(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Thank you all.

Jenny, congrats too. my edd is 10th Jul.

Jes, he does whine abit. But I get my hubby to carry him, or distract him with singing and rocking him to sleep. Sometimes I knock out earlier than him, so he also cannot suck.

Jes, it might also be that you are bfg, so a little difficult to conceive. My gynae dun allow me to cont bfg, so I stopped pumping but cont to bf at night until last week. He said it is a weakened egg. But I doubt him, cos I know of others who managed to conceive and cont to bf. If your menses came back, I think it should be no problem.

1. no playground yet.
2. does not hold bottle cos shes always holding something else toys etc.
3. no self-feeding yet.
4. has a fiery temper. if i take something away fr her she will scream until her face and eyebrows go RED and kick her legs. but she forgets abt it pretty fast, like the very next moment.

weoseek/ berlin,
u cook porridge wiv the fish or steam and feed wiv plain porridge?

what does fybie's grandparents feed her wiv for her 3 meals? sounds like shes having a variety of food.
1. sometimes let her play on the slide or rocking horse.
2. does not want to hold own bottle although she can.
3. only chews the spoon, sometimes wrong side.
4. yes, throw tantrums when cannot do something. But usually we do not give in.
I usually cook with porr. At times when I'm lazy, I will steam fish with potato and feed her, no plain porr, mashed potato is enough for her.
I steam the fish separately, add a bit of water to it. Cos Jared like the fish water a lot when added to his porridge.

I also followed what fairymoss shared. His porridge usually is cooked with meat+ potato/tomato/carrot. At least 2 item + green vege. So the porridge itself will hv natural sweetness. When i hv less confident of the taste, I will add egg yolk (previously), now I add whole egg...so the porridge is very tasty. But Jared sometimes still reject.

does EK Ong schedule for the MMR for Hazel? Mine told me to come back at 15mths but didn't fix a date. So that answers your question regarding taking MMR at PD. Declan probably can't take MMR cuz of egg white allergy, got to delay it.
Sometimes i dig out the egg yolk before cook, or pre-hard boil the egg and just mash some egg yolk when feed the porridge. I find the later method more cost saving..hehe..cos I can eat the egg white. hehe.

I've given liver before. But Jared rejects..cos taste too strong. So far only tried 2x.

Do you cook 2 different portion of porridge for lunch & dinner?
So far, mine is cook more during lunch, and keep the remaining in tiger food jar for dinner.
Will nutrients be less like that?
we can 'see' yr testing & testing1.. haha...

only given once in his porr by my mom..

I will cook both lunch & dinner together.. ya i supposed some nutrients will be lose in mass cooking.. but no choice leh.. FTWM.. haha..
u mean u steam the fish then add to porridge cooked wiv meat and veg? u just give the fish sauce or wiv fish meat as well?

i cook lunch and dinner separately cos my mum say better this way. guess the older folks would tink foods for babies is best given fresh.

why dont ask ur maid cook 2 times? when i was working i oso got my maid to do that.

after the last 6-in-1 jab the nurse just told me no need come back for immunisation liao. she said the next few jabs can go polyclinic, so i assume must go polyclinic. recently i brot her dere for 3rd pneumo jab dr ong oso nvr mention MMR ley. i guess hazel's loud screams in his face always put him in a bad mood until he doesnt wana tok more to me haha!

i give hard-boiled eggs mash wiv water and add to porridge to feed hazel. shes ok wiv it.
I cook lunch & dinner seperately..afterall I am a SAHM.

But if we are going out, I will cook the porridge and keep it in the Tiger food jar
However, if I am lazy, I will just bring those commercial pre-cooked food. Lighter and less stuff to carry

If you want to "seal" the fish smell, you can cook the fish with butter than add into the porridge.

