(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Got such things ah? Must throw away clothes that we wore during our confinement.. aiyo.. then nothing left to wear after that, how can? I never hear of it before also.

Hi Ladies,

I have one bottle of brand new massage cream from Mothercare and want to sell at $12 cos I have seen improvement on my stretch marks and rashes frpm my auntie recommendation.

Anybody interested pl emial me at [email protected]
confinement clothes,
Ya lor, I also never heard of that. None of my sis or cousins did that. Don't care lah.. she also can't remember what I wear.

You can also check out Toyogo warehouse at Toa payoh Lor 8 industrial park, Blk 11.

I'm going for my check up tomorrow. Not so hopeful that bb has turned head down, cos I can still feel her kicking my bladder.
Hi 2005
Thks for the infor. on "Count To Ten'" but slightly diff. fm mine......anyway we jus hv to make sure our bb kick,kick,kick......ex-least 10 times/day......
Chest of drawers
i bought mine at Ikea for 200+...only headache is the assembly part cos my mum said i preg better dun knock/hammer anythings so i jus stay away fm home when my hb do the assembly.....

Hi Joyful
Would like to chk how u post the bb picture & the infor. about BH & true labour contractions here??
Confinement clothes
I nerver heard of tat too...my sis still pass me her clothes (front openings dresses..easier for bf) & maternity bras she wore during her confinement....Cost Saving.....
Hi joyful, an update too: My baby girl is 3kg at 37 weeks. The gynae says she's a little on the large side. haha! She's also engaged already, and my groin hurts...
Liewlian soh,

THANK YOU! looks like this weekend, i have alot of places to go. hope not too tiring. Will be going to Toa Payoh to look at the daniel cot then also to Giant to buy the cabinet. i know... trying not to stress out but everytime i think of labour, i scared scared. i very timid one. cut here cut there still have to push still have to endure pain, i worry. don't know whether shd take epi. so until now whenever i think will be scared lor. hope you all have smooth delivery than i will be encouraged!

Thank you. Will let my hubby know about warehouse. but without car, maybe easier for us to go Giant. don't worry about bb. some take longer to get engaged. Plus my gynae did mentioned before, our EDD are just an estimation. So sometimes, maybe not engaged before our estimation is a little out since its based on the traditional method of counting based on our period so.... anyway, as long as baby is healthy and growing well its ok right.

engaged already? then u should be ready. my friend's baby after confirm engaged came out within 2 days! congrats!
Dear All,

Young coconut drink:
Anyone knows whether can we drink the young coconut when it is cold? Since it is placed in the chiller at the supermarket. Or should we drink it when it has "cool down"? Thanks.
i looking for white color, either 3 or 4 drawers. ikea and hecom both out of stock liao. stock wont come in til late dec
plastic kind i oredi bought but now i realise like not enuf space ley.

ntuc has 4 drawers @29.90. nice pastel colors of pink, yellow, blue and white (translucent type). i bought the same one @39.90 last mth, now only 29.90!!

SBCC is on 5th flr TMC. PD centre is on 3rd floor, hearsay the 2 PDs there no good... i oredi asked my gynae to change mine to SBCC today
but heard that SBCC v crowded, so must be prep to wait.

thks. gynae didnt say much wen i told her got water retention. only said dnt take too much salt and elevate leg at nite...

pls update bb's wt 2.36kg @34 wks thks!

my gynae asked me walk for 15 to 30 mins everyday after dinner. duno whether to prep for easier delivery or i gettin too fat????
hello gals

I buy my cabinet in Hecom (white Colour) with 2 Large drawer and 4 small drawer so total 4-tier and cost $109.50 but thk out of stock for white but they do have another colour more greyish type. Thk there is delivery charge if you want them to delivery. But my hubby carried and assembly himself.


My gynae say walking is for the baby to engage faster and to build up stamina for delivery.
I think in my previous mail abt selling the massage cream is not clear. what i mean is that the reason for selling is cos I am using another brand that I find it more effective so selling off the balance of one brand new mothercare massage cream.
think chilled one is ok cos my friend drank that. anyway when u go and buy from the fruit stalls, they also put ice to chill it since they already peel off the husk?

will go ntuc to look but got wheels? i need one with wheels cos no space in room, have to wheel her and there.

