(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


me oso feel pressure at my V area.. my gynae say bb will engage 2 weeks b4 u give birth.. but my mil was telling me tat if u feel pain in ur V area or ur tummy has lower down mean bb has engage..

Hi Siewing

I gave her 20 bucks on arrival and a few hundred on the day she left.

Hi Ivory

Old people are like that .. you wanna know what my own mom said to me ? She always curse me. Everytime I tell her about my baby's weight, she will say that my baby is skinny and i am unhealthy, saying that my skin is "sallow and yelllow" and said that my baby will end up like my eldest gal whom she deemed as too skinny when I tol her my eldest gal at 28 months weight 13 kg which is average weight and not skinny but she looks lanky like me. She go on cursing that all my children will look like that .. i hung up the phone on her. Many times, she criticsied my gal, mnyself and my hubby - she came and ask me "why is your gal's mouth like that?" .. i told her there is nothign wrong iwth my gal's mouth and really there's nothing wrong at all and she just wanna find fault. Also, she cursed me saying that in my previous confinement i didn't rest enough and my uterus will drop and that my hubby will not want me because of that .. how absurb!! I really dun need such unwanted comments from a crow mouth.
Sorry for venting, but I am just too frustrated and getting uneasy as approaching the D day as i know my mom will wanna come by in the hospital and come to my house everyday and I really have to stop the crow mouth from uttering nonsense to me, hubby and inlaws (she has aklreayd offended my inlaws and hubby and they dun like her) after my delivery. She must say something bad to me, never ever wil she say something good to me or my hubby,.
kekekeke.... I am cool.... just da bao bu ping mah....

Then just leave her alone lor.... Just treat her words as er bian feng..... Just eat whatever u thk u can take..... don't be bother by her words lah....

Otherwise ask yr hb to tell her if she want a 4kg bb, ask her give birth herself....hehehehehhee...Joking lah...
Hi All

About engagement of baby;s head, you will notice that the tummy becomes more protruding outwards, and lower. For me, cos i was alreayd carrying low, so can't really tell based on that. also, i read that you can feel the baby's head at the vagina area rolling. My gynae said for second time mothers, when the engagement happens, it means time to deliver asap .. whereas for first timer, may need to wait 1-2 weeks after engagement and not that soon.

Somewhere between week 37-40, a baby is considered full term. For my gal, i delivered a day before EDD. Her estimated weight was 3.4 but turned out to be 3.7+ .. so it really depends on the growth spurt during the last one two weeks.
Wow! U really have a <font color="aa00aa">HORRIBLE MUM</font>.
I am so lucky to have an understanding mum. She offers to take care of my girl when I get pregnant last year. And true enough she really put in her effort to take care of my girl....Can you imagine at 3 mths, my girl weight 6.5kg!!!

She never say nasty things to us. No doubt she is very fierce when I was younger (She will cane me if I were notti when I was young), she is very careful with her words.....

She is very zhi tong... She won't pose difficulties for us even though she may have her own problems....
Lenny: u mean ur mom say all tat to u?? how come ur mom like tat?? own daugther leh... so sorry to hear tat....

bbcutie: hehe ya boy...
Bbcutie: Thanks for yr advice. I'm too lazy to shop/walk for long liao.....just want to sleep nowadays.

Ivory: Just ignore her lar. Sometimes, they mean well but it turns out to be another way. Dun think too much lar.

My mum speaks loudly and likes to complain about my niece (whom she's taking care), sometimes, I wonder if my SIL is offended by that. But I know my parents love &amp; doted on my niece alot.

Lenny: Dun think so much also...just take a step at a time. As long as yr daughter is heathly &amp; normal, no need to care too much about what other think. One side in, one side out lar.

