(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

so fast ah? hahaha :p okie will sms you my acct. Number.

for those who are joining pls sms me and i will reply with my acct number. Pls also ntoe that bank acct is confidential so pls dun broadcast in forum. Thanks.
bbcutie: received ur pic...
stella, i also have your acct.. i think i have alot of ppl from here their acct numbers.. coz of last time BP..

amanda lemme.. like stella say you head we tail..
I also went to the fair yesterday and i find not too much people, just nice to bring bb along. Not too much of exhibitors though, the place looks sparse. But for mummies who are using NUK pdts, can get from there as it is 30% cheaper.

Once step into the hall, was asked to fill in a simple form to get a free Motherhood magazine. Then in the end spent $98 subscribing to 36 issues. But cheaper than newstand of $4.50, it's only $2.72 per copy and a lot of free gifts like a Playmat, a full size detergent and many trial size goodies. Comes with a free photography as the exhibition as well.

My gal also took part in the HSBC Most Photogenic Baby Contest, but come out not so photogenic lah! Haha... but can get to keep the pic, 5R.

Wanted to buy the sarong sling, then the lady helped me to do it on my bb and she was sleeping. She cried like dunno wat coz it's very difficult and cumbersome to use. Actually there's one couple who is really interested when she tried on the dummy baby, but after they see how my gal cried they changed their mind and walked away. That salesgirl must be damn angry with my gal... heehee.

I also saw the GAIA pdts, wanted to get it there and then to save the trouble from getting from BBLoveMe coz need to pick up but need to buy min. 2 bottles. Also, i asked her about the free moisturizer... the first day they have this promo... buy two @ $28 and get a moisturizer FREE but she said it was snapped up already.
For those mummies who are interested to submit their bb's photo for the THEME of THE WEEK. It's a registration fee of S$2 and the money will go into the pool for the prize for the winner.
Hi Mummies
Wah... so many have happened while i was away.... gosh, now we have BABY Contest. Whose idea this was? Really a great idea.

Sorry was away, work has been really busy and can't even have time to go toilet shi shi... Sianz....

I miss all the forums....and AManda, i will send you my bb picture by 7th June...

Etelle, can SMS me your account number. thnks
it's Amanda's idea...hee hee thankful we have people like that around in the forum then we can have lots of fun together hor hee hee :p
Got follow lah.. but too many postings so read in a hurry sometimes. :p

Think I will not participate in this week's theme leh. Annika so skinny ..ahhaha.. how to win Chubbiest Baby contest? :p Voting no need to pay right?

Since you are still breastfeeding, no mensus is perfectly normal. Don't worry!
summer: submit the ur Tiffany's pic for the theme of Most Beautiful Baby later lor... hehe

Venus: submit the bb pic to me at [email protected]

Sunshinekid: so u take more of annika pic then see which category she suitable for bah.. hehe and yes.. voting no need pay...
Heehee, you want to vote for Tiffany huh... thanks wor!

Tot of another interesting theme - Most Sleepy Baby. It will be very nice to have the pix of all yawning bb put together.
So in the end did u buy the gaia products?? Me oso ask them abt the free moisturiser only to 1st 60 customer n plus the 1st BP they oso give out the moisturiser... so wasted for us hor... but anyway it's still cheaper than the original price.
wun be taking part this rd cos keagan not chubby enuf...hahaha.... n sure lose to bulma's n bbcutie's 1 hehehe...

Will take part the nx one....
Nope, i din buy coz i have to get 2 bottles. Can't buy one at $14. Ya loh, the FREE moisturiser promo was really attractive.
wah... i sTAY AT MY MUM'S plc keh no access to digital cam leh... will ask my hb can do help to bring over not.

anyone hear of baby einstein DVD series? heard it is very good leh but price very steep. if i buy, my HB sure nags at me.
ilim, then i also can dun nd to participate hahah cos the winner sure is jayden hahahahah jarren cant fight haha jayden's weight is same or more than jarren but yet jayden is few weeks younger than jarren hahahah just participate for fun of it lor dun nd so serious
yeah agree just join for fun lor and the thing is u never know mah jayden may be most chubby what if people choose like face chubby or chubby + adorable ha ha
voting is like that u never know who will win one hee hee
Who noes maybe both Jarren n Jayden get the same votes hahaha...

