(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hi mindy,

can send me Reyes' pic for collage? PM me for email address and dont resize the pic. faster faster!

professor, dont wanna send your baby pic ah?

koli, yours how?

Yohoo Sally, I just pte message u for yr email addrses. What's collage har??

Blur blur mindy now...

Yooo Feza, where's u staying? I'm staying at Kranji, bet woodlands and cck. Many sahms here??? Can arrange go out jalan jalan hor!!!
Hi mindy i'm a SAHM but me staying in Punggol but can be arrange to meet in town mah...
I oso staying in Punggol.

I oredi send the pix for the contest liao...u rec'd?

I hvnt done the transfer leh...Will do it today by evening, paiseh...
hi everyone long time no post liao cos returned to school one week b4 holidays and got arrow lotsa things to do and especially to look into discipline cases. haiz... nowadays kids quite naughty leh, can come out with things to sell to others at higher price and p4 know how to extort money liao. headache! sat through 9am to 5pm meeting with my P on monday!tired!think sch reopen will have to conduct detention class every recess...

welcome!wah... 3 kids! pei4 fu2 u! like the rest, 1 already cannot handle.

my hb haven bring the digital cam for me so i give it a miss this time round.

wah! jarren really very photogenic leh! does he look more like u or daddy? hee... no taking part can vote not?

hmmm... i try ask my hb to email u, still no access to things cos i dun wan to go back to my in laws plc sian... my BIL getting ROM jun 18 but i am not going, headache to see them.

u zap really got use huh? let me know the results k? i still got 4 kg more to go. can wear S-M old tops liao but bottom still cannot fit in. haiz!

noel running a fever after first 5 in 1 jab. he very sway leh, first jab can have fever. mostly i heard first jab seldom fever leh so any bb got fever after first jab?

can update noel 15 weeks 7 kg 63 cm. PD said noel got big head leh but i look at my friend's bb born in mar head bigger than noel leh! heard big head no good leh

the gathering still on right? my hb and me can go!
If Noel got a fever for the first 5 in 1 jab, you have to take note oredi even for the second jab. My PD says that abt 5-10% of the children will have fever..after KK had done the survey.
finally finally my 3 kids oink liao...koli, u are teacher har??? I very headache my boy boy turning 7 soon and headahce dunno can get into the school i want or not. Cos my area here, NO schools near at all. Scare can't get in, later MOE simply give a school then chiam liao...

yes yes ilim sure sure, can arrange to go town. But must wait till school reopens for my elder 2, then i can go out in the afternoon w/o them hahah...

oh koli, regarding the big head, I never hear negative sides on it before but all positives and somemore from 2 paed who told me that. Cos my #2, head a little big and paeds told me she's smart! hahaha more brain cells??
wat's ur blk? me at punggol field 102...

can no prob... me got alot of time... hehe... was telling etelle me will bring bb for + bb or yoga class at babies n cream, if u can maybe we can sign up together...
Lots of stuff happening in forum
My home PC has gone bonkers again, so now using school laptop to go online. Hope can save the hard drive coz most of bb's photos are there! sim tia if all gone. Learnt lesson liao, will burn all onto CD regularly

amanda n etelle
i'll give this first round a miss, but will vote
haha, jarren is so cute!
Hi girls
wow long long postings....miss this for a day and then you have alot to catch up.

Went Healthzone with my students today. Fun. haha always enjoy outing with the students.

Kids are getting smarter hence explain naughtier and they are encouraged netreprenurship so they also know buy cheap sell expensive ha ha...very hard to handle hor. teaching used to be very rewarding and good job but now it seems evry tough, stress and.....sigh...
buy from Cheong Choon. One packet only $8.50 instead of the usual $9.95 and if you buy $100 and above worth of products will ahve free delivery
Mine is oredi to the end liao....Punggol Drive 642

oooo...izzit.Quite common. Most of her clothes are passed down by the brother...all blue n white. So i bought a few pink ones for her..kekeke
My bb now 9 weeks old. I really getting abit stress with my baby! She doesn't wanna nap in the day for quite some time already n if we manage to, she only sleep 10-30 min. Esp now to make her sleep more, we carry alot n she sometimes fall asleep on us. But when wanna put her down on bed, she wake up n cry. Take ages to calm her. Any tips? If dun sarong how?
Hi ilim,

u know the schedule for the baby yoga at babies n cream? if timing is good then i can join you. I used to bring my 2 elder 2 kids for yoga when they were much younger. My fren is a yoga instructor. Yoga can be very very fun for kids!

