(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

From what I know, for bb boy, 3kg and above will be good and for girl would be 2.7kg and above will be good.

Although 3kg sounds big to us, but for bb boy, most of the weight goes to their organs rather than size. So a 3kg bb boy won't look big though sounds heavy...

I don't know how true, for bb who is less than 3kg, they tend to sleep most of the time like what sunshinekid mentioned, feels drowsy. No wonder my girl always sleep even when its milking hour.....

I dun think it's advisable to do any exercise to slow down our weight gain now. The only alternative is to be very careful with what we take. I consumed too much sweet stuff, those are empty calories. So now i really try to control and vut down a lot.

Yeah, that's what gynae is worried about... and i am going for natural birth.

Was your previous bb delivered thru normal birth? 3.75kg is a hefty weight
. Gynae says avg weight is about 2.5 - 3.1 if i remembered correctly. I asked him to est. my bb gal's weight then he say about there loh. He say most prob will follow my birth weight but i told him i was only about 6 pounds when i was born and he say "oh, your bb will definitely be bigger then, she is about your birth weight alrdy!"
<font color="ff0000">Bamwicca</font>

Dr Terrence Tan is highly recommended. I heard he is v patient and truly cares for his patients. You kid is in good hands.
your kiddish behaviour makes me laugh laugh laugh ha ha ha i think there's a child in us lah ah and we only opened up to those very close to us hor? hee hee :p

Thanks girls for your advices. I have picked up my cream and will apply faithfully once a day. hee hee

my gynae and yours the same so my PD and yours also the same and i also got no choice like u hee hee :p

Tomorrow i going gynae then i will update u guys.....very tired todya...heart burn whole night din sleep then first day of school today so very busy. Gosh. *pengz* I almost forget i am on leave tomorow leh ha ha ha :p
Etelle: Yah lor, we have the same gynae....so will have the same PD. Enjoy yr checkup tomorrow, beside the V Swap test, the nurse will take blood test to check if you are aneamic. Btw, did Dr Ho ask you to do counting of fetal movement? He didn't ask me to do leh.

Sunshinekid: Good to hear that. Hope everything will be ok....no need to c PD so often.
hi everyone
i bk fr gyn. bb 2.9kg at wk 36 hehe gigantic bb. bb is healthy and strong accordingly to gyn.

gyn say if bb not out by 18 jan, ask me chose a date to induce else bb may b too big for me and also he wanna help me end my vomiting suffering earlier. he say at wk 38, bb will be mature enuf so if i wanna induce, can induce.
Hi etelle
I also have stretch mark problem leh. It is getting worst. It started appearing the last 2 weeks and it is now out of control. We have to apply the SM cream daily ahh?? I use Clairins but only started using it last month.... am i too late?

Can stretch mark dissapear after pregnancy or will it stay permanently? Seek advice, anyone?

You so cutelah. Yeah, true we can get a little emotional at this stage. My hubby is very sensitive to my needs, so he is very understanding. He knows it is not a good time to find fault with me now.. he he he

Just got back from Gynae, i am now at 35-36weeks and bb weight 2.6kg. Today, we have close look at her... saw her two nostrils, her eyes, and she has grown lots of hair... must be following mummy. She is quite playful today as she had her mouth open and start showing her tongue. I think she was hungry as i was hungry too during the scanning. Poor baby..

One good news, i have not gained any weight, only gained 300g from last check up. All the weight came from bb as she gained 400g (from 2.2 to 2.6kg)... So gynae was very happy..

Still no indication of me popping yet... hmmmm
blood test again? draw blood again...wah they have drawn enough blood from me leh still want some more!!! Gosh.

i also dun know when is too late leh. Sigh....never mind liaoz lah...just dun go and scratch it and just apply the SM cream lor....

it's good that bb got the weight and not mummy hor...i think i got the weight ha ha not sure....the SM came must be a rsult of me growing extra of pounds way too extra for my tummy's elasticity.
<font color="ff0000">Bamwicca/Etelle</font>,
Dr Terence Tan is a good PD. So yr bb will be in good hands..... My girl was with Dr Terence Tan too....... But I did not goes to him for follow up after discharge from hospital because he is a very busy man. He has a lot of "young" patients.... And also it is inconvenient for me to travel to Mt A to see him all the time.... So I change to a PD nearby my place for easier access...

