(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Wow!! Nowadays virus so scary....
I seldom bring Jayden out. Only plan to bring him out after he turns 1.

Not I Or Sim instead I Kia See. Better be safe than sorry.

Mashy and summer, u sahm? total bf? For my #2, I total bf her and from 1mth she refused bottles and alas from then on, I need to bring her wherever I went cos she only wanted breasts and I bf her for 4yrs. This time round for my #3, I only nurse one time and the rest give ebm. But then at one point he also refused bottles thou I only nursed once a day. That whole week he cried and cried for breasts but no choice I don't give, just express out for him.

I notice that nursing baby will treat our nipples as pacifier esp at nites.
Oh dear, poor Lim and her baby, Chloe. I hope Chloe recovers soon. It's always heartache for the parents, esp mummy, when our child is sick.

Talking about bringing baby out, I am so guilty of that. Every Sunday, I will bring maid + Annika + my elder son out since 10.30am. Because my son attends gym class so no choice,got to bring baby along. I dun trust my maid to be alone with her at home. Then my baby will follow us everywhere we go, eg, hawker centre, market, etc. Oh dear..
Nope, i'm not SAHM. Yes, TBF. I also bf her for more than 2 months, no bottles. Then when i return to work and tried to give her the bottle, she cry like mad... then give her my breasts she ok liao. Then got to slowly train her, see her cry so heartpain. But no choice, gotta return to work. I very scared to give her my breast, coz she will reject bottle even though the frequency of me bf direct is not high. So in the end, I gave her Total EBM to solve the problem. But now got another problem, she din latch on direct, i feel my supply not that good.

You good ah, can BF your #2 for 4 years! Pei fu!

Yes, they will treat our nipples as pacifier. But now i give my bb my breasts, she dun wan liao
oh no.. poor chloe.. hope she gets well soon... it's v stressful and taxing and scary for us when we see our bb sick sick.

i also guilty. alway bring jarren go shopping cos i wanna go shopping.
Hello mummies, i got a few mummies who have yet to vote... can let me know if u are voting soon?? if not can just drop me a email or sms to tell me who u wanna vote ya... cause the rest of the mummies very eager to know the results... hehe

1. Ah May
2. Bulomum
3. Elfstar
4. Fan
5. Jasminesyn
6. Mashy
7. Vonvon78

if u have sent me liao please let me know k...

Thank u....
to joyce and chloe, so sorry to hear that chloe isn t feeling well.. i admit i bring elly everywhere i go.. to market, shopping wherever wnd whenever kind coz i have no one else to depend on..

amanda let me know the result k?? then i can email the mummy the cert.. but i do simple simple one ok??
Lim, i hope Chloe is recovering soon. Do update us her progress.

I do bring Corinne out shopping but not always, cause got no energy. just bring her somewhere nearby.
take it easy... you will be ok after awhile. At first, i also like you have separation anxiety. Cried after sending corinne to nanny. Now, Corinne like her so much and always smile when i send her there. So i feel she in a good hands.

My little corinne now like to stand and jump. She doesn't like to lie down on the bouncer anymore. So i think i can keep the bouncer away liao.
hi all,
i created yahoogroup for us lah.. more convenient to share files/photos/links in there.

and since u all like the monthly contest idea, i've uploaded the pics of the 1st one so easier to see since the email attachment a bit heavy.

can create polls there too.. so i tried it for the contest. cannot cheat one cos every member can vote once. convenient! you can create polls for the next contests and mommies can upload their babie's pics themselves.

Hi Etelle,
Pls update yujie's info as of today, she went for her 2nd jab of 5-in-1 :

Wgt : 6.97kg
hgt : 61.5cm

See YJ didn't grow much leh, still short also leh.

U take care also leh. Let us know Chloe's progress leh!

Re: nite feed
Today I asked PD abt cutting nite feed, she said, is a habit thing, jus cut the FM powder amt, then bb will be sianz to wake up for milk liao. She said now YJ abt 5mth liao, can start to feed her cereal liao, but bcos of her sensitive skin, she need to take rice cereal but NOT wheat one...
LIM -sounds like viral rash. must b hard on u. my son kanna b4, jus 2 mths back. take care.

stella - daphne is now 6.49 kg at 4mo, we all forgot to measure her length, btw her birth wt is 3.25kg. thks!
Me oso always bring keagan go out leh, sometimes stay at home so boring n some more hb comes back wan to go out wif him so have to bring keagan along too.

Anyone wan to share dumex mamil gold wif me??

