(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

don't envy, since u ain't working don't wait so long lah.

okok I'll work hard hopefully can form a 'Hao" too

any of u gg to the BabyCare Festival 2007? I'll be gg tomorrow afternoon coz dun wana squeeze with the weekend crowd.
I'll be gng to the Babycare Festival too. Might be gng tmr afternoon, hv to see hb's schedule first. gng to subscribe for their mag
This morn I check with hubby he say will fetch us there ard 3pm+. Maybe will see u there but never met u before so even if passby also duno tats u...hee
The travel consist of panadol-the pink color one, another syrup for flu/cough/runny rose and few sachets of powder(dunno wat's call) for diarroe one.

Changing bottles:
Any idea how often should we change the bottles? any fix period like the teats?
Changing bottles
I'll change the bottle once there's milk spilled out when I shake it. Previously I didnt change it and the milk spilled/leaked out all over the place. I saw my MIL never change bottle leh coz the nephew's milk bottle super yellowish color liao and never heard her complain got milk spilled out. I also duno how come my AVENT bottles will lor. Mummies do u encounter this?

As for teats, I change a new one when I change a new bottle...whole set
2005, I bought shanice to Underwater World last December and she thoroughly enjoyed it actually. Perhaps different baby different. We carried her along the travellator belt to view the fishes, and she was so fascinated, kept pointing left, right and overhead and saying 'fish fish'. At those stand-alone tanks, we let her walk along the ledge and she was peering at the fishes darting in and out of corals. She likes the jellyfish exhibit. For the interactive pool, my hub took out a starfish for her to touch. We had lunch at delifrance (siloso beach) before that.

Geryl, my dear daugther will be our one and only.
i will change the bottle when i see stubborn stains on them.. As for teats, will change them if I find the hole is getting bigger, courtesy of EnEn's constant bitting.. haha...
If financially we can ... i would love to have 4 kids...that will be my dream...actually i want a piglet baby...think is abit too late to try...or maybe a Ratlet baby...these few days my tummy not feeling well...(i thot i am pregnant) went to see doctor...(negative result) doctor says that it might be early to tell. keep fingers cross.

you planning for number 2 ah...work hard.

y r u stopping at one...get one more loh.
piglet baby, STILL HAVE TIME,
try try try.... jia you jia you!!!

Salute to you, u love kids so much that u dream to have 4
i changed the teats every 3-4 mths cos pigeon teats v soft and the hole tend to tear aft washing and long usage. bottles im still using the same ones since hazel's birth. they look fine ley so i never change.

me also want a piglet but unfortunately cant ley cos just joined new co.

hazel loved the jellyfish as well. she laughed wen i told her the name. and she kept on laughing when i repeated the name several times.
heard from pple that S26 will make baby pui pui.. actually, i feel no need to be so fat.. just nice will do. Else, next time hv tow worry that they go to TAF club, even worse. Plus, if the bb is too fat, i feel that they're less mobile. : p

Breakfast - bread 1/4 slice with cheese or yogurt or biscuits (he doesnt like cereal or oats)
Lunch - Porridge
Dinner - Porridge
My nanny tried giving him marcaroni again, but he doesnt like.

enen eats a lot for breakkie leh, oats + 1 slice bread.
for yr next update, can you change EnEn's stats as follows:-
Weight 10.7 kgs
Height 77cm
as at 14 months 16 days old... thanks a lot
same leh...i also want to have 4 kids...

but financially cannot leh...

mayb the most is 3 ...trying for the 3rd 1 now....
if not will wait for dragon baby...hehe.....
keep me inform of the date to sentosa hor...

meixue, saw u today @ the babycare fest....call u, but u never heard me :/
So got any good news? This month strike jackpot still can have a 2007's piggy babe!

think i'll probably try 2nd half of this year for no. 2. Now being a SAHM, want to spend more time with Luke before he goes to childcare when he's 2.
Hey Jeslyn, you called me ah?? Sorry leh, I was there walking about in a hurry cuz i wanna get all my purchases and rush home to be with shanice. Also i tend to be very blur cuz I just came from a tiring day at work...paiseh!

So did you buy anything at the fair?

2005, which line is your new job in? Seems like Hazel did enjoy herself quite alot at underwater world too actually...
didnt buy anything thre, was there with my nephew & his wife....ya, saw u walking in a hurry, call u den u just walk off...i was just standing @ the booth selling clothings..
u r wearing black...
went to suntec bb fair yesterday. was happy with my purchase. Last yr i din buy anything, this yr bought a big bag. Got a babysafe kids' pillow, very soft n comfy, 2 set of pooh bear pyjamas ($10 each set). want to discard all Justin's old pyjamas so need to get him new sets.

