(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

No leh, didn't feel much difference. Except that nowadays it is quite difficult for me to turn and change position when sleeping, have to do it in "super slow motion", bend my knees and pause a few times before I can successfully change position.

Try talking to your baby again. Praise her a good baby girl etc... Hopefully, she will turn by the next checkup, then you no need C-section. Jia yu!

Hi Budget mum
I experienced KKH waiting before, terrible! And think the premium pkg is similar to private hospital charges.

Hi there, mind to join you all?
I only come across this forum recently and been following all the colourful conversations. And gosh...it is fun! wish i had come across it earlier.
Anyway, I'm currently in my week 36 with my second baby girl...my first boy is now 2 years old. My EDD is 6dec and I'll be delivering at TMC. anyone with the same EDD? And also I need some feedback whether anyone has any recommendation on the confinement food catering?Thanks a lot yar!
Morning ladies,

Having blocked nose again, can't get to sleep.


You should write a complaint letter to them although yours is a subsidized patient, also cannot mean that they cannot like that treat you mah... At your stage, they should monitor more closely right cos you might be deliver anytime soon...

I also thought of taking 1 week ML earlier cos it's really tough to go to work at the advanced stage... But becos my EDD is on the 27 Dec, that means I'll lugi 1 holiday (26 Dec) if I take early. hee...


Wow, the dong chong cao very expensive hor... For me, I only need to get rice wine only.

BTW, my mom is also doing confinement for me. Though she will be quitting her job by then but I'm thinking if bb wants to have a feed in the middle of the night, don't know she will help me or not, if not, I sure become panda liao. But ask her to feed for me also quite tiring for her hor... This is the difference of getting your mom's help vs getting the CL. sigh....


Me too, find that it's getting difficult for me to change my sleeping position from one side to another, esp I have blocked nose quite often, have to turn more often. I'll experience pain if I lie on my back lor... It's like bb is weighing on me... This is also part of the reason I can't get to sleep well too. Can't imagine have to tong for another 6 weeks more...

Hi Mujmuj,


Looks like there are quite a number of Dec mummies.
hi violet,
norm to hv blocked nose during pregnancy. just got bear with it, 1 more mth to go!.. u not getting dong chong cao? or ur mum/ MIL buying for u? actually i dnt believe in eating tonics but mum say at least eat 1 course loh.

many pple hv their mums/ MIL do confinement for them. most will look after/ feed bb and cook, but hsewrk hafta engage PT maid. some only cook. v tough if u still gota feed bb ursef in e nite cos disruptive to ur recuperation... understand ur frustrations, sometimes budget is a big problem. try to talk to ur mum and compromise loh. am sure she wants u to rest properly also.

ya lor. feed ourselves tiring, ask mum to feed feel guilty cos v xing ku for e elderly. dilemma hor.

moonbell/ violet,
i also find it a chore to move around now. like hafta move evry muscle in the body just to shift abit. my work requires me to go out of office, so u can imagine! sometimes so difficult to even get on/ off cabs!

my kneecap also hurts from all the weight, like machine part spoil lidat!

when u get up from sleep to pee, do u experience pain in diff parts of ur bodies? for me its quite bad. my soles/ nerves in my feet hurt like hell. my ribs hurt and my knee caps and legs also painful. sibe sian man.
2005, Violetgem
The dong cong cao is so ex. I think I'll only get the cheaper version - chicken essence w dong cong cao! haha!

I can't sleep flat on my back too. V uncomfortable on my lower back! When I get on/off car, also have to do it in super slow motion, feel a bit clumsy, keekee...

Can you request for less outstation work? think you should rest more if getting so much aches on your knees n feet. I only feel legs a bit numb when I get up to pee.
You must be rather disappointed, but dont give up yet! You girl still has 3 wks to turn over, so keep doing the exercise (head down with buttocks up) & talk to her. We hope to hear gd news from you.

Budget Mum,
of course youre welcomed to join in our discussion! I will include you in our Dec mtb list in my next update. Btw, your boi is of a healthy weight & even bigger than my ger

I will be working till my EDD, bcos the new staff whos supposed to cover me can only report to work on 1 Dec, then have to do the necessary handover briefing But I may consider working half-day only at 38wks. If start maternity leave too early, I might feel bored staying at home all day, and may keep guessing when will I pop... when will I pop...

