(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">venus...</font>
think both of us have to keep our fingers crossed for bb to come out in the Year of Dog :p

Hi ladies,
Sorry to disturb you all. I am new mum to be.. Can I check with u all, can pregnant woman eat apricots and spicy food. I have craving for both. Thank you for yr reply.
Wah sey, caeden is so adorable...35wk+ when born but he looks much bigger.

Cant imagine so big and can reside in our tummy...
heehee, no wonder here pain there pain.
Now very excited to see my gal...
Hi Ladies,
My EDD is on 10-Feb but yesterday I got a scare. I had these terribble back ache (upper part) in the morning when I was at work then when I cannot tahan, I went to c my doc in KKH. I went to triage first and from there they hook me up to the CTG machine. I was so surptised that they saw I have contractions with 10 mins apart. I cried and cried as I'm only 34+ weeks and really not ready to give birth. Even my HB was shocked. But my doc is very good, he gave me 2 dosage of injection (very very painful) to mature the lungs of the baby and gave me tablets to stop the contractions. Anyway, I'm not even dilated yet but I dunno why last night I had spotting already.Today, I was discharged and advised to bed rest until week37. I'm not feeling any contraction or pain but I got spotting. Doc said I should go to hospital as soon as bleeding is continuous and pain is severe. Anyone of you feel the same? Pls be careful and rest well.
terrible backache ah.....it was not tahanable that's why u went to the hospital is it??? Gosh contractions....but without dilations ah?....yah this epriod we have to rest very well cuz it's like anytime we can give birth right...but think theys aid 36 wks onwards then safe right? anything below that cannot hor...Inject where ah??
i m not sure pregnant woman can eat apricots or not but spicy food i thk is ok lah cos i hv been eating lei so far no problem..
i also got eat spicy food leh...ha ha i bochap one leh hee hee :p

Ah May
i mean my own weight increase is 2.7kg from 4 wks ago...ha ha :p then bb's weight at 31 wks is 1.537kg and then at 35 wks is 2.6kg hee hee
sorrie for the confusion....

gynae said have to see how leh cuz ah may be able to natural also depends lor...sigh....i be praying
i want a short and smooth and easy labour
I'm experiencing some mild menses-like cramp this afternoon. It's the same feeling as if my menses is coming &amp; my back is abit sore &amp; aching. Should I be alarm &amp; call my gynae?
Just called &amp; decided to observe for a while. If it continues or the pain become more intense or there's blood, then will need to go to hospital. Hope everything will be all right.
It's safer if baby is 37weeks.But my doc said if baby wants to come out earlier than that , we can't do anything. They injected me on my thighs, both sides. The nurse told me that it's painful so I have to be ready, and it really is.

Goodluck, and I'll pray for u for a smooth and fast labor, when is your EDD?
Bam I wish I will experience the pain and cramp soon. It means giving birth soon right? I don't feel anything yet. Take care.
Hi Girls,
Went to see my gynae earlier. BB is doing fine. Head is still down but not engage yet. He is 2kg at 33wks. Heartbeat ok. Can see the umbilical cord here and there and looks fine.

I ask abt aging placenta and gynae told me that this method was used previously. Nowadays they don't use this method liao. They will check for bb heart rate and the amt of amniotic fluid in the uterus to see whether bb is getting enough nutrients from the mummy.
monitor and see if there is show or water bag leak or if the cramps becomes regular....

My SM is killing me....super itchy leh....how to leave it alone??????? anyway to prevent it form being itchy???
I just realised that i have more SM leh....my inner thighs.....:'( *sob*.....and my tummy area want seem to be deterioating....no more mei mei tummy liaoz....heart burn also xin ku...SM itchy and unsighty also xin ku.....sob sob....then just now puke also cuz maybe eat 2 full or wat....sigh...wat am i gonna do? somebody help me :'(
Your case sound familiar leh. Like wat Mashy had experienced leh... U better get ready oh...

I asked the question abt spicy food to my gynae, she said OK, as long as it has been part of your daily diet, no harm...
<font color="ff0000">Babycutie</font>

Did your gynae say your baby is too big this time? Seems like a good weight at 33wks
Good that everything is alright for you.

