(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

My hb & I lived on our own. I wake up belly early at 6am, then I go to the gym before going to work. Sometimes, I do it in the afternoon if timing is too tight. I prepare my food to cook in the evening before I sleep. On weekends I finished my chores before going out..I am like you sometimes, too much stuff to do and get very frustrated cos' my hb is very very lazy and I do get tired more often than before, but when I asked him to do hsework for me he can sit on it until evening! End up I have to do it, so I gave up asking him to do anything in the hse. But at 37wks, I will go stay with my parents and not do anything, ha ha!!!

I will go on ML on the day I deliver, my boss quite ok with the arrangement. I wanted to start my ML on 37wks but, I dunno what to do leh if I stay at home and wait...I think will be lagi stressful.

No choice leh, my hb not like urs, so nice. Mine one super lazy man! If he's home, its always, aircon, newspaper and SOCCER!!!

No matter how I nag...he still will not get off his lazy ass!

Ladies, have you notice how big your tummy had grown? My goodness, I took a shot of my tummy today! It had grown so much as compared to when I was at 29wks!!!! I looked like I am carrying a watermelon! And my tummy measured 40cm!!! Yikes!

Hi 2005,

Thanks. Actually want to go down to Robinson but was really tired taking care of my bb. Really missed those days when he's in my tummy. keke

I will wait for next sale period to stock up those neccessities.

My hubby also very lazy one, ask him to do one thing, he will also wait one... But I never chase him lah... as long as he got do very good liao. hee... My hubby also, newspaper, SCV and internet!! Sometimes, I cannot tahan him that I threaten to terminate the internet and SCV. ha ha... But now cannot liao cos internet is paid by his co.

Went to JL at Jurong Point. They don't have the Pigeon rapid steam sterilizer liao, only left the normal one. Does anybody knows is Tollyjoy steam sterilizer good ?? So far, never hear anybody buy this brand leh...
Can't really remember but think Ally started flipping one side from 2 over months. It was abt 3 months when she could flip on both sides.
My two patches still there leh... v ugly...
For FM, I will ask my baby's PD to recommend when in hospital, heard that they'll give samples too. But I'll try my best to BF.

My tummy is also 40cm! I hope my baby is growing well.
ha ha.. I'm 32 weeks this week and am feeling the same as you.. always wanna pee, though not much comes out. plus, cant sleep well... cant walk much too. I cant imagine how i'll be like at 37 weeks.

Wah, u're fantastic, still can scrub toilets. I squat a while also v xing gu already..

oh, i see.. ha ha.. so more worth it for you, since the new cot is more exp.
Yup, hot wash without any clothes or detergent, just to clean the machine of dirt and bacteria. Have to do it at 60 deg to kill the bacteria. Mine is Thomson.

Can still go for dental. I just went yest to clean and polish. Just tell the dentist you're preg loh, no X-rays. Actually, it's good to go now, coz we have more dental probs due to the change in hormones now, so will have gum swelling, bleeding, etc.

I had the same tightening (once) a few weeks ago, ie abt every 5-10mins for abt 1-2hrs. but, u can call your gynae to check lah.
Morning ladies,

Today super sian... cos it's Monday!! And I didn't sleep well yesterday... Hope I can tong till 5.30pm. Rest too much for the past few weeks that I don't feel like working.


Ya, TMC will give about 5 small bottles of FM, ready made one. Heard from my friend that you can even choose the brand you want and they have it all.

Re : Tummy size

Guess you gals are talking about inches right ?? 40 cm is a bit small leh... FYI, I've already passed the 40" mark.


Wow, wash at 60 deg ah ?? Didn't try that before, only used up to 40 deg when washing towels cos heard my ex-colleague said that a technician told her that frequent use of hot temp will spoil the washing machine. BTW, mine is a continental brand, forgot the name liao.

Oh really ah, didn't know that we will have gum problems as well. okie, will try to find a date to see my dentist. Thanks.
BTW, ladies, when you visit your gynae, did your gynae tell you the size of your bb's head ??