Btw, just curious may I ask how much are you paying as a subsidised patient at KKH? The doctor's attitude seems rather lousy.
Actually I also have this little worry that I might have difficulty delivering naturally is bb is big. But gynae seems confident leh, so I trust her lor

Yes yes, looking forward to carrying bb in my arms. Sometimes I even dreamed of taking care of bb liao. Maybe I was thinking too much about it during the day & then dreamed about it at night.
No leh, where got ho liao, hahaa Only take bird nest once a month, and no durians. Maybe its the Anmum? Finished 2 tins.

Btw, can share whats the list of confinement things to buy huh? Me a 1st time mum & my mother a 1st time confinement lady, so both of us are equally blur. kekeke

I think youre one lucky lady bcos I heard a few preggies said that once their bb is engaged, they could feel the weight of the bb at the groin & is quite uncomfortable most of the time.

Welcome mujmuj! Great to see more mtb joining us, esp experienced mums who can share more childcare advice
haha so smart...wonder wad`healing effects does the dong chong cao have, so expensive!? my hubby hear liao oso sim tia, but cnt say anything..

my job requires me to go out meet clients, so its difficult not to move around. even if my boss says ok, i still hafta generate revenue for the company mah. the last ting i want now is for the co. to have an excuse to fire me!

is it possible for bbs not 2 b engaged? or all hafta b engaged b4 they are born? must b v happy to hear dat bb is engaged. how many wks r u?
i also cnt wait to c and hold bb hee!

ya annum is very 'pu'! i finished 3 tins of enfa mama in 1st/ 2nd trimester, but stopped cos the wt gain was so rapid!! now guai guao drink HL everyday although such a hassle to stock up
!... ho liao can also mean everyday meals mah, not just tonics!

im also a 1st time mum. the list is all in chinese i cant understand most of it so i just passed to my mum to buy. if u want i can zap and mail to u. but list is wiv mum now, hafta wait until i c her...

ive read v gd reviews abt KANESON manual pump so i wrote to the distributor. this is wad they replied, just for the info of mums who are interested...

"The Kaneson pump is an effective manual pump and simple to use. It's also easy to clean and the suction is adjustable to your comfort level.
However, you'll need 2 hands to use the pump and to empty it often because of the design to avoid any spillage.

Avent Isis is a more popular manual pump amongst many mothers. I'm suspect because of its wide availabilty. This pump allows 1 hand operation but it has many small parts that is easy to lose or break.

If you plan to use the pump occassionally, than Kaneson will do. However, if you plan to use it more often, Avent Isis may be more suitable as it allows 1 hand operation and you can even pump on 1 side while nursing your baby on the other side. "
I think I'm just entering 36wks. If baby is engaged, meaning baby is in a suitable position for natural birth n easier labor for mummy, I think.

I saw the kaneson pump before. It's like a tall cylinder, with only 2-3 components only.
hee...thanks... maybe the pelvic tilt exercise helps me to hold my tummy better?
Only handover duties on 1 Dec? But your edd is 1st wk of Dec. Must take good care ok.
Hi Ladies

I got one piece of good news to share wif u. I had given birth on thur 10/11/2005 at Mt A. I was discharge on Sat and now only got time to lodge in. Although my bb was 34wks and 2.220kg but luckly he was doing well and could come home wif me.

