ff0000">Ivory</font>
I really salute u for having that kind of tolerance. Not easy.
Hang in there.
if your bb has such sensitive skin, i suggest it's better to avoid perfumes and lotions... or at least dun apply them on areas which will come into contact with bb. my bb's face sometimes also wettish, a bit of blistering... and it comes and go... i know what you mean. Coz i hv to carry her, now i dun use any perfumes of lotions on my arms. At most I only apply on my legs. Anyway, i read somewhere that the surroundings will irritate baby's skin with eczema, stuff like dust mites also will cause irritations.
Noel is seeing Dr Saw. he saw many many PDs when he was down with Viral infection but only Dr Saw managed to cure him leh. My little cousin sees him since birth n now she is 9 years old liao. basically, he is a very PATIENT PD, trust me. he is the only one that can stand my nonsense and many many questions... at times when i need to ask questions, i will call him during clinic hours lor, he also entertain me... so i have got no complaints about him at all. Two thumbs up for Doctor Saw. ya, i heard that he is good in bb with coughs.
if u wanna go please go during weekdays as sat is always packed. Friday his clinic not open hor...
bb wipes
ya la, i used a lot. my parents also follow what i ask them to use lor. today went to robinson and spent $50 on wipes alone... my HB just stand there shooking his head kekeke....
bo bian lah, noel kena viral infection b4 i damned scared liao so much be clean lor.
jappooh n other mummies
aiyo about cold drinks not true lah... i drink lots also but noel got phelgm when he was on cow's milk but since he started isomil, he no phelgm at all. i also scold my mum... dun act clever lah... she said i drink cold drinks that;s y got phelgm...
i watched a lot of cartoon, crayon shin chan, noel face's shape like the cartoon, my HB also say i watched too much walau... stupid explanation lah, does that mean i keep staring David Backham's poster then noel will look like him? he dumbfounded.
dun be sad lah... next time any MIL comment again, ask her to take care lor since she so clever.
since my MIL kena from me b4, she dun dare to talk rubbish with me... if she does, i will just say, Noel is my son, i am the mother, please dun interfere. my HB also told my PIL this b4. they know i very paranoid and sensitive when they talk about my son. i dun give face one lah...

tomorrow my BIL ROM, walau got lunch at westin hotel then oct wedding dinner again, i not going tomorrow cos i pang tang. my mum said bb not yet 6 months better dun go birthdays or weddings.so in laws not happy but who cares... hee... cruel hor
so sorry, my husband just told me that he is bringing me to his camp's family day on 24 jun, so do u think i can come later without lunch. if too late to cancel it's ok. i will ask my HB to pay since he told me last min... hee... let me know again hor.
ya, HB likes to make me angry. i hack lah... worst at times he called me by names. e.g. auntie lee(pregnant n after pregnancy), stupid girl, ah pui, seow cha bo, ms kaypoh etc... very bo liao lah... at times i really get angry then he stopped. where got HB like that one.
bb ger
i am using philip bb monitor. very good. crystal clear leh.. comes with lullably and night lights some more. can get from hypermart.

Cetaphil got promo at Guardian. 2 big bottles free one small one.. i agree with Violet, it's very good to use.
I went guardian at CP yesterday din see the promo leh??? Me going to Rivervale Mall later, must check it out. Thanks for the info.

Sounds like yr hb is a funny guy, this is call Ȥ? Better like that than he is like a block of wood rite?
thanks again for the stuffs yr hb brough back.
i kept looking at when i met u 'cos u look bery familiar.
Then i go home think n think and finally the pops to my head.... think u look like her leh. Fair and pretty.
Hi all,

WTS the below unopened items:

1) Dumex Mamil Gold Follow-up Step 2, 400g, 1 tin - $8
2) Promil Gold, 400g, 5 tins - $7 each

Interested pls call/sms: 98738741. Will deliver if staying ard Sengkang area, else collection place shall be advised.

Hahahaha.... chang jin more pretty than me ah n slimmer too.... how to fight.

anyway if u like it let me noe can ask hb to buy some more as he always do states flt.
You son like my girl leh. Dun sleep during day, max sleep for 15-20min each time. At every 2 hours after milk. she want to talk n play... then become super tired n cranky at 7pm. Cry n fall asleep.

Aiyo, I seldom drink cold drink during preggie, less than 10X, my girl still got phelgm lah. But after I cut down the fM amt a little, her phelgm no more liao.