I reali sympathised ur situation.. Mums are supposed to be closest to us.. I dun understand y ur own mum will curse u n ur family.. afterall u r her own daughter rite.. did u try talking to her tat u dun like her to say all those things? how abt ur dad? did he do anything to stop ur mum frm spurting out those curses?
<font color="aa00aa">amanda / baby...</font>
i try not to be bothered by wat she say... but she always 'bu tong zhuang tong, gai tong de bu tong'... very pek chek leh...

my mum oso comment how can she be so pantang... n she so young... 49 oni... my mum 58 oso not pantang... if my mum's mum still alive, she oso more chin chye than my MIL... my maternal grandma oso not superstitous one..

<font color="aa00aa">Lenny...</font>
wah... ur mum how can do that? no matter wat u are her own daughther... she should be giving u support instead ah..
Hi babycutie, amanda,

She seldom has anything nice to say about my inlaws and hubby and to me ..

When my hubby bought a subaru legacy GT turbo 2litre car, you know what's her reaction ? She frowned, and then went to inspect the car, and commented that subaru is a lousy brand that no one wants and said we are "ben dan" stupid.
Whe my hubby has an increment, my mom said this to me " what's the use ? he doesnt' give all his money to you .. myabe he spent his money somewhere else" .. She always looked down on my hubby and his family just because they are not richer than her. There was one time she knew my mil bring my gal to school, and she said this " you better make sure your mil wear nicely, if not people think your child is poor, good thing your maid follow them to school so that people won't look down on your gal" .. I told her not to say such things !
She will cook expensive food for us whenever we visit her .. but the point is .. I would like her to grow up and be sensitive to others feelings .. she is very magnimous as in she will spend alot on me and my gal, and will help me if I need her help, but it's her crow mouth that I am afraid of .. especially my hubby disliked her so much that there are times he called her names behind her back.

My mom ever said I am ugly ok ..
Gosh!!! I can't believe yr mum.... No one will say that she is dumb if she don't talk....

I thk she is very status conscious... I can't imagine how yr dad tolerates her..... Did she offended her own mum and MIL or not....

Guess u r not in a very good term with her either right? How abt yr siblings? How do they handle yr mum?

Well, I believe in karma. For those who believes in buddhism. She will get her retribution one day....
Gals, I am so afraid of CNY coming .. I skipped CNY last year because hubby didn't wanna do visitings at my mom's relatives places. He did visti my folks and was cordial. This year, I dun think I can skip CNY visitngs again, but then again, eveyrtime my hubby is around, my heart is pounding so badly because i dunno when the crow mouth will start .. in front of me, she always say my gal is stupid just because my gal fears stranger .. if hubby hears that he will flipped.
My parents always compare my gal to my bro's son who is 6 months younger, and who is an obese toddler that the pd cautioned that he is overweight .. and my mom always say that the boy is so well fed not like my gal and the boy is not afraid of stranger not like my gal so coward .. this kind of remarks irks my hubby.
Lenny: wow.. ur mom like very 'lin lei' leh.. sorry huh... she dun like ur in laws is it.. was she very against u and ur hubby marriage? she see up no see down one lah.. ai yeo.. poor u... but dun bother about her lah.. most important is u, ur hubby and ur children is living a happy life..
hi babycutie

She is very strict with me since young .. if I dun get 100 marks, sure get caning .. which explained my good results :p like every mom in that era, she is super kiasu and competitive. she cannot get along with my dad's family members at all, none of them liked her. As a christian, we must honor our parents , not a matter of whether they deserves it or not. My sis doesn't respect her. My mom is afraid of my bro since he's the only son, and she always treat my bro and his wife special, that is like giving her son away to his wife's side.
If anything happen to my bro's side, she will blame me .. there was one isntance where my bro hired a philippino maid who used to work many years for my auntie and my mom recommedned her to my bro, and there was this day where i met the maid at my mom's place (bro was not around) and chatted with her .. the follwing day, my bro told my mom that his wife and his wife's family wants to fire the maid .. my mom came and accuse me saying taht i must have said somethign to the maid to cause that to happen. She even asked my bro if it's because of me .. m bro said no and gave her some other reaons but my mom kept accusing me .. my hubby was so mad .. I only chatted with the maid because she looked after a few of my cousins when they were younger .. and yet my mom can accuse me of anything that happens.
bbcutie: i agree w u... got mouth to say other but din tink of retribution...