My friend and I shared the same gynae and I check with her... The PD for her girl is someone else.... so I will be requesting my gynae to assigned Dr Terence Tan as PD for my boy.....

<font color="119911">Bulma</font>,
Wow!!!! 2.9kg is big at 36wks...... Yr dr is right, if by 18 Jan still no sign of popping, better induce.....

<font color="ff6000">Venus</font>,
Once u got stretchmarks, it will be there ...... It can be lighten with time but cannot be totally gone..... Stop scratching or else u will get more.... apply more SM cream....

My tummy also itch and instead of scratching, I rub the area.... if not I just ignore it..... I ever bitten by mosquitoes at night on my legs at a few spots (think 3 or 4 spots) and though they are very itchy, I just bare with the itch and continue sleeping........ so now same as my tummy, I chose the ignore the itch and it will go away eventually because the more u scratch the more itchy it gets....
The sm are badges of our motherhood. It will fade into skin colour streaks with time.... I only have sm after I deliver for my previous pregnancies. Now, I am using the clarins oil the the last couple of months, so far so gd. But read tat it is hereditary so bo pian one.

Wow! Ur boy is really big at 36wks. So, better pick a good date in advance if u still show no sign of popping by 18 Jan.

Tomorrow will be my turn to see my gyn. Wonder how much he has grown over the past 1.5 wks. My gyn said that my boy will not be big at birth, est'd to be abt 2.8kg at birth.

Looking at the rest of ur gals, seems like my boy is really on the smaller side.

Nevermind....my gyn said it's easier for me to deliver him if he's not too big. Then can fatten him up after delivery. Hehe!


Like u, my tummy also itch. So, I'll just poke poke or rub, but try really hard not to scratch it coz' afraid might make things worse. But sometimes the itch can really be unbearable.


Better apply ur SM cream at least twice a day, now that u've signs of SM. At least it'll help in lightening the marks &amp; prevent it from worsening.
me also seeing gynae tomorrow...hee hee will ask gynae also about the weight or rather think he will let me know right hee hee :p last month also 1.537kg for bb so...see how much bb has increased...

hi bbcutie
i also heard he is a good PD but the thing is his waiting time is very long leh...but how often do we have to visit the PD ah? If not too long then i dun mind the wait....

i also heard it's inheritary but the thing is my mother dun have leh.....and the itch is suepr unbearable leh...but when i apply the SM then okie leh hee hee :p can soothe the itch ha ha :p
I jus heard from my colleague tat her gynae is Paul Tseng... n he is famous for non-episiotomy. Is it true?
My colleague manage to give birth without episiotomy leh, so xian mu...

I heard he will teach his patient to massage varginal from Wk34. Is that true? If yes, how to huh?

My gynae told me to dun need to do massage lah, anyway she is going to do episiotomy/ cut... so sad, I wan to prevent leh

I also leh... bitten by mosquitoes at night on my legs at a few spots (think 3 or 4 spots), even on my tummy... didn't sleep well leh
<font color="0000ff">Etelle</font>,
I only visit the PD for vaccinations which falls on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 12th, 15th and 18th mth. I took up the 5 in 1 vaccination package from the current PD near my place.

Of course provided that yr bb don't fall sick in between vaccinations. Otherwise will have additional visits other than the above-mentioned.

As I find it quite inconvenient to travel to Mt A everytime for vaccinations and also the waiting time so I changed to a PD nearby my place which is much more convenient after the 1st mth vaccination by Dr Terence Tan. I remembered waiting for more than 30 mins for my girl's turn despite appt time being assigned due to an emergency case whereby Dr Tan has to attend immediately.

Usually Saturdays are fully booked at Dr Tan clinic and weekdays they only open till 5pm. I do not want to waste my annual leaves so I changed PD that is nearer my place which I can bring my girl for vaccination after work and do not need to take leave just for that.

<font color="aa00aa">vonvon</font>,
Sometimes the itch is so unbearable at my tummy that I apply dusting powder on it and kept rubbing my tummy..... The itch actually comes from that few dots of rashes on my tummy leh and they are around the navel..... dunno how the rash came abt also.....

Even I apply cream also no use.....Thk I have to add on dusting powder after applying cream liao..... haiz.....
Bo bian have to lun even its itchy..... because the more we scratch the more itchy it becomes....