Next time when i free then i lodge in again. take care ladies
CONGRATS!!!!! Glad to hear that your BB is well and home with you. I am so happy for you! Rest well and take good care of yourself & your BB
so bb was engaged @36 wks? hope dat mine wld b too at e nxt checkup (36 wks). do u need to pee more often? heard that wen bb gets engaged, it presses on our bladder more and we can practically live in the toilet liao...

yes and kaneson is cheap. only $32. v affordable and simple to use i heard. TMC has ran out of stk, the only other retailer wld be the BF organisation but its also out of stock now.

so ure the 1st dec mum who popped! CONGRATS on the birth of a healthy bb boy

when ure free, do share wiv us ur birth story. meanwhile rest well and have fun wiv junior!

were u the 1 who mentioned u bought raspberry tea and wld use it to induce after 37 wks?? but the MIM website says can take from the 1st trimester. are there different types in the mkt??
You are our 1st mummy for Dec thread
Glad to know your baby is well and home with you. You must have been strong n brave, continue to Jia-yu ok.
Hi Joyful,
KKH subsidise patient pays about less than their normal rate. Exactly I also not too sure. But definitely cheaper. E.g Follow-up checks that is about $40 - $60 (depending on doc experience. I.e. MO or Senior Consultant) for normal rate but I only pay $20. So I guess about 25-50% of the other rates are all subsidised.

Like that time I took the down syndrome test, normal patient pay $80+ but I only pay I think $39+

Don't think I'm getting any dong chong cao, my mom never said must eat leh...

Me too!! When getting out of bed to toilet in the middle of night, my leg will be very pain and have to walk one limp one limp. And when changing sleeping positions, sometimes will feel some of the joints pain too. sigh....

BTW hor, anybody knows if our gynae can measure our pelvis size ?? My gynae ever told me before shorter gals have smaller pelvis size and if bb is too big, might not be able to deliver naturally. Me only 1.55m.

Re : Anmum/Enfamama

Aiyor, I don't know finished how many tins liao and I'm still drinking cos thinking it's good for the bb... No wonder I gained so much weight...
Anybody thinking of continuing drinking during breastfeeding time ??

Re : bb engaged

Your gynae will tell you that your bb is engaged or not during the visit ?? My gynae didn't leh... He only mentioned "good position", so I don't know what he means. Maybe next visit should ask him.


Thanks for the info on the Kaneson breast pump. Never heard before leh. But it's cheap, about 2 1/2 times less that the price of Avent!! Wonder when the stock will come in... Did you check with TMC ??


Congrats!! So happy for you. Hmm... your bb anxious to come out to celebrate xmas with you.
So envy you leh... can celebrate xmas cos by the time you already done with your confinement liao.
oh btw, don't think I can come in during office hrs from tomorrow onwards liao cos my busy period starts already... And might have to do OT somemore cos now shorthanded. This will last till I pop.
Hi Summer
Congrats & Take good care !
(our EDD is the same at Dec 17 but so fast u popped...think i better quickly get ready my bb stuff & hospital bag)

Hi 2005
Thks for the encouragement.
Hah...Ur CL so fast pass u the list of confinement things...my hb wil bring the CL to buy the stuff before i discharge fm hospital after giving birth...hope wil not b too rush...budget to spend aro.$500

I took "Dong cong cao" double boil w black chicken a few times.....really very costly...the price keep increasing...
now yi liang at least $200+. Did u take any tonic now?
Congrats! Glad that you & bb are fine!
Do share your birth story with us when you're free.
Now I've to update the pop list liao. Didn't expect so fast
Wonder who's next...

thanks dear, I may decide to work half day from 38 wks onwards (3rd wk of Nov), provided my boss agree.
my hands oso cnt open and close when i get up in the mrng, all the fingers will be v numb and stiff when i try to exercise my hands. they become ok after awhile.

starting fr 32 wks, gynae tell me abt bb position. last visit @34 wks gynae mentioned dat bb is head-down but "not engaged yet".

according to gynae, theres no need for such special formula milk, HL is gd enuff. she said such powders v fattening!

kaneson pumps no stk @ TMC pharmacy, they duno when stock is coming in... u can try the BF organisation instead. more helpful and friendly.

we luv our bbs so we must keep our spirits up ok! jiayou!

if u skip some things, 500 shd b enuff. scared too rush if wait for CL to buy. my arrangement is dat when i pop, hubby will call CL who will come out of m'sia on the day i wld b discharged. besides, beta if hubby by my side all the time after i give birth hee..

tink price went up again. my mum paid 300 for yi liang!

no, i oni take birds nest. other than that fish oil and...coconuts loh if that count!
Hi 2005
'da jia yi qi jia you'!!!

