(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be


sorry. can i check. did u change the mattress? i cannot recall. don't know is it the foam mattress better or some other mattress?

I was at Tangs last Sat. I remember Tnags used to have a Level whereby there is a small cafe and a section selling kids stuufs & x'mas decors...now that level is off limits cos' its under reno..so wondering when the reno will end cos' now I in x'mas mood leh...so happy to see all the x'mas decor.
But whenever the actual day comes, all the mood gone liao..

Berlin, LiewLian, 2005
You hb all very pro cooks! You gals are lucky!

Thanks for the advice. Will try my very best to BF .
Should latch on in the beginning whether there's milk or not coz you definitely have colostrum and that's super nutritious for our newborns. Also need to latch on more often to signal to your bb that you need BM before milk ss will come in.

Dunno if BF pics will help with ss but may help to motivate you. I read somjewhere that if you are expressing, would be good to have a pic of your bb or think of your bb etc in order to get faster letdown.
ive yet to get into xmas mood yet but xmas is my fave festival! cos the mood's so cheery and everyone's happy and its the season of giving

this yr's xmas would b so special to all Dec mummies! wld b so fun mummy daddy and bb all sitting by the xmas tree and just be enveloped in the xmasy mood! for once none of us wld feel that the mood gone on the actual day.
straycats / 2005
Hubby and I are already in christmas mood. Set up our christmas tree a week back and since we have a couple of birthday parties to attend, there is constantly pressies below the tree.
Been listening to christmas songs too. Love the christmas season and thot we should start enjoying earlier since things may get a bit hectic nearer the date. Quite excited coz we just celebrated Ally's first christmas last year and this year, we'll celebrate it with Ally and Nicholas.
envy. i always like christmas. too bad singapore no snow and my place no christmas tree. i like christmas songs too. makes u smile. overall its a very soothing and touching period. noticed that the post office at orchard road already done up their christmas decoration. quite nice cos it is a small hut by itself. can't wait for christmas to come so that i can big time shop for bb.merry christmas in advance!

i called ms lim already. she told me to go toa payoh kiddy palace to have a look cos the daniel cot is still there. she quoted me $215 for the bed. more expensive than if i wait for 25% discount from robinson. if don't want beddings then will deduct $20. beddings refers to what? is it the mattress or those bedsheets etc? if its bedsheets than ok, i won't need. got a second hand set from one of the mummies in the forum. stock will arrive in mid-dec. wat is your opinion? do u think i should wait for JL or Robinson's sale. cos if they sell it at $269, after 25% it will only be $202, $13 difference. sigh.

2005,liewlian and Berlin,
envy. ur hubby can cook. my hubby can't cook except maggie mee but don't taste good also. he say once he has own place then he start learning. guess i still have a long time to wait.
I dun know if Robinsons will still carry Daniel cot next time as they're selling Johnson cot there liao. So, it's a risk loh. Maybe u can ask her? I think bedding should refer to the bedding set, i.e. cot sheet, bumper, etc.
Was just in orchard last nite and the christmas lightings and decors are put too. Dun really like the design ... prefer the decors along the Plaza Singapura stretch but anyway, my daughter was 'wow-ing' away already. Nice to hear their amazement when they see such lights etc. Bet you can't wait for your little one to come out and share the joy with you too rite? Never mind, yours will be out in time to collect the red packets for CNY. hee hee!
Morning ladies,

Re : xmas season

I also like xmas holiday alot. Will always go to Orchard Rd to look at the xmas lightings, this have been my habit cos since young, my mom will always bring me and my sis to take photos. Think I will do that to my boy too but guess have to wait next year liao. And by next year, he might know how to walk liao.


I went to Jurong Point branch. Though the shop is very big, they only sell 2 types and it's not very nice one, the usual beige colour one lor, very similar to what I saw in JL (but JL got pink colour). And it's display on the tray not individual on the shelf. Didn't notice the brand though.