I take longer time to fall back to sleep if itchy and usually after I woke up in the morning, I will find the spots where the mosquitoes has bitten me the night before but there were no trace of them..... as if not bitten at all..... very strange hor?
Hi Summer

I delivered my gal via vagina birth with epidural and forceps and also epsiotomy. 3 pushes and with the assistance of forceps/vacuum. Epsiotomy hurts very bad after the epidural wears off, gotta sit on float for weeks and wash the wounds with cyteal everytime I go toilet to pee.
Epidural makes me wanna vomit after the delivery and is a temporary side effect. Doc est. her weight to be 3.4 KG and she turned out to be heavier. Then again, my gal is tall at birth, at 54 cm, she inherited my tall genes. My second baby gal is also tall in terms of her limbs according to my gynae.

Hi venus

For SM, it will fade over time I believed. Prevention is the best defence so try to use the clarins oil more often .. in fact my friend was the one who advised me to use it before the tummy shows.

My appetite seems to have grown smaller this week, dun really feel like eating much.
ya my bb is big.... i ask my gyn why he so big when me and my hb so small size. gyn's answer is cos i hv been trying so hard to eat well tho i hv MS. i replied i also v diligent in my vomiting mah then he laughed.

ya we decided to go for induce on 20 jan if jarren not out by then. i suddenly fl v look forward yet scared cos i read articles that induce is gg to be a long painful procedure and is usually not successful unless cervic alr start to open and bb alr engaged, otherwise, will end up c-sec.

morn had little bit cramps at tummy when i hv BH again but only 2x. mayb jarren decide to come out on his own earlier lei hehe
Hi mummies... goody morning.. wow after readin thru the thread, i am startin to think whether my gal is undersize a not leh... on 31 week she is at 1.5kg only but gynae say okie.. just nice.. then i see u all around my weeks already at 2+kg liao... must really check w my gynae tis sat... hmmm....
Another to check around w u mummies... my hubby told me tat other than my gynae who will be doin the delivery, there is another doctor.. is it huh? and the other doctor will do what one.. is it the one tat u mummies are referrin to??
i also realised tat my tummy is like moving down liao.. so i find like my tummy gettin smaller... hehe...
if you want epi, there will be an anathesist around also. Does PD hang around during delivery too? Your bb wt v good leh, by the time she come out her wt gam gam ho

Can feel bb moving around now, think she's got energy after breakfast. feels comforting to have her move...otherwise gotta poke her and ensure still ok inside.

Sec 1 cohort just in yesterday and one boy so poor thing. He's got some sort of anxiety problem, so whenever he's anxious he'll just throw up. Was standing next to him when he merlion and i also felt like it. Quickly settle him and zao before got chain reaction
Clarie: i not sure leh.. cause my hubby told me we will need to chose another doc for e baby.. then i told him i tot our gynae is the doc liao then he himself also not sure... ??? hehe
i start to get worried when i see 30 weeks at 2+kg... then one of my fren who just gave birth in Oct when i mention to her about my gal weight she say very small leh...
Nowadays my gal also awake when i takin train then till 10+ then fall asleep again liao.. hehe then wake up around lunch time then play play then go back to sleep... so cute leh... ya ya i also feel very comfort but sometimes pain but tahan it.. last nite also din have a good sleep cause she dun wan to sleep... keep playin inside...make me so sleepy today...
Alamak... throw up ah... yeee.... :p
Just 3 push and you delivered your 'heavy weight' daughter ah... heehee... that's fast! Your experience with epsiotomy sounds bad, i hope my gal is not that heavy, i am scared of the slit!

As for SM, in fact i was told before pregnancy to start applying. But i didn't start before pregnancy, i only started shortly after i found out that i am pregnant. Been using the Mothercare massage cream, so far so good. My friend have used Clarins oil but it din work on her, still have bad SM.
<font color="ff0000">GOOD MORNING GALS</font>

<font color="0000ff">Siewlng</font>

My gynae is Paul Tseng and yes, he is famous for his pro-natural, non-episiotomy attitude. As for the massage, not yet leh, I will only be seeing him next Thursday at 34wks, so maybe he will teach me how to massage the perineal(sp?) by then. Will update you again!

<font color="0000ff">Vonvon/Amanda</font>

Hiya.. the three of us can shake hands liao. Kekekek.. My baby should be considered small too since she was only about 1.5-1.6kg at 30th wk. I forgot to ask Paul last wk what is her wt, so I got to wait till next wk. Hmm. frankly, ideally baby is close to 3kg lah, but this is not within our control. Just got to eat as per normal, eat healthily and we hope for the best.