<font color="ff0000">Bam</font>

When is your EDD? Is it early or mid February? Seems like you are having signs of delivery, but the doc may be able to do something like giving you a jab or bedrest to delay it. Keep us posted.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>

Hello, no time to chat w you these couple of nights.
Ur itch that bad ah. Aiyo.. Got to lun, try not to scratch lor. Ur skin is super stretched already... no choice. Try pat pat pat.. and see if it helps. The more u scratch, the worse it gets.
<font color="ff0000">Gingerale</font>

I thought your EDD is pretty late, like after mid February. How come you want baby out so early..

I just wish my baby is out towards 38th or 39th week. But don't come out too late too, cos very tiring one.
Morning, glad that nothing has happen......false alarm. Told my bb be guai guai &amp; stay in my stomach until at least 37 wks....hehehhe

Marcia: Thanks.....hope all of us will have a smooth delivery, my EDD is 16 Feb but hoping for bb to come out either on 4 Feb or after.

Ginger: R you hoping for yr bb to come out earlier? Hv u reach 37 wks alrd? Think having the pain is a kind of nature practice or warning to you but I'm not sure.

Etelle: Did u let Dr Ho know tat you are feeling very itchy? He can prescrible you a cream &amp;/or a body bath from DermaVeen. I used the body bath &amp; my itchness has improved. U try applying bb powder on the itchy places, it helps for me.
Gynae said my bb wt is normal. He estimated that bb wt will be around 3kg at birth.

Lately my appetite decreases. I can't eat too full. I will feel uncomfortable if I ate too much as the stretch of my tummy skin makes me quite breathless.

U can apply dusting powder or get some cream from your gynae for itch relieve? Don't scratch anymore, u will regret.....
woh, mashy. comgrats, Caeden is so cute, feel like pinch his cheek.

back from gynae's visit yesterday. babies are okay, estimated weight at 2.0kg and 2.2kg at 33weeks 3 days. Gyane also comment tummy is big, he said that better to deliver latest by 36 weeks, gg to write a note to the other gynae. I ask him about the cramps I get in the early morning, well, he said I better monitor cause it may just turn into labour, no one will knows. and by now, they will not stop the labour and will deliver me if that happens! hb panic after hearing it. me too.
today AM i not free to msn... PM then msn w u gals

my gyn also say my cramp everyday may bcom labor, and they will not stop the labor and will deliver jarren too so ask me to monitor closely and be careful. My gyn giving me mc for nx week ask me to rest at home til i deliver. so today my last day of work.... my hb also on high alert now hehe

last nite i tell my hb i got flg i gg to deliver soon. dunno my sixth sense accurate or not.... he keep ask jarren to hang on till wk 38 hehe i keep fl jarren dropping out fr my V lk dat hehe mayb i too paranoid.. and also past 1-2 wks i hv been pooding... tot mashy told me it's a sign of gg to deliver. then also these 3 days i hv been having cramps when i hv BH esp in the morning 7.30am to 10am lk dat... then other time of the day is v irregular.

Need to go poo poo now...
Ah May,
Looks like yr boys are growing very well. They are already 2.0kg and 2.2kg at wk33+. Mine is wk33 and also 2.0kg and I am carrying only one.

U have to be prepared for delivery any time.... Don't panic.... just prepare whatever necessary for the arrival of your bundles of joy.....
Sunshine kid/Bam,my edd is 2 feb. Same as Mashy. I'm 36 weeks as in today. ;D Yahooo. Can give birth already right? Thinking of inducing on 38th week. Want her out before CNY leh.
What is yr bb wt now? Seems like a lot of MTB wants to induce their bb hor..... I would rather it comes naturally because inducing will have longer labour......

Maybe u can ask yr bb to come out at wk38 everyday from now.....hehehe
Ginger: Think shd be all right lar but it's safer for gynae to determine lor. U can try telling yr bb to come out before CNY....8>

Bbcutie: I also hope tat bb will come out on his own leh....hope not to induce. Will c when the time comes. If gynae says induce, then also bo bian.
Hi gals

Thanks for your compliments!
Been having sleepless nights, coz Caeden is a night bird.
So far, no engorgement. He's latching on well. Think maybe supply = demand, so no engorgement?

