(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Ah May,

Drool means ready for solid huh? Marcus also drool but I thought it's a sign of teething. Asked my PD when to start solid, she said it's best to wait till aft 5 mths.

von: Marcus looked so cute leh... big boy like tat.. hehe... u look beautiful leh...

Selina: what happen to ur hubby?? hehe he scare u run away ah... hehe

Sunshinekid: same as u... my hubby wun bother to see if i wear the ring a not... haha but i will always say 'ai u no wear ring today ah' when he forget to wear... haha

Summer: huh... fine ah... hehe how much will u be fined?? hehe... then the fined goes where?? savings for Tiffany ah?? :p

all - what is filmsy?? hehe
each time $50 but the $ dun go to tiffany lah, go to our pockets... haha. but in the end also buy things for her. once have her, everything is all about her.

When we say flimsy, we ment that our bb still very soft and cannot support their head very well. Like soft soft, nua nua like that loh... you get it? ;)

Yup....a lot of ppl said he looked grown up, like know a lot of things that kinda look.

Huh? I beautiful? U r the 1st to comment that, besides hb lah...hehe. Thanks though!
jarren too fat lah haha everybody say he sumo.. he bigger size than my neighbor's boy who is alr 9mths old... hahahhaha

ah may
jarren start solid liao last last sunday. i gv him rice cereal from heinz

so qiao.. ya my boy also put him in the walker, he refused to get up when in kiddy palace. now my hse also full of his thing.. like no space.. last wkend just re-arrange sofa and table meh got his mattress, playmat, bouncer, rocker and the walker... OMG meh

Its like tht one lor.... Our house all full of their barang barang..... We even sacrifice the coffee table so that there is space for the kids to run abt and can put playpen there.

Hehehehe.... I really can't imagine how can Etelle keep her place neat leh... Maybe she got an empty room to store these stuff......
i got an empty room too but usually all these we will just leave it in living room mah for the bb to play and be seated while we at home.. usually we most time at living room one mah
Hi gals

Do u have menses while you are still breastfeeding? Currently I pump twice in a day, morning and night. Just now went to ladies, discover I have brownish red discharge which look like menses.
It is because you are partial BF which sends a signal to your body that you are not total BF. That's why your menses came. This is what my gynae told my SIL who had her menses too while partial BF. Our body is very smart.
Hahaha... our buys very possesive over their things hor....

Keagan will try to put the teat into his mouth but he cannot aim properly so i have to help him abit lor...

My menses also came few days ago. I'm currently bf partially. Think some who TBF also have their menses.


Jarren fat then cute mah. I love babies who r plump plump....v adorable.

My mensus also came back last wk! So qiao, think Bulma also, 2 days after mine. We are all on partial bfdg, so it's normal that it comes lor.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
I also like your pui pui Jarren leh.. So chubby I wanna pinch him.. :p
pui pui bb = cute and pinchy... BUT not good to carry.... hand very tired, neck tired n pain if use sarong sling.... hahahaha

I have a pui pui at home too.....
ya my "long lost fren" suddenly visited me on sunday meh sianzzzzz

haha pui pui no good lei wait go school need to go wat extra jian fei exercise course hahaha then carry v tired.. hands v sng haha cant 1 hand, need 2 hands meh

bbcutie, use sling ok ah craddle v siong but snuggle position is ok... yaya u also got a pui pui at home haha we "tong bing xiang lian"
my gf went to the fair 2 day, though not very big but got quite alot of things like... shoo shoo shoe, nepia, wyeth, jack &amp; lily, GAIA n etc... n there's a photo competition held by HSBC too so for mommies who wan to let ur bb take part dress them nic nice b4 going wor...

Sunshinekid u will asking me wht does GAIA stands for rite?? It stands for mother earth, GAIA is a word itself.
baby has a room leh and then baby's hings in bb's room lor. I try to keep the place as neat as i can leh. Even tiring also i try to arrange everything in order. My house not super neat lah also have musical mobiles, bouncer lying around but genrally okie condition lah.

you and hubby both knowledgeable lah hee hee....from the moment i got to know you in forum i feel that you know alot liaoz anything asked you sure know one hee hee

think hor your hubby needs more assurance form you. You two must communicate more and understand where one another is coming from. Then can do away with the unnecessary misunderstandings or bickers.
feza i dunno whether shoo shoo is it cheaper leh, nv ask my gf... me go 2mr to chk it out but still meeting u guys on fri lah... hehehe... me kiasu go 2 days...
Hi gals,

i try to put Elvin in my bathroom bathtub before but without the float lar. His daddy hold him adn he like it. I think i can go and find a small flaot and let him try in the bathtub again.

As for the wedding ring, me and huby wear it everyday. He only took it out during sailing and will wear back immed when he is back. For me the ring never leave me b4..
hmm... me nv wear my wedding ring leh since preggy untill now... hb says he wear everyday but me nv...
tink better wear it back or he will complain again.
wedding ring
ha ha thanks all for the input.duno leh... he seow seow one lar, everytime so scared. i where got time to go clubbing nowadays so busy with my bb. hmmm...etelle, i seldom quarel wif him liao. i weekends very free now so we go out very often wif bb,hb also nicer liao. but hor if meet up in jun hor, if u all speak hokkien or mandarin wif my hb got no reply pls dun think he hao lian hor,most prob he dun understand cos his family seldom speak H nor M.he everytime got mistaken. tell u all a joke. my wedding is a military wedding so to get through one pair of sword bearers got to do certain things, they asked my HB to sing a chinese song, he sweat man then he sang three little mice, u know what? san chi lao shu become san chi lao hu... then should be no eye, no ear mentioned in the song right? he sang no mouth no nose ha ha all the guests laugh like mad. so embarrassing.