OIC. But my gynae didn't ask me to monitor leh... Anyway, my bb is super active only at night.


If they only deduct $20 for the bedding set, then not very worth it. I would advice you to take it cos if you buy the whole set (6pc which include pillows, bolster, bumper etc), it will easily cost you $40 and above. Furthermore, think you will at least need 2 sets for changing.

BTW, anybody knows if we are waiting for dilation, izzit waiting at the observation room or the delivery room ?? And if we take more than 10 hrs (for eg) to dilate, do they charge us for the labour ward charges or izzit included in the package liao?? I'm asking this because the observation room at TMC is damn ex!! And they even charged me the normal room rate price even though I didn't stay there!! The reason they gave is that they reserved the bed for me and nobody else can sleep lor. But it's like double charging me though I only occupy 1 bed!!
Wonder if other hospitals are the same also.
Hi ladies,

Sorry for MIA for so long. Company has installed fire wall and my MIS colleague hinted to me that was i surfing singaporemotherhood.com all the time!! But today they are on training, so can't resist to come in here.

Wow, i have missed our so much posting!! Well, got to catch up quite a lot then. I will start clearing my Annual leave on 15 Dec, so will have more time to chat and i believe some of you would be giving birth by then. Feel so excited and look forward for the sharing of delivery experience.

Btw, for those going for early ML, what are you gals going to do to past time at home? It can be quite boring though, especially the hubby still got to work and leave us alone at home and with such a figure, can't really go anywhere. What are we going to do then? watch DVD and drama series??
ok. after i see the cot this sat. i will make a decision. wonder when is the next baby fair at taka. i remember last time they have one at the big basement foyer before christmas. intend to buy everything from there so that we need not look around anymore. very tiring.

i remember the earlier years, more beautiful lights. haven't been down to see orchard road yet. i in the bus pass by only. may just go down to have a look before the crowd comes in esp since nowadays tummy big cannot squeese with the crowds. ally must have had a good time viewing all the lights. kids like bright stuff.

actually, i am due mid feb. hopefully he is good boy, let mummy eat cny goodies for a few days and do all the visiting then he arrive. either way, he will still get his red packets so i have been telling him there is no hurry. hahahaha.
thanks. i access their website before. but they don't have pic of the daniel cot. so i guess no choice have to go and see real thing. whole bedding set so expensive??? i bought my second hand one for only $15 from one of the mummies. if like that then maybe i will consider lor. cos i tot 1 set enuf liao. i wash then put baby on my bed then when dry then put back. save money and space. have to see how now. sigh. so u check out the nursing bra already? looks like JL, eternity brand is the final choice? i like pink better.

good to hear from you in day time again!
when my sil clear her ML early she stay at home to rest. watch tv, eat and also sleep alot. helps baby to grow better. alot of rest and relax. no stress. she also went out to do some shopping esp on weekdays as there is less people. then she arrange and rearrange baby stuff, baby clothes etc lor. u will find that time pass very fast since u will be anxious!
Just need to check, BH /fasle contractions is it sometime like stomach cramps / pains, that last for 1-2mins, then its over? Last nite, while getting ready to sleep, I ccountered like type of pain, but it went away shortly...dunnno is it BH or???? Any ideas?
I have been wondering abt this as well, cos I can't really differentiate...
When I ask my gynae, why my tummy feels tight most of the time since 30th week onwards, he said that was BH, does that mean I have BH all the time??
straycats and liewlian soh,
oh dear. i cannot help on this topic. cos i as blur. tummy tight means BH??? i read its more like wat straycats wrote leh. 1-2mins of cramp. i will ask gynae this sat when i meet her.

meanwhile don't worry. u all relax.

i also worry get track but very addictive leh.
I also get tummy tightening especially before bedtime but it goes away. It's only yesterday I got the stomach cramp / pain thingy feeling. Told my hb, he asked if it feels like going to poo, but I said no, this is different...aiyo, like this when the actual one hits us..die liao...
Can I have the no. of the bean sprout pillow? I misplaced it. Thanks!