Violet, let me noe when u coming in case i'm out. I'll calculate n sms u.
hi mummies ,

Thank you .... chloe just got fever again at 9pm ... so worry on her fever ..decided to go for sec advise . Hope she can get well soon ..
She spead the rashes to me...my hand now super itchy , i think she will be more itchy then me ..poor her ..

Wendy ,
how u treat ur son viral rash ...pls advise???

Thanks for updating .... Hope ethan get well on his milk rash too...

BB sick or getting rashes is a big problem for mummy...

u still can go out shopping with ur bb la ... wat my doc say is don't contract with other children if they r sick or just flu... bcos our bb still young , so when they get sick might very diff to recover ...
oh dear! poor Chloe. think she got same virus as noel two months back. can u check whether the skin like got spots.what i mean is normally we see a bit of blood colour on the skin, is her skin having spots?what's her temperature. cannot take too many dosage of paracetomol,will affect the liver. do u have that kind of cold cushion pack at home?the type that has liquid in it? if fever past 38.5,maybe u wanna put her in cold cushion to bring down the fever.if u wanna sponge,use water direct from tap,dun out ice water hor...
bring ur gal for blood test see what kinda of virus. maybe u wan to do a bacteria culture test? virus still ok bacteria takes longer time to recover. got diarrheo not?
mine took 6 WEEKS to recover.
Sally: some questions on the webby ya...

1. can the webby be view as a public profile? cause some mummies dun wanna it to be exposed to the public for viewing ya...

2. will the number of votes be show?

last nite i spoke to Stella and was discussing that i create a yahoo photo album then as usual mummies send me the pic and i upload then once all done it will be open for vote then mummies email me their votes....
Main concern is dun wan it to be open to public for viewing and dun wanna mummies to see the number of votes before all submit....

you are now working still can afford to bring him out everyday ah?You very steady mummy leh hee hee.

Ethan's milk rash is very mild one think moisturise more often and then clean afetr every spit will be fine. You really ought to bring Chloe to see a pd again ask for a second opinion how come fever so long then not totally recovered.

what should we stand by at home and prepare in case bb got fever ah? Cool pack, where to buy ah Koli??? and then can we use those to insert into the anus one ??
the bullet type to insert one can only be used if above 38.5(i think) and cannot be used with brufen and also not too often 'cos not good for the kidney(or liver?).
Anyway ask the PD for specific details if you getting some to stand by. My gal used that 2 yrs ago and only during one of her high fever.

Otherwise, normal Para and Brufen will do. But cannot use them concurrently, can only use 1 after another in about 2-3 hrs interval.
I also hv some in the fridge but hor that time I put on gal she dun like it 'cos too cold suddenly.

If it's fm jab then usually 1-2 days shd go down liao. If it's viral fever it is normal that it lasts 3-5 days.
think u do back ur usual easier.....if not we hv one additional tool to log on to..we barely hv time for forum and msn liaoz for those working mummies...so dun think another tool will help them..

1. the group is set to private. not only the photos are private but even our messages. so can gossip.. kidding.

2. the polling also got options which i have set it in a way the results dont show after votes are casted. if want to show also can.. got options one. very user friendly.

for the 1st contest, i've already uploaded the pics in "the most chubby and adorable baby contest" album. ive extracted the pics from your excel file. for future contests, maybe good to do the same way to keep it neat as in to create a specific album for a different contest. every album created also got option whther only moderator can upload or all members can upload. so if you choose all members, can save you the trouble of receiving pics from everyone who wants to take part and having you to upload them every pic one by one.
the group setting is set to private so if you havent sign up and you go to the link, you'll see that all the section on the left is not clickable. have to log on then you can go to

Messages - where everyone can post messages
Chat - not activated
Files - upload files to share among members
Photos - members can create albums and upload photos
Links - members can post and share links. i've already posted a bunch.
Database - can create tables for members to enter info. Ive already created one contact list and another monthly baby updates.
Polls - Not just for baby contest but members can also create polls to do survey and get other members' opinions
Calendar - can enter activities on specific dates. Ive entered 24th June gathering only.

anyway the group is just a tryout lah. like etelle said als, need to come in here, need to msn, need to email, then still got to log in yahoo group.

Mummies, so i finalised tat for the bb contest for the next theme, the changes are

1. As usual, mummies will send me the pics for the theme.
2. I will upload into yahoo photo and post the link to all mummies
3. mummies will email me who you wan to vote
4. After closin date of voting, i will 'Private' the album liao.... like tat once the theme is close, no one can view the pics liao....

As for the theme, i will do it in the way tat once i release the current result, i will ask for submission of pics, then give closing dates and if all finish votin or submitting, i will proceed liao....

