(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

i need milk, u wouldn't want to have "raining breast milk", trust me... :p

re: reflux
wendy, the PD noticed that Zephan regurgitated milk during the consultation, and found out from us that the last feed was quite some time ago (> 1/2hr), and that it happens more than 2 times a day. Also something about what came out in the regurgitation.

re: steriliser
i dun even pour away the water, cos quite ley cheh... once in a while, can squeeze some lemon/lime juice n do a boiling session. The metal plate will be cleansed. I also did the same w my kettle.

for bottles, i'll cap them after sterilising and put them on a table. So long as they are not in contact w e environment can stay sterilised until u use them.

think now that our kids are older they're more alert n demand more interaction... apparently mine wants to be talked to when he's awake.

ixwong - thanks. Did u notice how much Carrefour is selling Petpet M size?

thanks angel, ineedmilk n tingting,
i wash about twice, so know i can jus leave it alone. so 6hrs is e limit. thanks so much.

tingting, for yr case, does yr other breast leak once u feed? wat's e 'raining milk' feeling for u like? whenever my breast full, i'll start to leak even b4 boy feed, n like u say, can be quite messy.

BF mummies..
do u wear nursing bra or normal bra at home?
Hi Angel, Tingting,
I think this diagram best describes how differently mummies and daddies react to baby's crying haha

hi cookies,

mine leaks whenever i feel a letdown. Even if the breasts just emptied can still leak, though the amount is definitely much less than when they are full. The letdown feels like pins n needles, and the milk will spray out, like jets. Think my boy doesn't like the squirts in the mouth, so always cry when the letdown occurs when he suckles.

leaking on the other side can be a minor problem. what i do is to press on the nipple hard when i feel the letdown, and release when i feel the pressure over. (Note: books warned that this method may decrease milk supply.) I wear breast pads at home, so it's contained. I dun like washable ones, cos they cannot hold the milk when full n tends to wet the nursing bra as well. Disposables have better absorbancy.

During the first month, i was so happy to have leaking breasts n use a bottle to contain them, but now i just wish i have just enough for my boy, and not too much like now..

i'm a mummy, haha, picture definitely says it all!
my bb last nite also the same! cried from 10 to 12am then from 3.30am to 6.30am!! i miss the time tt i can slp thru the whole 8-10 hours w/o any interruption...

i tried to let bb sit on then rub his back. it seem to calm him down. think sometime is due to the wind. rub "ru yi you" is not enough.....

r u takin care ur Megan alone now? me too.... a very confused emotion...sometime very irritated by his cry sometime just miss his smile... sigh.... think really not easy to be a mummy.... :eek:(
Hi Angel, tingting, skippy10,
Do you think holding baby in a carrier will help? i bought the baby bjorn active carrier, not sure if that will help calm my baby girl down if i put her in it while she has one of her mood swings... but a bit funny leh, wear that type of carrier around at home, dunno hot for her or not..i don't dare to try, cause if she is already crying so hard, and i try something 'funny' i don't dare to imagine how much harder she will cry..


Hi wendyg,

Your isaac look BIG.... not fat... cutie..cuite!!

Mummies, Would like to check with ur something. My friend just delivered at Mt. Alvernia (natural with epi). Her total bill is $2.8k. Cash payout is $1.2k balance is pay by medisave. We compared the bill, how come my bill got 2 seperated invoices? One is for baby and the other one is for mother. She doesn't have baby's invoice. Only one invoice with lump some together. My total bill is $4.6k and can deduct medisave $3,650. Cash payout only $950. Anyone got same billing like hers?
Hi all mummies,

I have a few cans of Dumex Mamex Step 1 for sale. Interested parties can email me at [email protected].