I had contractions when i was 34weeks+ too, but dr didn't give me injections to mature his lungs. How heavy is your bb now? Caeden was 2.5kg. So when he was 35 weeks, my gynae said it's safe to give birth anytime. And true enough, my boy came out fine. So don't worry. Your bb's wt is imp, so if below 2.5kg, then will need to put on more wt.
My baby weight is estimated at 2.5kg at week33. My doc said that if I deliver anytime bet now and week 37, my baby will still be admitted to NICU.
I hope my baby will come out healthy, just like yours. Thanks for the advise.

I have been having painful and intense BH contractions despite taking ventolin. The pelvic pain also v unbearable, esp turning in bed and walking after sitting for a while. Sometimes, I feel like the wt is so heavy on the pelvis muscle tat i imagine bb will drop out,his head or hand will stick out of my v. Hehehe

Seems like my bb is quite small hor. Last fri, his wt was 1.8+ at 33wks+. It will be couple of weeks b4 he hits the safe zone of 2.5kg.

I also hope bb will come out b4 CNY, cos can get ang bao mah....
Bbcutie: I'm 34wks now....&amp; bb is 2.2kg, average size. Really looking forward to bb arriving but scare of the process and the changes that will take place when he comes. Think 1st time mum jitters?

Mashy: Great that you dun hv engorgement &amp; can successfully bf. How often do u feed Caeden?

Very often. Coz he only suckle for abt 15-20 mins each time, so will feed him abt every 1.5-2hrs. Been trying to encourage him to suckle more, but he kept falling asleep after the first vigorous 15mins. I give him 1 breast each time. Coz i find that when i interrupt his feeding, he will reject the 2nd breast. Only if he spits out the 1st breast, then I offer him the 2nd breast. He'll take if he's still hungry. If not, he'll close his mouth tightly and refuse to open.

Then it should be alright. Don't worry. When I was in labour ward, all the nurses were puzzled why my gynae allowed me to go ahead with the delivery. They kept asking whether i've injections to mature the bb's lungs etc. But no prob. My gynae said, contractions will mature the bb's lungs.
Babycutie my baby's weight was 2.4 at 34 weeks Now at 36wks, she should be more than 2.5kg. Tomorrow going for gynae visit. See what she has to say.

My feet is really damn terrible man. It's so swollen they look like michelin man's feet leh.
Mashy Dr Eunice really very steady. I'm very glad I'll be in safe hands. ;D
Did you do anything for your breast pre-pregnancy to prevent engorgement?

Hw u noe whether ur bb has already "engage"? I went for my checkup at 34 wks and my gynae told me tat my bb hasn't engage yet.. but these few nites i felt pain in my pelvic area.. is it a sign that bb has "engage"?
Yr bb wt is average. Just relax yourself and don't over exert too much from now to prevent early contraction.

Its normal for 1st time mum to have jitters lah.... But will settle very quickly after bb comes out and lifestyle will be a total change.....

Yr bb wt is also average. Thk yr bb wt will be around 2.65kg at wk36. My bb grows 0.25kg in 2 wks so I take this as a gauge.

Yr bb will be at a good wt for delivery after wk37... . Tell yr girl that u want to see her at wk38 if u don't want to induce....hehehehe.....

Just bear with yr swollen legs for a while...everything will be ok after birth. U can drink Cao mi sui (brown rice water) after yr birth to expel water.
I can't tell whether my bb is engage or not leh...

I always feels pressure at my V and anus area and assume that I may be engaged liao but yesterday went to see gynae, gynae say not yet engage leh....
ask u something ah... How many ang bao should we give to our CL ah? Wat is the market rate?

Especially ours near CNY leh
<font color="aa00aa">etelle...</font>
u can try apply your SM cream if u dun wan to waste it... sometimes can help sooth the itch... for me i put Johnson bb powder... help sooth a while

<font color="aa00aa">bulma..</font>
kekeke... so u are giving birth soon ah?
i have been having very slight menses cramps for a few days... not painful nor irritating.. hope its not a sign yet..

