(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

bul: so ur idea similar like vonvon.. tat is to submit pics for different category that u wanna the baby to be voted in..

all - so u all prefer
1. 1 pic to vote for all category
2. different pic for different category tat u wanna ur baby to be in...

- so we agree on usin email hor.. cause forum cannot hold too big file leh... but i will try to post the 'winner' w the pic here la... hehe


my preference is diff pix for diff category hehe cos may nd diff pix to show how a bb is chubby or how a bb has nice feature haha

o ya i was thinking mayb the most expression change to funniest expression... how to participate for most expression ahha then nd to show many photos of 1 bb to show that tis bb has most expression, tio bo ah?
ok, this is last call for those to send me pics for our thread collage or if you want to change picture, make sure it's big and at its highest resoulution. PM me for my gmail address to send to.

this is the list of pics i have:

Ah May
Bochap (Siewlng)
Sally Cinnamon
BB Ger
Carebear (Carol)
Violet Blaze

as for selina, if you have printed pics, can send me, i can scan. i'll be doing them this week.
Wow.. The voting looks interesting......

For the bb wt list. Maybe u 1 2 add a column for bb birthwt like those March MTB did?
haha hannoh.. nvm lah diff mah... i see theirs and ours (e preview) diff way of doin... txs sally for taking the time to do yeah
all - so can we fixed at different pix in different category??

sally: hehe just for fun one la.. hehe...then everyone put 1 vote lor... hehe
hahah you all so funny.. too free at work is it?? or just destressing?? anyway, lemme know how to send elly's pics and how to vote.. thanks..

for me, i know who is the handsomest oready la.. my baby elvin lor (jappooh must be thinking i m crazy).. the rest will be secret.. voting suppose to be secret ma..
feza: haha... something like tat la... hehe will advise u once i finalise everything ya....

summer: hehe sounds like the Election Day... hehe

Ya.. i tink we vote secretly and if can we all vote la... hehe :p

so can i finalise submit different pic for different category??
ha ha
can add in the smallest eyes bb kekeke... noel sure win!
ok this weekend. will try ok?
oppss... i sabo ur HB leh
Hahaha... U very cute... then can add most skinny bb, the shortest bb, the smallest bb.... the list can go on and on .......
selina: hehe u funny leh... hehe

alamak.. mai la.... hehe then i got to go and see from top to toe what to add in liao.... haha
sunshinekid: hehe after the release of result we will know liao lor.... hehe :p

so i go ahead w the thing liao huh.... email u all by tomolo for the template then u all just copy and paste the pic on the template then email back to me huh....

wow seems like missing out on a lot of good fun here ha ha :p sounds interesting to vote but it's all done in the name of good fun so whetehr or not our babies win any categories or have votes or not. It's just for fun
hee hee :p
i was thinking should we include prizes for the winner of each category? Maybe for each category we join we will have to put a $2 registration then using the money we will buy gifts for the winner??? Just to add alittle token to the fun of it???
and also maybe one category for one month so that we will ahve endless months of fun instead of one shot everything come together???? How about it....
the contest is nto to be held on the gathering day leh. It's a online thingy
Hee cuz gatehring not all will turn up mah. More details from Amanda.
Mummies.... after discussin with some mummies... We decided on the following....

1. Every month we will have a Theme... (based on what i have mention tis morning...)
2. Mummies who are interested to join the Theme of the Month will have to pay a registration fee of $2. (Consolidated amount will be used for prizes like voucher co-ordinated by Etelle.)
3. After announcing of the results in the first week of every month, i will post on the forum how many votes did the baby gets.
4. And the top vote baby will be crowned.

So shall we start from this month??
Yvonne: ya.. it will be a online thingy cause not all will attend the gathering... so for those who are not able to attend wun missed out the fun on-goin in Feb Babies...
All these sound so fun.

<font color="ff0000">YVonne</font>
Then Annika and Nicole got fight liao.. hahahaha.

<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>
U asked for the trial set of GAIA is it? Btw, my fren lives in Australia and he has kindly offered to help me buy GAIA pdts and send to me. So next time, I can call him for help when we need GAIA stuff.
Some points to amend...

2. Prize will be given to the winner by cash. (Internet transfer or telephone transfer)

Points to add:

5. Have request Feza to do a online cert for the winner of the Month...
think when announce results, i suggest just post the top 3 with the most votes, e rest dun need haha dun break our hearts lah haha

hmmm personal feeling lah monthly 1 theme like bit loooooooooooong for the fun. i suggest bi-weekly.. wat u all think?
I suggest weekly? then at least got something to expect every week and voting dun take that long mah.

