(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


she will drink till bout 120 then she will stop then half hour later will continue to finish.. i also amaze that she can drink that much..

Your Ethan like my boy so greedy hor, want to drink so much then cannot take it, hahaha. Jerry got shallow stomach, onli 120ml every 3hrs. He is 4.5mths. Sometimes, he will also vomit after feed even when he drinks so little.

Your Elly can drink a lot, considering she is one of the youngest. So she sure become pui pui.
i think she now also pui pui liao.. doc advise to let her take solids now since she s always hungry.. so i m starting on cereals maybe tomorrow or something..
U all make me float in the sky liao hahaha.... xie xie...

Most of the states in US need to pay tax n their tax varies from state to state, N.Y is one of teh state tht has the highest tax.

Dumex step 2:
For mommies giving their bb dumex mamex gold, had call the nutri-line to chk whether bb shd chg to step 2. They says if bb is doing well wif solid then no need to chg to step 2 can continue wif step 1 but if bb don't take solid tht well then can give step 2 cos it got higher nutrients n proteins.

They oso have the 1 time promo for the step 2, it's $20.80 per tin n can call the nutri-line to order. The no. is 18002563188
i think they also give 1 tin free if u buy 1, 2, or 4 tins ( cant remember). the sales lady fr dumex told me this. But this is for 1st time purchase only.
hi gals...
pardon my shaky hands cos i dun hv scanner.. these weaning examples r from some of d materials i dunno how come appear in my room :p

** First Food by Dr Miriam Stoppard **

** SGH 1996 **
Hi gals,

thanks. I feel much better after hearing wat you gals say.

Hi jasminesym,
elvin also 4.5mths drinking 120ml only.

Hi gals,
actually i dun wan to give Elvin the rice cereal so but because he dun take much milk so we give loh. I add the rice cereal into his milk.

hi Fexa,
Elvin now having cough, phlegm and running nose. Hope he get well be sat. If not i cant go for the gathering liao. If i really cant go i still will pay for the food.
Hi mummies,

This is my 1st entry in this forum (or for that matter, any forum), so I'm a bit anxious and excited. hehe.
I've been spending the past few nights just reading the last bits of this thread... and I'm finally done!

Violet Blaze:
You mentioned earlier that your PD says if your boy does not reject milk, can delay solid till he is 6mths old.
You mean its normal for babies to reject milk at this stage? My boy Ian has been cranky and fussy this past week. He cries and stops drinking at the slightest noise. Has anyone had the same experience? Any advice?
I mix BM(day) and FM(night), and have been doing so for the past 2 mths without any problems. I've also experimented with FM in the day. He still fusses after approx. 60ml.

Ian was born on the 17th Feb, which makes him 4mths old now. I've just weighed him today. He's now 7.58kg and 65cm tall. A bit overweight hor... :p

After reading so much abt adorable Reyes and beautiful Irene, I can't wait to see their pics! Is there somewhere I can logon to view the pics? I'd love to take a look at all the other cute babies too.
i will reached at about 2 plus after my husband function ok? please wait for me hor..
eye infection is cause by eye duct blocked? it's very common in bb, noel got it quite often, PD did not give him eye drop for his eyes instead asked me to press gently at the end of the eye near the nose. u know where or not? after pressing will help to unblock. u may wan to try.
HB can make fun lah but not too often. very sian of everytim kena disturb.
Noel lately keep regurgitate milk leh. a bit lah but practically every feed. nowadays only drink about 120 ml every 4 hours leh... dunno is it cos PD said he a bit over weight then he control... haiz... just like me, when my hb says i am fat, i try to eat less. anyone like me, still got 5 kg that cannot be removed? sian...
Solid food - cereal
so good, so many of u started cereal, Dr Saw said noel got sensitive stomach cant start till 6 months... haiz... envy u all, can start so fast.
bulma, i will sms u Dr Saw's add on tuesday. dun go this week, his clinic closed till this fri. u may want to go on sat... think he went for holidays
Hi mummies,

I'm new in this forum... thks to sunshinekid.
My girl was born in 3rd feb06 n wonder any mummy lives near shunfu rd?