My DD had taken half boiled eggs as well, she is ok.
me been 'maid-less' for past 1 month plus.. my ex maid has left since end Nov to take care of her ill mom.. and now waiting for new maid to come..

when i brought DS for pneumo jab, it's Dr Sharon Lim who attended to him, not Dr Ong. She told me about coming back for chickenpox jab and MMR leh. didn't mention abt polyclinic. neither did the nurse mention. only tell me to call to book when the date is nearer.
I cook meals separatly cos i give diff ingredients for lunch n dinner. sometimes rice for lunch, potatos with other fd for dinner.
I steam the fish+water. When feeding, I add in fish sauce in porridge to feed together with the fish.

MMR in polyclinic is free for Sgporean, maybe tats why PD ask you all to go polyclinic?

Re:porridge for lunch & dinner
Wah most of you very kut lat, Jareds porridge is always the same for lunch & dinner. Difference maybe dinner got different fish.
I must work harder to provide more variety already.

Fybie may have a variety of food but she is still underweight, perhaps she doesn't drink enough milk??

Anyway, below are some samples of her meals:
Breakfast - bread (corn/raisin/cheese), EYS cereal, oatmeal, milk/ikan bilis powder added
Lunch and Dinner - Mainly Porr, dried scallop/sliced chicken/minced pork+ gor fish, 2 types of veg (broccoli, carrot, potato, pumpkin, spinach, tofu), started to give her ABC pasta too...
Snacks - BB biscuits, bread, fruits (papaya,banana,apple,golden kiwi,avocado), cheese cubes, yogurt, cakes(rarely)

For her meals, if my hubby is at home over the weekend, he will cook seperately for each meal, for my mom, she cooks 2 meals at 1 go.

Has any mummies added any seasoning to the bb's porridge? We started to "enhance" her porridge with a bit of soy sauce or a tiny pinch of salt these days.
I started using unsalted butter and plain flour to cook some of Megan's food. Cinnamon powder as well to add into her oatmeal..that's about all.
Hi,im jenny

Benjamin is weighting about 12++kg at 13 months...hehe..everyone who saw him ask me what did i feed him.... milk lah with ai sin cook food

At week ends i tried to cook nutritious food for him.

Breakfast - oat cook together with apple,banana or other fruits

Lunch or Dinner- Multi grains rice(porridge), with carrots,corns,sweet peas, kailan stem,meat, and cod/salmon fish

His porridge always turns out yummidelicious...he would finish his porridge in less than 10 mins..hehehe and ask for more!

Than follow by fruits treats..grapes, pears, kiwi, avocado, etc..

Can i ask, whether your babies can talk other words beside mama and papa? and whether they like to wave byebye... mine don't leh
Since last yr, my PD already fixed a date for Zach's MMR on 5 Apr07 and the nurse will call me a day before to remind me lor. And next mth he has another jab.

Last week Zach just started to eat porridge. My mom put muscle meat,gan bei sometimes a 1st born egg and she will add abit of salt. Will start him with fish porridge next week and my mom says have to cook 2 meals lunch n dinner lor. And she will try to add brocolli,carrot etc into the porridge. Hehe coz now still trying period for Zach. Sigh this boy is very picky on his food...just like mummy keke.

Yesterday tried feeding him kiwi...eat abit then dun wan. Keep giving me the "not nice to eat" look on his noti face. He also dun like to eat yogurt.

I saw that many of u gave bread to ur DS/DD. My son pipeline still very small leh. I scared feed him bread he'll choke on it leh.

Hi Jenny, its me Dawn! keke...
Zach still doesn't speak. He did when he was abt 9mths (cant rem have to refer to his blog haha) he can speak go,gai gai and some cantonese words lor. But not now. Now only in bb language. He doesn't noe how to wave gdbye too. As I told u tat day after the trial, I taught him everyday since he's young but duno y he still duno lor. And for Hi5, he will touch ur hand but many times lor...i think he still doesn't understand wats Hi5 and only wana touch ur hand coz u place it infront of him mah.
Megan's Poll:
1) I have not bring him to the playground yet..., have the same sentiments like you... afraid not clean for them. I don't think he can play the slide on his own yet. :p

2) My pampered son still refuse to hold on to his milk bottle leh.. any mummies got tips how I can let him hold onto his own milk bottle? Tks in adv.

