(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

hi dec mummies and babies,
happy CNY and wishing all good health and success in the new year!

welcome back! does megan adapt well back here? grandparents must have missed her so much! got gathering before u go back i also wana join!

wow ur boy is so big! he looks well past his age! my girl still looks like shes 9 mths...my father calls her "kateh ayam"!

my girl is walking already. before that i gave her lots of space and opportunities to be on the ground so dat she can crawl and explore. she also needed pieces of furniture so that she can pull herself up. after a few weeks of cruising she started to let go and walk on her own. of cos she stumbled a fair bit...not walking at 15 mths is normal many bbs started ard 15-18 mths. boys norm start later.

Thanks. Yes megan is adapting well. Took me 4 days to switch her to SG time
We are enjoying ourselves ever since we came home
Thx for the concern...Zach is ok lor...at least no vomit and still so active. Really hope I can have some kind of help coz really tiring for hubby n I to carry him all the time.
zach still sleeps in sarong for all naps and thru out the nite?

How's your sahm period? are you starting work soon? Gezann also looks like 9mths old baby, and when strangers saw her walking, they will comment that she so small already can walk.

Weather in SG is heating up... sigh... Feeling so hot and sick.
he onli sleeps in the sarong during day n afternoon nap. Nite time he'll sleep with us on our bed but not nw. Nw he n hubby sleeps on the floor while I sleep alone on my King size bed hee...
Lucky you, get to have good nite sleep on the king bed. We used to squeeze in a queen size bed, and we hardly get to sleep well. Why don't you remove bed frame and sleep together on the floor. That's what i'm doing now, queen + single, we are sleeping happily together. I planning to shift her to another room when she turns 2yo. Hopefully she will not fuss.

We are organising the underwater world outing in march. Pls join us if you can.

Date: 9 March (fri) (Working mums has to take leave)
Venue: Underwater World (Sentosa)
Time: 10.00am

We are targeting 2 hours tour in the Underwater world, and at 12pm, we can have lunch with our babies.

Pls add your name to the list:

1) Berlin
ya, the worst i encountered 1 lady in the lift told me "wah ur baby so cute, she 1 mth or 3 mths?" pengz!

the weather is also killing me, im the kind who cant stand much heat.

abt the underwater world outing so coincidental. i was just begging my hubby to bring hazel to underwater world and dolphin lagoon one of the sats. unfortunately i cant join u girls cos i just started work so cant take leave

i enjoyed my SAHM days tremendously, hazel grew very close to me. i started work early feb and i was v v sad when she asked for the maid while we were out 1 week after i went back to work. wish the bond wasnt broken...
1mth or 3mths???? Wah piang, how can it be!!!

We are trying to avoid the crowds on weekends so that our babies can enjoy their walks around underwater world without sniffing butts. Otherwise we mummies have to carry them and squeeze among the crowds.

Oh I thought you would be starting work in march, was hoping it didn't coincide with your work schedule.

Don't feel sad, our babies know who is the mummy. They can sensed our love for them.
Date: 9 March (fri) (Working mums has to take leave)
Venue: Underwater World (Sentosa)
Time: 10.00am

We are targeting 2 hours tour in the Underwater world, and at 12pm, we can have lunch with our babies.

Pls add your name to the list:

1) Berlin
2) Megan
Duno whether can or canot remove the bed frame leh coz I need to consult my fengshui master 1st but I find it very tedious. We're thinking of getting another king size mattress to place on the guest room flr. Still trying to search for the cheapest.
Happy CNY to all mummies & Happy BD to all !! (Today is 7th Day of Lunar New Year = Everybody's BD)

Been busy lately with work, so no time to even come to forum.

Will try to take leave if not too bz for the underwaterworld outing. Let you know later cos now working on new project, many things to do.

Pls help to update Tricia's stats @ 14.5 mths
Weight 9.4kg, Height 77cm. Thanks!