Thank u.
Jobless mama/ Elsie Tan
Maybe you guys want to PM me your details so that i can update in the contact list
Let me have you name, age, bb's name, birth weight, current height/weight, type of diaper, type of formula, caretaker and the area you stay
last but not least. Welcome

i also tempted to buy from the children's spree ha ha give me some time to browse through okie hee hee :p
<font color="ff0000">Ilim</font>
Don't be shy lah, u are really pretty mah. But I am sure all mummies here are pretty too. Just that u are the only one I have met so far.
Oh. the reason why I am asking about the tax is that I was doing some calculations. Say if I see something from the web and get my friend to buy for me, I still need to impute the exchange rate + abit of tax right? I am thinking if the pdt is worth buying after all.

<font color="ff0000">Joblessmama</font>
Don't mention it. Good to see u here! Welcome!

<font color="ff0000">Elsie</font>
Welcome too! Wow, ur baby is quite big hor. I have a baby gal who is born on 7 Feb.

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
I can't open up the link of the Children's place website leh. It says got firewall. Maybe my IT blocked :p
welcome elsie and joblessmama.

actually, many of the bbies in this forum had reduced milk intake when they are around 2-4 mths old. My gal last time not like that so I din know can happen to my boy now and when I read so many bbbies like that then it's normal la. So long as bb still cry, eat, sleep, pee &amp; sh*t then ok la. Maybe your bb has 'wind' so try burbing him more?

Someone(sorry mummies, I can't remember who liao) posted that the PD says that when the bb reaches twice the birth wgt, then will self regulate their milk intake so may not be drinking as much as before.
Hi girls
I got one uzap for sale. Brand new. Selling for $240 cuz i got it at 10% discount.Actually got it for one of my friend but because she cannot wait so she went to buy her own already. Interested pls PM me. Think the retail price is $268
i never use my oto trimax liaoz but i realised i lost weight effortlessly leh...think with time slowly the fats will be gone hee hee :p you want to buy the zap zap from me ah? it's brand new....
Hi Ivory,
i try to give Elvin the cereal mix with a bit of milk and he doesnt wan it. Can just use water to mix the cereal?

I add the cereal into the milk so it is more filling and i dun get too worry if he didnt take milk after 4 hrs.

yes yes i received. and got the change of size as well but i'm still waiting response. so far not so good.

think now only got
1. jasjas
2. feza
3. gingerale (maybe)
4. oscarsem (keen)
5. etelle (maybe)
6. me

i consolidate the confirmed ones first then maybe i ask in marketplace if got anyone wants to be included.

Can. But my boy hates it. He only wants it with milk.

I think you should try a few more times. Sometimes it's just that he's not used to the taste. My boy started out rejecting it too. But after a while, he loves it.

You should start off being very watery, i.e. majority milk, less cereal so that he can get used to the spoon and practise eating and swallowing. Solids requires a diff way to swallow.
Hi mashy,

Elvin like to spoon just that when he taste the milk he dun wan the cereal liao. So i am thinking of using water instead of milk loh. When i give him the apple he like it.

Elvin problem is the milk not cereal. i find that he prefer the milk with added cereal than just plain milk lei. Funny dunno why.
We can give egg yolk starting from 6MO but not egg white. Egg white can only be introduced after 1YO. But then again, I wont start my kid on any eggs till she is nearly 1YO. She will have a whole life time to eat eggs! :p

Weet Weet! Hmm.. lost weight liao huh? Good leh, how did u do it? I am taking my ACV+honey every nite, helps to lose weight also. But I need something to firm up the tummy instead. No lah, not buying the Uzap, cos my MIL has OTO. Now praying hard that she lose interests in it quick, then I can borrow.
How much order do you need for this spree? I am also tempted... been spending so much ever since if discovered the Marketplace! So addicted i even organised an opi spree myself! heehee! Is children's place on par with Gap/Old Navy?
What is ACV+honey? Hai... i also need to lose the flab at the tummy area.. see liao very sad.. got to keep it under cover.
I guess its alrite lah, so long elvin is eating &amp; drinking well.