Sally: so we wun be using tat yahoo group... thanks for the effort ya...
no prob..

those who have already signed up anyway can still check out the group cos i've posted links and stuff to share for spree ideas and online shopping and our member's personal links to their youtube and such. and say the pics from the gathering in future i might upload there.
I am April mum. Any gals tbf n going back to work? How do u go about adjusting bb to bottle? Progressively? How long we need b4 we start work?
Hello Mummies....

Haha been chased by a lot of mummies for the results la.... hehe

Mashy / vonvon: sorry huh... they cannot wait liao.. so tis time round go without the 2 of u votes k....
The winner for The Most Chubby and Adorable contest is finally out!!! hehe

The Winner is: Mindy's son, Reyes with a total of 10 votes...

Breakdown of the votes:
No.2 - Xin Ru (4 votes)
No.3 - Nicole (3 votes)
No 4 - Jayden / Ethan / Elvin / Jarren (all 2 votes each)

so everyone now can breath liao huh... hehe

Total voting list send out: 34
Total votes receive: 32
Number of un-voted votes: 7
Number of final votes: 25
Mummies... after releasing of the 1st Theme... Now, we are startin the 2nd Theme ya...

The Theme is:

~~~Beautiful Feature Baby~~~

Registration & Submission of Pic - By 23 June 2006

So please email it to me at the same email address [email protected]

once i receive the pics, i will upload into yahoo photo and mummies will go there to view and email me who u are voting ya...
Congratulations to Mindy and Reyes....

You will receive a cash prize of $24 from Stella and a certificate from Feza soon.

Thanks all mummies for the participation and hope u all have enjoyed urself and please participate in the comin up themes ya....
Congrats, Mindy! Reyes is really chubby!

Mummies, have anyone of you experienced FM rejection by your bb? Just now my bb threw up coz today my BM not enough and mum feed her a bit of Similac. The last time i gave her Similac, she also threw after a few hours. It's really vomit that kind loh, then after vomitting she very sleepy. Reject FM will like that one huh? I tot at most a bit of diarhoea? Any advice?
Hi gals,

long time never come in liao. Just got back from Paris/Vienna this morning. Followed hb on biz trip. Had a good break without the kids, hehehe.... Sorri, miss the contest, will join in next time....

Read about Chloe, izit false measles as what old folks called it. But can spread to hand, might be some skin problem?

Welcome to the club! I am sahm and 3 kids too! But I much older leh, 33 liao. 8, 6 and 3.5mths. Tell me more abt baking, I got an oven, but I am very bad at baking things, so far not successful leh.

The highest temp chloe had is 39. I always sponge her with tap water then KOOLPack on forehead, armpit, back n chest when she sleeping... She go for the blood test liao ...everything is fine only her white blood cell a bit low. Her rashes is like a little pimples ...
hey mummies... to add on on the new theme... u submit me the pics tat u find the feature is nice ya... no need say everything nice then send k...
Hiya, I was out today and rec'd sms fm stelle that Reyes won. Really very suprised. All babies are really very adorable. On behalf of Reyes, wanna say "tank u, tank u all the beautiful aunties out there, i dunno wat to say, just wanna say tank u many times!"
Summer, rem I told u my #2 ger bfed for 4yrs. Last time when she was a baby, 2mths old, I was away for few hrs, tried to intro fm, she just refused and she vommited. Then a few times tried but she vommited again. So the whole of one yr, she only relied on my breastmilk, no cereal, no porridge.
summer tiff could be not used to FM, think u better ask PD which FM to give the nx time u go in case in the future u wan to stop BF n chg to FM. PD noes best...
Lim - no advice to trest the viral rash. jus have to endure to let htme go away. PD cld give a med to reduce the itch. calomie (sp?) lotion might help too... u take care.... btw, hfm is worse *sigh*

summer - mayb u can try mixing bm n fm? i tried for my son but he also simply refused. also vomit. even make the vomit sound when he first dirnk n glared angrily at the milk bottle. he also weaned off from bm direct to fresh milk n uht milk at 15 mo. for my ger now havent intro fm.
<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>
Some babies may be allergic to cow's milk, that's when u have to intro soya-based milk. I am not sure, you should consult the PD yah? Not good to be vomitting so often, as she is not retaining nutrients. Take Care!!

Thanks for the advice gal, i will check with my PD on her next visit. It's really scary seeing her vomit! Hai, stressed man... not enuff MS.

did you ask PD why she is reacting that wat to FM?

Can mix BM and FM? Auntie was telling me but i was wondering how true...
