(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

I din really start potty training. only tt every time before bath him i'll tell him to pee after taking off his diaper. sometimes he'll pee, sometimes no.

1. My baby can say mama, papa,nenen...she is very noisy baby but still doesn't talk much but she understand lots of instruction.
2. She is closest to me and koko. but very clingy to her daddy too when he is home.
3. don't go to any classes. just bring them to lots of playground session..

Kuikwan..don't need to rush about potty training. YOu could start when they understand more fully already otherwise it iwll be a waste of time. I started my boy last time when he was 15 months, and he only got the hang of it when he turns 2+! even now at 3 still haven't successfully do the night training...sometime stil have accident.
The best to do potty training is not to use any pampers.training pants..but prepare for the messiness!
thks for the info. will check with PD when hazel goes for her last pneumo jab.

i intend to start only when hazel can sit, stand, climb and walk confidently so that shes well coordinated enough to manage this new skill.

experienced mummies,
can i start straight away with training toilet seat instead of potty? will there be stronger resistance?

hazel, me and hubby and maid taking turns to be sick, so sian. hazel has been having cough and cold since xmas eve. hence we didnt get to bring her out at all. now NY eve coming and the whole family not fully recovered, haiz. making me so frustrated.

any mummy experiencing baby rejecting milk at this stage? i read in books this is quite common at this stage.

hazel is taking 3 feeds of 6 oz/ 180ml each before she fell sick. now she refuses to finish the feeds sometimes drink only 1 oz. any advice?
last nite Zach vomitted and had fever at 38.7 degrees. Brought him to TMC to see doc. Doc says might be stomach flu coz 2 of my family members are recovering from it now. Fever persist, keep feeding him paracetamol and sponge him since last nite. Despite having fever, this noti boy is still very active and talkative.

No jab for 12 months only 15 mths as what meixue mention MMR. I bring Ziv to Jab Pneumococcal last week.

No potty train yet not time busy and lazy. keke.

But hor Ziv hate cereal now so cant give him or he will vomit tat y I am out of ideas
<font size="+2">Happy Belated Blessed 1st Birthday to Jerald, Declan, Rayden &amp; Zach</font>

<font size="+2">Happy Blessed 1st Birthday to Megan, Elijah &amp; Xavier</font>

Lots of love n kisses from Aunty Sandy &amp; EnEn kor-kor
Hello mommies..

Reply to mujmuj's poll: -
1. EnEn will have his nap twice - morning around 10 plus for an hour or so, afternoon around 2 plus for 2 hours max.
2. Still the same food for his porr, and at times he will eat a bit of our adult's food when he sees us at the dinning table... but i try to refrain from giving him those seasoned food..

Reply to fluffsmurfie's poll: -
a) EnEn most commonly word is "mum mum" (for eating), 'nan nan" (for milk), oh oh and rest are bb talking liao...
b) Now that we are maidless, he is closer to both daddy &amp; me, daytime he will stick to my MIL + MIL's maid
c) No plan for weekly classes as yet, maybe wait till he is 15 months above... just only been to KinderMusik trial class nia...

Reply to Sunnyling's question: -
EnEn still having Heinz cereal + bread for breakfast...

the agar agar cake is it from Mr &amp; Mrs James Chan? can the agar agar cake finished together with the bday cake??
thx for ur birthday wishes
yup the agar agar cake is from Mrs Chan and yes my guests finished both the birthday cake n agar agar cake. They simply love it. Some of my guests even ask me for Mrs Chan's contact no.
dun mention.. i actually wanted to order the agar agar cake from them for EnEn's actual bday but realised that their standard size is 2.5kg which is too big for us to finish.. will likely consider them for his 2nd bday..
Muj's poll
Reply to mujmuj's poll: -
1. nap twice - am 1hr n pm abt 1-2 hrs
2. same food for his porr

fluffsmurfie's poll: -
a) common word is "mum mum" (for eating), ah ma, ah pa and some bb talk
b) he is closer to me...nx it's his papa then our maid...
c) no weekly classes