I will be arranging my bb's room and prepare her cot and tidy up her wardrobe. Then hopefully I'm still mobile to go shopping during weekdays and pig out at restuarants for buffet or something good... keke...

Don't feel stomach cramps, only tightening but it goes away quickly. Instead I feel pain on my left ribcage, wonder if it's due to expansion.
I also very confuse on BH if is only tighten than my tummy alway tighten after meal. Cos my gynae told me u shld feel BH i also duno whether have anot and ask her. She say is like a tightening feeling and go off very fast. So i told her i everytime feel my tummy tight after meal but she say not tat than i blur liao but i never ask further.


My gynae ask me to monitor and make sure the bb move at least 10 times within 12 hours. If less than that must call her and let her know.
poor thing. sayang u. u talk to megan baby. ask her to be good. try to sooth the pain by stroking can?

beansprout pillow contact is 97860380.
how u intend to pay her? thru giro?

after meals, my tummy is super big and super tight and hard. if poke tummy, cannot even dent it. its very painful but gyane say that is not BH. i like u very blur. sigh
Sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 items for sale which could be useful to you after delivery.

1) Karmy Sleeping Dress $15 (washed but brand new)

2) Confinement Powder (used few times) $10
You can view item 2 at the folllowing website.

I've also posted the two items for sale in the market place thread incase u need more information

Feel free to email to me at [email protected] if you are keen. Collection is at Woodlands or International Plaza.

If I'm not wrong, for Mt. A, we'll be in delivery suite waiting for dilation.

Hi, long time nvr hear from you liao.. hope u and bb are ok.

I think it's BH. I had one qt serious one few weeks ago. Tightening (with pain) coming and going once in 5/10mins. Lasted abt 2hrs. But, I dun know the diff between BH and early labour contractions.
Re : Tummy tighten after meals.

I also experienced this occassionally but my gynae said it's normal. But for the past few days, I had this tightening even before dinner. My hubby asked me to tell my gynae but I don't want cos I scared he will ask me to go hospital again.


Ya, me too, got addicted to this site also. hee...

I told that to my hubby too but he said if we have to wait for very long for dilation, then we are taking up their birth rooms which are equipped with all the necessary equipments.

From your description, sounds like contractions to me leh... but I also don't know the difference between BH and contractions. BTW, did you tell your gynae about it ?? Maybe I'll check with my gynae what's the difference between the two, then we can monitor better.
But I'll only see him the week after next cos he is on holiday the whole of next week. Also good lah, better than he goes on holiday when I want to give birth. hee...

For MA is waiting at the delivery suite leh and the charge is from 12am/pm - 12am/pm consider 1 day so my friend advice me go after 12 so that we wun have to paid extra 1 day charge. Mean if we go b4 12, like 10+ than until the next day exceed 12 than they consider 2 days charge. So my friend say die die tong 1 hour + after 12 than go in.

Thanks, me and bb is fine, gaining a lot of weight. Think bb has turned already, can feel her kicks below my ribcage. Before that was always on my left. Going to see her this Saturday and finally i can go for my fortnightly check up after this. Such a long wait.


I have discussed with my huuby, how to celebrate our last 'er ren shi jie' before we permanently become 'san ren shi jie'. May be to check in one of the hotel along Orchard during one of the weekend, to kiss goodbye our 'freedom'.

Do try out the Scarlet Hotel, they just opened this year, located near Maxwell Hawker, but I think it was a nice hotel!!

I celebrated my V-day there!!!
then u must really be looking forward to dis xmas, wld be so special celebrating xmas wiv nicholas and ally
wah so fast put up tree liao, dat day hubby and me went to look at xmas trees i always have a weakness for them becos they nvr fail to put me in the mood!

mine didnt either. only that time false alarm then the nurses scolded me say as mummy i must count, cnt b lazy!

liewlian/ straycats,
i feel contractions v v often these days, several times a day. the tummy will just tighten and feel hard and slightly uncomfy. i will quickly tell hubby im having BH aldou i not sure also. wonder how the real contractions feel like!

im gg to see my bb tmr. ~uhoo! wonder whether she'll finally pass the 2kg mark at 34 weeks.