Lenny: when she curse rite, just ignore it.. the things will be absord back to herself..i mean although is mom lah.. but must have 'kou de' lor... she will only make ppl dislike her...
wow lau.. scare stranger also call stupid ah.. then she like to talk rubbish means she like to eat rubbish???? cannot stand her leh... tell ur mom tat tat is 'FAT' not 'WELL FED'... gals should maintain... zhi yao body not weak and is healthy ok liao.. really dun bother abt.. haha should ur mom move house to the Buangkok there... :p
oops.... :p
Hi girls,
How about last glimpse of our "big tummy" before they were gone in a few weeks time?

Who will be the first to post the pic? kekekekeke
Hi Amanda

Yes, she is status conscious .. too bad in her eyes I am not married a tycoon's son or a lawyer or doctor .. but to me, I told her that if money or earnings is a concern, I told her that my hubby earns well enough that he can afford diamonds for me 2x a year .. you know hubby got me a lazare 0.7 carat for engagement, and my mom said " yee, so small, what;'s the use?" . She dfoens't even want to take a look at it, as if it's a piece of shit.

She was not against the marriage .. but she was pissed that my inlaws didn't give me jewellery. mil dun believe n giving jewellery but gave me 5K.

Hubby and I held our wedding at a 6 star hotel and my mom's reaction was "your husband]s family not rich people, why held it there .. xia suay !"
I told her that this hotel was chosen by me and hubby paid for it all, what is wrong with that.
btw, my bro's wedding was 6 months after me, and chose that very same hotel, and my parents paid eveyrthing for him for hte wedding dinner and his house renovation. And after my bro's wedding, my mom came to tell me " all my friends saiud your bro's wedding dinner is so much better than yours where your menu is bad " .. btw, my menu is more expensive than my bro's wedding menu ..
Hi Amanda

My mom is beyond reasoning .. even if you can tell her things to prove her wrong, she will not believe and will say something else to put you down and curse further ..

I remembered when i was expecting my gal, hubby had chickenpox and my mom followed me to the gyane visit .. she started criticisng my gynae.. insisting that my gynae is a malaysian doctor and no good. I told her not to be absurb, because his degree will tell you where he graduated from and his title .. but my mom kept saying he is no good and kept saying that so and so's gynae is better and I am stupid and dunno anything.
bbcutie: haha.. good idea... tomolo is my 34 week liao.. tomolo take then monday post... hehe.... :p

Lenny: i tink she very 'feng jian si xiang' she dotes on ur brother more lah.. everything ur brother good lor.... i tell u.. if she will to be my mom.. i wun bother to talk to her or go and bother about her so much... cause simply ridiculous....
wow.... hubby afford 2 diamonds a year ah.. and ur hubby so willing to buy for u.. i tink most parents wan the hubby to treat their daugther well and not on money issue... and end up got such comments... u din tell ur mom because of ur face we hold at 6* and this is what u comment... we dun even take $$ from u to hold the wedding... what more she wan to expect... buay tahan.... sad case leh....
Lenny: then in tat case.. let her go talk until she siong... let her absorb all the bad curses... then turn deaf ears.. seow one leh..
Bulma,Going to see my gynae tmr. We'll see what she say since I'm so near to delivering date now too.

Ivory, I think older generation are like that. Bigger the better. Sometimes they say things no logic one. Piss me off too.
Hi Amanda

Not those diamond solitaires since already had one, but it will be a diamond jewellery item that he would custom made from the jeweller .. that is what he wanted me to have and perhaps his way of making up to me for his mom not providing me with si dian jin during our wedding. . the thought itself is good enough and I appreicate that.