Sunnyling's question: -
RJ's breakfast - biscuit, bread, cheese
hazel also had fever on xmas eve. she spat out her medicine so i cooked barley water for her instead. the fever went down the next morning. but this cannot work if baby has cough cos barley can cause phlegm.

ever since hazel went on porridge she also refused cereal she will spit every spoonful out. so whenever we go out also gota bring porridge, cant make instant cereal anymore.
hes still having fever now. just now try to put fever band on his forehead and he cry n cry. use hanky to sponge him also cry but no choice have to do it. now hes sleeping in his sarong. doc says by sunday if his fever still persist then have to bring him back for review n blood test.
Hi Kuikwan,

Rayden had the same symptoms as Zach about 3 weeks back...he vomitted and fever persisted for 3 days...but I noticed he had one or 2 red flat spots on his body when he still having fever initally. The fever persists for 3 days even we gave him parcetomol every 4 hourly (his fever will subside but after 4 to 6 hr, the fever came back again)....in the end, after day 3, his fever subsided to about 37.8 like that..but as parents, still worry, we took leave to bring him see another paediatrician at TMC. At the time, he oredi got alot of red flat spots on his body. We told doc about his fever persisted for about 3 days...and told him about the red spots on his body. Then he told us is a kind of viral infection which is airborne transmitted. The name of the infection is roseola. No antibiotics are needed as the child will build his own antibodies to fight the infection. When rashes appear, fever will go down or recover. But Rayden rashes last for a few days...even the face oso have....then after the rashes, he is ok oredi.

for you info, the doc at TMC told us the Roseola is difficult to diagnose. Only when fever subside and red spots appear, then able to confirm is this infection. The 1st paediatrician we went to told us is flu. So Kuikwan, not too wori too much, ok. You observed and see whether zach have red spots anot. As this infection is airborne, is hard to prevent oso....

Go to this website to take a look:
Hi mummies,

Thanks Sandy and Megan for your birthday wishes. Today will be quite busy for me, still have quite a lot of things to prepare despite it is only a small celebration at home.

Wish everyone a prosperous new year and a happy holiday for this coming super long weekend!!
Pinny, welcome to the SHAM club..:)

2005 as for Potty training, there is no hard and fast rule to it, you could use the toilet seat or potty. I had all of them but the only one that works is the potty that has a duck head (so like a horsey)..then he wanted to sit and do his stuff there. Some children can potty train fast and some are slow..best is just to try out..like now my ger..i think she always see her bro doing it so she kind of "know" it. Sometime when I bath her, when i took out her pampers, she will pee...just like how her bro normaly did..hehe..so funny..

Kuikwan, don't have to worry about it, best of all when children are down with sickness is to see their behaviour. if they are still active normally, they are ok..just make them as comfortable as possible. But just monitor very closely their fever..normally around 3 days...if it still on, then might have to check it out.

Have a Happy new Year to all mommies and babies!!!
after reading wat u've wrote, suddenly rem few weeks ago my nephew also had the same symptoms as Rayden. He had fever then had rashes all over the body n got well after seeing doc at TMC. thx so much I'll observed DS closely

Last nite I did not sponge Zach think his fever subsided. coz from last nite till now his temp is ard 37. so now I fed him paracetamol every 6hrs instead of 4hrs.
Happy New Year to all too...

kuikwan, zach was indeed very active hor?

not to worry, doc always say if the child was sick n active don worry, only worry if the child was letagic(dono hw to spell)
take care wor!
Dear Mummies,

Wishing you and your family have a Happy New Year and all wishes will come true.

My son also like to do that style...
Re jabs
I called the PD yest, nurse says jab at 12 mths is chickenpox or prevenar (both optional). Next compulsory one is MMR at ard 15mths.