<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>

Your description of natural birth sounds so scary, especially the episiotomy cut. Come to think of it, I don't know if I should pray for natural birth after all. :p My C-section wasnt so bad, I feel. No side effects except that I had to walk slowly in order not to aggravate wound. At least no pain "down there".

<font color="0000ff">Stretchmarks</font>

I don't have any todate and hopefully will not have after delivery either. For me, I use all kinds of SM creams. Clarins, Avent, Elancyl, Palmer Cocoa. The first time I didnt have any SM too.
My bb was only 1.2kg at 29 weeks, tot she was small too but now see what happens :0 hai... so scared of the terrible slit that i will be getting down there. Must remember to teach us the perineal massage.
You had a c-section for your 1st bb and you're opting for natural birth this time round? I always thought that once c-section, the subsequent ones would be c-section as well otherwise there would be this terrible situation whereby your tummy would 'burst' at previous c-section area due to excessive pushing and the force?!!
Hi sunshinekid

My gal was also 1.6 KG at 30 week, and 2.5 at 33 weeks .. but gynae said it's average and the weight is an estimate only. This time round ,I pray for natural vagina delivery without epsiotomy.

Nowadays, I feel like my hips and thighs seem to have expanded slightly compared to first trimeter, even tho I can still fit in the first trimester jeans.
Hi summer,

The early adminstrationn of epidural helps in the cervix dilation to opened up fast enough and I slept through during the period while waiting for dilation to be wide enough. Doc was very surprised too that it was fast.
sunshinekid: hehe.. ya can shake hands liao..

but i am hope she dun go too big if not jia lat... just be healthy and strong can liao..

haha nowadays i feel hungry easily leh.. dunno whether is it the portion too small or baby eatin too much.. hehe :p

Lenny: epsiotomy pain pain one rite.. i read tat somewhere also then was like yeee... cannot imagine... gooes bump liao... :p
Same here leh, I feel hungry easily leh... but hor got to control leh... cos my gynae said I fat fat n bb fat fat... sigh
Hi Amanda

Sometimes epsiotomy is inevitable .. it hurts after the numbness wears off, and feeling the stitches while washing it makes me crinch but it should get better and heal in 2 weeks.

My gal at birth looks like a one month old baby as commented by my relatives, cf nanny and friends .. she was very alert but somehow refuse to latch on to my breast. Her crying was also very forceful and fierce :p

Hi sunshinekid

Oops, i meant to say my gal was 2.1 KG at 33 weeks, not 2.5 KG. My next visit is next sat, by then should 35 weeks.
Hi girls,
Bb small is ok...so long at 2.5kg can liao...Too big very difficult to push out..... Now I am worried that my boy gonna be too big...... My girl was 2.7kg at birth and I already had difficulty pushing liao.... Let alone bigger....

U suffered the episiotomy so much is because u have assisted delivery whereby the cut at the perineal is longer so that the forcep/vacuum can goes in. I also almost ended up having assisted delivery but lucky I managed to push out at the last minute and I suffered episiotomy for 1 wk plus.... Can don't sit on float but have to sit on soft material.... No pain when pee or poo.... also no pain when washing wound or soaking wound in salt bath.

Don't forget to share with us the massage technique hor.... because I am requesting my gynae not to have episiotomy also....He said he will see how the situation during birthing...

Usually how soon will our wound heal without episiotomy huh? Would the tear be terrible???
<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Weeks Left!!!</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Gynae</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Ah ger</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr John Yam </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>4.0 </TD><TD>GHL</TD><TD>Dr KW Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>gingerale</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>4.1 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Venus Teoh</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>2-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>4.1 </TD><TD>GHL</TD><TD>Dr Chan KH </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>smiley</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>3-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>4.3 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Chen Lin Han </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>4.6 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr John Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>5-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>4.6 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr YC Goh </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>vonvon78</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>7-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>4.9 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>I have a bb ger</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>8-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>5.0 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Selina Chua </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>steph</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>9-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>5.1 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>oscar</TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>5.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>siewlng</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>10-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>5.3 </TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Dr Heng Tung Lan </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>5.4 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>MTAN</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>11-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>5.4 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>et</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>12-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>5.6 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr Tony Tan </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Jasjas</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>14-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>5.9 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Grace Goh</TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD>15-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>6.0 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Bamwicca</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>6.1 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr HK Ho </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>16-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>6.1 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>fan</TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>6.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Christohper Chong </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>jasminesym</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>6.3 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr SC Chew </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Lenny</TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD>17-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>6.3 </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Dr WH Kee </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>18-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>6.4 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Adrain </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Ah_may</TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boys</font></center></TD><TD>2.9 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font size="-1">Dr Benjamin Tham / Dr Tony Tan</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Penny</TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD>21-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>6.9 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>feza</TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD>22-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>7.0 </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Ben Neo </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>babycutie</TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD>23-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>7.1 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Don Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><center><font color="ff0000">girl</font></center></TD><TD>7.3 </TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>Dr Chen Lin Han </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>niko76</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>24-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>7.3 </TD><TD>GHL</TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>28-Feb-06</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD>7.9 </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>

