(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

wow declan is on size 6, hazel is only at 2.5!! i bought a pair of clarks for hazel for CNY but she cant walk very well in them. was tinking to skip the soft soles altogether but seems like gota get a pair.

duno the brand cerisi gd anot but the shoes are v cheap! ard $10 although designs are not extensive.

RJ wears size 4 for disney shoes...frm size 4 onwards the soles are harder...

Lately RJ can skip his morning nap liao so most likely can go visitation in the morning...last sunday he woke up at 6.45am and thong all the way to 3pm only sleep...so i know he can thong very long, can bring him out for visitation...anyway on 1st day of CNY will have to wake him up at 5am cos we will be travelling back to Msia (6-7hrs journey)...he is quite ok wt car ride...will just let him sleep in the car lah...
I think gezann only wear less than 10 times, the shoes got torned liao. Prolly she's on the rough surfaced during her evening walks.

Meals during cny,
will cook for lunch, and try to come home before dinner if need to go out early morning. or prepare for dinner and go out after lunch. if not, bring along instant porridge from pigeon.

I will still stick to getting a soft sole shoe first.

I also find it difficult to buy shoes now, gezann feet is in between M and L. M too fitting, L is loose.

Gezann is opposite, she will not walk if we don't hold her hands. I prefer it this way as she will not have the habit of running away from us (what i see at this point of time lah).

Benjamin is smart leh, he sensed something 'fishy'. Even if gezann don't like the food, I will have to bluff/distract her with toys and she will gong gong open her mouth. haha..

Welcome gerald to the walking club. You will be more busy running after him. Since he is sticky to daddy, let him do the running job. heehee..

Hazel has small feet, good for a gal.
thanks for the lobang, might get a pair for Ger..

anyone knows how much are shoo shoo shoes?

Hazel is gal mah, dainty feet, she can qualify for san chun jin lian feet leh. Declan is chor lor with big feet.


Issit, got gathering? if time and date permits I want to join leh, but i alone cannot handle, will need to drag hubby along, provided he's not working cuz his hours are quite irregular one. very jialat mummy, but if u see my boy, u would know how "touchy" his hands are. he can destroy my mum's furniture, so definitely not guai guai one.


welcome Zach/Gerald to the walkers club! good good that he can walk now, then u dun have to carry him all the time, cuz i think by now all our little ones are a bit too heavy to carry liao.

Declan is sick for 2 days already, today is 3rd day, seems better but he's still not keen with food. he's on soy fm now only, probably today will give him some cereal to see if he can take it. Maybe for his porridge diet, tmr night then start, so that he can have a proper reunion dinner with us, heehee. Bad timing to fall sick leh. Hope all tods, mummies and daddies can be healthy and enjoy the coming CNY and collect many ang pows!

If u still not so busy with CNY prep, can help me Declan's stats, wt:9.6kg, ht: 79cm @ 13.5mths? SC, he's almost the same size as Megan leh!

Yo...CNY coming, I still can't lose the weight I've put on since having Declan. Gosh...not gg to be mei mei this CNY liao.
In fact, I've put on weight since stop breastfeeding in Nov.
Compared to my pre-preggy weight, I'm 6.5kg more!!!! Expected to increase even more during CNY I guess.

Anyone still working today?
I'm working today but for half a day only....YIPEEE!!!! talking about weight is a sad thing lah....i think quite a few of us got his problem...big thigh n butts, flabby arms n flabby tummy....i still trying my best to lose weight too...i manage to lose about 2 kg this few weeks but expect to put back during CNY cos so many cookies and good food....we togather "jia yu" to lose weight, ok!!!

Wishing everyone here a Happy Chinese New Year, all mummies will stay slim and pretty always and all our babies will be "guai guai" and healthy!!!
Gong Xi Gong Xi!!!!
Sorry that I MIA for so long! Happy Chinese New Year to all!!