Thanks. I am going down to Motherhood exhi today, gonna check out if they have the starter kit there. Hope it's not too crowded coz bringing BB along too
bul: haha cause scare later not very active in the thread mummies came in then last min missed out the fun leh... hmm how abt 1 month 2 theme but each theme open date for 1 month??
post top 3 huh... hmmm ok.. can...
hmm agreed voting wont take long but personally, i feel need to give time for the organising committee (ie amanda, etelle and feza) to collate and also rest as it's alr v nice of them to volunteer to host the contest =) so dun wanna tk up too much of their time away from bb on this.

i welcome weekly of course but not sure the OC mind or not. so i feel probably we leave to the OC to decide the frequency they are comfortable with - weekly, bi-monthly or monthly =)
summer/ bulma,

bi-weekly or weekly...too fast leh. Not enough or suitable pix to send. It will be hectic for the one who is gg to consolidate. Anyway, I am ok with the final decision. :p
ladies... i work until blur liao... until Stelle let me know...

This sounds fun so wat's the final decision?
Start now? And what theme for the 1st voting?
went to the fair in the afternoon... not much thing but i manage to get wht i wan from there lah... but will be going there 2mr to get some more stuff for my sis bb...

Went to try thr gaia products, i find it very gd. The lotion n moisturiser absorb very well n no sticky feeling, their corn starch powder r gd too heard tht it's gd for eczema too...
Mummies: thanks for the understanding.. i tink we can do it 3 weeks once...
1st week: submission of pics...
2nd week: i consolidate and send to u mummies for voting...
3nd week: results out and start next theme... like tat i tink with out those theme, we can last for 27 weeks.. hehe
Hi Amanda
think it's good enough lah results out in the 3rd week....actually as our babies progress more theme will come up one lah and we have alot of mummies in here. One person think one can last us even longer liaoz hee hee :p
Hi gals,
that going to be fun. Remember to email me..

haha..my boy like become your boy already..My hubby also also say bb elvin look so cute and handsome cos look like him..haha.. So thick skin..

how much is outside selling i dunno lei. Do u knw? U wan to buy at wat price?
i will sms all mummies usin Feza updated contact list dd 21 May...so tat all Feb mummies will be aware of tis contest...

For tis time round, it will take slightly longer time cause its the 1st time ya...

Please note below:

1. Registration &amp; Submission of Pic - By 7 June 2006
2. Email to mummies for voting - 12 June 2006
3. Closin Date for voting - 18 June 2006
4. Announcment of results - 21 June 2006


****************THEME OF JUNE 2006****************


Terms and Condition:
1. $2 registration is required for each entry. Consolidated amount will be for the winner of the month.
2. Payment to be transfer to Stella after submitting of pic.
3. No voting for own baby.
4. One mummy can only vote for 1 baby... so it will be faster when consolidating.

1. Cash Prize for 'Baby of the Month'. Amount depending on how many babies are in the contest for a particular theme. (Will be transfer to Winner's mummy account by Stella)
2. Certificate indicated the winner winning theme, pic and name of baby and mummy. (Will be emailed to winner's mummy by Feza)
3. If there are more than 1 winner of the same number of votes, then prize will be split accordingly.

1. Will be posted on the forum. TO be fair and open with the results, number of votes will be indicated beside the baby's name.
hope i din missed out anything....

etelle: so hor i hand in hand w u to advise u who submit the pics k and u look out for payment... hehe

Feza: and i hand in hand with u to pass u the winner's pic after i know the results ya...
Theme for now:

1. Most Chubby Feb Baby (Current Theme)
2. Beautiful Feature Feb Baby
3. Fairest Feb Baby
4. Funniest Feb Baby
5. Most Cheerful Feb Baby
6. Most Handsome Feb Baby Boy (Baby girl's mummy can vote too)
7. Most Beautiful Feb baby Girl (Baby boy's mummy can vote too)
8. Most Photogenic Baby
9. Most lookalike (Baby with any parents, siblings, grandparents, relatives or even soft toy) :p
10. Hot Favourite Feb Baby (Specially for Dec 2006)

Mummies, u may wish to start takin pic for any of the above theme.. hehe