<center><font size="+2">February 2006 Babies - We are born!!!</font></center>

<center><table border=1><tr><td><font size="-2"><center>S/N</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Mummy's Age</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>EDD</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Birthdate</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Gender</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>BB Name</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Age / Days</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Wt @ Birth</center></font></TD><TD><font size="-2"><center>Hospital</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>mashy brainz</TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD>1-Feb-06</TD><TD>1-Jan-06</TD><TD><center><font color="0000ff">boy</font></center></TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>3.0 </TD><TD>2.8 kg</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></center>
siewlng: hehe u also felt hungry easily ah... :p
but lucky my intake is still ok.. hehe but last nite my hubby say i ate too much.. cause i super hungry leh.. afternoon eat chicken rice then go back i ate wanton mee and a bread... hehe... but i feel ok only... :p

Lenny: but mostly natural birth will need tat is it... sounds really scary... How big was ur gal when birth? wow look like one month baby quite big huh.. hehe forceful and fierce ah... hard to take care a not??
My girl's cry also forceful and fierce.....kekekeke.... I am very paiseh whenever she cry.... because her cry out beat all other babies in the nursery......

There was once we attended the baby massage class which total there were 7 babies.... When my girl started crying, all daddies and mummies look at us..... Her crying voice was very tremendous.....
Hi babycutie

I couldn't push partly because of the epidural .. it numbs my entire area that I couldn't gauge the "strength" of my push .. If you have piles, the piles might be pushed out and that will hurt later during bowel movements. i am wondering if too much epidural was administered to me. I remembered it was so numb that I just pushed without any sensation or even the urge to push is not there.

Hi Amanda,

Not all natural birth needs that .. I know my sis inlaw didn't need taht and heals fast, and her baby boy was 2+ kilo. My gal was 3.75 KG, she doens't look fat like a sumo, but she looks tall.
It was not easy to take care of her, because she refused to sleep and very alert and hyper active, even till now
I am thankful to God for giving me a healthy active baby gal, especially so when she reached all the milestones faster than her age group e.g. flipped at 3 months, walked at 10 months and talk in sentences before she turned 2.
wished I could have breastfeed her but she didn't wanna latch on or learnt to latch on.
read in motherhood mag that actually episiotomy is not essential and actually no evidence that it is better than having a tear. Can't remember which issue but remember reading that most gynaes do it tho most times it is not needed.
Lenny: wow ur gal was 3.75kg when born ah... alamak... sumo... hehe so she resemble u or ur hubby?? wow hyper active child very hard to take care rite.. their energy like never used up one.. hehe... learned how to flipped at 3 months.. tat very early rite.. maybe because she is strong and stable thats y the development is so fast... hmmm she is independent lah.. dun wan to be breastfeed... hehe.... posted ur gal pic here leh.. hehe possible?? :p so now how old is she liao le? got sayang baby inside a not.. hehe :p
hi claire

I came across that article too .. but I guess we would have to rely on the expertise and knowledge of the gynae to advised as each situation is different. Not sure if having a tear is better or not, but most of my friends do have epsiotomy.

I thought of not wanting epidural this time round and try the other alternatives such as laughing gas .. the thing abt epidural is that it has to be "ordered" in advance and not last minute according to my gynae and hubby wanted me to have it.
Hi Amanda

One thing that hubby and I learnt is that we must give our kids the eu yan sang si shen brown rice. We gave her that since she was 4 months old, mixed with milk, and it makes her strong. but take note that alot of babies and toddlers hate the taste of it. I am glad she loves it, even until now she is still taking it with her formula milk. One tin of the EYS will last her a month. It also helps to give infant multi-vitamins. We also fed her avocado and she likes it - avocado is a fruit very rich in vitamins and anti-oxidant, a brain food .. but not too much of it. She's now 2.5 years old, terrible twos and very defiant.