My bb's head now is 9.3cm in diameters and 30.9cm in circumference. My gynae commented my boy's head is big and round. Wonder if his head continue to grow and pass the 10cm, don't know can deliver naturally or not ???
Just wanna check with you who's your bb's PD will be? I decided to change the PD coz didn't like the first one that my gynae linked with. Didn't have a good experience with her but gynae just mentioned during my last visit that she's the best coz very experienced. But find her quite stuck up and sarcastic plus she's not local so she couldn't explain my daughter's condition to me probably causing me a lot of unnecessary worry.

Chose another PD called Dr Lau but really got no experience with him.
Hi, absolut!

Since this is my first child, I have not decided on any PD yet... so I can't refer anyone to you... Sorry!!!

I went for my checkup yesterday, the clinic was so packed and I have to wait for 2 hrs in order to see the doc!! But I guess he must be exhausted so he only did a quick scan... didn't even tell me my bb's exact weight!!! So I gotta wait till my 37th week checkup 2 weeks later!!! He didn't even bother to measure my bb's head !!!
hi all,
thanks for the kind words. sigh. episode over so we try not to talk about it lor. but it was an unpleasant start for the weekend. very irritated that we are tight on budget. if only strike big sweep.

RE: Housework
Similar to straycats and 2005, i also doing all the housework. i just scrub the floor of the toilet and also gave the toilet bowls and walls a good scrub. cannot stand dirty toilet and nobody is doing it. my hubby don't like to wash toilets. my next task would be to clean out the fridge before baby comes. esp if we will be storing EBM so better to clean the fridge esp the freezer part.

for dental i think u better check with gynae. if too far advanced, some may advise against going? altho i did read that dental visits are still ok during pregnancy except cannot do x-rays etc.

i understand its good to buy about 2 tins of what the hospital is feeding in case we can't BF and baby still can have FM and less changes for baby if we use the same brand hospital uses.

Are we suppose to choose PD before baby is out? i understand once bb out, gynae drops out of the picture. how many days after discharge do we bring baby back to see PD? must make appointment then right?
I can see him measuring bbs head on screen and later plot the measurements into the the percentile chart. But never notice the value. Checked from the chart, maximum Head circumference at 40 weeks is 35cm. You still have some margin I guess?
Good morning ladies,

I asked my gynae for recommendation and the clinic will put a note on my admission letter on the particular PD I am keen on. I was also told that upon delivery, a PD had been assigned to our BB and if we are not keen on that PD, we can change or go to our own PD / GP (which may end up as your BB's PD).

Normally mummies carrying boys their tummy can be bigger than those mums carrying girls. My SIL's tummy was double my current tummy and she was carrying a boy. But then again, diff pll diff composite. So long as BB is growing well,tummy big / small no diff lah.

My hubby is also a SCV fanatic..almost everyday EPL if no EPL, he will be glued to NGO or Discovery channel....I also threaten to cut off the SCV if he continues to be glued to the tele...now, gave up oredi...I just go around do my stuff until he feels bad (which is unrare of him) and then offers to do...but by then, I am done with my chores.

RE: Dental Checkup
Normal routine checkup is ok, except, the dentist will not do any fillings (which contains mercury) for the preggie mum. I went for my 1/2 yearly check just 3weeks ago.

Straycats is rite abt the PD. your gynae will usu check with you if you are comfortable with the PD that he's linked with. So your gynae hasn't mentioned anything yet? Then never mind.

He rushed thru the whole process yesterday so he didn't bother to do a proper check for me, so pissed off! I will check with him during my next visit!

He even gave my hubby permission to go biz trip this week, even though I am in my 35th week liao!
So I threatened my hubby if he were not arnd during my labor, I shall register the bb under my own family name!!!
liewlian soh,

tat is what i tell my hubby too! if he cannot be with me during labour then i will register under my surname. in fact the last time when he said that he didn't mind if its a gal or boy since he don't believe in having the need to carry on his surname, i suggested giving baby my surname. he look at me as if i am nuts but he was silent! hahahaha. i think i shocked him into silence and yes, it sure proof that they mind. ie man do mind. say don't mind but they mind. if not why baby cannot follow mummy's surname??? in my case, my dad will be super overjoyed cos he only has 2 girls. hahahaha.

tell u all a big secret. i have to share this if not i will burst. NOW i understand why my sil didn't offer any hands me down. its becos her sister is pregnant! all of us were unaware until recently we saw her in maternity wear. to think she even lie that her FRIEND needed a CF and even ask for CF contact number which clash with my confinement period! guess i think the matter is also very sensitive cos her sis just went thru customery 1mth ago but tummy show now. but becos she is very slim like my sil, we canot gues how advance she is in her pregnancy.