15 to 30min like more possible hor instead of the 45min. maybe we can try to 15min. hahaha.
good afternoon mommies

cabinet/storage drawers
i got 2 x 4 tiers "TOYOGO" storage drawers from Carrefour and they deliver to us FOC if we purchase more than $150 in 1 receipt, if not, just pay $15 for delivery..

is the promotion at Giant for this week? Tmr we r going to IMM so maybe can have a look cos we might need to get additional 1 or 2 storage drawers for the maid & CL to use..

Packing of hospital bag
Do remember to pack either a thick towel or 1 or 2 pieces of waterproof sheets in case our water bag burst..

looks like i must continue to walk so that my bb will engage by next Sat for gynae's visit or else got to go for c-section liao..

Ya loh but my gynae keep say 45 mins thk she got very good stamina when she pregnant so now she encourage ppl to walk 45 mins. hahaha
Really huh, then good, got excuse to drink cold drinks liao. :p

Hmm.. why need to pack a thick towel? Izit in case our water bag burst during the journey to hospital?
sunny/ sandy,
ddnt know walking will encourage bb to b engaged faster. then must really practice it liao. but is there a specific time to walk like my gynae say after dinner. or as long as each day 30 mins can liao??

oops. ntuc no wheels. u can skip. but its really cheap and looks nice loh.

cheerful mum,
thks for the info. but i look for white drawers to match bb furniture.
i think no harm in trying lor.. anyway walking can aid easy delivery.. so overall, i take it as beneficial for us and bb..

u can try those from Toyogo cos they comes with wheels but u will need to fix the wheels yourself.
An update here My ger-ger is 2.72kg @36wks, expected to be 3.5kg at birth. Gynae says Im not dilated yet & likely to give birth at full term (40th wk?). Luckily she also said that I can still go for natural delivery *phew*

Seems like we both have big bbs

Engaged already ah, thats gd rightIs your groin always in pain? Poor thing

To post a graphic image (eg bb pix), click the Upload Attachment button at the bottom. The images file type must be of .gif or .jpg. Click the Browse button to select the name of pix & then click Upload. When the file is uploaded, just click the Close button. Hope I understand your question correctly

A friend of mine emailed me the cute bb pix, so I post it here to share with you all
Gynae did a cervix check for you? Didn't know that bb will still put on so much weight from 36-40 weeks. Thot growth will slow down. Your placenta must be still healthy for bb to grow at such a good pace. 3.5kg at birth should be ave right? Sounds like a good weight. Think big bbs are abt 4kg and above. Remembered that my 2nd niece was born in the 41st week and she was 4.2kg... quite huge but super steady and not like the usual flimsy bbs.
Yes, gynae did a swap test & cervix check today. At first gynae was somewhat concerned knowing that I lose a little weight, but the scan shows bb put on weight instead (0.3kg within 2 wks), so everything's alright

So 3.5kg at birth is not considered big? phew.
Ya, agree that bigger size babies are not so filmsy. I touched the arms & legs of my nephew on his 2nd day & is solid, 'bak bak' type. He's 3.7kg at birth.
Cannot dun put cream.. it's super super itchy.

Thanks.. yours was rash hor, not SM that were itchy.

Ya, how did your gynae know that you have not dilated yet leh?
worried that its the cream that is irritating u. depends. sometimes too dry ie no cream wil be itchy. some people too much cream also itchy. if really cannot tahan, i suggest go see gynae. skin specialist at this stage cannot help much.

happy for u. congrats. i like 'bak bak' babies. they are very solid. can play with them. and i like to squeeze their big and fleshy thighs. so cute!!!!

liewlian soh,
i like that cute pic u uploaded. do rest well. when ur hubby back u will be fully charged then can go shopping again!

will check it out. fix wheels is ok as long as price is right.