We shared the good news with her as soon as I found out I was preggy, and she was about 22 months then and understood. she would stroke my tummy and kiss, and she even knows her "mei mei's" name. soemtimes she will act like a big sister, took out a pampers and trying to imitate me changing diapers. She told me she also "got baby inside". ha!

Let me find a pic and send to you via pm.
I opt for non-epidural..... I almost gave up pushing and cannot tolerate the pain also but still I die die also dun want epidural.... Luckily my labour pain only 3hrs+......

I also have piles but it is inside the anus.... after pushing out my girl the piles also comes out and no matter how I push back into the anus also buay sai... But it does not hurt leh.... Only when I get heaty then it will hurt a little. Otherwise, it does not affect my lifestyle at all.... So is this piles or just lump?
Hi babycutie

I can't even feel my labour pain .. in fact no labor pain at all when i started having 2 cm dilation.
Not being able to feel anything doens't really help in pushing as the urge is not there.

As long as the stools are not hard, piles will not surface. Piles that are inside are not so bad, there are diff degrees of "severity" of piles.

hi amanda

I have pm you some pics of my eldest gal.
My girl just turn 1 when I found out that I am preggy so she still dun understand yet....

Like now she is coming 19mths, I told her she got didi and hold her hand to touch my tummy.... Dunno she understand or not.....
Lenny: the brown rice also got that type that need to cook and stir one is it?? called what 'cuo bee' in hokkien ah.. i remember my sis got eat that and my mom mixed with the formula milk also... then poor me and my bro got to stand at the stove there and take turn to stir for her... wow... 2 and 1/2 liao.. at this point of time can be very funny and very maddening rite.. hehe...
very sensible ya ur gal.. one of my x-colleague gave birth to a second child last month.. her first one is a boy.. also hyper then when her tummy gets bigger i tink she din tell her boy abt the baby and he tot it was a balloon and keep hitting it hard... i was like so shocked when i hear that...i tink gals are more sensible bah.. my cousin daugther also like ur gal.. will help my cousin take pampers for her to change her younger sis... so cute i find... hmm 2 and 1/2 yr diff i tink just nice.. next time when they grow bigger they can share share their problems....
Lenny: ok.. i go see see...
thanks ya..

babycutie: ur gal might be tinkin how come mummy's tummy got things moving one.. hehe...
Lenny: saw the pics liao... she looks very cute leh..
her eyes very bright.. wow the 1st few was taken after birth is it?? look big hor... hehe the one that is in pink resemble u... so cute... can sense activeness... :p i like the last pic... very notti gal like tat... make the face... hehe
hmm u also happening mummy huh.... :p
I had a show and waterbag breaks. By the time I reach hospital I was already 4cm dilated. But I don't have labour pain leh....
Too bad my boy didn't move when his sis touch my tummy leh.... And she has no patient to touch longer to feel the movements..... Think she still don't understand lor...
Hi Amanda

Yes, the first few pics was taken on the second day after birth when she's 2 days old.

haha .. dun think I am "happening" .. old already.:p

There are a few type of brown rice, instant ones, the EYS ones that requires cooking, and the actual brown rice that were grinded. My maid is very good at making the EYS ones, so it seems quite easy.

Hi babycutie,

Initially I was wondering if she would understand .. and to my surprise she understood that there's a baby mei mei in mommy's tummy, and she shows affection too. It helps to give her a doll to play with too, and she will imitate caring for the doll.
babycutie: hehe... then u no tell her to talk to didi inside.. hmm when ur boy is out then she know liao...

Lenny: see u trendy mummy leh... old?? 31 ok lah... comin to 2 kiddy's mummy liao leh...

u got work or stay at home one?? and who look after ur gal?

U will be surprise that my girl don't like dolls or big bears.... I have a brown colour bear which I ever showed her and wanted her to carry but she retreat and started to cry..... She is scare of the dark colour....

She is a very timid girl.... She will cry whenever these things happen: drilling wall, vacuum floor, grinding food/fruit juice, thunder...

But to my surprise she is not afraid of animals like dog or cat.... she will move forward to touch them when she sees them.....
