(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
The sample GAIA Smoothing Lotion seems not bad, but do u find that it's quite thick? I also cant wait to get the full size bottle. My gal has these patches of dry, reddish skin on her arms, especially near the folds. I am not sure what is that, but skin definitely not smooth lor. She does not have baby-soft skin.

<font color="ff0000">Yvonne</font>
This Calendula Cream is under the brand called California Baby. Suppose to have soothing effect on dry or eczema skin. The Desitin u mentioned, is it Desitin Creamy? The blue and yellow tube? Not many places sell.

Ya...the Desitin Creamy. You can get it from the Healthmark Clinic near our hse....But usually I will buy a tube from the PD when I brings Nicole for vacination.
talking about red patches. My boy has this on the folds leh red red ...skin dun have only the fold there red red leh? How ah apply wat? destin cream? or normal moisturiser from J &amp; J will do?
My gal dun have baby soft skin except for her arms and fingers. Yup, i find the soothing lotion thick and a bit sticky. I applied the remaining portion (coz i squeezed out too much) on my gal's leg and my bro asked me why she sticky sticky one... haha!
I have desitin cream too, used tht when keagan got rash but it doesn't works. GAIA skin soothinf lotion is gd for sensitive skin n eczema.

Ya the lotion quite thick but compared to desitin it's thinner... n i like the smell...

how many x u applied for tiff, me apply at least 3x. me will ask hb to buy the Calendula Cream when he go to LA end of this mth...
to update bb's weight and height pls send sms to me or email me...cuz if forum goes too fast i may miss ur msg...
Hi Koli,
i stay in the west how to pass it to u?

i have send u the pic.

will sms u Elvin update this thur after i bring him for his 2nd jab.
Jappooh: i got the pics le... hehe thanks ya....

Mummies, i got 6 entries liao le... some more pls.... hehe.... so happy seein the consolidated contestant.... all so lovely....
Hi mummies,
Any one of you on the Pill? I am thinkg of taking the Pill but afraid of side effects like WEIGHT GAIN.. hahahah.. Which brand is more recommended ah? My hubby is very anti-condom so I guess pill is a good alternative. I am so afraid to get pregnant!
I applied the first time and i tot the rash looks better, then i apply the 2nd time like still the same as before. I think i am not conscientous enough lah... heehee. Then last night i try again after reading your review... it is better again! So i think not too bad lah
Yes, i din massage lah... i think i cannot be lazy.
Sunshinekid: me not on pill... i actualli tot of takin but hubby say mai.. later got side effect... then i heard also will gain weight.. so i din take.. hehe... avoid danger period lor... hehe :p

Jappooh / Wendy:
Gotta transfer $$ to Etelle before 7th June ya...
if not later the winner no cash prize.. hehe
huh...take pill ah wait weight boom leh...but then like that also jialat your hubby dun want to use condom...but lai yee you want one more kid or 2 is fine liaoz?

avoiding danger period also "dangerous" leh i ehard my cousin said she got pregnant when she had sex during menses leh...so nothing is safe lor..

Yesterday i had first first run of zapping using the oto trimax and then i zap 10 mins tummy, 10 mins buttocks and 10 mins thigh ha ha :p everyday going to do it and see whether can slim down or not. Before i sleep i apply the tummy slimming cream and then wear the slimming pants ...haha all mathods thrown in and do on the same day hee....
etelle: hehe actualli its true also... ai you huh.. wan to slim must be hardworkin k.. u try doin tis every nite sure will slim one k.... jia You ya...

sunshinekid: hehe u dun wan the 3rd one liao huh...
Hi ya all mamas,

Just found out this forum and seem interesting. Can I join in the fun too? My baby is also a feb baby. He's 3mths old now.

I'm 27, a mother of 3. First one is 5yrs old boy and #2 is 4yrs old ger.
Hi Mindy

Hehe see u here liao... Welcome to the thread...
wow.. u very young leh... 27 already mother of 3... hehe plannin for any 4th one..

so u manage to understand what i email u tis morning???
Jia You... mus oso look out for ur diet leh

i'm the 1 who's anti-condom but no choice leh scare got another 1 pop out so bo bian....

hahaha... ya cannot be lazy wait tiff skin yi li yi li not nice... mus really massage the cream in lor...