3) No, he tried to snatch the spoon from me when I am feeding him. I will snatched it back.

4) Yes, my son always does that... sometime cry for nothing too, act cry only.. then sometimes cry until like we beat him leh.. cannot stand him also. We always give him the title of "best actor in the Tang family". Haha
I still need to pay my son to sleep during night time.
There is a period where my son also woke up during the middle of the night for feed... then stop liao. But occassionally he will still wakes up during the middle of the night for feed too.. readd gg to pengz.

Wah.. you all having the pool all to yourself huh? So good hor..

Happy to know that little cathleen is eating porr again.

Btw, you got good tips how you make her sleep on the mattress on her own both nap time and at night? Wouldn't she crawl aeound the mattress and refuse to sleep? Do you pat her to sleep? We ever tried making yang2 take his nap on the mattress.. I think failed leh. He can sleep on the mattress only when he is very tired and when I carry him and pat him (when he is super tired). If not we placed him on the mattress he will crawl and play on the mattress only. Sometimes make me very pek chek leh. Hiazz
Yah we had most of the pool...not many ppl swimming tat day bah...the pool is very cool. Zach is shivering thru out.

Zach same as Jayden...cry like as if we beat him lor.

Since 10mths, for each feeding, I've been telling him to hold his bottle. But he refused. He'll only hold the bottle when its empty. So I kept putting his hands on the bottle to teach him how to hold lor. Then 1 day he surprised me by holding it himself. So now all I have to do is put the bottle in his mouth then he'll automatically hold it. Sometimes he even snatch the bottle from me and put it inside his mouth...coz super hungry haha.

These few nites, we let him roll n stand up on the bed while me n hubby watch TV. So after much playing, rolling, and standing up, he'll be very tired by an hr then he will automatic look for his tu tu n bolster then sleep...we do not have to pat him anymore...or else I think sooner or later my both hands gg to drop off my shoulder liao...keke!

I put a pinch of salt to his porriage since he is 1 year old.


I have put liver in his porriage b4 but my hubby dun like the idea so stop after 2 to 3 times duno read what article say liver is not good thing.

I alway cook 2 time for his porriage cos my MIL dun like the idea of cook 1 time for 2 feed so bo bian cook 2 times.
Wah.. he good, can hold bottle himself..
Mine hor, I let him hold, halfway sucking the bottle.. he let go his hand liao, then can still keep on sucking haipply.. so I got to take over lor, if not he will be sucking in air instead of the milk. So don't know when he will hold the bottle himself. We have been telling him don't be a lazy boy, hold the bottle himself.. but he simply refuse.

Is he sleeping in another room?
Do you switched off the lights while watching the tv? Mine, if I were to walk away, he will start standing up and "act cry" for me to pat him.. cannot stand him leh..
"tu tu" = pacifier? My boy don't suck pacifier leh.
this is just a passing phase. Zach used to do that too...hold halfway then let go his hands. But I just take his hands and teach him to hold again n again lor. So u keep on trying...maybe 2moro Jayden will surprise u.

Hes sleeping on our bed in our room. Yes we switch off the lights. Mine also leh...no matter when or where, as long as we walk away he'll cry especially his daddy lor. Yah tu tu is pacifier. So gd hoh no need pacifier. Zach depends on the situation. Sometimes he need sometimes he dun...hope he doesn't depend on it too much.
Hi Megan Lee & DS_73,

Hehe.. Ben follow after me and my wife. We both hv a lot of hair.