Me facing the same problem as you. My boy coming to 4 mths this fri. Since last week, he doesn't take naps in the pm, the most is 20 min to 30 min. During eve, he will start to be cranky and fussy and fall asleep after that. He can sleep thru the whole night but will be awake around 4-5am after feed which is tiring for me and my hb.

My MIL said she needs to cook at that time and my baby needs her attention. According to his age, he shld sleep at least 15-16 hrs but he is lesser than that. Worried my affect his development.
My niece who is taken care by my MIL face the same problem, doesnt like to take naps. I am afraid my MIL is not experienced in taking care of kids cos my mother doesnt have this prob with her grandchildren.
So u staying very near to sunshinekid.... mine is the beginning n urs is the end...

the yoga class r for bb from 0-6mth n there's lesson on every thurs 1pm-2pm n sun 2pm-3pm. N there's 5 session fee is $125. Me was considering positive bb fee $210 8 session n it include:

A fun-filled hour with laughter combining yoga, singing, music, drama, dances, toy play & positive affirmations for you and baby. Concentrates on empowering moms/ dads, caregivers with choices and tools on how to relax, connect, enhancing communication with yourself and your baby.

I find tht this is more worth it lor n we can go for the trial class, had called them 2day to chk the trial class had to pay $31.50 n for positive bb their timing r:
Every Mon
12pm - 1pm
Every Fri
11.45am - 12.45pm & 1pm - 2pm
Hi gals,

Sorry so long didnt come in... v busy cos started work liao... hee share thelatest pic of my baby on the bumbo:

He simply loves it...
your boy cute leh... y need to put pillow behind?

My girl dun like Bumbo seat leh, she will push her bum up to get out of the seat. Nowadays, she prefer stand than sit... alamak, we got to carry her to stand and she can stand quite long n steady.

I also tried to feed her cereal on her bumbo, she impatient to wait for the food. In the end, I gave her milk, she is happy! Pengz!
I am trying to get something for Ethan to be able to sit in but dun want to buy walker cuz hor people say will hinder their development in walking leh. Any one has any good recommendations?

Then yesterday i bought Bo Ying compound from eu ren sheng for Ethan to eat leh. Cuz he get startled so easily. Like if we're outide some loud kids shout or sudden bang he will be completely startled. not so good lor to be always xia dao...so bought it for him to eat leh...hope he be betetr...
i bought the rocking walker... now for him to sit n play... when he learning to walk i will take away the seat so he can just use it as a support to walk
Hi Sally

Me din take much photos for my boy so not joining in the collage. Me don even know how to upload my boy's photo here. Tks for askg
what brand did you buy and got picture to show or not? Is the one you put in ringo one??? where you buy???

maybe can email me your contacts so if we have voting contest or any updates we can blast email to you too ???
ya... now it set to rocking mode.. when he wan to walk or eat set to walker mode n remove the mat can liao... bought at Marina Sq Kiddy Palace..



Thanks so sweet of you to pose. yeah thik this walker cum rocker shiok leh hee hee :p ut the thing is how to rock ah ha ha sit and rock him ah? Then can use until how old?
ya.. sit n rock lor... sometimes he will rock himself... sometimes he scream for me to rock him... then he will sit lying back.. shiok shiok like a CEO like dat :p

like now he sit in it i use the leg to rock so i can type... but he wun tahan very long in there.. butt got 'needle' wun stay still..

can sit till quite big lah.. supposed to be a walker ah

2 little ladies and a little gentleman..


elly telling zi jie.. 'wan to be my boyfriend??'
'hee hee can la.. but dun tell shayna later she angry..'
haha so cute the pictures ha ha it's ncie to put all the babies together ah ha ha imagine at the gaterhing so many babies would be fun fun hor..hope thye take more pics for us to see hee hee :p
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid (3)
3. Feza + bb + hb (2)
4. Ling + bb + son (1)
5. Von + bb + hb (2)
6. Carol + bb + hb + son (2)
7. Violet + bb (1)
8. Venus + bb + hb (2)
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative) (2)
10. sally + bb (1)
11. ilim + hb + bb (2)
12.koli + bb (hb tentative) (2)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb (2)
14. Bochap + bb + hb
15. Sunshinekid + bb + son + maid (2)

girls, you all have 2 more days b4 i close this thing..
Hi feza,

My boy loves to watch TV... he can sit on the sofa and watch TV then smile...

Hi siewlng,

Put pillow behind cos scared he kick himself up (my boy also likes to use his legs to push his bum up) and the back of his head hit the laminate door behind... My hubby tried spoon feeding him cereal while he was sitted on his rocker (similar to feza's one above)... a messy experience....hahha...