Your life story seems to have so many twists and turns, machiam like a HK soap opera!!! I guess yr
SIL will tone down her attitude from now on!!!

I also don't have any PD in mind, so let my gynae decide lor. In the end, he gave me one from Eastshore, very far from my place leh... So, we told him we would prefer 1 from TMC and in the end he said how about Mt A... sigh....

Actually, my GP adviced us to use gynae's recommendation cos in case of any emergency, esp in the midnight that you need to deliver, the responsibility of getting the PD to the hospital immediately lies on the gynae and not us, which I think it's quite true lor.


Your gynae open on Sun also ah ?? Maybe next time you book your appt first on the list lor, then don't have to wait so long.


Think you better don't scrub the floor too frequently esp when you are in advance stage. Better be careful... Prevention is better than cure.


If your gynae didn't mention anything to you, then your bb is normal lor. I still got another 7 more weeks for another 4.1cm leh.... Sure exceed liao...


Ya, I have 1 colleague here who is 1 week early than me but her tummy is like nothing leh... All of us are saying that she don't look pregnant at all!! She is having a gal.

How come all our hubbies need to go outstation when we are in our advance stage ?? My hubby too. He told me he might need to go Shanghai for few days sometime this month. And I told him no cos you know lah, in my condition, I might have early labour leh... Furthermore, he goes there to conduct training and other people cannot make it and the HR asked him to go. I told him to tell HR he can't go also. Why people can don't go and yet he can't say no...
It's great being out with the mummies to be. All very pretty!! Keke... It would be more fun if all of us can meet!!!

I really pei fu you, can still scrub the floor. I can't even squat when I went to pee, my legs would be kinda of shivering. I try to do some housework cos I'm staying with In-laws and I feel guilty not doing anything. I just vaccum the floor yesterday, most of the time my MIL will take care of housework. My hubby is also one super lazy guy, he don't touch any housework. Even a cup also don't wash. He's always so glued to his computer games.

My gynae closes on Wed and Sat, and yesterday both of us overslept so by the time we reached the clinic, it was fully packed liao!
They dun accept advance bookings de...
Liewlian soh,
yes yes, u bet.

its like HK DRAMA. until i marry then i know where HK directors get their stories. maybe i should sell my story then get some cash to buy bb stuff. my sil won't tone down her attitude lah. she don't owe me anything, wat for tone down. those things she using, she just keep for her own sister lor. who am i anyway??? nobody to her. she ignores me most of the time. just that there were some stuff given by relatives which i feel she should pass on to me since its from relatives of her husband ie my hubby's relatives too. should not pass to her sister lor. u know what i mean?

sigh. sometimes as wife also tough. your hubby will tell u its part of their job, they are earning money to buy bb stuff then u will feel bad hor? that is how my friends feel when their hubby go overseas during their pregnancy. altho its true, i just feel its very important that the father be around when baby is born lor. its a moment that should not be missed. but then there are those pple who says that if zoe tay can why can't we? my answer is very simple lor. zoe tay very rich leh. she dun need hubby also can. and most important of all, i not zoe tay lor. hahahaha.

as for toilet. yeah, as i more advance, i think i have to close one eye liao. that's why my next task is to clean fridge asap lor. very sian cos if i dun do, nobody will do. i think those people living under the same roof as me ALL think that the house is SELF CLEANING!

So how was yr followup session that day?
I finally booked my brazilian waxing for this wednesday, I hope I can tahan the pain better this time!!!
ha ha! you should see me. My mom said my back looks like an airport runway, cos' I have NO BUTT! Everything seems to be sticking out to the front
Can you imagine, after birth, I have all the extras hanging out on the front and the back looking like a runway? Grosss!
My hubby is going to Rome for his biz trip so I am thinking of getting a shirt bag from Raoul and make him buy me something nice and branded for my xmas gift!!! Hee hee! Evil me!!!
My b-wax session makes me want to scream! I dragged too long (2months) since my last session. The pain not as much as first time but still it's a OUCH man! I had a burning sensation after that and I have to have it run under cool water several times for that day. Luckily, it got better the next day.