RE: taka baby sale
any news when is the next taka baby sale? i saw in papers today that take B2 having the toy sale. all the way to dec 26. that means no more baby sale? esp since afte christmas toy sale they usualy will start sale of household items for cny like pillow and bedsheets etc????

aiyah. chat on monday. now at my sis's house. she got internet. me don't have. have a good weekend
When gynae does cervix check, she inserted her finger down there. I could also feel the tightness & some degree of discomfort. Think my pain threshold is not that high. The discomfort is like making love again after a long long time, maybe bcos down there didn't 'exercise' for several months & becomes tight already. kekeke.

I had some bad rashes on both feet and ten fingers so initially I was like a monkey scratching here and there!!! Me got no SM yet, I dun want any!!! Hee hee! My hubby will surely dump me if I have SM!!!

Hubby only back on Sunday evening lor, so sad, so I will be home alone for the whole of Saturday and Sunday, but I will go airport to give him a surprise!! Hee hee!
Hi Krissie
i too hv quite itchy rashes some time back & i apply very mild Triderm cream....after it get
better then i continue the SM cream.

Hi joyful
Thks.....know y cannot upload my attachment liao...file too big...
Done my swap test on monday....result out.....need to take anti-biotics for 5days & 1 injection on the day i give birth.
So sad i failed my glucose test too.....need to do blood test weekly to monitor my diet & worse.....

Growth scan by Dr.C.Anandakumar
Done a growth scan...bb too small

Need weekly CTG with liquor assessment & may need to deliver at 38wks

Feel so lousy of myself.....

dun feel lousy, sayang sayang!
Each preggie is different so as long as bb is healthy, all the efforts will be worthwhile.
Cherish all the good memories, hang on there!
Jia you wo!!!
oh i see.. finger is ok, was afraid that it's some instrument.

Liew Lian
I see.. so far, mine is on tummy, butt, thighs and spreading to calves liao. Wah.. I think u'll faint when u see my SM. My hb always sayang me, say I'm so poor thing & ask bb to be guai guai, since mummy suffer so much.

What's Tridem cream & where can I get it huh?

Don't feel lousy lah.. all of us have a diff probs as mummies, see, I have rashes + super bad SM, some pple have water retention, etc.. most impt is that bb is healthy. How many weeks are you? A bit on the smaller side, nvr mind lah. Have to eat carefully liao.. Hang in there, only few more weeks to go, okie.

Try to cheer up lah.. last few days, my hb was not in Sing.. I was also a bit sad and moody after seeing my v horrible SM. Felt so ugly. Then, I think bb could sense and started kicking me, as if to comfort me. So cute hor.. Think happy, then will have happy bb.
Hi Krissie
Thks. My gynae estimate i'm 34wks+ (irregular menes) but base on Prof Ananda details scan bb head circumference is 36wks liao but abdomen circum is less...smaller...sigh!

I got the Triderm cream fm gynae.....if u dun mind giving me ur email address.....i can email the picture to u......
Joyful, i'm 37 weeks already and gynae hasnt done any swab or cervix check for me. Think he's very bochap. =(

I also hope that my baby will be of a reasonable weight like 3.2kg at birth so that I won't have to go for c-section. But she's now 3kg at 37 weeks, dunno if will become too big or not.
Hi all
My baby is engaged already
But my gynae didn't tell me my baby's new weight. He said my baby's size is ok and told me not to worry too much about it.
As for the dull red patch on the back of my thighs, he said it's pigmentation, and should go away after give birth.
ya, chubby bbs are much cuter

Maybe your gynae thinks GBS (Group B streptococcus) is quite rare & affects only a minority of preggies, that's why he didn't do it for you? I guess if you're interested, you can still ask for it.

Have faith that your bb will be healthy after all that you're going thru' now. At 38wks, bb is considered mature already, so less worries even if delivered then. Believe you & your bb can make it, ok?

congrats... does it feel heavy at the groin area now that bb has engaged?
Hello Everyone,

I've been following this tread for some time. Mind if I join in your little discussion?