Fairymoss, hope Declan recovers soon! losing weight is not easy after birth hor? Although I am more or less back to pre-preg weight, but body shape seems to have changed and can no longer fit into old clothes.
Zach also has 'touchy' hands and his nickname - 'Zach the Destroyer' tats wat my 2yo nephew calls him. This boy canot sit n stand still. Every sec also must move here n there. Even when u carry him he can make 360degress turn. He's trying to walk now but still not very stable lor. So for the time being still need to carry him.

Hope Declan get well soon...

I didn't gain any weight during preggie. But I gain 10kg after I get to know hubby in 1999. But hubby says no point losing weight now since we planning for no. 2 soon so I just have to bear with my flabby arms, tummy n thighs for another few more yrs bah...sigh...but for the time being I got plans to go for hot yoga lessons...my fren lost 10kg after gg for less than 10 lessons so I hope i can be more fit n healthy.

Yesterday went NIKE and bought the yoga apparels hopefully not waste of money...hehehe

I also wish all the mummies and babies Gong Xi Fa Cai and Shen Ti Jian Kang.
yalor...though I did not gain any weight after birth but the body shape really changed lor I also cant fit into my old clothes leh. I have to take some of my clothes for altering. So cham ah! Now buy clothes definitely go for XL sigh...
My weight maintained at 4kgs above pre-preggie, I mananged to squeeze in my old jeans I very happy liao, but last few months I gained another 3kgs and there goes my jeans. got to buy new jeans to wear. My hb also commented that my arms are bigger now. I told him, if I can push all the fats to my breast, I can be E cup liao.
Personally, I think Taka, Muj, Joyful and DS looked very good after child birth

Especially Muj, you don't look like you gave birth to 2 kids!!! Well done!
aiyoh....seems like all mummies upgraded their sizes. Oh..how i wish bust size can be upgraded too!! before preggie, i'm wearing clothes XS or S, now it's S/M mostly M lah. So sian leh. tops or bottoms also cannot wear, buy new ones or squeeze into the very big ones which I have before preggie. but hor, bust size once i stopped bf, go back to original size leh. only the width is increase, cup remains same. so sad.


what's your slimming secret recipe? or were you very skinny before preggie, then put on a little to balance out and be just nice after childbirth? I thot I look fat before preggie, now i look at my old pics, in comparison i think i was skinny then.
Good morning Mommies

Sorry that I MIA for some time as most of MSN mommies knew that I was busy eating a big fat snake these 3 weeks.. haha

Wishing every mommies "Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi" and every babies "Tian Tian Kai Xin, Sheng Ti Jian Kang"!!

Wishing U in advance a Happy & Blessed Birthday! Enjoy yr special day cum 1st day of CNY!!

This is the season to be happy & cheers to everyone!
reunion dinner is suppose to be with family mah. so we'll be gng to inlaws to eat with the rest. The more ppl, the merrier. We had reunion dinner with my parents yesterday.
We preparing steamboat reunion dinner at home with our inlaws.

Wishing all mummies & babies, a healthy and prosperous fat fat pig year!!!
Hi Mummies,

This yr we had reunion dinner at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant with my family, my uncles, my aunties and my grandparents. Then rush to Tampines to have reunion steamboat dinner with my ILs. Now I'm feeling very full...hee...already collected some ang pows liao
Happy CNY to all mommies, daddies and babies! Hope you all have a great year ahead full of success & happiness & 2nd baby ??:)!

How do u all spend the new year? My boy had stomach flu yesterday so brought him to 24 hours thomson clinic coz all doctors close already. So pity...so much nice food and he only stick to plain porridge and definitey no goodies!

SC..thansk for your compliment..but really all the flabby part is hidden..now i could throw away my bikins liao!! and forget about wearing shorts!otherwise i'll scare people with my birthmark ...haha! and how i wish i have the displine like you! my only exercise now is bending down to pick up toys, cleaning up spills, and carryng them.

u are mother of 2 leh, of course is much better than us who are mother of 1 and already out of shape. Hope that your ah boi recover quickly and can eat all he can soon. I still restrict Declan's diet cuz I put him back on Gain, then he got diarrhoea again.

SC, u be here till when?

