(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

wendy, yah, a lot of info can be found on web, but i find some of the info theoratical... hard to apply to real life situations... pple here can offer tried n tested solutions that may be a bit orthodox, but works..hehe...

re: swaddling - u can find a cloth big enuff for Isaac? i cannot wrap Zephan in diaper cloth anymore... and his "kick power" is so great that no cloth or towel can contain him... :p

re: cutting nails
i use round tip scissors. the filing suggestion is a good one.. hehe... one downside of putting him to sleep face down, u cannot trim his nails while he sleeps...

Hi, Cakey

I PM you liao. Thank you very much

re: swaddling

my boy is now 3 weeks old and we have given up swaddling him cos he will scream and cry during the swaddling process and keep struggling ... oso if we swaddle him while he is asleep .. we will wake him up ....

eileen ... congrats on your new born heehee ...

anyway just to share that my boy finally got his name today .... he is called Ang Yi Cheng ... got a shifu to calculate his name ....
MIL just sewed 2 pieces of nappies together - it's longer, so I hv more material to tuck. It's also the swaddling technique lor.

re: what i do with baby on average day
9am wake up, wash up, eat b'fast
10am English lesson
11am Chinese lesson
12nn Maths lesson

*duh* Eat, sleep, poo - dat's what babies do. haha. So correspondingly, I feed him, pat him to sleep, & change his diaper lor!!

chey, do u think people just used their imagination & write articles on baby care just to put on the net? They're also professionals who've been there, done that. I mean, just keying in search engine & so many results found. Just do some research from there lor. Otherwise get a good baby care book... like What To Expect the First Year =))
u must keep on tryin.tell ur body tt u want more milk...remember do drink more fluid... b4 u express, drink some hot drinks..it helps...

finally u r back. how's everythin? still waitin to see ur bb pictures! :eek:)

many of the experience mummies told me tt we shld use nuk bottles for nb. Avent bottle only start at later stage i.e. 6mths onwards... coz the teats is abit hard to nb. beginin i used the Avent teats n bb refused to finish the milk cos he is tired of suckin..but after we changed it to NUK, its improved.... now every feed he can finish abt 100-150ml....

do we really need to burp bb after feed? notice tt everytime after i finished burp him, he will be awake. then start to stretch his hands n legs n later start to cry!!! help... help...
hi skippy, how r u? like yr bb photos, so cute.
yr baby is 5 wks now? u on TBF?

re Burp,
i understand must burp if not there's air/gas in e stomach, but if after 5 mins of trying n bb dun burp,can give up. u probably only stop burping bb when they know how 2 sit up cos heard by then, they can burp on their own.

re Weight Gain
mummies, can advise what's the average weight gain of NB? can share the weight of bb when they r 3 wks old? thanks

Ting ting, u mention yr flow is fast, think i also hv tis problem, cos my breast always full b4 bb feed again, so most of the time, in 5mins, he finish his feed, n may not wan 2 latch on again. this cause me to worry too, not too sure if he got the hind milk? hv u started yr bb on EBM?
so far still manageable after my mum left me.... luckily hav the support of my hubby.... :eek:)wat abt u? how ya copin? yeah, bb is now 5 wks old. ur bb too right?

re Weight Gain
my bb now think is abt 4.7kg... he weigh abt 3.8kg durin 2wk...
hi skippy,
my boy 3wks+ now. my CL will be leaving in 1 wk's time, so hv to pick up things fast. still coping with BF my boy, everyday there's a new challenge. guess that's Motherhood.
my boy is 4.1 kg today, wonder if he's at a good weight?
is late in the nite n u still awake? me just finished bf my boy....now gotta do some office work... :eek:(

wow ur boy is heavy ya... can share ur boy pic?
my bb is 7 weeks old and she also only drinks 40-60ml when i feed her ebm.... i guess depends on the weight of the bb? my bb is 3.4kg. i think after yr bb drink finish his milk, you check if his stomach is round round and hard... i tink if like that, then he is full.

re: cutting nails
i bite my bb fingernails.. easier to control altho my MIL say i am unhygienic. :p
hi all mummies feeding FM to bb,

how long can we keep the FM powder? the instructions say must use within 4 weeks of opening the tin but since i am only using it as a supplement on some days, how to finish everything within 4 weeks?? like wasted to throw away leh.. plus, the powder smells fine even tho i open for 4 weeks liao.
re: formula milk
u can split them into smaller portions so that they are not exposed to air frequently.