My whole body feel numb & stiff when i get up fm sleep too. will stretch & exercise my leg & fingers.....
then go pee pee

Confinement stuff
Think shld budget higher liao....aro.$700
Where did ur mum bought the 'tong cong cao'? At Hock Hwa?
I still dare not drink coconuts cos scare 'too liang' for me & bb pop early...
good morning ladies,

wah one weekend didn't log in already so many post.


me same as u. this week i will be busy so tough tot log in. nevermind, when free just log in to read lor.

my baby now only abt 800g at 27 weeks. gynea say average size.

liewliah soh,
did u manage to get the pillow lady? let me know how to pay her when u order. i haven't ordered but going to do so cos doctor ask me to get ready everything by the 34th week. only 7 weeks more to go. my feet already super swollen so tought to walk.

sat i went to kiddy palace to see the daniel cot. its not on display leh. wat they have was a betty cot. wonder if its the same. i tried to get ms lim but no pick up so in the end we gave up.

i went to taka, saw this pigeon baby saop. it says no rinse. price $8.90. didn't read if it can be used for head but its cheaper than seabmed and lactyd?

my CL didn't give me any list. last time she did for my sil. she only bought the meat and veg etc to cook. no extra chinese medical herbs so i guess i can save money. $700 too high for me.
coconut can be liang. drink after 38 weeks? if u want i think u can try to drink those powdered milk. they are very "pu", maybe can help give boost to baby's size?
Thanks much, my email is [email protected].

welcome to our thread.

You must check with your doc on the type of herbs u can take during confinement as some of them affect breastfeeding. This was mentioned by the speaker during our ante-natal class. my mum didnt mention herbs for my food, only ginger + wine.
Hi Muju
Welcome too.. ya, shld have joined us earlier.
I've not tried these, but here are some of the sites for your ref.

I'm like you, wake up every nite for abt 2hrs, coz of my itchiness. Was awake last nite from 3.30 to 5.30am. So tired now. I think I won't be able to experience sleeping thru the nite till bb is born & after I stop night feeds.

Nowadays, the sole of my left foot is pain when I walk, dun know why leh.. maybe strained a muscle/vein? So, have to walk with a limp. So stupid, hor?
Good morning ladies,

Wow, miss so many posting here over the weekend!!

Went for my check up last saturday, baby has turned already as what i expected cos i can feel her kicks below my ribcage all the time since last week. She has not engaged yet though and gynae said there is a chance tha
Congrats!!! Wah, u're the 1st of us to deliver... so scary, 34 weeks. I'm not ready yet leh.. But, so good that bb is healthy to go home with you. Take care..

I'm even shorter, only 1.53m.
Aiyo, don't know why my posting was cut half way, ok, let me continue my posting.

Gynae said that there is a chance that she will turn to other position although there is not much room for her to move now. Two nights ago, she was attempting to turn, cos i can feel her kicks on my left and suddenly i saw my tummy was skewed right, and that was her head!! But think really no space for her to turn, so she return to the head down position. Don't know how to coax her to remain in that position all the time.


Can you help me to update, now 33 weeks at 1.7 kg. Think she is a bit on the smaller size.


Have you tried that cat's position that i mentioned to you earlier? No hard to give it a try but at the mean while just be prepapred loh, it is also good in a sense that you will experience less pain and suffering.
SUmmer, congrats!! Glad that your baby is doing well. Maybe u can share with us your birth story when u're feeling better.

When i get out of bed to pee or standing up from sitting position, I also feel the ache on legs and pelvis. Think it's due to baby being engaged.

