(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Geryl...i can't log using the meebo..will try again..but i manage to log in using the ebuddy.hmm..interesting...finally no need to rely on my hubby to fix the error...hehe..

Mommies..thansk for the pool's answer..it's great to see that every baby has developed their own unique personality.

tomorrow..bringing my ger to jab for chicken pox and before that will bring her and koko to globetotters for lunch first. hopefully she won't cry too loud.

Hi Mummies,
Long time no post. Was having some rest and the postings has got so 'long'.

Muj, wait for me, my answer to your poll,

1) mostly indoor place like shopping malls, she likes to roam around ntuc with grandparents and push the grocery basket around.

2) No fav toys

3) She is a late 'warmer', she needs to inspect the place and strangers for a while then she will get friendly, otherwise she will make noise.

I like the way you describe Gezann

my answer for the poll...

1. Where do you like to bring your baby out most?
My Parents' place, Vivo City & TCC Cafe

2. What is your baby's favourite toys/play thing?
His Red Car

3. How is their personality like?
He is a Cheerful, Loving and Happy Boy...love music and will dance when there is music! He likes to observe people & things around him. Always wants me to carry and hug him.
Would like to share with u how noti my boy is this afternoon.

He climb up the toys rack. I almost fainted!

Minutes lata, he attempt to pull out the power plug from the wall socket.
So kana *spank* by me lor.
Good afternoon Mommies

Sorry I've MIA for the past few days cos busy 'eating snake' and working as my 2 bosses are out of town for holiday till CNY... dun envy me ah... haha

U 'heart itchy' after seeing my 'ang gong gong' hair... haha.. did u also rebond yr hair too??

Bao Bao
U r my dearest sis... Thanks for sending me the receipt.. Will treat U a big meal if EnEn gets into the contest.. haha

yalor.. we thought u might have left that area but were surprised to see U at MS.. Really it is fate that brought all of us together...we must treasure this friendship...

Justin is such a brave boy!!

How can we forget U as our Lobang & Shopping Queen!!

Will pray for speedy recovery for Fybie.. u too must take good care..

sure u will always be in the loop...

am i still in time for yr poll.. haha...
1. usually we bring EnEn out on weekends is to my parent's place then maybe shop at nearby.

2. His cloth story book / our HPs / remote controls and now he likes to go to our kitchen drawer to take out the steamboat's soup ladle and the sieve to act as chef...

3. EnEn is a cheerful and friendly baby

I m still using the Kodomo laundry detergent and softener for EnEn...

thanks a lot my dear for posting the photo of the combi carrier.. I've showed it to my gf and we are getting it as a full month gift for her bb gal who will be borned in Mar 07...

it is nice to see yr posting.. hope you are settling well into yr new job..
How is our Megan darling doing? Long time nv see her too..

Surely will keep U in the loop for any gathering and we too miss chatting with U online in MSN..

btw, have u manage to find a CL for yr fren? I can recommend my gf's MIL who is CL to you but not sure if she is still available or not?

I have voted for regine liao..

EnEn is wearing L size for Bobux shoe but seems like getting a bit tight liao..

Sorry for my 'nong nong' post...
wah u ever ready wt camera to snap photo of your son...u like PI leh taking down evidence of his wrong doing...climbing it's common lah...not too high they will then to try cos they are curious n want to explore mah...must make sure tat your place is safe for your child lor
my son also like to play with electric plug and even attempted to switch ON... and he also likes to pull out the telephone cord from the bracket too... my hb will shoot the hand he used to pull hard and tell him that it is very dangerous..
just co-incidence lah coz before tat I took some pics of him playing mah, need it for updating his blog. And also to show his papa hw noti he was lor

Zach will also switch on n off and he's very happy playing with it.

voted liao. Btw, u brought Regine for her ears pierce? Where? Did she cry for long?

Sandy, please give me your gf's MIL contact. My fren is quite desperate now. Megan is doing fine but a bit of fever cos she is teething again. Thanks for asking


Sorry for holding the disc for so long. Can i pass back to you this weekend?