Just brought her to her 2nd prevanar jab and while PD was going to jab, she struggled a little, so think it's more painful than the usual and she cried really loud. Poor gal.

dun think can join, cuz my boss not ard and got many audits in March, so dun think can take leave. Mummies, pls enjoy yourselves!

declan finally can chew small pieces of dry bread without dipping into milk. He loves to self-feed so much so that he wants to feed Daddy and Mummy with his bread too. today i'm gg to give him diced carrots, see if he can chew. his chewing ability comes a little late compared with the rest of the tods, so food wise, he still on soft diet. no chunky things yet. But i'm already very happy that he show some progress, otherwise i scared when he go childcare he would starve.
Date: 9 March (fri) (Working mums has to take leave)
Venue: Underwater World (Sentosa)
Time: 10.00am

We are targeting 2 hours tour in the Underwater world, and at 12pm, we can have lunch with our babies.

Pls add your name to the list:

1) Berlin
2) Megan
3) hui32 (tbc)
thanks for your compliments regarding staying shapely after childbirth. Actually I put on wt again.. arrgh... Now my tummy visibly has "3 layers of fats"

I've no slimming secret, bcos I'm not considered slim .. keke.. perhaps you can ask the real slim mummies like straycats, DS, Muj & Meixue

*muak muak* thanks dear for the birthday wishes

fluffy, fairymoss, straycats, krissie & mummies,
I'll update your tod's stats when I'm back in office, k? bcos some of the tod's stats are not with me now at home.

Berlin & Meg,
9 Mar got company trip, my boss "strongly encourage" us to go, so must give face. Hence can't join u all liao. Enjoy yourselves & remember to take lots of pics & post on blog, k?
hihi mummies
happy CNY to all.. sorry for sending the wishes so late. have been v busy and so too tired to log on.

Sorry, I cant join, coz I kenna a new arrow at work, so not that convenient to take leave during this period, as it's the busy period.
Mummies, u all are too humble leh. I think SC u are slim from the pic I saw at LiewLian's blog. PLS TELL ME HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT. Aiyo, i'm growing sideways, more so after CNY although I didn't eat much cookies or Bak Kwa.
So the ironic. While mummies are working hard to lose weight (me one of them!!)...we had to think hard to fatten our kiddo! hehe..

Over CNY, we have received so many comment that Jared does not grow much..and urge us to change his FM. He's now on Gain IQ..and drink a lot from 9 to 12 oz for his last feed, day feed ranges around 4-6oz. But still look so skinny. Most ppl suggest Dumex...any tod after switch to Dumex grow pui pui??

gezann has been on dumex, but do you see that she is pui pui. (She is one of the petite club member). I don't think it has anything to do with milk powder. why want to change leh. You want Jared to be pui pui meh? He very handsome and looks healthy. Some bb grow taller instead of sideways mah.
maybe u can try Friso cos i got 2 friends, their bb are on Friso and can see them pui pui leh... but the best is to let him grow n develop on his own, as long as he is pink in health most important...
hihi mummies,
I'm back with the udpated (& long awaited) tod's stats below:

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>No. </TD><TD>Parent</TD><TD>Baby </TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Wt(kg) </TD><TD>Ht(cm)</TD><TD>as at </TD></TR><TR><TD>1 </TD><TD>Summer </TD><TD>Javier </TD><TD>10-Nov</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>69</TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>2 </TD><TD>Mujmuj </TD><TD>Summer </TD><TD>18-Nov </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>73 </TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>3 </TD><TD>Weoseek </TD><TD>Jared </TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>10mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>4 </TD><TD>IF </TD><TD>Dawn </TD><TD>19-Nov </TD><TD>7.8 </TD><TD>69 </TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 </TD><TD>meixue </TD><TD>Shanice </TD><TD>25-Nov </TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>75 </TD><TD>14mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>6 </TD><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD>Fybie </TD><TD>29-Nov </TD><TD>8.8</TD><TD>78 </TD><TD>14mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>7 </TD><TD>Pinny </TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>1-Dec</TD><TD>7.6 </TD><TD>71 </TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>8 </TD><TD>Ng Kiok Teck </TD><TD>Benjamin </TD><TD>1-Dec </TD><TD>12+ </TD><TD>79 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>9 </TD><TD>straycats </TD><TD>Megan </TD><TD>2-Dec </TD><TD>9.7 </TD><TD>78</TD><TD>14mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 </TD><TD>sunnyling </TD><TD>Ziv </TD><TD>2-Dec</TD><TD>8.3 </TD><TD>71 </TD><TD>10mths 3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>11 </TD><TD>Jenny </TD><TD>Aiden </TD><TD>2-Dec</TD><TD>10.5 </TD><TD>80 </TD><TD>13mths 3 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>12 </TD><TD>Berlin </TD><TD>Gezann </TD><TD>5-Dec </TD><TD>7.15 </TD><TD>67.5 </TD><TD>9.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>13 </TD><TD>Jeslyn </TD><TD>Regine </TD><TD>5-Dec </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD></TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>14 </TD><TD>joyfulhands </TD><TD>Cathleen </TD><TD>6-Dec </TD><TD>9.5 </TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>15 </TD><TD>fluffsmurfie </TD><TD>Tricia </TD><TD>8-Dec </TD><TD>9.4 </TD><TD>77</TD><TD>14.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>16 </TD><TD>Megan Lee </TD><TD>Ron Jun (RJ)</TD><TD>12-Dec </TD><TD>9.82 </TD><TD>77 </TD><TD>12mths 3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>17 </TD><TD>Absolut </TD><TD>Nicholas </TD><TD>12-Dec </TD><TD>8.6 </TD><TD>? </TD><TD>8mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>18 </TD><TD>Sandy </TD><TD>Ernest (EnEn) </TD><TD>14-Dec </TD><TD>10.5 </TD><TD>72? </TD><TD>13mths 8days </TD></TR><TR><TD>19 </TD><TD>DS </TD><TD>Jayden (XinYang)</TD><TD>15-Dec </TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>75 </TD><TD>12+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>20 </TD><TD>prettycloud</TD><TD>Aron</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>75</TD><TD>13mths 2 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>21 </TD><TD>Angelin Teo </TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Dec </TD><TD>7.75 </TD><TD>68 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>22 </TD><TD>2005 </TD><TD>Hazel </TD><TD>19-Dec </TD><TD>8 .5</TD><TD>73 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>23 </TD><TD>Geryl </TD><TD>Ryan </TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>24 </TD><TD>Bao Bao </TD><TD>Jayden </TD><TD>20-Dec </TD><TD>9.2 </TD><TD>81 </TD><TD>9mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>25 </TD><TD>tanlengleng </TD><TD>Besper </TD><TD>21-Dec </TD><TD>8.9 </TD><TD>71 </TD><TD>9.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>26 </TD><TD>YL </TD><TD>Justin </TD><TD>22-Dec </TD><TD>11.48</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>27 </TD><TD>Angela </TD><TD>Jerald (Yangyang) </TD><TD>24-Dec</TD><TD>8.5 </TD><TD>76 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>28 </TD><TD>fairymoss </TD><TD>Declan </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>9.7</TD><TD>79</TD><TD>13.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>29 </TD><TD>HappyGal29 </TD><TD>Rayden </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>13.23</TD><TD>82 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>30 </TD><TD>Kuikwan </TD><TD>Zach </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>10 </TD><TD>77 </TD><TD>10mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>31 </TD><TD>taka </TD><TD>Megan </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>32 </TD><TD>Rena Chew </TD><TD>Elijah </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>9.3 </TD><TD>66 </TD><TD>6mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>33 </TD><TD>pooh25 </TD><TD>Xavier </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>9.2 </TD><TD>73.2 </TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>34 </TD><TD>tabbisus </TD><TD>Tabby </TD><TD>30-Dec </TD><TD>6.6 </TD><TD>65 </TD><TD>6mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>krissie </TD><TD>Gerald</TD><TD>6-Jan</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>78.5</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Please PM me if you wish to update your toddler's stats, just in case I miss out anyone's postings.
I think it's normal that our tods' growth rate slows down after they're >1 yr old. Now that most of them are walking around, the higher activity level means they're burning more energy.
Now Jared oredi looks good .. why not just let him continue to grow at his own pace..