<font color="aa00aa">gals...</font>
last nite so sianz.. told my MIL bb is ard 2.5kg n gynae say will easily exceed 3kg at birth... she still feel bb too small n want me to eat more.. i say cannot, bigger bb may have to go thru c-section, then she say she see so many mummy give birth to 4kg bb y i cannot..

wah lau... really makes me very pissed off... y cant she understand bigger bb doesnt mean healthier bb
its just more burden on us
ever since i preggy she keep saying my tummy small, bb small..
i noe she worry bb too small, but i told her so many times bb is of good size for my size liao

last nite me n hubby was taking a nap n she purposedly woke us up so that i can report to her wat is bb wt now... hai...
i also hv this pelvic pain like wat u say esp turning in bed and walking after sitting for a while. I go shhshh or poo poo also will imagine bb head will suddenly come out and look at me meh i will faint meh

my feet also lk michelin's feet haha u can ask the rest of the gals who saw my feet. v swollen

did yr gyn advise u to induce or not? for my case is my gyn ask me to induce, dat's why i inducing bb at wk 38. if yr gyn no advise, mayb u shd let bb out naturally. it is better cos i heard induce the labor pain v long, the dilation tk v long, and if bb not engaged and yr cervic not soften, the likelihood of c-sec is high one lei

yr bb alr 2.5kg is safe liao lah dun worry so much. somemore yr gyn got give injection to mature yr bb lung liao... u guai guai hv good rest =) and wait for yr bb's arrival =)

hope all of us will be like u dun nd to suffer engorgement hehe

ya gyn gave me mc for nx wk then after dat i start my ML liao and 20 jan gg to induce liao... but thk i may nd to go bk office on mon cos the temp lk blur blur v lost... wo bu fang xin lei

i also dunno how to know whether bb engage or not... but fl stingling pain at v there... and pressure at v and anus there.. but tues went to see gyn, he say not engaged yet ah
Mashy: Sounds very tiring...hang in there. Hope I can bf successfully too.

Bbcutie: Ya lor, now relax liao. Cause yesterday was the 1st time I felt cramps, so not sure whether to worry anot.
Wa lao....u hv such <font color="ff0000">INSENSITIVE</font> mil.....
Can wake u guys up just to know bb wt.... Can't she wait??? Is it so urgent that she will die if she don't get to know immediately????

U know my mum say its ok if bb is small at birth. So long he/she is healthy. With proper and careful care, they will put on wt very fast... Also she said bigger bb more difficult to give birth naturally because pushing out is not easy.....

So what is yr hubby and his siblings wt at birth? If yr MIL can't push out a 4kg bb, then don't expect u to lah......Sorry for my rudeness hor... but I really hate those folks that like to complain, grumbles and buay zi tong.....
It is normal for us to start to feel cramps at this stage..... I also experience mild menstrual like cramps from time to time..... There are days there are some strand of blood in my discharge after peeing but no cramp so I bochap lor.... And my bb is moving regularly so I presume everything is fine......

Just be positive lor.... don't let our mood affect our bb..... To avoid further cramps, try to rest as much as possible if you don't want to risk early contractions..... Avoid shopping/walking the whole day....
<font color="aa00aa">baby...</font>
ya lor... sometimes when i take nap at home she can wake me up to ask am i feeling sick or wat... know she concern lah... but a bit jia lat leh... cos once im waken i cant sleep liao..

actually she just came in to ask if we want supper.. worry i din eat much lah... so prob she din think that much...

my mum oso say bb small at birth never mind, healthy can liao...

so dun understand y my MIL must compare with other pple..

i dunno watz my hubby n his siblings wt... think not more than 3 kg oso... cos my MIL very small size oni..

tonite i sure complain to hubby wat my MIL say last nite... cos he din bother to wake up when my MIL came in to wake us up... he pig..

bbcutie: hehe cool down...

ivory: but its true also lah.. if she can't do it dun expect others to do tat.. all ppl's body different one... dun be bother by what she say... treat her like she 'wu zhi' like tat... dun let that stress u...