How's the nursing bra you bought from 9mois? is it comfortable? It looks comfortable to me. I exchanged my DBS points for Plaza Sing voucher, maybe I might used it to get the bras at 9mois.
It was very comfy!! I like the material alot and it was quite easy to use for me...
If my breasts gets any bigger, I will use my bra extension to make it more roomy...

Let me help ya check whether 9 mois accepts plaza sing vouchers or not, will let ya know tmr!!!
Liewlian soh,
the nursing bra u bought, does it come with padding???
I bought mine from mothercare and without padding. I was thinking if no padding, then our nipple will stick out, very unsight leh.
Haiz bad news my company just blocked this website. Maybe I surfed too much, too frequently liao.. hee actually they wanna save on surfing charges anyway I can only logon from home from now will miss all the interactive exchanges during the day.

First_mum / meixue,
At 35 going 36 wks, I wake up at least once every night to pee. I also cant figure out where my center of gravity is now since Im so much heavier and walk like a penguin! As for energy level, I still went for last minute shopping for 1-2 hours last wk to see what else I can buy
Housework I just do the simple ones like wash dishes, hang clothes, tidy up some piles of papers etc.

I just moved a shelf into the room & start to unpack the things that I bought. Now the diapers, wet wipes etc are on the shelf & within easy reach. Wonder if thats nesting instinct?

Im also looking forward to seeing my bb. In fact, 3rd trimester is the most emotional for me. The feeling is like so near yet so far Do you ladies feel the same?

Ive already cut my hair shorter, so much easier to wash nowadays

Tummy size
My tummy is also 40 inches! Most people who met me ask if Im about to pop, and are surprised when I told them its still about 1 mth away.

Bb head size
My gynae measures but didnt tell me leh. Perhaps I will ask her during my next visit.
Think if head size is > 10cm, mummy will need a cut? Or use forceps, vacuum etc.
pple tell me FM dont buy first until we see wad brand the hospital gives bb and if bb responds well to it then buy the same brand...ur hubby can do that.

u mean u still wake up @6am every mrng and go gym b4 wrk @35 wks of pregnancy??? n u do hsewrk and cook on wkday nites?? wah i worship ur endurance and determination man! take care not to overwork urself!

my job nature is abit demanding so i cnt imagine wrkg til the day i deliver! will prolly stop ard 37 wks.. its always comforting to move bk wiv our mums and be pampered

krissie/ jan/ berlin,
i cannot stand dirty toilets and i dont trust my hubby to do a thorough job! but the last time i washed the toilet (2 days ago), my thighs felt v painful and my lower back hurt. tink this wkend cant wash liao. either that or i ask hubby buy a long-handle brush so dat i can stand and scrub! berlin u so lucky got ur MIL do hsewrk u can an-xin-yang-tai

how much the nursing bra at 9mois? mayb i shd get 1 but not sure wad size to get...
thks for sharing! i also wk up at least once a nite to pee. sometimes feel the urge more than once but just too lazy to get up. in the mrng will feel v urgent!

ya nowadays i also only can shop for max 1 to 2 hrs b4 i really hafta rest. few wks ago i can walk for half a day and still feel energetic! but i guess we shd keep ourselves as active as we can b so dat delivery will be easier.

the 3rd trimester is indeed the most emo. i often feel a strong affection for the lil princess in my tummy. i often stroke her n smile to myself, so kuku haha! n i go all goo-goo-gaa-gaa over bb pics!

experienced mums, how fast is the usage of wetwipes? like how long can a pack last? each diaper change use how many sheets? wad abt cleaning of face/ hands/ feet??

heard many feedback drapolene is thin and watery and ineffective. what other brands are gd and affordable. desitin quite ex for everyday use, only reserved for emergency rite??

i bought mustela vitamin barrier cream and desitin (blue box). i intend to buy something cheaper for everyday use. how long does a tube last?
Hi hi ladies

Jus went for my gynae chk-up today...so happi that my bb is now 2.25kg at 34wks
but urine test sugar level too high
need to go back clinic on wed 9am to do a glucose test...can not drink/eat from tue 12midnight onward...nurse told me the test take aro. 2hrs ...
Scare kana diabetes...must strictly control diet...
Lewlian Soh,
Hi! I m from Jan06 thread. Krissie mentioned u had ur pics taken at DeCharacter, right? How do u find their svc & pics? Can kindly PM me ur feedbacks. Me currently looking around for good photography pkg. Many thanks!