Expiry date for milk is 2007

The milk powder is not suitable for my gal therefore I am selling those that I have already bought.
cmy, mine is separate also... did her baby require special services e.g. phototherapy, etc? mine did. My total cash payout for both invoices is $1.5k, bcos i stayed for 3 nights plus baby's jaundice treatments.

i'm a mummy: i also have the carrier, but different brand.. u can try at a time when she's calm, not cranky, so that when u want to try n pacify her with it u'll not fumble too much. i feel the carrier is made of quite thick material, so maybe try in aircon room. my boy doesn't really like the carrier, but will try again some time later...
cmy, i tot hospital will usually advice to pay on separate invoices for both mummy and bb cos can deduct from medisave separately, thus more deductions. Mine also 2 separate invoices. I only need to pay cash of abt S$150 to the hospital and $200+ for gynae.
tingting & miso,

How come yours cash payout so little ah? She only stayed 2 ngihts yet no extra service. She told me her invoice no medisave deduction for bb. Only for mother. I tot seperated invoice should come out auto. Coz we didn't request any seperated invoices too.
how many packs of Petpet M hv u used liao?

I'm halfway thru my first M size - Huggies Dry 84. Bought $16.75 from Shop & Save offer.
Hi Tingting,
How heavy/big is your baby? he use Pet Pet M? My baby girl is about 5kg. Should use S or M? M starts from 5 kg right? i actually bought one pack of size M but a bit too big. the cutting at the side very high leh..machiam like bikini cut like that..now thinking whether i should buy one pack of S size. Is the cutting for S size small or big?
Hi Tingting,
How heavy/big is your baby? he use Pet Pet M? My baby girl is about 5kg. Should use S or M? M starts from 5 kg right? i actually bought one pack of size M but a bit too big. the cutting at the side very high leh..machiam like bikini cut like that..now thinking whether i should buy one pack of S size. Is the cutting for S size small or big?
i'm a mummy,
my boy 6kg as of 2 months, and uses Petpet M size. M size starts from 5 kg, but it depends on ur baby's size. My boy's got thunder thighs, like wendy's Isaac, hehe... I haven't used their S size, was on Pampers and Nepia then.

Me finishing 2nd pack of Petpet liao... boy boy poos a lot...
hi all.. would like to check on the gleneagles hospital thingy ah.. am checking ah.. the citibank card got what promo ah? for the single bedder?
Hi tingting,
i used M size on my baby just now, quite ok i think
me also using Pampers and nepia on her.

Do you know which brand of diapers doesn't have so much extra 'cloth'? cause when she wears pampers or nepia, very bulgy down there, so when she wears one piece clothing, not very nice leh..fitti premium cutting smaller, not so much extra 'cloth' but it leaves marks on her thighs...sigh, now trying to find a diaper that doesn't have so much extra bulk but still comfy and absorbent..any suggestions?
Zephan's thighs more thunderous than Isaac's I think! Hee. Why dun u get the Petpet 3xM70 offer @ NTUC? $38.85 Dunno when it ends though.

Last chk'd Prime offer supposed to end 30/9 $12.95. Is it still on? If not, tomorrow we take a walk to Punggol Plaza NTUC, I help u carry baby/diapers? I leave Isaac at home in the able hands of his daddy. If u're up to it pls call me.
i'm a mummy, i think petpet is quite an ok fit... for pampers / nepia, they look bulky when wet bcos they're thin to start with.

wendy, hmm, i dunno how long M size can last him, given his fat thighs.. now i still have 2 packs of Nepia (50 pcs ea), n 1 pack of petpet that we shared e last time. But a walk to Punggol Plaza sounds like a good idea! Though nothing much to shop, but still better than nothing.. haha... u dowan to bring Isaac along? I feel a bit guilty always keeping Zephan at home... thought should bring him out more often...
Hi guys

long time no come this thread.. how are all of u doing? me still pumping only 120ml per 4 hrs.. who is the earliest to go back to work in our thread?

i bought petpet m70 at ntuc yesterday.. 12.95.. but a bit fedup cos they double charged me for tissue paper and charged me $4 for 5 oranges (supposed to be $2.65)... i only checked my receipt at night.. cannot go back and claim back my $5 liao.

what other shops are in punggol plaza? how's the crowd there? never been there before
hi tulip, so there's no promo for 3 packs of petpet already? hmm, but $12.95 is still pretty cheap... think cold storage is selling for nearly $15.

nothing much in punggol plaza.. watsons, gnc, hang ten, a vcd shop, some medicinal shops, some kids stuff, manicure/pedicure, book rental, etc. Also got salons n clinics, but haven't tried them before.
hi ting
i din notice they put any special banners.. anyway my first time trying pet pet.. not bad leh... i think better than drypers.. imagine last time my gal used so much drypers.. but now she is a bit toilet trained so have to spend more $ buying training diapers!