BH stands for Braxton Hicks...


Seems like all of us dunno what BH feels like, oh no! My hubby is worried since I have a high pain threhold, I lagi dunno how to differentiate true/false labor pains!!! Ha ha!

Anyway, since he is now on biz trip, I made my sis come over sleep with me each nite!!! Hee hee!
I heard if we get BH few weeks before you EDD, its good cos' our uterus is gettting ready for the big day! Will double check with my gynae when I see him next Wed.

Your bb will definitely cross the 2kg mark, no worries!
according to what i hear/ read, REAL contractions are unmistakeable! that means painful la! and they also get more and more regular...BH, like wad straycats say, are just a way to let us warm up for the real ting!

thks! i hope so
I just pray hard that when the DAY comes, my water bag will burst first before contractions so that I know the exact time to admit to the hosp!!! Hee hee!!!
Thanks for the no. I tried to call but no answer. Will call to check then let you know how I pay up.

I've also thought of getting 1 nite stay at a hotel since next week is my hubby's birthday.
Scarlet is a boutique hotel and from the website their deco very stylish. How's their food at Breeze? Did you try that during V'day?
I haven told my gynae yet, coz only seeing him this coming Monday. Will ask him loh. But, it sounded like BH described by the ante-natal class leh.

For real contractions, the intervals will get closer. That means like from 10min, then become 5min, then 2mins, etc.
no problem. maybe she will call u back since she will see she got missed calls. i will be getting her to sew the pillow in dec.now just waiting. no space. sigh.

how is your rashes? hope its better already. if not try to drink more water?

liewlian soh,
i also hope my water bag will burst but i worry pai sei cos i got alot of water retention. dun know if that will mean alot of water??? my sil didn't even know her water bag burst cos it was only a little damp on her panty liner. ended up going to the toilet to check and check. finally went to hospital then they confirm its water bag burst. envy u. got high threshold for pain. i super low. so every time i think of labour i panic then i get upset.
lousy mummy.
Haha Jan,
After seeing your post, then I realised that my cell no. is a private no. No wonder she didn't call back. Anyway, I just called her, I will pay her thru POSB bank transfer. Once the pillow is ready, she will sms me to do the transfer.

Confinement clothes,
My MIL told me I should throw away all the clothes that I wear during confinement. Anyone heard of that??? I was really puzzled to where she heard this myth... sounds ridiculous..

Think my colleague also said that before. But if emergency also cannot tong until 12 liao....

Guess all hospitals operate the same way, so TMC should be the same also. Also cannot understand why they want to charge 1 day rate when we only go in early by 2-3 hrs. Unlike hotel, we can check in early if there is room availability and there is no extra charge. No wonder people always say the medical costs is increasing.... sigh...


I ever asked my gynae before but he said no need monitor, so I also very strange.

Ya, your bb will cross the 2kg mark.


If the water bag bursts first, then contractions, that means very fast the bb going to come out liao lor right ?? Then if we haven't dilate to 10cm how ?? Can the bb wait ??

BTW hor, wonder if the gynae bursts the water bag for us pain or not ?? Sounds like bursting a balloon like that.

Actually hor, I ever experienced mild contractions before leh... And mine was about 1 min interval except that the pain is not so painful lah... It happened when the nurse took out the CTG monitoring strap after whole 10hrs!! I was so worried leh cos before strapping to the stupid machine, I didn't feel any contractions. But after they took out, I suddenly felt it leh... I was sooo scared that they will put me on drip again (just took off the drip also). Then when I lie on my left side, the pain went away. *phew* I think I was very heng... cos after that my hubby surf the net to research more and read that when the contractions come, can try to lie on the left. And also try not to have full bladder cos this will affect also.