noel also single eyelid leh although both of us double eyelid.

see all your bbs like very stable leh but noel still a bit unstable.but then i thank God for giving him to be lor (nearly strangled by umbilical cord so c section at 38 weeks)
so slow never mind lar as long as healthy i very happy liao.

talk to my hb about being a SAHM. he said can lah but give him 3 more years...hmmmm but hor, 3 more years my bb grow up liao what for being a SAHM??? he jus dun get it
Hi koli,

remember that u say u wan to buy the tupperware bottle warmer rite? Have u buy? Do u still wan to buy? i have 1 unuse wan to sell away. do let me knw if u are still interested.
Hi gals,
now think of going to work make me moody. After the ML i find that i am like out of place..But like b4 anymore.
jappooh, i opposite fr u lei b4 delivery, i everyday dun fl like come work. now i so happy to come work hahahahahaha then go home time fl v sianz and tired =p

koli, my wedding also got sword bearers. ya lah they v bo liao hahah go thru each must do something but ok lah i was asked to sing a song for my hb lei haha

yeah! etelle, feza... when i first join tis forum, i also fl mashy is like "wizard", everything know lei then everything asked her, always got answer haha then sometime stil got weblink for us to read ourselves too.
I think we understand our now hubby and what they really are thinking. So for your case it could be you guys had a lightning marriage and barely know one another enough then got married and have baby. So now is the stage for you guys to get to know one another better

making you moddy is cuz work is not the same anymore or you find urself unable to concentrate in work cuz miss baby??? I also feel the same leh afetr ML come back "li bu chong xin".
Etelle, Feza &amp; Bulma

Ai yoh, kenna praised by you until i floating in the sky liao. Hehe. No lah, I'm not know-it-all, I'm just a google gal. :p You'll be more knowledgeable than me. Just go to www.google.com. Hehehe!!!

Too bad, nobody wanna give me good salary to employ me leh.

Re: Wedding band
After reading the posts on wedding bands, I 'spot checked' my hb. He also hasn't worn his wedding band for a while. he said coz he needs to carry my boy when he comes home. Pls lah, as if he needs to do that in office. Kenna scolded by me. Hehehe.

Re: Menses
Mine is still not here yet. Got spot once a few weeks back. Keeping my fingers crossed. But feeling a little PMS now. Wonder if it's coming soon.
Mummies... was thinkin hor.. Let's have some fun by voting the Feb babies in the followin category... then i'ii do the consolidation and post here....

1. Most Chubby Feb Baby
2. Beautiful Feature Feb Baby
3. Fairest Feb Baby
4. Most Expression Feb Baby
5. Most Cheerful Feb Baby
6. Hot Favourite Feb Baby (Most vote)
7. Most Handsome Feb Baby Boy
8. Most Beautiful Feb baby Girl

*any more category to add??
mine also is jan baby lei haha

how to go about voting? so must go ringo to one-by-one go thru the bbies pix lor cos not everybody post their bbies pix here lei...haha then how to vote?

haha most chubby should be mine, bbcutie or ET liao lor thk ET win cos hers 9kg ah hahahaha
Ai yah,

I also have very few photos. My boy doesn't like the camera. Still couldn't capture a good one with him....

I think if all of us have our way, we'll probably vote our own babies as the Most Handsome/Most Beautiful Baby. :p
hmmm all of us have ringo a not huh?? we use by ringo one lor... hehe... if we start today then 1 week for us to go and see then vote lor... then next week i will consolidate then announce to u all who are the 'winner' hehe...

bul: can.. we use feza contact list... i will send u all the email(usin feza contact list tat email add) then u all email back to me lor...and i will do the consolidating....

mashy: hehe ya.. i tink so also leh.. all will vote our own baby so hor was thinkin should we make a rule tat we cannot vote our own baby?? hehe.....

Can all of you vote for my baby then? :p

Then can be hot favourite! Hehe, too bad, cannot be most chubby, (too skinny), fairest (too dark) and most beautiful baby (he's a boy boy) hehehe!

And I think he's the most unphotogenic one. Think he looks better in person.

So many categories huh? Will it be confusing or not?

We'll just send the pics that we want to post in whichever categories to the email that u will be providing &amp; then u'll consolidate &amp; post it in Ringo for us to vote, is it?

Btw, Marcus also a Jan baby leh.
i think we don't have to post the pix of our bb in any category, just have to send to Amanda then each of us will vote a bb of their choice for each category available.

For eg. Most Chubby Baby - Summer vote for babyA
Most Photogenic Baby - Summer vote for babyB

Agree... cannot vote for own bb.
Hmmm ok... So using Feza's contact list, i will email u mummies the different category, and mummies will put in the pic and send it back to me... so i will consolidate and post in onto Ringo and we shall vote there... How??

So if u have different pics for different category, just post it under tat category and i will consolidate...

ok.. seems like there are more ideas comin in...Hmmm so anyone who wanna add ideas faster say so i can think of how to do it..
I come up w an idea... Everyone email me ur baby's best of the best pics then i consolidate into a file then email to u all.. After u all receive the email, just entered ur vote and email back to me and i consolidate from there.. How abt tis... hehe
dun thk all got ringo

think til end tis week, let mummies who wanna participate their bb in the different category email to u their pix then u mk it smaller pixel then u post in forum like eg

Most Photogenic Baby
<pic> <pix> <pic>

Most chubby baby
<pic> <pix> <pic>

then nx week is voting week hehe then u consolidate results end nx week

amanda, yr idea also can hehe via email instead forum .... cos not everyone has ringo but everyone has email mah hehe

so rule is cannot vote for own bb