oh... how is the crowd there? am thinking of setting up a shop.. maybe sell clothings.. : )
Hi tingting and wendy,

You ladies stay at Punggol?? Me too! I'm at blk 126D. It will be gd to meet up @ Punggol Plaza one day for a drink. What ya think?
Hi temple

dunno leh.. i just grab and go.
bw, i jsut checked the ntuc website, the promotion is 3 packs $38.85 on the web.. not sure if it is offered at the stores or not
hi tulip, I started work on 26/09/05. At the beginning a bit tired coz have to wake up at midnight. Now better liao coz my boy suddenly can sleep thru out the night till 6am... hee

hi tingting, I think ntuc still got the discount price for the pet pet. Yesterday is the last day offer for the Pamper premium S size .

Maybe you can check out the price from their website. Should be the updated one coz Pamper offer doesn't appear anymore.

tulip, remember 2 chk ur receipts before u leave 4 hm. i was aso over charged on a few occasions when i shopped at ntuc. sometimes they even charged me 4 items which r not even in my shopping bags.

cmy, lucky u... my boy still wakes up in d middle of d nite. now m wondering how 2 cope when i m back at wk.
hi gals.
my boy too!!! PD said at tiz point of time he shld slp longer! but in fact is not! he only slp abt 3-3.30 hrs.... i gotta wake up every mid nite. but even if he dun wake me up, i still need to wake up to pump.... how often u gals pump? i pump abt every 3-4hrs once. whole dae can get abt 1.5litter... or more...

yeah, i got the pampers premium s size at $21.95. is Petpet good? seem like many of the mother here r usin petpet. better than pampers premium?
ya... i'm a bit lucky. But for the day time care taker very siong coz he doesn't sleep much. Ever happen that he refused to sleep from 7am-5pm. Can u imagine that.....He didn't cry. Just want ppl play and "talk" to him. A bit kepo type loh.

i got pamper premium at $20.95..is it ur typo error? I never try pet pet. Coz day time he used clothes diaper and night time used 1 pamper only. So 1 packet can last quite somtimes.
skippy, i dun pump liao. veri lazy 2 do so coz mine is manual pump. wah, ur supply seems a lot. keep it up.

cmy, wah... ur boy solid leh. can dun sleep 4 so long. mine gets veri cranky if he dun sleep in d day.
drink at the food court?! Dowan lah... go someone's home better.. can breastfeed on demand. Last month some of them came to my place. I'm at Blk 646, near the Prime & Kopitiam.

nuttin much to shop? yeah... but i'm the type who's contented to browse the 2 rows of baby stuff at NTUC... i can look & look & look again. hee.

which NTUC branch did u go? I'll put it on my blacklist.. =))
u intend to sell adult clothes or baby clothes? I think the crowd is not bad, but u gotto hv GOOD location - ie near the food court. The shops on 2nd floor are so sleepy.. i look at the salesman also sianzz..

according to 1 mother's CL, Petpet is the worst brand in M'sia, no one buys it even so cheap. But i quite like it ley, cheap & good =) We like the stretch gathers at the back, & good absorbency too. The only thing i dun like is the tape - very loud when we remove, & startle baby during night changes.
I pump once in a few days... so leychey - direct feed liao still must pump?! I not so free ley.
Hi Adel Yee,
U may chack this website for Gleneagles promo: http://www.gleneagles.com.sg/special.jsp
valid from 1 June 2005 - 31 May 2006

Hi tulip,
me too.. baby oredi 6 wks & I'm also pumping ~100-120ml / 3-4hrs...
difficult to meet demand leh..he only gain 0.4kg for the past 2 wks

Hi skippy10 & cmy,
I also grab the pampers premium S at $20.95 on the last day of NTUC offer (5 Oct).
Haven't tried PetPet yet.. maybe next purchase.. cos Pampers too costly liao
$38.85 divide by 3 is $12.95... so the price is still the same. I checked up on fairprice's website, they are selling 1 packet of M70 PetPet @ $12.95. so where got discount!!!!