Anyone knows where to purchase Isomil during festive season? cuz all shops close, 7-11 dun sell baby FM, somemore think soy fm maybe not many places got even if they do carry fm. the isomil is gg to run out soon if Declan still can't take gain. now i'm mixing it to make it last longer.
hi, im jenny

I want to wish all mommies, babies and of course dadies a very happy Chinese New Year....

fairymoss, Declan sure looks very handsome nd happy ... takes after his mommy???..hehehe.. his birthday cake looks really interesting, where you bought the cake?

And to other mommies, i just weight myselg before and after, only two days, and i weight another 2kg more..sigh..really had to lose some weight..
hi dec mummies,

blessed CNY to you & yours

juz curious if most of your kids are already walking... cos my DS is coming to 15 mths and he's only able to stand steadily for a few secs on his own. not that i'm worried but juz wondering how do you encourage your DD/DS to take that 1st step on their own =))

I think every bb walks at different ages. I know some started walking at 15-18mths. I think you do not need to worry that much since he's only 15mth. there are some tods here in dec thread who also not yet walking. so should be ok lah. u can use toys to attract him, stand a few steps away from him and then when he flung himself over to u, cuz still cannot walk yet, u can praise him and cheer for him. i think tods like people to compliment them and praises like that can encourage repetitive positive behaviour.

when my son is learning to walk, he will flung himself from one side of the sofa to the other because the sofa is arranged in an L shape, he can do that but when at my own hse, he can't cuz the arrangement does not allow that, so he only learn to walk at my mum's hse. i think he is trying to stabilise himself now, when he can balance standing, then he will take the first step. If u still worry then check with doc.

Yes Declan is tall for his weight. heehee, DH's relative will say DS look like him, whereas my relatives will say look like me leh, so dunno look like who leh.
but DH not handsome lah. heehee.

cake is from ecreative. suppose to be a no 1 figure cake, but all the guests didn't realise that it's 1, they thot it's just odd shape.
Hi jes2ie,

My boy is coming to 15 months too, he haven't started walking yet. I'm not too worried cos i noticed his desire to walk is increasing bit by bit. Now he stand up on his own with no support and use those push kind of walker very well. Last time, can't even do that. No pressure for them to walk... when they're ready, they'll walk (anyway they've a whole lifetime to walk!)And we've to be ready to run with them too!
hi all,

long long time din post in this thread as was busy with other things....

jes2ie, my DS coming 14th mth and cannot walk on his own yet...he need to hold on my finger to walk...actually he did walk many steps on his own the other time in the playground and fell down...after that, i noted that he din dare to walk on his own liao...dunno when he can overcome his fear... =(
but i am really looking forward for him to walk on his own....
my son is turning 14mths and he still cant walk. He can stand up by himself and walk for few steps then he'll fall. My fren's son only know how to walk when he turns 2yo. Old people always says "dun walk too early or else pai2 mia3" hee...but I dun believe such things lah...coz we cant control them and dun allowed them to walk mah...in fact I hope my son can walk so that these few days we dun have to keep carrying him...very tired ah.

Today Zach fell down twice...in the morn fell down from our bed...in the afternoon fell down from sarong. Normally we'll put mattress beside our bed but last nite hubby forgot (coz he last to sleep). Afternoon I was in the kitchen and hubby left zach sleeping alone in the sarong without watching over him then he fell. But very weird I cant find blueblack or scratches on his body and head. So whole day monitoring him closely scared he vomit. I really scared got internal injury now...I duno how he fell and he did not cry when he fell down twice. Worried ah!
Hi all,

My sis-in-law is giving birth tomorrow. Her confinement lady just sabo her and will not be available.

Does anyone have any confinement lady to recommend? Thanks.

hi fairymoss, pinny, happygal & kwan... tks!! good to know that my DS is kind of on the right track =)

yes, like yours, my DS is also showing an increasing desire to walk (altho very slooooow).

dun worri, like fairymoss said, our kids' juz nid our cheers and praises to spur them on. so believe your DS will dare step out on his own again with your encouragements =)

haaa, yup, my arms, legs and back are beginning to feel the strain from his weight! tiring man ;p
oh, hope zach is ok... how's he now?