We went shop ard at Suntec n saw a shop selling bags, bought an Addidas backpack, has many compactments, quite like it. gng to use it when bring Justin out. find backpack easier to carry when bring him out myself.
hihi mummies,
Here's our latest tod's stats:

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>No. </TD><TD>Parent</TD><TD>Baby </TD><TD>DOB</TD><TD>Wt(kg) </TD><TD>Ht(cm)</TD><TD>as at </TD></TR><TR><TD>1 </TD><TD>Summer </TD><TD>Javier </TD><TD>10-Nov</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>69</TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>2 </TD><TD>Mujmuj </TD><TD>Summer </TD><TD>18-Nov </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>73 </TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>3 </TD><TD>Weoseek </TD><TD>Jared </TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>10mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>4 </TD><TD>IF </TD><TD>Dawn </TD><TD>19-Nov </TD><TD>7.8 </TD><TD>69 </TD><TD>7mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>5 </TD><TD>meixue </TD><TD>Shanice </TD><TD>25-Nov </TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>75 </TD><TD>14mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>6 </TD><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD>Fybie </TD><TD>29-Nov </TD><TD>8.9</TD><TD>80 </TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>7 </TD><TD>Pinny </TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>1-Dec</TD><TD>8.5 </TD><TD>74 </TD><TD>15mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>8 </TD><TD>Ng Kiok Teck </TD><TD>Benjamin </TD><TD>1-Dec </TD><TD>12+ </TD><TD>79 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>9 </TD><TD>straycats </TD><TD>Megan </TD><TD>2-Dec </TD><TD>9.7 </TD><TD>78</TD><TD>14mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 </TD><TD>sunnyling </TD><TD>Ziv </TD><TD>2-Dec</TD><TD>8.3 </TD><TD>71 </TD><TD>10mths 3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>11 </TD><TD>Jenny </TD><TD>Aiden </TD><TD>2-Dec</TD><TD>10.5 </TD><TD>80 </TD><TD>13mths 3 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>12 </TD><TD>Berlin </TD><TD>Gezann </TD><TD>5-Dec </TD><TD>7.15 </TD><TD>67.5 </TD><TD>9.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>13 </TD><TD>Jeslyn </TD><TD>Regine </TD><TD>5-Dec </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD></TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>14 </TD><TD>joyfulhands </TD><TD>Cathleen </TD><TD>6-Dec </TD><TD>9.5 </TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>15 </TD><TD>fluffsmurfie </TD><TD>Tricia </TD><TD>8-Dec </TD><TD>9.4 </TD><TD>77</TD><TD>14.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>16 </TD><TD>Megan Lee </TD><TD>Ron Jun (RJ)</TD><TD>12-Dec </TD><TD>9.82 </TD><TD>77 </TD><TD>12mths 3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>17 </TD><TD>Absolut </TD><TD>Nicholas </TD><TD>12-Dec </TD><TD>8.6 </TD><TD>? </TD><TD>8mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>18 </TD><TD>Sandy </TD><TD>Ernest (EnEn) </TD><TD>14-Dec </TD><TD>10.7 </TD><TD>77 </TD><TD>14mths 16days </TD></TR><TR><TD>19 </TD><TD>DS </TD><TD>Jayden (XinYang)</TD><TD>15-Dec </TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>75 </TD><TD>12+mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>20 </TD><TD>prettycloud</TD><TD>Aron</TD><TD>15-Dec</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>75</TD><TD>13mths 2 wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>21 </TD><TD>Angelin Teo </TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Dec </TD><TD>7.75 </TD><TD>68 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>22 </TD><TD>2005 </TD><TD>Hazel </TD><TD>19-Dec </TD><TD>8 .5</TD><TD>73 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>23 </TD><TD>Geryl </TD><TD>Ryan </TD><TD>19-Dec</TD><TD>10.7</TD><TD>77</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>24 </TD><TD>Bao Bao </TD><TD>Jayden </TD><TD>20-Dec </TD><TD>9.2 </TD><TD>81 </TD><TD>9mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>25 </TD><TD>tanlengleng </TD><TD>Besper </TD><TD>21-Dec </TD><TD>8.9 </TD><TD>71 </TD><TD>9.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>26 </TD><TD>YL </TD><TD>Justin </TD><TD>22-Dec </TD><TD>11.48</TD><TD>80</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>27 </TD><TD>Angela </TD><TD>Jerald (Yangyang) </TD><TD>24-Dec</TD><TD>8.5 </TD><TD>76 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>28 </TD><TD>fairymoss </TD><TD>Declan </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>9.7</TD><TD>79</TD><TD>13.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>29 </TD><TD>HappyGal29 </TD><TD>Rayden </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>13.23</TD><TD>82 </TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>30 </TD><TD>Kuikwan </TD><TD>Zach </TD><TD>26-Dec </TD><TD>10 </TD><TD>77 </TD><TD>10mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>31 </TD><TD>taka </TD><TD>Megan </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>76</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>32 </TD><TD>Rena Chew </TD><TD>Elijah </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>9.3 </TD><TD>66 </TD><TD>6mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>33 </TD><TD>pooh25 </TD><TD>Xavier </TD><TD>29-Dec </TD><TD>9.2 </TD><TD>73.2 </TD><TD>12mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>34 </TD><TD>tabbisus </TD><TD>Tabby </TD><TD>30-Dec </TD><TD>6.6 </TD><TD>65 </TD><TD>6mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>krissie </TD><TD>Gerald</TD><TD>6-Jan</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>78.5</TD><TD>13mths </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Please PM me if you wish to update your toddler's stats, just in case I miss out anyone's postings.
wow u just got a new job ah.
never mind u can try for a ratlet...
if i can't get a piglet then i will have a ratlet.
u also want 4 kids...hee hee.
i really hope that i can have 4 kids...best is 2 boys 2 girls. so cool! kids are so lovely!
I also want a dragon kid...my last one will be dragon!
How is it being a SAHM?
we are trying...not sure can get the jackpot anot! If God bless us with another one then Good lah!