I'm also a Dec mum-to-be. My EDD is 4th Dec. Will be delivering at KKH and is expecting a baby boy. Baby weighs 2.8kg at week 36.

Was hoping can deliver this month. Getting very anxious with all the waiting and anticipation.

OIC. Didn't know that SBCC is at TMC also, thought it's at another place. Do you know how many PDs are there ??


My colleague also told me to bring a towel to work everyday when near the EDD, just in case. But then I thought to myself, if water bag really bursts, how to wrap ourselves with the towel ???

Re : walking

Wonder if we can still walk for so long if we experience tightening of our tummy ?? Nowadays, my hubby don't let me walk for too long cos he sooooo scared of me tightening....


Envy you leh... Your gal is so big, hope my boy will be like your gal... hee... But I also scared cannot deliver ah....


Don't worry too much. We pray for you okie...

BTW, what's CTG monitoring with liquor assessment ??

Actually hor, recently I also do get very upset over minor minor things. Don't know izzit becos of hormone change ??? Hopefully, my bb will not be a hum bao when he comes out.

BTW, my gynae didn't ask me to go for a growth scan leh ??? Wonder why....

Hi Budget Mum,

Welcome to our thread. You should have come in earlier so that we can share our experiences mah.
Hi Violetgem
Thanks. I think liquor assessment is to make sure there is sufficient fluid inside the womb...
need to chk with my gynae on my next chk-up.
Growth Scan
My gynae refer me to Prof Ananda for growth scan cos he found my bb smaller than average weight.....Your bb weight is o.k so not necessery for tis type of extra scan.
Hi all,
Went for my check up today. BB still in breech position. Gynae says bb wants stay comfortably in that position so I had to schedule for C-section. Tentatively gynae gave me a date on 5th Dec. Ask me to confirm next week after I check my dates. BB head circumference is 93cm, gynae say quite big. He just estimate weight almost 3kg at 35+weeks. Brrr...
seems that bb don't want to listen to mummy..

I got my vouchers and bought the nursing bras from 9mois liao. SA says buy 3 pcs at $39each instead of $45.

Cheer_ful Mum,
Can you check if your friend wants to sell only the white canvas cover? I have the same wire basket (4 tier with wheels).
as long as bb is healthy, ya just have to respect the doc's decision lor, after all, they are the pro! Wow, yr bb is quite big hor, good good, since ya know yr birth schedule, at least ya won't be gan jeong liao. Take good rest often and take more bu, ok?

How many bras did you buy @ 9 Mois?
Hi Violetgem,
I'm very slow in following and sometimes, the post move too fast until I lost track liao.

Thus did not join in earlier. Will check the posting more often.

Just to check, any working mums plan to take early maternity leave or you will be working till the day you popped? I was thinking whether to take leave from week 38 coz very worried if water bag burst in office as mine office is a male environment. It would be very embarrasing. But on the other hand, worried that if I take too early, will be growing mushrooms at home as I dun feel any sigh of labour yet...
Welcome, budget_mum!!

I am also thinking of the same question too, why dun ya ask yr gynae and ask for his opinion?
I also wanted to work till the DAY is here, cos I can spend more time to take care of bb. In fact, I may wanna extend a bit longer as I want to breastfeed my bb for a longer time~~ at least 6 months!
Hi LiewLian Soh,

As a Budget Mum, I'm a subsidised patient at KKH (i.e. got referral letter from Polyclinic), enjoying cheaper rates but doesn't get to choose doc and every visit is by different gynae, hence cannot really ask the opinion.

I'm not sure about how others who are delivering in KKH feels about the service there, but to me, they may be pro but not very service oriented lor.

This Tuesday when I went for my routine checkup, I got to wait for more than 2 hours outside the clinic as they cannot find my medical file. Then the best part is when I went in, the gynae asked me any problems, I said no and she just closed my file. So angry! as I have questions like is my baby weight ok, is it too big, how then will have to do C-sec, etc.... A whole string of questions but she just ignore and brush me off by saying dun worry, everything is ok. Waited more than 2 hours for them to find my record and only said 2 sentence to me in less than 2 minute. I was quite mad then.