1. My baby can say mama, papa, bear, ball, bok bok, and some other bb language.
2. She is my hb, myself, my mum and the nanny.
3. only class we hv gone so far is Kindermusic.

hope your boy is ok now. He's so active, shld be less worrying.

Ger hates cereal too, so now i gv him some bread or biscuits for breakfast. But, he takes v little, coz i feed him breakfast at abt 7.15am before we go to work. Think he's not hungry yet.
Just return from visiting PD. These few nites Zach kept waking up ard 2am having stomach distension and worst is the medicine expired few days ago. And tis morn, I noticed that Zach had some red spots on his neck n face.

Happy New Year to all...

Kindly update Declan's stats for me! at 12 months, wt: 8.8kg and ht: 79cm. I asked the PD again about his weight. He's abt at the 50th percentile. Although PD says ave wt, but beng a concerned mummy, I can't stop myself from worrying abt his slow wt gain. I think bbs who are skinny look very poor thing to me leh, like so frail. His ht is 97th percentile and that makes him look even more skinny. I think one of the bb gal here also v tall, issit Fybie?

PD advised me to start DS on solid breakfast cuz he's still on milk feed when he wakes up in the morn. Today tried to feed him cereal which he has not eaten for ages since started on porridge, and he turned his head away from it. Maybe he's now too old for the mashy infant food already? dun like the texture of the cereal? How u all make the cereal nice nice ah? Besides cereal, can feed half-boiled egg? or need to be fully cooked? just 1 egg is enuf for breakfast right? too much or too little? pls advise cuz I dunno how to start him on breakfast. before DS takes his morn nap abt 2hrs after his cereal, I gave him 150ml milk in case he feels hungry. He finished up anyway. Do u all give snacks after breakfast maybe at mid-morning? If so, what u give?
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all mummies and tods! Oh, new year eve now nothing to be excited about unlike last time. Issit parents feel this way? cuz hands are full with bb, no time to celebrate or "cheong" with friends anymore?
u can give fd like oats, bread for breakfast. for myself i usually feed milk before give him oats. i give very little cos he had milk before tt n only able to finish abt 1-2 tbs of oats.

Public holidays are like an ordinary to a SAHM like me. just tt it's a time for us to be able to spend with daddy the whole day. can see Justin is very happy whenever he sees daddy is home.
this morning when the nurse weigh Zach, there's a decrease of 0.8. Instead of 10kg his weight is now 9.2kg probably due to lost of appetite these few days when he had fever. For me, I prefer DS to be thin coz I dun like chubby kids and chubby doesn't mean healthy. So long as Declan is healthy, weight does not matters bah and my PD never mention anything abt Zach's slow weight growth leh coz at 8mths his weight is 9kg now at 12mths his weight is 9.2kg. I'm not worry abt his weight. I'm more worry abt DS not eating porridge.
Fairymoss, most babies do not like cereal once they have tasted other nicer food. I think for breakfast you could give him bread with cheese, oat, boiled egg (both white and yolk)..mashed it with a bit of water and give a bit of cheese.
I don't give my gerl mid-morning snack as she has quite late breakfast (sometime at 10am)..she had her milk around 7 - 8am.

Happy New Year 2007 Mommies! YL..same here..first thing i did in year 2007...mop the floor...so sad...but anyway...we should still keep our spiris up...:)

That means breakfast is given after milk? oh...i thot wake up already can give, like what we adults do. I opposite, i give solid breakfast, then after abt 2 hrs before he takes his nap, I give milk. when DS wakes up, I let him drink a bit of warm water, like some adults do, then I let him eat leh.

I let Declan tried half-boiled egg today, without pepper and dark sauce (non-ah kun style). He almost finished it, and want to make the vomit look when i fed him the last spoonful, so I supposed he's either full or sick of it already when it turned cold. He seems ok with it at first.