Violetgem, I'm even shorter than you, 1.5m only! And my baby's on the large side (3kg at 37 weeks), so i'm really quite worried that I can't deliver her naturally. =(

I've been taking dong cong cao (cordyceps) soup since 2nd trimester. stopped taking at 33 weeks. I find that it helps to increase my energy level and mum says can take during confinement.

i'm 2.5 weeks to my EDD and due anytime. Very excited now! Everytime go toilet will be checking if got show or not. everytime tummy cramps a bit, i will be thinking 'is it contraction'? haha!
Not true about the height thingy. My gf was 1.6m and she delivered naturally. Height & size does not determine the mom's ability leh. I was told the opp, that tall & bigger size women cannot deliver naturally...see what I mean??? So don't worry too much

Congrats!!! When you are free, please share with us your delivery experiences!! Rest well.

budget_mum and Mujmuj,



Ladies, for those engaging CL, can i check with you, how to calculate full month?? is full month counted as 30 days since birth or full 30 days of confinement?? for example, after we give birth, we already spend 2 nights in hospital (for natural, C-section will be 3 nights), so by the time we check out from the hospital, the CL will provide their service for 28 days or 30 days?
dong chong cao

Ya, it is very expensive, i bought it at Hock Hua, half liang for $160, cos they said 'fat rabbit' is a better brand than 'chicken' brand, fatter. Don't know how true. Anyway, don't intend to get anymore, too costly.

Hm, may be it is a good idea to call my CL to check with her what are the things to buy then can plan my budget better.
Hi ladies, thank for all your well wishes.

Let me share wif u my birth story:

On 10/11/05 I had contraction pain (range from 5mins to 8mins apart and last for half to 1min) from 1plus am to 3plus am. Called up my gynae and was advised to go hospital. But after putting down the phone no more pain so continue to sleep.

7am - My gynae called to check where I am. Inform her no more pain so at home. She ask mi to go her clinic.

9.30am to 6.00pm - The whole day I was at her clinic for observation. At first there was slight contraction but the pain still bearable, however in the later part around 3plus pm, the pain was so unbearable. It range from 5 mins apart and last for 1mins plus. During the pain, I can't talk and had to endure the pain. My gynae CTG monitor did not capture any contraction but she feel my tummy she noe its contraction and ask mi to admitted to hospital.

6.30pm - Reach hospital labour ward. Was put on vendolin drip to stop contraction and prevent early birth.

7pm plus - My gynae reach hospital and insert her finger into my cervix and I was 4cm dilated. She twist and pull and I feel water coming out, my waterbag had blasted. I was ready to give birth. I quickly ask for epidural and was push to delivery suit.

8pm - The doctor came to admister the epidural. Wat a relif. Feel no more pain even thou there is contraction. Had side effect like shivering.

9plus pm - Nurse came and check, 7cm dilated.

10pm - Another nurse came and ask me to push 2 times. Ready to give birth and call my gynae to come back hospital.

10plus pm - My gynae came and manage to push 6 to 7 time before my boi was out on 11am.

Finally, I feel so happy that my son was doing well even thou he was a premature baby. He stay in ICU for 1days observation and was out the next day to join me.

I had to go now, my boi waiting for his bath and feeding time is here again.
Thanks for sharing your birth story

Ladies, are you gals experiencing any sleepless nites? Nowadays, I wake up at 2am and cannot go back to sleep till 4am...leh...sian man!
Hi Ladies

Congrats Summer!! That was fast and steady!

My fren who is the manager of Hock Hua told me in our third trimester, alternate week take bird nets and dong cong cao. Taking Dong Cong Cao gives us the energy we will need for our delivery. Taking during confinement period helps us to get back our energy and if you drink wine add Korean ginseng, huai san, du zhong into chinese wine for at least 3 mths that will help to prevent backache, improve blood circulation and qi during confinement. All these good for our health. You may stock up martel or hard liquor so that CL can double boil hard liquor with chicken for you to warm your body. I had all these for my first bb and all my relatives commented I had good stuff that I had pinky and rosy cheek and in good spirit during and after my confinement. True enough my migrane had gone after my first pregnancy. Before my pregnancy migrane will come and look for me very often and I cannot tahan that I had to lie in bed in the dark room. Regenerate your body is very important.

BTW still rem the aloe propolis creme and aloe vera gelly I recommended for stretch marks and itchness. I have one life example of my fren who used aloe vera creme when early stage when strectch marks have not appear yet and start to use 50% aloe propolis and 50% aloe vera gelly when stretch marks appeared during the last stage. After her delivery she showed us her stomach, no stretch marks can be seen. As my the other fren is componding the last orders before our dec delivery. Anybody interested pl email me at [email protected]. Aloe vera gelly can also be used for baby for heat rashes that will apear on the 2nd to 3rd week old baby on their face and body.