Re: feeding
Now my girl enjoy cereal than milk leh. She took 2X cereal a day. Drinking 120ml per 3 hours. if she on cereal, she will still drink abt 100ml or less of milk for tat meal. B4 she started cereal, she was at 150ml per 4hours.
She still wake up at nite for a feed, tat I think maybe able to cut liao hehe!
I think Irene looks more like this HK actress called Zhou Haimei lah.
Chang Jin, i dun quite like her leh, so bah bah :p

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
Wanna ask you, is it true that when we buy pdts in the US, we must pay for tax?

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
Which brand of cereal is Yu Jie taking now? I think I will start Annika with cereal this weekend, since she is about 4.5mths old oredi. I didnt managet to get Healthy Times Rice Cereal, managed to get Earth's Best instead. These 2 brands are infact highly recommended.
jappooh: hehe... wat u MIL says very familiar to me.. haha cause i was also said by my mom when Xin Ru got a lot of phlgem... and like u... i always blamed myself and always feel gulity abt it.. then whenever i see Xin Ru very xin ku liek got phlgem, i will cry in my heart one... haizz but am used to it liao... i wun bother so much liao... hehe but it's true like wat the rest mention... Its not a fact tat we drink cold water then bb become like tat...
Xin Ru always quite sensitive skin leh.. if the teacher apply body lotion on her, she will got little red red dot on the body and leg tat's y i ask them not to apply..
Heniz one huh... the teacher also recommend me tis leh... hmm should ask from my PD in July when Xin Ru go for jab... ai ya.. she not everytime so good one ok.. she got her tanturms one... sometimes she drink abt 120 she will stop and fuss leh.. then got to pat and sayang her then she guai guai finish... headache also... haha the hor i realised something leh.. hehe in actual fact hor, Xinru is drinkin at an interval of 4-4.5 hours.. hehe not 5-5.5 hrs... haha then in infant care she drinks ard 4hrs interval of 190-200.. hehe what a mummy i am... cannot even remember tis... hehe

koli: hehe i agree w violet leh.. hehe at least ur hubby will make fun and later pacify u.. some hubby dun be bother to make fun of wife one.. and yucks. life so boring.. hehe
Hi Mummies.. good morning... what a wonderful weather to sleep in.. hehe

Anyway, a update of pics i have receive
1. Keagan - Irene
2. Jayden - Bbcutie(takin the 1st pic)
3. Ethan - Stella (revised pic)
4. Ryan - Bulomum

The closin date for submission is on 23rd June 2006.
I am giving yujie Heniz cereal, cos no sugar added. But I am not sure is it Rice or Wheat type? (Blur mum here)
I was told we (bb with sensitive skin) by PD, should give bb cereal made of rice instead of wheat.

My boy has taken to the spoon. Nowadays, when he can't finish his milk, he will still drink it, if it's from the spoon! Ai yoh, he wants us to spoonfeed him!

Whenever he didn't wanna drink my precious EBM, I'll have to feed him with spoon. So ma fan.
Hi mummies,
Thinks some of you started feeding your bb solids liao rite? 4 mths can start eating rite? what you mummies feeding?

About the gathering on 24th, can someone let me know the details? thanks..

I agree with violet and Amanda, u very chio leh..

Where is Dr Saw's clinic? My niece used to go to this pd at Upper thomson, Austrialian Clinic. also very good with kids.. but i dont remember his name.
My PD says if my boy does not reject milk, can delay solid till he is 6mths old. If he is rejecting milk can start at 4mths +.
So far I have not started, he is drinking about 150ml to 180ml every 4-5hrs. May start later.
I just started to give him 130ml every 3 hrs. If he is awake, he will always drink on time. Thot of giving him more but PD said he has shallow stomach, if feed him too much, he will vomit easily. Tat's why we increase very gradually. According to PD calculation, his weight 5.8kg *150 /no. of feeds per day (7) shld be abt 125ml.

We try to adjust his timing so his last feed is abt 12 plus to 1 am so we can sleep longer till his next feed. So envious you gals babies who can sleep thru the night without any feed.
He also falls within 25 percentile. Very jia lat

Me just bought the Heinz rice cereal too. Shld we add into the milk or just spoon him huh.
Hi gals,

I have also started my boi on Heinz rice cereal. Think he likes it, never complain leh. Any one has the feeding schedule for 4-6mths babies?
Ya lor, lucky my hb and I are late sleepers or else will have to wake up again after 1-2 hrs sleep very xin ku.