Bread with cheese meaning spread the "laughing cow" brand cheese on the bread and eat it together? Declan does not know how to feed himself with the bread so I usually tear it into small bits and I dipped it into milk to feed him. Not tried with cheese, maybe I can try this afternoon for teabreak. thanks for the suggestion.

YL, Oats is those uncooked ones? got the instant ones like the HT ones? How to prepare? issit chewy and lumpy? Declan not v gd at chewing things unless v v small portion. what u add into the oats?
partly i tink the rash was because of the fever, medicine was expel out frm the body to cause rash, if nt its allergy, did u chk with the doc?\

my gal also develped rash last time when she had fever, tried two antibotic, rash became more...
so doc asked to stop the antibotic...
Hi Kuikwan,

I suspect Zach suffer the same as my son previously which is a viral infection known as Roseola....If so, no antibiotics will be require. The rash will stop by itself....
I still giving baby oats. can be found in NTUC organic section. It's like quaker oats. it's very soft, almost like porr. I usually give on its own. sometimes will add fruits to it.
PD says shld be false measles usually rashes will appear after fever and will takes abt 3 days to clear. But very weird was the rashes just appear and disappear very fast within hrs. Doc presribed Calotion to apply but I didn't use it. No antibiotics given in fact no medication needed. Today no rashes appear.

I went to the organic section last time but can only find a big pack of oats in transparent packaging leh then I duno how to prepare so never buy. So the packaging is wat color huh? Got state is bb oats? and how u prepare it? coz i wana let Zach try since he doesn't like porridge.
did any mummy bring their DS/DD for the rotavirus jab? saw the advertisement from Motherhood Mag that now they have medicine instead of jab...
Kuikwan, if I'm not msitaken, rotavirus is an oral one..not a jab...but i also can't really recall. i have given my ger already ...it's only 1 dose i think...

fairymoss...about the beakfast and scheduling...of course every baby is different..so just follow what is best for your baby.. I gave her milk first in the morning...so I could sleep a little longer..hehe..sometime she fall asleep again..or just playing on the bed..lazy mommy.
I bought Origins brand, it's transparent packaging, it'll state baby oats. dont get rolled oats, too coarse for them to eat. u can try quaker oats as well. gng to try quaker oats after finished my current oats.

U can cook the oats over stove. but i cook little amt for breakfast, so i just steam for few mins.
Yes, the name of the false measles is roseola infantum. no antibiotics will be given as the child will have their antibodies to fight on as i mention earlier....

and mujmuj, you are rite...rotavirus is oral one...can only give the oral medication when the child is less than 6mths old...so your child cannot have the vacination anymore.
Zach recovered liao...no more rashes and no stomach distention. Then this sat is the Aquaducks trial still thinking whether should I continue or postpone coz he just recovered from fever mah...dilemma.
Opps so I miss the boat.
Then now I'll have to arrange to brg Zach for the Pneumococcal jab.

Ok I got it...will go search for the bb oats again. Pardon me for asking so much hoh. U mention cook over the stove then need to add water or anything? Sorry me doesn't cook and never ate oats before so I duno how to make.
Declan developed rashes and swollen eyes this morn!!! we suspect is food allergy caused by the egg white. the rashes seem to appear more on the face, ears also become red. if hard-boiled the egg, will it be less likely to cause allergy? we are going to monitor after giving a bit of anti-histamine prescribed by his PD during the last episode of allergy.
must add water to the oats to cook. cook till the consistency u want. i also add water to the oats when i steam. u can try add milk if u want to.

recently i tried steam rice with fresh milk, Justin seems to like it.

You have good memory, Fybie is not the tallest, I think... she is 8.5kg, 78cm at 13month...

Poor Declan, I hope he is feeling better...

To all Mummies,
Happy New Year, and Let's welcome to an even better Year 2007 ahead!!

already not enough babies ley...
Sorry what trf?

Besper too,
rash &amp; swollen all over,
saw doc, it's food Allegy.