Benjamin Little Red Car

The next F1 grandpix driver ?
I guess tods would be ready to hold bottle themselves when they realise how much control they have while holding it themselves. Initially,I hold him in my arms and I support the bottle lightly by holding the bottom end only and put his hand on the bottle, then slowly slowly I let him take charge and slowly slowly i release the bottle. At first, I'm afraid that he would make a mess but i tell myself i got to start somewhere, else he will never learn lor. So when he's more or less ok to support the bottle when I carry him, i let him lie on a cushion and drink his milk. I put a nappy under it so that if he takes out the bottle from his mouth or spills it, at least the bed or sofa won't be messy. Now i find that he used to holding the bottle himself and whenever i ask him whether he wants milk, he would nod and wait for me to lie him down and he would keep still (otherwise a very Bo-Si-Diam child) and wait for me to put the teat into his mouth and his hands will auto hold.


I think why your hubby stop u from adding liver is that if consumed too much, will overdose on Vit A which is actually harmful. but once a while i guess should be ok lor. just that with its strong taste and smell, probably not many tods can accept it.
Hi, im jenny

Thanks dawn for sharing Zach development. I think that Zach in no time will surprise you by calling mommy if you consistently continue to teach him. They says that babies are very smart leh...hehe

We took benjamin to the seaside last weekend in his very cool red F1. he enjoyed himself very much. I guess that this type of outing are very enjoyable for babies.

Benjamin enjoy his first experience walking on the sandy beach and viewing the beautiful setting of the sun surrounded by the sound of seawaves.

I was thinking of sending benjamin to some enrichment class. Any advise which is better?...
weoseek/ SC,
thks for the tips on fish. i will try cod fish this wkend. my experience wiv codfish is that there are many hidden bones. steam is 1 big piece rite? how to ensure before feeding?

glad to hear that zach is eating porridge now. u can imagine my joy when hazel first started taking porridge at 10 mths. im now trying to inject more flavor into it by adding cherry tomatoes. but no seasoning yet.

can anyone advise on whether our babies can take adult cereals like cornflakes, coco pops wiv full-cream milk? im intending to give some to hazel as breakfast. can anot huh?

does anyone give cod liver oil? my PD say can give liao. i bought a bottle liao but havent started hazel on it.

yes i tink babies generally enjoy the outdoors alot but we r lazy parents we only bring our girl to indoor places.

my girl enjoys watching the birds, puppies and cats.

theres a special feature on enrichment classes in this months's "mother and baby" magazine. mayb u can use as reference.
Dear mummies

Thanks v much for the wishes for Gerald. His party went on quite well. Food was good (thanks to Sandy's recommendation), cake was as per order and the balloons and deco were quite nice. All in all, we enjoyed ourselves and I'm so relieved that everything went smoothly.

Maybe you can try gging cod fish. My niece also hates threadfin and only takes cod fish. But, note that cod fish has qt high mercury content, so don't gv everyday.
how do u cook the sweet peas in the porr? Just add in the sweet peas, need to remove the skin? or you just mash it and feed to bb?

1) Do u allow your DS/DD to play on the playground, like playing on the slides...

hv not tried letting him play in outdoor playgrd.

2)Do ur DS/DD hold their own milk bottle??

Most of the time, he holds his own milk bottle.

3)DO ur DS/DD hold a spoon n feed himself??

we let him play trying to feed with the spoon, but not with food yet.

4)Do ur DS/DD throw tantrum and show their temper by crying out loud...

Yes, Ger will throw his temper when he cant get what he wants.
2005, I am giving shanice adult cornflakes and rice krispies (kellogs/nestle) with breast milk. I thnk YL has given fresh milk. If not, u can try giving with FM, should taste nice too. I only stick to cornflakes and rice krispies cuz they're milder. Coco pops, frosties etc have chocolate/sugar coating.

I also think that baby enjoys outdoor outings. Shanice is always happy and curious whenever we bring her to the zoo/night safari. She also likes cycling (daddy cycles, shanice sits in baby seat on adult bike) and swimming. I think she found sentosa especially fun!