5.8kg only at 4 mths exactly. He is born on 9 Feb. Wonder how come he is so light when he drinks on time regularly
mtan: u and hubby small small size one is it?? maybe is chi bu fei one la... hehe but as long as he is healthy is ok lor... hehe 1 day younger than Xin Ru...

U r right. Both of us are small size, not very tall too. Worried he will not grow tall too but my mum said give him jing pu during adolescent.

Tat true, as long he is healthy, shld be more than satisfied.
re: bb wipes,

pigeon version now not so rough.. have camomile somemore.. so not to worry..

re: feed,
my girl is taking 180ml every 3 to 4 hours ley.. i slowly increase her intake from 120 to 150 now 180.. mashy advise me to feed her more now as 4 months onwards they won t take in too much liao.. for nytes, she will wake up and then go back to sleep by herself( how i know i spy on her at nyte sometimes)she will only wail if she s hungry.. but that is usually after 6 am.. her last feed is usually at 10 to 11 pm..

re: sick,
elly is also sick.. eye infection, cough and flu.. hopefully will get better soon so i can t join you all for the gathering.. if not sure kenna from you all one.. i organiser i dun go..
<font color="ff0000">Mashy</font>
I have got a friend whose son never drink milk from the bottle. Instead, he drinks milk thru the spoon!! Aiyo.. very very mafan u know. Becos the child does not want to suck thru the bottle, then my fren no choice fed him thru the spoon. After tat, it became a habit. And he has been drinkg milk via the spoon, till recently, about 2.5 YO. Now he is drinking via a straw. So pls do not make it a habit lor.
I am letting Ethan drink 160ml every 3 hrs leh is it too much or too little? Cuz when i feed him 180ml he like finishes it all but then shortly after spit out liaoz....
girls here s are the details for the gathering..

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : 9 pasir ris drive 4 #04-11 The Esparis Singapore 519462
Contact Carol or me for more info..


May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
Feza + bb
Ling + bb + son
Von + bb + hb
Carol + bb + hb + son
Violet + bb
Mindy + son + daughter + bb + maid
Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
sally + bb
ilim + hb + bb
koli + bb (hb tentative)
Bulomum + bb + hb
Bochap + bb + hb
Sunshinekid + bb + son + maid
Jappooh + bb
ivory + bb


Fried Hong Kong Bee Hoon
Curry Chicken with Potatoes
Fish Fillet with Lemon Sauce
Braised Beancurd with Mushrooms
Fried Spring Roll
Fried Chicken Ngoh Hiang
Longan Almond Jelly

I have ordered for 25 pax.. so we will calculate from there.. and if there are food balance, we will like usual ta bao home ok?
Hi gals

My gal starts on semi-solid for the past 2 weeks.
Here's her schedule :

7am-120ml FM
10am-120ml FM
12pm-Mashed Porridge (easily swallowed, 4 tablespoons)
1pm-120ml FM
4pm-120ml FM
6pm-Mashed Porridge (easily swallowed, 4 tablespoons)
7pm-120ml FM
10pm-120ml FM (last feed, all the way to nx morn)

Mashed porridge (cooked with vege+carrot+minced meat, grind until very very fine)

Actually, chloe drinks very little..oni 720ml per day..as compared to the rest of your babies. But PD says her weight is fine, 50% percentile and she is quite tall.
mummies, just to add on to the bb contest ya... since we are using yahoo photo, u can put in description also ya... for those who have submitted, can just email me the things u wanna me to add...

If Ethan spit out after feeding 180ml, it means the milk is too much for him

Jayden is also drinking 160ml every 3 hrs.

Wah, Elly can drink 180ml already. Don't thk my boy can drink that much. Anyway he is already overweight so still ok to drink 160ml.

Oh dear. Elly also sick. Very heart pain to see bb falls sick at such tender age.

Jayden falls sick the 1st time after 4 mths. Should hv gotten it from Belvia because we don't bring him out and no one at home is sick except Belvia.

You hv to take care also. Because you may got from Elly if you are weak.

Semi-solid food
Will be starting Jayden with rice cereal soon. Have bought the Heinz Rice Cereal. My mum also bought a pumpkin. Will also feed him pumpkin porridge. Will start him with lunch first.

BB wipes
I already bought the pigeon new packaging wipes but have yet to use it.