I also asked whether engaged alr or not and how to tell, she just say engage or not is to be determined by clinical investigation. Then did nothing when I want to know! Just said: Ok, see you in 2 weeks time.

I was even wondering if I shld return for the checkup 2 weeks later, knowing that it is going to be same : any problem? See you in 2 weeks time thing...

So if you ask me to seek my gynae for opinion, I dun think it's gonna work. Think most probably they will say: Up to You lor....

After that I complained to hubby and told him I want an upgrade to premium package or deliver at private hospital. He just say Calm Down.... *Sigh** no need him to say, I also know fat hope as we on limited budget...
Hi LiewLian Soh,

As a budget mum, I'm a subsidised patient (got referral letter from polyclinic) enjoying cheaper rates so does not get to choose gynae.

Not sure about how others feel about the service at KKH but to me, they may be pro but not very service-oriented.

Tuesday, I went for my routine check and waited more than 2 hours as they cannot locate my medical file. Then when finally my turn, the gynae just asked: any problem? I replied no and she just closed my file before I can asked any questions and have begin looking at the next patient's file. I have a string of questions like is the baby weight ok, how then will have C-sec is baby too big etc... But she just brush me off and replied, Dun Worry, everything is ok.

When I asked whether baby engaged and how to tell, she just say is by clinical investigation. She just did nothing when I wanted to find out. Then She say: See you in 2 weeks time. So angry...

Waited for more than 2 hours to see the gynae for less than 2 minutes and only said 2 statement!

Complained to hubby after that and told him I wanted to upgrade to premium package or deliver at private hospital. He just smiled and said "Calm Down".... **Sigh** Need not he say, I also know not possible as we limited budget.

Just praying that my delivery will be a smooth one...SO I think if I ask the gynae opinion if I shld rest at home, think most likely answer I will get is "Up to You Lor..."
being upset is no gd for bb, try to hv more +ve tots ok. bb will grow better if u cheer up cos stress impedes growth. my sis was only less than 2 kg when she was born, nows shes tall and healthy and almose overweight! so its impt how u take care of bb when hes born... everything will turn out fine, eat and rest well. jiayou!

duno SBCC got how many gynaes but heard that PD centre now only left 2, and both are lousy.. other mums tell me we must all hv a PD at hospital where we deliver so PD can monitor and administer jabs. after that we can change PD provided we dont sign up for any package with PD.

congrats! u must b so looking forward to ur bb. i like "solid bbs" too, lidat wont look too frail to play wiv. u must hv eaten alot of ho liao la hee... my bb is 2.36 kg @34 wks, shd be above 3kg at birth @full term. cos mine is a ger, hubby hope she around 3kg @ birth can liao

as long as bb is healthy, doesnt really matter how we deliver him i suppose? my boss swears by Csection, always harping on how convenient and efficient it is! she has bith her bbs by csection.

welcome! i intend to start ML @38 wks. i dislike the tot that i mite go into labour during work
! like u say, waterbag burst! so embarassing! better to be at home resting when that happens!
BTW anyone start buying their confinement things oredi? my CL gave me a v loooong list, i passed to my mum to buy... today she called to say she paid $300 for small box of "dong chong cao"!! and the rest of the tings hvnt even buy!

i tot confinement stuff shd be quite cheap ley, wad a shock! now hafta set aside another budget

Havent heard of what needs to buy for confinement. Anyway, my mum will be doing for me so I suppose she knows how and what to get. But I'm a little picky about food and internal organs are a definite no-no for me. So I suppose she gonna have a hard time liao.

Just to share... I'm a bit concern abt my mum doing my so call confinement. She is now working part-time and when I checked with her recently about when she plans to resign, she told me tat only when I go back to work then she will resign!! Oh My God!! So according to her arrangement, her so call confinement only includes cooking the dishes. Of coz no need do housework. But baby got to take care my own, and feed my own etc.... a bit worried. Hubby also not very happy with the arrangement as he worried that I'm not being well-taken care of. **SigH** will see how things goes as time comes...