I will still talk to my mom cos after all she's my mom, but I will walk away or hang up her phone if crow mouth starts again .. I do wish to visit my parents more often despite all these, because my gal needs to know her gramps too. My dad is very nice person.

I remembred my mom ever asked my gal " do you like your ah ma (meaning my mil) ? " .. do you like "ah ma better or me" i almost fainted .. told her never to ask my kids such questions. and my kid loves my inlaws. If hubby hears her asking my gal if she likes his mom, he would get angry. I guess anyone would get upset too because this is uncalled for.
Got a rare shot of Caeden opening up his eyes before the sun had set

your mother is scary leh....beyond imagination....i mean i can understand if you say mil is like that but saying that own mother is like that it's scary lor....but since u know ur mother is like that then dun take what she say to heart lor. As a form of respect let her say what she wnt but then if she goes beyond and start cursing every now and then maybe it's good not to emet up with her that often. How old is your mother? Your family is super rich kinda ah? If not why look down on others' family???

Your hubby must be quite poor thing hor....u have to be ncie to your hubby leh...afterall the two of you formed a family liaoz hor......dun get too upset k..take care
Hi Etelle

Well it's very hard for my inlaws or hubby to "get used" to her, even after that many years.
I know deep inside her heart, she cares for me since she is my mother afterall. My mom is very young, early 50s and looked like she's my elder sister.

There are different definitions of rich .. and I never thought my parents are rich, in fact, my dad is of very humble background and I respect him alot. My bro's wife family side is not rich, but she never looked down on them in that way.

I tell you, my past boyfriend suffered even more ok .. haha !! I rememebered my ex who is a taiwanese residing here in singapore with his mom, and his dad is working in Thailand and comes back home eveyr now and then. My mom always accuse that his mom is the mistress and ask me for his taiwan home address as she wanna call her taiwan friend to go check them out. My ex's mom is a very very nice and kind lady, but my mom always accuse her of being the mistress since my ex's dad always not around. Worse still, my ex's is very hairy on his limbs and chest, and my mom always say that men who has hair on chest are very vicious and ask me to be careful ( ok, I take taht as a concern from a mother's pt of view ) .. and cos my ex was plump, she said he will die early of heart attack ..
mashy and hb
caeden really look so adorable..... cant imagine jarren so big inside me and yet stil dun wanna come out himself =/ noti boi

caeden looks coolz hehe
Caeden so cute......His cheeks so chubby.....

I really pity you. Anyway jia jia dou you beng nan nian de jing.... Can see that yr mum is those zhong nan qing nu kinda......

Its better for u to keep an arm length with her lah... Unless no choice, don't consult her for any opinions if possible....

And with her crow mouth mouthing bad abt others, she will get it back one day..... She is beyond hope liao lah.... Only one word can describe her - WICKED
i guess well only u know how your mother is and after all these years whetehr you like it or not she is still your mother and she has brought you up. So give her the due respect and other than that i think it's alright lah just be urself lor....grumble to us lor...hee hee :p eveyr family has their side of the story....so
hi gals

Caeden has been readmitted for jaundice.

Now my breasts starting to feel painful without his suckling. Tried expressing, but so long express only a little bit. Caeden is still better at it.
God will bless him and take care of him. is his jaundice serious????? Mmm engorgement think have to express out or maybe use cold cabbage to put over it???? Not experienced leh....post at Jan MTB and asked them for advice?
U can clean your breasts with warm towel and slowly massage the whole breast with outward direction. Use yr thumb to massage outward on all areas and squeeze yr nipple, the milk will flow out and u will feel better. Hope this helps.
Mummies are so so so noble. We sacrificed so much to get our bb. Tests after tests,restriction on food, stretch marks, itchiness, morning sickness, backaches, fatigue, labour pain, lost of figure, changing of appearance..... etc etc....