BTW one of fren in this forum doesn't get $1600 CL deal from my agency. I called up the agent lady and she agreed her to give her same amt as me. Anybody I gave my CL agent contact to and you did not get that deal pl inform me and I will give her a call. The best is to give me your contact number and I asked her to contact you all.

Me going to see gynae this week, hope my boy grow bigger cos everyday I am thinking which week he decides to come out.

yup we must all jiayou and support one another!

ya, my mum said there was 20% discount @hock hwa last wk so bought quite abit of stuff. now duno still got anot... tink 500 ok la, just trim the not-so-necessary stuff out loh. for me its ok cos i not a tonic person, my mum say cook liao i oso wnt eat..

ok will chk wiv gynae abt confinement food. my gynae v ang-moh wan, she sure say no need for tonics!.. ya lor. n woke up dis mrng wiv acute pain in my left knee cap. haiz, hafta walk dam bloody slow today. n duno shd rest or walk more. cos supposed to walk more right...

its based on 28 days, starting from the day we are discharged. we do confinement also 28 days, not calendar mth 30 or 31 days (phew!)... must rembr to confirm with CL on no. of days cos some of them will attempt to short-change us.

tink latacyd is ok la not dat ex, try to look out for sale. abt 8 bucks for a bottle and can last quite long. pigeon non-rinse wash not very widely used, duno gd anot. sebamed is 30 bucks for medium bottle but heard can use for long long time cos each bath only squirt abit. i kiasu, bought sebamed and mustela, tink can last me for at least 6 mths!!

thks for sharing birth story. congratulations once again

i dont slp v well at nite but so far insomnia not dat bad, still can fall back to sleep aft wake up. i realised better to turn in later, i sleep better when super tired! when i lie down too early, i tend to lose slp once i get up.

decide to buy 1 tin to stand by. whos buying and wad brand? im tinking of enfalac A+...
I planning to get Enfalac A+ as well.

If your kneecap is painful, better rest, otherwise it will be more troublesome if you burst your kneecap!
Hi gals, the insomnia will get worse as EDD approaches. I'm 2.5 weeks away from EDD, every night cannot fall asleep. Always wake to pee. Hard to fall asleep after waking too. Very difficult to find a comfortable position, very tired everyday.

I thinking of getting S26 Gold for formula milk.
Is it water retention on your foot? Try and sleep with your feet propped up on pillows and see if it helps?

No joke to be kept awake in the nite. I get woken up by my daughter but not for 2 hours. Gynae can't give you any creams for the itch? I just have to wake up and pee quite often. The most irritating is straight after peeing, I stand up and realise that I can go again. Sigh!

Congrats on the birth of your bb boy. Looks like vendolin didn't work for you. Gynae was still to stop contractions at such a late stage? Thot if she wanted to, should have tri
Hihi MTBs,,

My report got stuck, pending for people to send me data, so now try to steal some time to come in.

Yesterday, me got a very good night sleep. 1st time after so many weeks that I didn't wake up in the middle of the night to go toilet.

Re : hospital bag

Think I must also quickly get the bag ready, just in case, if not, last min karang kapok. hee...


Dong cong cao with black chicken, I like!! But since I pregnant, I don't dare to take any Chinese herbs cos my gynae advised me not to.. .

Didn't know that dong cong cao is so ex, more ex than bird nests leh...

BTW, don't take dang gui during bf cos according to Mrs Wong, it will impede your MS.


This morning I also experienced both my hands numbness and they are a bit swelling, don't know izzit water retention. Read from this thread that water retention in the hands are not a good sign right ???

So, does that mean that if bb's head is downwards, it is not really mean engaged ??? If by wk 38, still not engaged how ???

You mean BF organisation is more friendly than TMC ah ??? Thought the TMC staff are very friendly... BTW, you have the no. to the BF organisation ?? Where is this place huh ??? Sorry, me very sua ku one...


Me same as you, only will take ginger and wine. Maybe we are the same dialect group.