Bel, glad to see u here
Sigh, no mood to post in your poll now...

Fybie has been sick since Mon morn,
suspected Fake measles, now still monitoring her condition, she totally lost her appetite today, I dunno wat to do with her.... I hope she will recover soon, so heart pain to see her suffering like that.

How I wish I can be the one take the suffer over from her!
Liew Lian...do take care and wish speedy recovery for Fybie.
I think best that you could do is just to make her comfortable and of course give your love and hugs & kisses..and she will be well in no time.
Zach is sick again...2nd time this mth liao...having fever at 38degrees. Just woke him up for paracetamol and milk and poor boy also having stomach distension. Battle time again during medicine feed.

Take care...hope Fybie gets well soon.
Same like u, I also wish I'm the one to take over the suffering.
try tasting his medicine,
perhaps they really taste bad?

My FIL brought my gal to PD few mths back,
when she was down with cough, cost $80++,
my gal refused to take her medicines,
later I found out they're bitter.

I always bring my kids to SK Polyclinic,
well, got to queue, but they love the medicine,
cause they're sweet.

Besper is choosy over medicine too,
he wants to "taste" using his tongue b4 actually taking the syringe,
when he does that he look like a "food taster".
If it's nice, he'll accept it,
if it's not... ... ...
It'll be "forcing time" too,
I got to grab his legs between mine,
tuck his right hand under my left arm,
and hold his left arm with my left hand...

Can imagine that!!!
The paracetamol is in strawberry flavour hee...
Zach also likes to "taste" leh but not always with his tongue. Even his porridge he'll also "taste" before makan.
I can imagine coz tats wat I did too but dun see I so big size hoh...actually I not much strength so hubby will have to grab his legs.
I dun dare to taste lah...not even his porridge or biscuit...everytime I'll ask my dad to taste hahaha

btw...still haven collect my item from u ah...whole of last week hubby (the driver) sick so coop at home. Maybe tonite at tampines...will sms u again. Thx!

No problem lah I already watch that show for so many times no hurry. I thk Meixue wanted to borrow the disc wonder she want to collect from you or me.


You want to collect the disc from me or from Taka direct?


Please take care of yourself, you cant fall sick now Fybie still need you to take care of her.
I find it quite miserable at times, cos whenever we go to my mom's place, she also has to 'warm up' before they can come up to her or carry her. My mum always try to make her feel 'warm' but she rejects her.

You very observant. Can see regine got ear pierced. You also want to bring megan for ear piercing?

Understand how you feel. It's really heartpain to see our precious little one suffering. Gezann has ever got fake measles after few days of high fever. went PD twice and KK, she even got blood test, prick her little finger and squeeze blood out. Mummy is bleeding in her heart when seeing her cry. But after the rashes are out, fever will come down and the rashes will gradually subside in a couple of days. Take good care of fybie and hope she will get well soon.

zach looks like a big boy, can imagine the battle you have to go thru to feed him medicine. Is his fever due to teething?
Hi Mummies,
Been busy lately, so no time to post. Wah now our forum is active again. Gd Gd!

Answer to Muj's Poll:
1. Where do you like to bring your baby out most?
Indoor Shopping centers like Suntec, Parkway, Tampines & my mum's place

2. What is your baby's favourite toys/play thing?
MacDonald Figurines (black & White Stripes and Purple one) & Drum-Sticks (She will put in into Lego block and swirl around)

3. How is their personality like?
Cheerful, Playful and Happy Gal ... likes to play peekaboo & giggles. Enjoys watching Hi5 especially because of its catchy music and will dance (move body) when there is music.

Poor Fybie, hope she recovers fast! Thanks for sharing the info on fake measles. I dun even know that's such thing.

Oh .. it's so dangerous for zach to go near the plug. Have to be more careful. Sometimes Tricia also likes to go near but I always stop her before she can touch.
I really duno leh. MIL always says its due to teething. I read in a magazine teething will not caused fever. Last mon watched the bb show First Steps, the PD also says tat teething will not caused fever. Then if not teething, how come will suddenly get fever? I'm confused!
ya... i was advised by doctors before that teething will only cause low-grade fever (i.e. below 38 degrees). So if higher than 38, it's probably not due to teething.