Thanks very much for d info! :p
Here's a sweet baby pix for you


<table><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mtb</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> gender</TD><TD> bb name</TD><TD> bb weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>meixue</TD><TD> 30-Nov</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2.5kg @35 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkletotts</TD><TD> 4-Dec</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JeslynLuvRenee</TD><TD> 7-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyful</TD><TD> 7-Dec</TD><TD> RH</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2.4kg @34 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sabre</TD><TD> 9-Dec</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Kyloe Jun4 En1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD> 10-Dec</TD><TD> Eastshore</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> Fybie</TD><TD> 2.4kg @ 33 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>moonbell</TD><TD> 11-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1.9kg @33 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joanna Lee</TD><TD> 11-Dec</TD><TD> Gleneagles</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>straycats</TD><TD> 12-Dec</TD><TD> Mt E</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> Megan</TD><TD> 2.5kg @34 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD> 13-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD> 14-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berlin</TD><TD> 14-Dec</TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>2kg @33 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>summer</TD><TD> 17-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Javier</TD><TD> 1.9kg @33weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>IF</TD><TD> 17-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>2.25kg @34weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merilyn</TD><TD> 19-Dec</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>DS</TD><TD> 20-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1.6kg @31 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy Lim</TD><TD> 22-Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2005(first_mum)</TD><TD> 23-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD>1.8kg @32 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>absolut</TD><TD> 24-Dec</TD><TD> Eastshore</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Nicholas Ewan Keng</TD><TD> 2.22kg @33weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>sandy</TD><TD> 24-Dec</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Ernest </TD></TR><TR><TD>weoseek</TD><TD> 24-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 1.9kg @32 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairymoss</TD><TD> 24-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith ho</TD><TD> 25-Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>YL</TD><TD> 25-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Justin</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agnes</TD><TD> 25-Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheerful_mum</TD><TD> 26-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD>1.8kg @31 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>sansforum/Germaine</TD><TD> 26-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>poohnie</TD><TD> 29-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>violetgem</TD><TD> 29-Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> 2.1kg @32 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>bao bao</TD><TD> 31-Dec</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Jayden</TD><TD> 1.6kg @30 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>muah</TD><TD> 3-Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>krissie</TD><TD> 6-Jan</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> Nicholas Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>taka</TD><TD> 8-Jan</TD><TD> Mt E</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> Megan Lee </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD> Feb-06</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
my tummy is 41". I'm the fattest liao.

My hb is also away on business trip now. So xian, no one to massage my legs. Cant wait for him to be back.

I also cant squat long now to pee...my feet will feel like there's cramps.

Oh no.. will definitely miss u logging in the day. Thanks for the update.

My colleagues and friends all use desitin. Since we are only supposed to apply very thin layer, dun think we need too many tubes. Anyway, I'll be getting Desitin, coz I really need to prevent nappy rash as I'm not using nappies.

dun worry too much, I took the glucose test too. But, was ok. Rem to keep some urine for when u just reach clinic, need to give them urine sample.

No probs.

9 Mois does accept PS vouchers so you can go buy nursing bra liao!


The bra I bought was black lace, not padded, but has wide underwire to prevent sagging...
I can't remember the price liao... (^_^;)>
Berlin, can you remember? Ya said it was cheaper than Mother care...


I think they are quite pro, biz over there is also quite good, you may wanna visit their website to check out their services. However, they have different pkgs avail so please do check with them for more details. Ie Journalistic/black&amp;white shots are more expensive..
Morning ladies,

Today is an unlucky day for me. Got leg cramp early in the morning, at about 5am. My hubby stretched my leg for me but till now still pain. Worse still is my hubby goes Batam today so can't send me to work and I've to walk one limp one limp to take MRT and bus.
Feel like taking leave but felt that quite wasteful. sigh...

Anybody got any remedies for curing leg cramp ? I apply ointment but still pain...


Why your gynae don't accept advance bookings leh ?? Strange leh...

You bought a underwire nursing bra ah ?? Thought Mrs Wong said better don't wear underwire one during breastfeeding, if not, easy to get block ducts.