Thanks for sharing your birth story with us. Yours was very fast leh... Hope I can be like you.


My gynae also mentioned that it's not a hard and fast rule on the height of mummies. He did also mention that some tall mummies also got difficulties in giving birth naturally. Maybe it depends on individuals one lor...


How much does the aloe propolis creme and aloe vera gelly cost ??

Re : Formula Milk

Still haven't decide which brand to buy. There are so many brands in the market. Anyway, this job is left to my hubby to decide.

Re : Latacyd,

I saw IMM is selling $6.80 per bottle. But at Robinsons is about $22 per bottle. Don't know what's the difference that the price is so huge difference...
Hi violetgem, when baby is head-down, means she is in the cephalic (non-breech) position for birth. Engaged means that baby has descended and 'locked' into the pelvic cavity and labour will be soon.

Water retention in hands is bad sign ah? why? Oh no, i've had water rention in hands since second trimester. Sometimes even woken up by the pain and numbness.
congrats on your fast and smooth delivery!! Really happy for you and your healthy bb boy!!!

I bought 2 nursing bra, black and beige.

I'm quite disappointed lor, cos I'm looking forward to having natural birth and to experience the pain of labour (that's how it makes birthing more interesting). Now I've already know when and what time to expect, it's just like waiting to be slaughter. I still do the 'cat' and pelvic exercise but... sigh... she is too comfortable in that position liao.
BTW, I've confirmed my c-section on 9-Dec instead of 5th. *count down*

cheer_ful mum,
Think you missed my post. Can you check with your friend if she is keen to sell only the white canvas cover for the 4-tier wire basket storage rack. Thanks!
Really no hope already meh? You still have more gynae visits before 9 Dec right? Continue to talk to bb and ask her to turn for you.

But just as a consolation if you have to go thru c-section, I have a colleague who went thru normal labour then c-section, said that c-section was much better even with the longer recovery. She's opting for elective c-section for 2nd bb and I've another friend who went thru c-section for first preg coz also breeched bb and also decided to go for elective c-section for no.2. Seems like the recovery process is not that bad.

Thanks for sharing with us. Think yours is pretty smooth, hope we all can experience that.

Violetgem and Krissie,

If we intend to bf, then we shouldn't take ginger, isn't it? Not good for bb??


Thanks. Will check with my CL but my case is a bit special, cos i might want to finish the confinement earlier, before CNY, otherwise she will charge differently. So, i am trying to count when is the latest date should i deliver to have the full month of confinement.


Nevermind, you can still try on your second pregnancy.


Can feel your excitement!! Are you on ML yet?? Ya, nowadays always wake up to pee, and always feel thirst at night, have to put a jag of water beside my bed.


Can you give me the massage lady's contact?? The water retention on my feets are getting worse, does the massage helps??
i also heard insomnia gets really really bad later on during pregnancy. dats y im very thankful at 35 weeks i still can sleep at nite...

my mum also told me my siblings and I grew up on S26
i wantd to try also but some pple feedback some bbs dont react well to S26 ley...

ya, they can answer ur queries regarding BF. u can visit the website www.breastfeeding.org.sg .... they're located at maxwell i tink.

some bbs turn quite early like mine, at 28 wks i tink. but that doesnt mean they are engaged. bet 28 to later wks, bb can still change position cos there's still space for them to move. engaged means they have descended and more or less confirmed stay there to prep for delivery liao. tink all bbs once head-down will get engaged bet 32 to 36 wks ba, if not how to deliver?? dats wad i understand.

dnt tink the price variation of latacyd is so great la. there is only 1 size and 1 type... 22 bucks mayb for twin pack?

ya for mums whose EDD is end dec may cross over 2006 then abit tricky liao cos CNY, CL charge differently i tink 400 more!! my edd is 23 dec, i hope wont cross over to the next year!
Hi gals

I also feel numb when wake up from bed especialy my hand.

My mum also getting more Codycep for me during the confinement but is so ex so feel heart pain. Cos now is ihave bird nest and Codycep alternate week already spend alot liao thk confinement need to spend more.


Wow u the 1st to give birth Congrat Congrat.