Somethings it's viral fever... takes a while for the fever to go away.
geryl,sandy & taka

thks for the votes

taka, regine didnt cry so long, she just sob for awhile, like ant bite her, as for my elder gal, renee, she cried longer...

Not me, is her dad keeps on asking me when do i want to bring megan for her ears pierced!!


Poor fybie, hope she will recover soon.


So u want to collect the disc from me or from Sunnyling?
advise u, bring her to pierce while she is still young, when she grow older, like renee age, she might know what pain is.....so whenever renee tink back, aft piercing her ears, she will say pain pain....hehe....as for regine, she say mei mei(nice nice)....
Hi mummies, sorry been so busy, no time to MSN or check forum. Finally the weekend is here!

Taka, perhaps you just return the DVDs directly to sunnyling. I don't think I have time to watch them intensively, probably just watch episode by episode on channel U.
wah, so many posts.

Hope that Fybie and Zach get well soon.

How's fybie appetite? You must take care of yourself too, then can take care of her ya..

Ger only just started walking 5-6 steps on his own at home. but, when I tried letting him walk at the playgrd, he refused to walk. Dunno why le..
hmm.. shall I buy the soft sole (bobux type) or the semi hard like colette type? I'm undecided coz my hb read that it is better not to let them wear shoes when they just start walking, so i thot soft sole is better. But, think some of you also has a point, that once they start walking, the hard type is better. aiyo.. so headache.. I wanna bring him shopping this Sunday to buy shoes for CNY.
hi, im jenny

So happy to catch up on all your babies development. I had been very busy with work these few weeks. Hope that i could be SAHM soon...hehehe..

Benjamin had already started walking on his own since on month ago. These days he would just wander off himself without mummy or daddy...., for mummies buying shoes, colette is having a sales at tanglin mall...

I am bringing him to kindermusik at tanglin mall for the last two weekends... and he seems to be enjoying the sessions...

These days, benjamin will do flying kisses, point to himself when ask "who is mommy good boy"..hehehe....cool is it!..

Currently, im enjoying every moment with benjamin,...his favourite game with me is playing hide and seek. I would hide behind a chair and call his name,.. and he would come to find me and giggled happily when he had found me... hahaha..its really very very fun..hope that you can try out with your babies...
colette issit hard-sole type? only tanglin mall got sale ah? aiyo...far leh. i thot of going to united sq colette. but hor, mostly gals shoes issit? krissie, i also want to buy shoes for Declan tmr. where u gg to buy ah?
i tink vivocity also have the shop, but dono the sale isit islandwide or just tanglin mall only...

colette shoes are nice!
i tot of buying two similar designs for renee & regine
I saw 2 pairs of boys shoes on sale at colette great world city. The rest no sale. I wonder if the sale at Tanglin is storewide? I hv not decided which branch to go yet. Hmm.. maybe the Tanglin one since having sale. Think I'll call them 1st before deciding. Anyway, I also bought a pair of shoes for him today. Hmm.. it's considered soft soles, something like the mickey mse type, but it's another brand, called Baby Bear at KP.
I was at colette great world city fri nite saw a few nice designs but I din notice there's sales...mi so blur ah! But in the morn my mom bgt the combi shoes for my son liao so hubby dun allow me to buy another pair.
I was at colette great world city fri nite saw a few nice designs but I din notice there's sales...mi so blur ah! But in the morn my mom bgt the combi shoes for my son liao so hubby dun allow me to buy another pair.
Report on Colette
ok, I just came back from colette at Tanglin Mall. Got a pair of shoes for Gerald. There were designs going for $19.90 for both boys and girls. Designs are not that fantastic, but, can consider since it's $19.90. haha... I saw a nice pair for the gals, like sandals style with hard soles (Berlin, Meixue, Taka, LL, SC - can consider..
if you're looking for open toe type.)