Yesterday I told my hubby that you and Liewlian will adopt your own surname for your bb if daddies are not around during labour and he just laughed.


I envy you leh, got no butts. I feel that my butt grows alot leh....(though I never measure my butt size, will measure tonight) Can you imagine I'm from a S size till now maybe L size liao. sigh... really wish that I can go back to my original figure, if not, I sure nag at my hubby one. hee...


Thanks for your advice, will let my hubby knows.


Don't worry too much. You'll be alright. Just control your sugar diet for another few more weeks. Jia you!!


Thanks for the update.
hi gals

So long never post liao hope all are fine. I have a long rest last week. Go see my Gynae and my bb wake only 2kg at week 34 and seem like my bb is the smalles. My Gynae say will be a small bb so sad hope that he can grow fat fat this last month. So I still need alot of rest according to my gynae.

Get yr hubby to stretch your calves every nite before bed, it works! Also, wear long pants and socks to prevent cramps as well!
For the pain you are having now, the best thing is to do more stretching!!! Take care, ok?

The Nursing bra comes with wide underwire which I have tried and I think it provides better support since I am now a 38D, or else they may sag with the force of gravity!!! If you dun like the underwire, you can remove them! As long as the bra is not too tight, they will not cause blocked ducts!


Dun worry abt bb's weight, 2kg at 34 week is not too small lah. Mine was 2.4kg at 33 weeks, so yours is considered normal! Just rest well and I am sure your bb will be healthy!!! BB on the small build will be easier to deliver too! Jia you!
i also joking only. my family story is already such a saga, if i put my surname for my bb, i think the story will get the top rating cos my mil and fil will hit the roof. leg cramp, i use hot compression. warm towel helps but those cream i also tried, only temporary relief.
u will have to walk very slowly today. after that go home use hot water to see can sooth and relax the muscle. lunch time try to massage yourself to relax the muscle too.

too bad they block the site but nevermind we will still wait paitently for you to post. thanks for the update. me haven't seen gynae. this sat going to see. so by then can give u weight. name wise, my hubby still thinking.he very fickle minded. someday its this and some other day he wakes up he say he change he maind oreadi!

liewlian soh,
i also tot nursing not suppose to wear underwired. that is what i recall absolut also advise??? anyway u buy already. just monitor milk flow if u wear it. for the mothercare nursing bra, any idea if its underwired?

u got the same worry as me. no choice. u try to drink more water today and tomorrow see if can flush out? GD is very common among pregnant ladies. don't worry. if really GD, that only means the next few weeks u cut down on sugar. after baby is out, everything will be fine.

i am same as krissie. i going to buy 1 tube of desitin. but i will buy 1 tube of drapolene also since its more economical. 2 tubes should be enough to last i think. can't apply too much also.

u haven't bought cot right? me too. i understand the daniel cot is out of stock. are u also waiting for that?

if u intend to wash the toilet then i suggest don't bend for so long. last week i squat too long, tough to get up. i also same as u. i can't stand dirty toilet. for me, its worst. i use the common toilet. sometimes, underneath the toilet seat cover, there will be those urine stains becos of the guys so i cannot tahan, definitely will scrub away. as for FM, someone wrote that TMC has all the brands? can mummies can specify what brand to feed so if u buy a particular brand already, after bb is born just need to tell the nurse what brand to feed????

i think 2 tins should be enough to last esp if we are all trying to BF

RE: Wet wipes
i think 6 packets should be able to last one month?

anybody knows if any sale is coming up? i read that isetan is having combi sales but don't know the date. anyway, don't expect it to be cheap also. combi sells strollers only right?
Good Morning all ladies,

No wonder your SIL keep quiet and didn't even want to pass you her bb's clothes. So that is the big reason. I think she shld pass you those that are pass down by her hb's relative, just like what you say.

Thanks for the update.

I went to see gynae yesterday, having flu and slight soar throat. sianz.. still don't feel good today..
My gynae don't encourage me to take the vaccine flu.
Aiya, will miss you on the forum during the day leh...nvm, at least you pop in during the nites.