Aren't we a group of noble women? I feel we are. It became more true when my SM comes out making me so sad :'( it's ugly. It really is and how am i going to get rid of it when people said no way to do so....
i also want bb to come out then wouldn't have to further stretch my tummy liaoz can just let the tummy be back to normal.....sigh....sad sad....
is his jaundice level high? U must b feeling worried and dun fl good without caeden by your side. i think i will if (touch wood) jarren nd to stay in hospital by himself.

How is Caeden's condition now? I'm sure u are feeling very worried &amp; miss him a lot. But he'll be fine &amp; hope he'll be discharged soon.

Btw, did u go to the hospital to see him &amp; breastfeed him? Or u express &amp; let ur hb bring to the hospital?

For me, I've to be prepared for my boy to stay longer in the hospital as there's a 50% chance that he might get G6PD deficiency (I have). If that happens, he may have to stay in the hospital for 2 wks.

Praying hard that he won't get it. Else, I can forget abt having a proper confinement as I'll definitely go to the hospital everyday to see him. TOUCHWOOD lah! I sure hope he'll be discharged together with me.
Do update us on Caeden's condition ok. Hope he is getting well soon.

He is so adorable, really cute.

How's your breasts? any swelling? may be cold cabbage can help...

hope caeden s all better now.. dun worry ok??

went for my check up ytd.. and just to report that my girl is fine.. weighing in at 2.4kg at 33 weeks.. she so notti ytd, dun let us see her face.. the gynae had to press and press my tummy to get a clearer scan.. today my tummy hurt a bit..
hey feza, did gynae comment that you bb is on the bigger side?

was down with gastric flu yesterday, eat what vomit what. drink plain water also vomit. only managed to keep the food consumed at dinner time. went to see Dr but din dare to take the medicine dr prescribed although she say it's ok for bb and mummy.
Hi gals

Caeden had jaundice level of 14.7 when he was admitted. Thank God after 1 night's photo therapy, it has come down to 10.4. But still not good enough for him to be discharged.

I've been expressing the milk out, but find that Caeden is still the best pump. The other pumps are so tiring and can't deliver.
It can only last a short while. Avent manual pump is good but so damn tiring! Bulma, if u wanna express your milk for long term for Jarren, think you'll need to invest in a good electric one lor. I rather direct latch than pump. So much easier. Caeden does all the work. Hehe.

I went to visit him a few times in the hospital to directly latch him on. But this morning, he's so uninterested in my breasts. Fell asleep after just 15mins.
Decided to skip the night visit tonight so that he can have more phototherapy time. Hope he can come home tomorrow.

For those who are going to breastfeed, i find that expressing is not as good as direct latch on. If you're diligent enought to direct latch all the time, got less engorgement leh. Coz bb will empty the breasts better. So not as painful. And breastfeeding is not without pain. His first mouthful will be slightly painful, but it will get better after that. And it makes me feel really sleepy. I can fall asleep while feeding him. I think maybe breastfeeding releases some chemicals to make me sleep. Also can feel the air in the stomach churning and my tummy gets flatter after each feed. So that's a big bonus to breastfeed.

Yah, we're very wei da. BTW hor, after we give birth, our tummies will look even more hideous. Don't even wanna look at it now. Wait till end of confinement. Think gotta scrub and scrub to get back the nice smooth skin again.

Think it might be a good thing that u can't see Elly. Means she's in anterior position (backside up) Caeden was in posterior, which explains my long labour and eventual failure to give birth naturally. Next round I'm going for C-section liao. Dun wan anymore labour pains. Really admire those who can give birth naturally and without epidural. Salutes to them!

I hate confinement! Can't wait for it to be over!

I was all wrapped up like ba zang like that when i went hospital to see Caeden and my FIL told me to cover somemore!!! I lost my patience and snapped at him. Sigh, know all of them have good intentions but sometimes I find that they're going overboard.

And the food sucks! Everyday eat the same stuff. Now kenna constipation due to all the heaty food and cannot exert due to my C-section! Hospital confinement food also better than home confinement food. Either a lot of ginger or a lot of sesame oil. Really makes me sick!