what's there to get at baby care festival? I dunno can go or not, probably not cuz Declan not well. Got goodie bags? anything for tods? I always think that such fairs are more for infants.
such fairs usually more for mothers-to-be or those with young children. Dont hv goodie bags only ballon for bbs. Bought bbsafe pillow, gd if u intend to get their products, quite cheap compared to their usual price. saw ppl buying Drypants or Dryers (nt sure which one), think they hv promo.

I bought disposable bibs as well. quite cheap, buy 1 pack get 1 pack free. sames goes for their disposable plcmat. din get disposable plcmat cos i still hv 2 packs.
same here...last one will be dragon

but if in between accident till 4th baby, den won try for dragon baby...

both my pregnancy can consider unplanned.. :p
ur 2 girls are so adorable...hope my next child is a girl...i plan for a rooster, pig or rat or ox, dragon! (best is rooster, pig, ox and dragon)
hee hee...
Hi Geryl,
Me only SAHM for 2 days so far (not counting weekends when my hubby helps out). Tiring but it looks like it's getting better everyday. We do notice that my boy is responding better to me these 2 days. Of cos the 1st day being a SAHM with ah boy was not too nice.... he's adjusting to staying home with me, so wasn't cooperative during meal times. But 2nd day onwards, much better.
I got the goodie bag from the fair leh at the entrance. But I find this fair not too gd. Very empty and I did not buy anything and did not see wat I hope to see there too, quite lousy.
i tot of having a dragon baby, but by then i will be old leh....mayb don ve so much energy to play with my kid...
Jared's stats 15.5mth 10.5kg 78cm

Jared has taken the jab at polyclinic..cried big times..perhaps its the first time taken on hand. hehe.
FYI, nurse said that fever will come only 5 days later.

Chicken pox jab is also available at polyclinic @$45. But I've not decided whether to go PD or polyclinic.

How much is MMR at polyclinic? need appointment or just walk in? would they given priority to tods or need to queue like the rest?

Mummies who bring their bb to polyclinic for immunization jabs, can share with me what's the cost like, and which jab covered, which type not available at poly? I'm asking on behalf of a friend who may not be able to afford going to a PD. Hope that going to a poly is cheaper.
free for sgporean..But for us SG PR, it was $12.50.
Call in to make appointment. Half an hour or less waiting time with appointment. Definitely much shorter queue than going Dr. Ong's place for jab.

Polyclinic offer 5in1 @ 200++, so more jabs than the typical 6in1 (at least 1more). No pneumoccocal and rotavirus.