To me, you belong to the "fit & slim" category leh
Pictures can tell a thousand lies, I really don't belong to the slim club. But fit, yes I am

When u free I buy u lunch...keke

Berlin right. Why u want Jared to be pui pui? My ger oso eats alot but she weighs only 9.7kg nia. Like what Berlin said, some grow tall some grow sideways..I rather my ger is healthy and she grows tall not pui pui
Btw, my ger is taking Enfapro A+
Hi Mummies,

Wow talking about slimming down...i also want to slim down. i put on weight after i stop expressing.

would love to join u all for the outing but can't take leave.
Hi Mummies & Tods,

Happy CNY to everyone.

What are you feeding your tods now?
- for breakfast
- for lunch
- for dinner

I am still giving Aidan porridge and he's kind of sick of it.
I've been so busy as usual, so MIA for very long. DS also MIA for very long, havent 'seen' her for ages...

2005, how's work? I thought you're only starting in March. How come you start in mid-term? For me, I'm so so so so busy!

Joyful, thanks for the compliment! But I also don't think that I belong to the slim category. Mainly the tummy is very big still. I think BaoBao is the really slim one! She's got no tummy.
If his appetite is good, lunch can take 3/4 bowl of porridge and dinner 1 bowl (Ikea bowl)

thanks bel, sandy, joyful, SC for advise.

I also know that healthy is more impt than being fat. But the words "change his FM" came from 3 different parties... starts to makes me worry leh.
My MIL even jokingly say maybe can feed jared the medicine to kill worms inside his stomach..hehehe.
Think I'll stick to Gain IQ for the time being and see how things goes.


Breakfast: Half a bowl of oat mix with some FM
Lunch: Porridge
Dinner: Porridge
We had to stick to porridge, cos Jared refused to take hard food like rice...He doesn't bite his food, swallow straight away..but better than dun eat at all I guess.

Wahahaha... Thanks for yr compliment leh.. Make me happy in the morning ah.. But during Feb me kept eating and eating leh... put on weight nw got to diet again. Sob sob...

Anyway i always hid my fats... :D
Good morning Mommies!!

Breakfast - bb oats/oatmeal or multigrain cereals with 1 slice of bread with unsalted butter
Lunch - Porridge
Dinner - Porridge
My son is a traditional 'china-man' who takes rice as his staple food. I tried to intro sphagetti and macaroni cooked in western style he doesnt like it..

busy also must take good care of yourself ah..

yalor.. we also no see DS on MSN lately leh.. maybe she is taking leave till 15th day of CNY then starts work... haa

now u must be flyin in cloud 9 liao.. u must give meixue a treat liao.. haa

Date: 9 March (fri) (Working mums has to take leave)
Venue: Underwater World (Sentosa)
Time: 10.00am

We are targeting 2 hours tour in the Underwater world, and at 12pm, we can have lunch with our babies.

Pls add your name to the list:
1) Berlin
2) Megan
3) hui32 (tbc)
4) Sandy
Hello, Mummies!

Sorry to be MIA for so long!

Here's wishing everyone and their bbs all the best for this PIGGY year!

For those who bought the CNY Toto, HUAT ah!!

Jenny, my answer :
Breakfast - bread+cheese/cake/hard boild egg
Lunch - Porridge/misoa/rice + soup + whatever dishes I cook (fish/mushroom/veggies/ommelette)
Dinner - same as lunch
Just recently I tried to give her soupy rice instead of porridge. sometime she ok, sometime she eat little..i think it's a matter of time before she gets used to the texture.