Fairymoss, my PD charges $90 for MMR and $50 for chicken pox.
hi meixue,
yes i went to supermarket and read up on nutritional facts of cereals this morning. ure rite, except for cornflakes the rest contains a whole lot of sugar! even unsuspecting ones like fruit loops and trix. but i bought them anyway cos so colorful cant resist! i intend to try giving wiv FM mixed wiv fresh milk and eventually just fresh milk.

ure very hardworking parents! so many outdoor trips
Fairymoss, I just sent Aidan for his chicken pox shot and the PD charged $90+. I asked about MMR, it's free in polyclinics and PD charges $60+ for it. Also note that nurses will administer the MMR shot in polyclinics and not the doctor.

2005 - I'm giving Aidan 1 tsp of cod liver oil every morning. He doesn't seem to mind the fishy smell.
I give Megan cornflakes and cheerios for breakfast.
I either mixed them with FM + oats or with plain yogurt. For extra toppings I add fresh fruits or a dash of cinnamon powder.

Re: Cod Fish
You can ask the fish monger to slice the cod fish for you, easier to cook.

I give Megan perch, sea bream, salmon, tuna or cod fish almost daily..over here, the variety of fish is very limited unlike in SG.
so far i use fresh milk in cooking, eg, pancake, custard, steam rice, oats. hv yet to give with cereal or on its own.
These few days have been learning how to cook porridge frm my mom. Weekdays my mom will prepare all his meals. But weekends I'll have to do it myself. Last weekend Zach had milk for every meal coz me duno how to cook porridge. So now every friday my mom will prepare and pack ready those meat,veges etc for 2days(sat n sun) for me to bring back hm. Then last nite for his dinner, I try to prepare the porridge all by myself...normally Zach will finish the whole bowl. But only for last nite dinner...got leftover...so hubby n my mom says maybe Zach doesn't like my cooking...hahaha! Picky boy. I hope my cooking will improve.

Regarding Gym trial...should be on 28th Jan07 3pm at Marine Parade Central. Can I give your hubby email to the organiser so she can email u the details? Are you still interested to join? Coz I'll be joining.

I love to bring Zach to zoo/birdpark etc. Wanted to bring him to the beach but hubby says wait till he can walk then he'll enjoy more. I just cant wait to play sand with him...ARGH! Hey next time we can organize outdoor outing with all the other tods.
Fairymoss, sorry I made a mistake about the price of MMR and chicken pox. After seeing Jenny's post about the price, I realised I mixed got them mixed up. My PD charges $90 for chicken pox and $50 for MMR. MMR is free in polyclinics.

2005, I got your PM. We bring shanice to zoo often cuz we use the corporate pass (i.e free)! But night safari, we've only been once and there's no corporate pass, so we paid for it. Planning to go another time soon.
morning mummies.

Raining raining again.. for the whole night and the rain hasn't seem to stop soon...

You have got a good mum, must really learn from her when got the opportunity, because when our todd get bigger, we will need to cook food for them to eat.....slowly, i think he will get use to your cooking. Jia You.

I didnt know that MMR is free in polyclinic, anyway will be bringing my boy to take the jab when he is 15mths, since has been taking his jab at polyclinic when he was born.
My nephew had his jab at polyclinic and always have to wait for so long. So my mom ask me to brg DS to PD for jab coz no need to queue. (Whole family super impatient type keke) So the 1st time when i brg Zach for jab, the nurse told me alot of parents complained so now have to queue lor. Jab at PD more exp then at polyclinic leh...

I very blur when it comes to jab. My MIL likes to ask me wats the diff between 5 In 1 and 6 In 1. I duno how to ans lor and cant be bothered to ask too. But to her she tot DS have to take more jab coz 6 in 1 mah...haha she also like to ask me how many more jabs...which i also duno. And when hubby told her we bringing Zach for other jabs like pneumo etc...she'll ask us not to...

Zach is down with fever again. Now fever subsided. Hopefully will not come again.


My MIL also asks what the jabs are for, I usually bring brochures back from the PD and give to her for her information, it's available in Mandarin version. I also can't explain so the brochure will explain everything.