Me same as you, got very low threshold of pain.


Never heard of that leh... So strange...
both my gfs and SILs were admitted to hospital cos their water bags burst. and no contractions yet. i tink this scenario is the best, all still slowly bath, pack their bags and went to eat their fave food before gg to hospital (delayed for at least 4 hrs). i also pray that mine wld be lidat. contractions v panic ley, duno whether real or false alarm, very kancheong!

huh, tot gynae will encourage us to monitor. lidat wont have to be put on CTG for nothing... mayb ur gynae v confident kind, tink no need loh..

thks for the encouragement

nvr heard. sounds ridiculous ley.

it came back. sobsob. and e condiiton looks quite bad. and nowadays cnt sleep well oso. always wondering the swell will go down the next morning.

big headache. happily bought soooo much tings but hvnt packd. gota start this wkend. everything in a mess, duno whether my stamina can tahan anot...

btw anyone knows where to get affordable (around $150 - 200)and nice-looking chest of drawers to put bb stuff? wen to ikea but the model i wanted out of stock
Just a quick post here...

we're in the same boat, but my company just blocked this website totally! So can't access from office anymore. Missed out so much of the 'conversations' here..

The swelling of my foot due to water retention is also on & off, come & go. So no choice but had to elevate legs on pillows every night & wait for The Day to come.
Chest of drawers.. can also try v-hive.

About BH & true labour contractions...
BH = a tightening of the uterine muscles for up to one minute
anyone knows of any chinese masseur who's good and charges reasonably? i intend to sign up for 14 sessions so preferably cannot be too expensive. i want chinese cos my CL told me chinese more hygienic. duno true anot la.

my gynae asked if ive any preference i said i duno any PD and she referred me to PD centre at TMC. now i heard PD centre no gd, the spore baby and child clinic (SBCC) is much better, so just for the info for mummies who wish to see PD @TMC. gg to tell my gynae to change when i c her tmr.

anyone knows any gd PD in the east? the PD recommended in another thread is at elias, too far for me...
Rashes seem to have worsen. I'm so tempted to go see a skin specialist..

I got my drawers from Ikea. If I'm not wrong, Hecom also has. OR try Vhive?

Thanks for the useful posting on BH and contractions.
how about stop applying any creams. sometimes too many or just one can trigger off the rash. if u go see specialist, better to let your gynae know. some creams for skin cannot be used by pregnant ladies.

i not getting nice drawers.save cost but vhive and hecom are good recommendations. i looking for those 5 drawers plastic stack up cabinets but looking for one with wheels. let me know if u see one. budget less than $50
I only had breakfast at the Desire and it was quite good!!! Always wanted to try Breeze but no chance yet!!!

My MIL only asks me to discard all my undies which I am going to wear during the confinement, that's all!

I also had some rash outbreak in my 2nd trimester and it lasted for 2 weeks, try not to scratch too much... since it is preg-related, maybe skin specialist can only give you ointment to relieve the itch and let's hope the rash will go off soon!
Take care!

Dun worry so much abt the labor part, since most of us here will deliver earlier than you, perhaps ya can get some ideas after we post our stories later on!!! Hee hee!!

After yr waterbag burst, it is recommended by the doc to give birth within the next 24 hours, so if there're no contractions yet, they will induce yr baby for fear of infection!

Try to drink more water in the daytime, and when sleeping, do elevate yr feet for better circulation. Some pple said that before delivery, there will be water retention and once the sweeling goes off, that means the DAY is near!!! Take good care and monitor, ok??

I think Giant is now selling the Toyogo 5 tier cabinets at $39.90, so please go check it out!
I think usual price is $79.90, if I am not mistaken!

I think that something cheong (at upper cross st, some lady here ever mentioned) got sell, chestnut colour drawers selling $200+, my friend bought hers from there. Think they do delivery, you may try going there to take a look, although i didn't go there personally myself.