haven't use Petpet M yet, still using S size

i got questions abt diapers to ask. where is the best place to buy? my boy using drypers at night, cloth diapers in the day.

the only shops near my place is kiddy palace and cold storage in compass pt. have yet to check the price at kiddy. will it be cheaper to buy there?

saw this brand "prokids" at guardian, s69 selling at $12.80. anyone try before?

i also bit worried once CL leaves, i will not be able to cope with the baby...

btw, anyone needs nursing pads? i have a brand new box of tollyjoy nursing pads(40+8) to sell. if interested, pls let me know.
typo. is $20.95. wat is the usual price? cos tis is my 1st time bought it at NTUC. usually i got it at the shop house at my plc at $21/-.

i think i tried petpet b4, got stretch behind right? my hubby still prefer bb to use PP, so we decided on tat.

if u all dun pump out, will not get engorgement? i hav it. very painful. tried once in the middle of the nite from 12am till 6am....end up got fever!
tulip, can sell kids' clothes next to the kiddy gym place at punggol plaza.. forgot name of the gym, but weekends parentss will bring their tots there for something like gymboree...

wendy, me too... like to browse supermarkets.. hehe.. i miss going there!

anissa - going out may be a bit troublesome.. think we may go deaf w the food court noise plus baby crying.. haha... can meet at wendy's place instead, more relaxed... suggest her place bcos her living room got aircon plus an able husband to help take care of kids! :p or we can also go over to your place! won't suggest mine cos my place can get quite stuffy during the day.

now i feed EBM during daytime.. only latch on at night, cos baby more sleepy so less fighting against the fast flow of my milk.. he'll just let it flow out... dunno y he doesn't want to do the same during daytime.. haiz..

re: sleeping
my boy changes his sleep pattern like anything... used to drink more frequently during day time abt 2 hrs interval, and sleep through for 5-6 hrs at night... now he starting a 3hr interval round the clock... though sometimes at night can stretch 4 hrs..

wah skippy, ur supply is much better than mine... hehe.. can open shop n sell liao...
Oh Ya Hor!! Dat means previous NTUC promo cheaper. Forgot how much, but per pack approx $12.30. Anyways, today Shop & Save promo Petpet M70s 2 for $24.95! Ai mai??

Prime Petpet offer is over. Now selling $13.90.

nvr tried prokids...
how's your CL now? Anymore nightmare?
Drypers... Shop & Save also got promo. Chk today's papers.

once i feel very full, i will pump lor. Yeah, once i had headache & slept 6hrs, when i woke I was dripping milk all over & had to pump immediately. I try to avoid that nowadays.. skali production reduce, thinking that feedings are only once every 6 hrs
*LOL* Wendy, you're so funny. Not to worry, by then (May) our babies will be 8-9months old and they will be looking forward to their bbs growing big and healthy like ours.

First 3 months a bit tough w colicky bbs, diaper rashes and irregular feeds. Before we know it, they'll be crawling all over the house. By May, we'll probably be discussing on solid feeds in the forum liao. heheh
Hi wendy & tinging,

Yeah, you gals got a pt there. Easier to meet at someone's place. My place is not very airy but very spacious cos didn't do much renovation. Initially wanted to but changed our mind later on cos both hubby and I work so hardly at home.

Just to check, is it true that breastfeeding mums will not get pregnant as long as they keep up with the breastfeeding??
Hi Anissa,
Pampers baby dry is it the red packaging one? is it good ie. absorbent and not too thick? bikini cut means not so much bulky material is it? ya ok, maybe will go buy one pack and let my girl try

Hi tingting,
I was at carrefour today, saw them selling Pet Pet S. I itchy finger, go and buy one pack. Come back open and see, so small, even smaller than Fitti Premium S size. such a big difference between S and M size... S too small for my girl, M a bit too big at the sides cause of the high cut..sigh..

hee.... me n hubby also plannin another one by end of 2006.... :eek:)

wah! 1.50 more!

i just cant wait till my bb can talk. at least i can get wat he wants rather than he cried w/o me knowin anythin....

how u can get ur bb slp so long? teach me ler.... my bb alwaz wakeup every 2-3 hrs! sianz....