welcome Mindy

etelle, i zap zap 1 week. every nite 10 mins hor then yest i weigh i lost weight 0.5kg hehe dunno is just happen to lose or it's the zap zap thing

btw, i may b MIA for nx few days.... take care, gals... will follow-up on the thread again
hiya mamas, thanks for the warm welcome. hahah amanda, #4 har, erm...tired like siao liao! aiyo can't already. Recently my back and neck hurt like mad, due to my baby's wt i guess.
Yes yes i understand yr email. Must email the pix by tomolo rite? email to u??
<font color="ff0000">Welcome Mindy</font>
Wow, you already mother of 3 at such a young age. Good to start family early actually.
What is your boy's name? Any fotos to share? Are you a SAHM? Your baby must be very chubby if you are saying that the baby's weight caused you to have neck and back ache.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Where u going ah? Will miss you..
wah, u mean the OTO Tramax really makes u slim ah? Then I must go and borrow from my MIL liao.

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
I dun mind the condom but my hb absolutely hate it.. haahah...

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Since u gg to be SAHM soon, then will have more time to zap zap when Ethan sleeps. Don't be lazy ok?
Hi Mindy,
Welcome to the FEB MTB Forum. I am oso 27, mother of 2. My boi is oso 5 yrs old n my gal is now 4 months 1 week n 3 days old.

We are having a gathering on 24 June at Carol's house...wana join us? If you are interested, please inform Feza who is the organiser for this gathering. Just let her know how many are gg coz we will be having a buffet lunch dat day..

I will send the pix to you tomolo, k.

Y u MIA for the nxt few days? U oso nvr log on to the msn...cannot chat liao huh?

My hubby oso hates condoms...I am planning for the IUD method. Most prob will do it by next month. I oso scare to be pregnant liao. Anyway going to stop at 2..
Mindy: yup.. email the pix to [email protected] and fee to etelle...

Sunshinekid/Yvonne: hehe ur hubby wan 'feel' la... hehe

Yvonne: can.. u email me tomolo bah..then u transfer $$ to etelle k... hehe Thursday i on leave so friday when i come back to office i will consolidate everything le...
How is IUD done huh?? hehe

hehe actualli me and hubby both dun like condom.. but because of not wantin another bb so fast so bo bian... hehe...
yoYo Sunshine, I don't dare upload the pixs, I scare very big cos I dunno how to resize the pixs. My bb's name is Reyes. Yes have been SAHM for 4yrs plus already. This baby is the chubbiest among my 3. My #2, is SUPER skinny.

Hi Lee Leng, thanks for inviting. but where's Carol's house?? Yr boy boy same age as my #1. 5yrs old is a really diff stage hor.

Sunshine, let me know after u done yr IUS. Wanna know painful or not. My gynae said not painful only a little uncomfortable when inserting.
Hi ilim/ sunshinekid
i will diligently zap zap away thsoe ugly fats ha ha :p....wanna slim down badly....

Those who have submitted photo to Amanda but haven't make payment pls do so by 7th of this month okie
which is tomorrow...so that our contest voting can happen on time

very young leh you...i 28+ now and then only have one baby hee hee :p....
Hi Mindy
not safe leh to reveal bank details over the net
so maybe i will email you. Perhaps you would like to send me your handphone number as well so we can update in our contact list
The IUD in done by insertion method..

Carol's hse is at Pasir Ris..You can check with feza for the exact address. Do you have the FEB MTB contact List. I can send to you, then you add your contact n send to Feza..She will then send to us the latest one.

Ya...My boi is 5 yrs old this yr. It is a big gap lor...Luckily it is a big gap...He dun get jealous, trying to seek attention. Infact, he can understands that his little sis needs more attention and he even can helps me to look after her, play n talk to her...rock her to sleep when I am busy...
Hi Amanda,
i send u a new pics. Can use that instead. Sorry for the trouble. I just took taht pic today. If too troublesome then dun change liao. Thanks.

Hi Etelle,
will transfer the $ today. will sms once is done. Thanks.
got ur transfer. Thanks.

I emailed you my accts and also attached the contact list for you

Jarren so cute...you very creative leh...
wendy, the reason i didn t send you the list is because i dun have your contact details in the list.. pls email me your details to [email protected] dun post here.. forum is being 'watched' by spammers dun wan you to risk it..

mindy, welcome to the club.. you to send your details to the above email address.. you steady man have 3 kids liao.. i can t even cope with one.. where you staying?? we have a network of SAHM here also.. i m one of them..
tis is "la piao" poster, his participating pix is another one haha u all wait for amanda's email on the pix lor... remember to vote for JARREN!!!!! =)