I share the same sentiments as you, feeling the nearing of home run yet have the reluctant feeling cos' cannot feel Megan insides me after delivery. Sometimes like 2005, I also stroke my tummy and smile to myself like kuku oredi, then whenever I think of delivery, I start to "freak" out...kept thinking duuno delivery will be easy anot, will I end up with a long labour and end up with a C sect anot....haiz....headache leh

I cook on alternate days now, my hb is a rice man, he cannot live without rice for more than 2 days, otherwise he will get cranky. For me, I am not particular about food lor, but he must have proper food.
I had been sticking to my gym routine since before preggie so very hard for me to break the routine. If tired, then I go in the afternoon.

My mom said most preggies with their weight all even out (front &amp; back) easier to give birth. She said I may end up having a C sect cos' I don't looked preggo at all from the back..I dun want C sect leh...aiya now I am very scared...

Don't worry, so long as we eat proper food and not snack after delivery, we can get back our old figures. We must encourage each other after delivery to work hard!
yeah.i also understand now. as for whether there is any hands me down. i take it there is none since till now they didn't open their mouth. its easier for me to buy stuff too since i dun have to be made to wait. now she will ask me less questions cos she might be worried i ask her back? most of the time, my hubby n me quite stupid. we answer but never ask. this time round i told myself i must ask her to let her feel what its like to be interrogated. anyway, best if status quo.don't talk.

gym.really admire u. with megan how u do gym now? is it on threadmill?
yeah, i same as u, panic when i think of labour. on one hand very anxious to see bb, on the other hand i think i will miss him kicking inside me. the feeling is so unique, tough to describe. sigh.
ur hubby is like mine. they say only rice is proper food. even noodles to him is not a proper meal! my gosh. i guess that is how i put on so much weight.

heard from office people metro got 20% storewide from 11 to 13 nov. wonder if its only for memebers? cos i not member. haiz.
Yup, walk on the treadmill cos' cannot run oredi than go swimming. Got do weights as well. The regulars in the gym oredi got sick of seeing me the preggo lurking in the gym liao.

I don't like rice, hb is a rice tank..give him rice &amp; soup and he happy oredi. Put fast food, snacks or anything sweet in front of him, he runs away...can you see how difficult it is to satisfy his stomach..haiz....
can try doing hemstring stretch for the leg cramp.

Dont worry too much, rest well, it helps. My colleague's bb was also small and she had ageing placenta. She worked from home, rested well and bb was 3.25kg when born. So, resting really does help. Try to lie on your left when u rest, so that bb gets more nutrients, and drink more milk.
Take care.

yup, waiting for the Daniel cot, if not, will get the Johnson cot loh. My EDD is 6 Jan, so have to settle it by 1st week of Dec. You can wait longer coz your EDD is later, mah.
Jan / 2005
if you really want to buy FM to standby, think one can enough. If really not enough then buy more later otherwise if you really succeed in BF, the milk will be wasted and FM is really not cheap. Guess you can specify what brand of FM you want the hospital to supplement if they have stock coz they change the milk brands monthly. Do you know the brand that you want already? I remember being blur blur so let them recommend and feed lor. They may have leftover stock from before. The nurses recommended Nan HA for my first bb coz I have a history of eczema. Changed it to Friso when she was 10 - 11 months and found it quite good. Before that, she was on BM.

U're not working now? How come got time to go gym in the afternoons.

My urine test also has slightly high sugar for the past 2 months and the nurse just asked me to cut down on my sugar but then I have been craving for ice-cream etc leh. And the thot of not being able to eat it during confinement makes me want it more now.

Have you all eaten hairy crabs this round when pregnant? They featured it in ST on sunday and mentioned that it's cooling? So strange... never thot seafood was cooling leh.

Tempted to drink my coconut water already coz scared if bb pops early then I cannot drink anymore but now gynae is going to be away on leave for the next 2 weeks and only back on 28 Nov so maybe shouldn't take the risk esp since someone said it could cause bb to come out earlier? Can't remember when I started drinking for my 1st pregnancy but bb came out exactly on 40th week edd.

it should be scan instead of x-ray, i heard wrongly from my gynae.. thank God, the swell has subsides since yday so no need to go for the scan..

me also been thru the Glucose test.. try to cut down yr sugar intake few days b4 the test.. i have to pass urine and draw blood for 3 times and to drink finish 1 bottle of sweet sugary water (tasted like lemon barley but with loadful of sugar added)..

thanks for updating the chart for us..

btw, where did U get all these cute bb pics?