I mus go find one tht keagan look chubby 1 lor...
etelle: sorry huh... jsut now in meetin so no reply ur sms... i tink tis time round start w 1 theme lor...

bul: agree w u... hehe

hmmm i tink we change the theme to chubby and adorable baby?? dun compare la.. if ur bb pics looks chubby and adorable then just send lor... hehe if wan to like tat compare huh.. then every theme there are bound to have some 'mine not like tat..' kind of thinkin la... then will haf lesser ppl to be involve liao... hehe who knows not the most chubby one will win leh.... :p
The main reason of tis contest to get all mummies of tis forum to be involve lor... hehe My xinru also not very chubby ah... but i am submittin cause her tat pic looks chubby... know what i mean.... hehe
*but of course la... i cant force u all to take part if u dun wan to la....* hehe
Yeah mummies i agree with Amanda
The bb contest thingy is done for us to like have fun. Go and take pictures of bb in their most chubby state ha ah or "act chubby" also can...hee hee some chubby not cute some adorably but little chubby. Everyone's perception is different. So everyone stands a chance ha ha
And come to think of it we originally just want plain fun with no prize and everyone alrady so keen so now we have alittle prize to it shoudl entice everyone further right? hee hee :p
Hi amanda, i will go and search my pics then email u back maybe will be next wk.

Hi koli,
yup mine is teh new one. Didnt use before. How much u wan to buy? How i am going to pass to u?
mummies pls let me have bb's birth weight....

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob</TD><TD>Birth Wt</TD><TD>Wt/ Ht</TD><TD>Type of Diaper</TD><TD>Type of FM</TD><TD>Caregiver</TD><TD>Address (Area) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>1-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/59cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Jarren</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>7.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Butterfly123</TD><TD>Le Le</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>6Kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol 21 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Ah May</TD><TD>Sam/Ray</TD><TD>13-Jan-2006</TD><TD>1.9kg/2.3kg</TD><TD>6.4kg,5.8kg/60cm</TD><TD>NTUC(Day)/ Nepia(Night)/ PP(Gng Out)</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma/Maid</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Bochap (Siewlng)</TD><TD>Yu Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.77kg</TD><TD>6.18kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Huggies/Pet(Day)Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>Zi Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.96kg</TD><TD>6.7kg/ 64cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.5kg</TD><TD>5.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>24-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.45kg</TD><TD>5.15kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.63kg</TD><TD>6.0kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PP/ Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3.32kg/ 50cm</TD><TD>Mamo poko(Day)Pureen(Night) pampers(go out)</TD><TD>Friso Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bishan </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>2.65kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/65cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma (Fm 5th June)</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>3.32kg</TD><TD>7.1kg/60cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko/Drypers/PetPet/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>5.9kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Babycutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>8.09kg/ 64 cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.8kg</TD><TD>5.8kg</TD><TD>Nappy (Day) Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.2kg</TD><TD>6.6kg/64cm</TD><TD>PP/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.89kg</TD><TD>6.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Friso 1 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.86kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 59cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Pet Pet</TD><TD>Similac/ Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>Drypers</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Carebear (Carol)</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4.43kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.46kg</TD><TD>5.8kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.67kg</TD><TD>7.18kg/ 66 cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.81kg</TD><TD>5.7kg/63.5cm</TD><TD>Drypers(Day)PP(Night)</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Infant Care</TD><TD>Sengkang West </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>mtanlove</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>2.51kg</TD><TD>5kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>PetPet/Mamy Poko/ PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.38kg</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maid/ Childcare</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>5.55kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Nepia (Day) PP (Night)</TD><TD>TBM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.34kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Tanjong Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.53kg</TD><TD>9kg/ 70cm</TD><TD>PP/ Huggies</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>UK </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.11kg</TD><TD>6.8kg/62.5cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.26kg</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pet Pet/ Sealer</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>West Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.03kg</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Japanese Brand</TD><TD>Friso</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.17kg</TD><TD>4.4kg/55cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Marsilling </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>3.14kg</TD><TD>5.6kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Drypers, Pampers, Huggies</TD><TD>Dutch Lady</TD><TD>Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>5.1kg/ 56cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4+kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Fitti</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
U can get the VCD version of Baby Einstein. It is much cheaper.

Voting is just for fun mah. Jayden may not win althou he is the "fattest"... hahahaha....
mashy post the pic that caeden took at expo ley... i haven got round to scanning after scan i post here..

my girl not chubby enough la.. i think i will pass..
can help me update? Xin Ru is 6.5kg/61.5 cm at 3.5mths. Thanks

haha, i was worrying she not getting enuff to drink, then doc said she's almost overweight, she's now at the 90th percentile. Just had her first 5-in-1 jab, so keeping a watch out for fever. Gave her one dose of paracetemol, hope she will be ok. Went polyclinic to do it, the entire course is $294. Thot it was free....silly me
OUr thread is very active through weekdays and when weekend comes it is very quiet in here hee hee :p Seems like all mummies are making use of their precious time to be with their littles ones
i have updated will update the chart again on Tuesday

Mummies i think i do a 2 time updating...one week once seems too long to wait liaoz hee :p if you girls dun mind i will revised to posting once on Tuesday and once on Friday. How about it?


i need comfirmation on the gathering.. pls add yr names for those who re coming.. and pls indicate whether you wan to have lunch or not.. here's the listing again..

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb + hb
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb
14. Bochap + bb + hb