Mommies..just went to tanglin mall..the collete was having some sale ...i bought one pair last time on offer at $19.90..today saw it at 10 bucks only...lots of boys' shoes though..
2)Lunch & Dinner
Porridge/Meesua/Pasta/Rice+soup+steam fish/steam chicken/steam egg/mashed potatoes+vege
Thanks Mujmuj for the lobang, but too bad, Tanglin Mall is too far from my place, near lah by car, byt got to trouble hubby to send me there and i dun work in town leh, if not can drop by during lunch or after work. Your gal is very gd leh, can take soupy rice. like that she will have many choices of food outside, and not restricted to just porridge.

DS is down with flu again. must have got it from his cousins over the weekends.
Mummies do you bring your tods to see PD or GP when they fall sick? cuz I think v costly to keep gg to PD leh and also difficult to find a gd one which opens at night. any gd PD/GP in Bishan area?
Thanks Mummies for sharing what you feed your tods. I will try to make some variety for Aidan, he's very interested to eat rice, maybe it's time to let him try.
Dun you have any medicine left over from previous visits? (of cos not over expired date)..
I usually use those medicine, and it works..so I dun bring Jared to see doc every time, ..hehe..
Kiam siap mummy...

And previously becos we bought Jared back to M'sia, has requested a set of travel kit from Dr Ong..its pretty useful..next time round you can try to buy a set..
Outing to underwater world....my renee will be going sch till 11am mayb i meet u all for lunch @ 12pm.....lunching whre? let me know

I got some leftover, but since he didn't recover, I thot maybe bring him back to see doc to see what's wrong with the first diagnosis, issit it's something else etc. what's in a travel kit? I've not been seeing Dr Ong for ages, he's always not around, like yday call up SBCC, then he also not ard, and the nurse dun take in appt cuz the stand-in doc, Dr Sharon Lim is not free to take more. I ask her how cuz my son is sick, then she said go see other docs at other SBCC lor, but subject to availability too. I'm not too happy, and instead of going to other SBCC which are not too near my hse, I decided to go to one which is near my home and DS has seen before. It turn out to be cheaper than gg to SBCC even after the 10% discount for FBI card.
jes & all mummies,
We are going to change the underwater world outing to sat, yet to set the date. will post the date on gathering again.

meixue/ berlin,
i didnt take up the offer, i chose to do something else in the end dats why started work in feb... work has been v busy for me too. hardly get to see hazel on wkdays. the feeling is very lousy.

just to share my feedback hope u mummies dont mind. i brought hazel there last wkend. i tink it will benefit them more later on. the whole place is dark so i ddnt feel v safe letting hazel walk ard on her own, also shes too short to see the exhibits if shes left on her own. there are things like interactive pool and feel pool which shes too young to try. but of cos she got excited several times seeing the colorful fishes and ee ee aa aa. the dolphin lagoon is 20 mins bus ride fr underwater world so mummies gota plan time properly. the dolphin show is 11am on sat, so best to reach underwater world ard 9 (1 time entry only) and go dolphin lagoon at 1030(show is 20 to 30 mins). theres nowhere to feed baby lunch so hafta get out of the area after that.
Underwater World
Zach suppose to have a jab on 24Feb but postpone to 9Mar so cant join and if the Sat outing falls on the next day we also cant join coz scared he fever lor. Weekdays outing very difficult coz I dun bring him out by myself unless to someone hse nearby then I'll consider. Weekends will be the best for me coz hubby can fetch and accompany us.

ME!!! I'm planning for no. 2 soon. Too rush for a piglet, most likely a 'ratlet' hee ...

Envy that u can close factory liao coz u already got a 'HAO3' letter keke

Tues hubby took leave to accompany us to Sentosa Palawan Beach coz its my birthday. Zach enjoy playing with the sand and water very much for 2hrs. After feeding him milk he slept on the stroller for more than 2hrs he must be super tired liao. So hubby and I went walk walk and its been a long time since we sat down peacefully for a cup of coffee.