Chloe has the same prob as Elvin, she dun really like milk, dats y her intake is oni 120ml.But she eat well wif porridge. Maybe they like to be spoonfeed with semi-solid now.

Chloe &amp; Elvin share the same Bdae, dats y they both same pattern..same amount of milk intake too..hahaha =P
Hi jasjas,
maybe loh loh. I hope that he drink and well loh. I havent start the porridge yet. But can see that he prefer spoonfed.

Maybe they same birthdate that why hor. Hee..Hee
Since we are on the topic of weaning and starting on solids, I find these 2 books very informative:
1) The Super Baby Food book by Ruth Yaron
2) The Contented Little Baby Book of Weaning by Gina Ford.

Both are quite useful, as they also teach u ways of preparing puree and storage. And also foods that can and cannot be introduced and at what age.
Slowly introduce solids to him rather than all milk in every feed, he sure like it.

Last mth, I "kay khang" go &amp; increase her milk intake to 160ml...she spits out quite alot. So wasteful oso...then I reduced back to 120ml every 3 hr.She has been drinking this amt since 2 mths old.
OIC. It's the glass bottle with yellow label? Any idea if bf mum can drink that? Thought vinegar might affect taste of BM so i avoided vinegar too. But i love vinegar!

My gal at 4months old is still taking milk only... dun have plans to wean her yet till 6 months old. Read that it is better to start after 6 months so that they would not develop food allergy that easily. But it's also because my bb has got sensitive skin so I am skeptical abt introducing to her that early.
Re: dry skin
My girl's getting pretty dry skin, prob bcoz she sleeps in aircon room with us. Is the gaia moisturiser really good for this?

Havent really started her on solids yet, other than on the day she turned 4mths old, then she had all sorts of stuff as per chinese custom. Bought durian the other day and let her suck, she was so curious and surprised at the new flavour
Luckily after tt still took milk despite the sweetness of the durian. She's currently taking 120-140ml every 3-3.5 hours. brought her to IL's the otehr day n the maid said bb thinner, made me feel bad, but hb say bb no thinner. She still regurgitating after meals, so I suppose she's getting enuff? Still peeing n pooing everyday as per normal
welcome all mummies =) have fun here with us

stella, yr fren v bad bad bad hor hahahahha u dun mk us eyes red lah EFFORTLESSLY lose weight!

i got used uzap for a week and lose 0.5kg n tummy can see got smaller but i stopped after dat for some personal reason. will resume when i can again =p
the nutri line number you provided at 1800-256-3188 not in use. I want to call them for advice on how to switch my gal to partial FM so that she won't throw up like the last time. Or any gals have the ABBOTT hotline?

hmm... ya loh, i also think ur fren bad bad

i've never ordered from children's place before so i'm not sure of the quality and service.

i dont really have a cap now so i'll place orders as soon as i think got enough to share out and pay less shipping cost but not too many to have GST incurred.
ok, coz i have not heard of children's place until some of the mummies in the marketplace asked abt organisng one. I will go thru tonight and email you my orders if i am keen.

btw, can someone advise how i can go to the yahoo network tat you gals created where i can submit photo for the contest... sorry, i was dreaming while you gals was talking about it.
I only zap once nia...hahahaha... Lazy
So can't see result...

Wah EFFORTLESSLY... that's a good word... How I wish I can too but I have to control my diet to do so. I cut down a lot of carbo intake. Eat till 70% full only.

But still there is flab (shang chen rou) at the tummy area when sit down leh.... How to reduce that huh?? Does exercise really helps??? Needs a lot of toning leh....
bbcutie/ bulma/ sunshinekid
i think it's like it will lose off by itself lor....but has to take long long time lah if i exercise or what maybe can see better result hee hee :p
Hello..just kaypoh abit..if you want to view children's place clothing, u may pop by at marina square...there's a shop selling this brand..is beside kiddy palace. I bought the polo dress for my gal..anyway is made in china :)..the price is ard $16.

just for information..

Hi Koli,
can i have Dr Saw contact and clinic address also.
Elvin cough also didnt recover after seeing the PD.

Hi mashy,
just now my MIL try mix the rice cereal with water instead of milk. Elvin love it but he dun like watery one he like abit thicker.