re: baby's weight
weight depends on ur baby's birth weight. PD mentioned that by end of first month should gain bet 0.5 - 1kg. Think by end of 3rd month should double birth weight, etc.

re: milk qty
i need milk, my baby is already 5kg going on to 6 woh.. he's 8 weeks old. ur baby was quite light at birth? mine was already 3.2kg... hehe... now i'm trying to record his feeding pattern n diaper changing, cos memory failing me liao.. everyday same activity i also forgot how many times i fed / changed each day...

re: daily activities
wendy, just curious how "awake" babies at this stage should be... cos Lib mentioned showing her baby flash cards, but my boy sleeps n eats only, so dunno whether he should be more awake at this time lah...

re: EBM
cookies, i've started partially.. about 2-3 feeds yesterday. the rest i still latch on, esp when he cries for milk all of a sudden.. but bcos i regularly pump out, the breasts are not as full as before so it doesn't squirt as hard... when i anticipate the letdown i'll quickly use tissue/towel to stem the flow (while consoling hungry baby at the same time) and put him back after the squirts end. Quite messy affair..

actually i was wondering whether the situation will improve when they are older? Afterall, they graduate to teats w bigger holes right? so they should also be better able to handle faster flow from the breasts. That's one reason why i still hang on to latching on, and dowan baby to lose the skill...
Hi tingting,

My bb is 2 mths old tomorrow and she sleeps a lot esp since last week. She can sleep 6-8 hrs thru at night. Day time, she is probably awake for 4+ hrs only. My colleague was saying that it is good that bb sleep a lot cos they grow only while sleeping.
HI chemstry,

How you manage to let your bb sleep at day time ah? My bb doesn't sleep at day time. Most of the time he is awake. Night time he can slept thru the most 6.5 hrs then need to feed him. After that he will wake up 2-3 hrs later. Then refused to sleep liao.
Mine is opposite of yours leh. My baby sleeps well in the day but wake up most of the night and wail non-stop until I bf him. Headache.

How do you all know whether your milk enough for baby? I'm sometimes wondering if he's drinking or just using my breast as pacifier leh.
How Much Sleep Is Enough For My Child?

How can I tell if my baby is getting enough milk?

How much weight should I expect my breastfeeding baby to gain?
Here's an excerpt:
# Weight gain of 112-200 grams a week during the first month
# An average of 1/2 to 1 kilogram per month for the first six months

* Infants who are the product of "baby training" (parenting programs in which babies are fed on a schedule and forced to sleep through the night using variations of the "cry-it-out method) often show delayed growth. Babies who are breastfed according to a parent-imposed and restrictive feeding schedule are not only likely to get less milk, the breastmilk they get will have a lower level of fat and calories because of the longer intervals between feedings.

Various studies have shown that breastfed infants consume fewer calories and a lower volume of milk than formula-fed infants. This doesn't mean that their mothers aren't producing enough milk. Instead, it's an indication that breastfed infants have an amazing ability to self-regulate their calorie intake according to their individual needs. This ability to determine for themselves how much they eat is probably one of the reasons that infants who are breastfed are less likely to have problems with obesity later in childhood.
hi cmy,

I also dunno how come my bb sleeps so much leh. She juz sleep after feeding loh. Like today, she is only awake for 2 hrs in the morning and woke up for feeding and then sleep again! She is on total EBM and I wonder if I have eaten something that make her sleepy.
skippy ...

me havent download my bb photo yet cos me at my mum's place ... dunno how to download onto my bro PC ... guess can only show u all the photos when i go home ...

angel ...

i agree ... drink lots of fluid ... esp hot fluid ... me drink a whole pot of red dates water, soup at almost every meal and abt 2-3 times of milo every day ... it will help and dun stress yourself abt bf too much ... just try your best k ...
Re:- diapers

Hi mummies who are using disposable diapers for your darling babies, what brand are you using? can share your experience/reviews? Am using nepia, fitti premium and pampers premium for my baby girl. We change her diapers before every feed (so about every 3-4 hours), so now thinking of finding a cheaper alternative to use at home. Will continue using nepia etc when we bring her out, but trying to find a cheap but good diaper to use at home, so one day change 8-9 times also won't heart pain haha..any suggestions? will be checking out pet pet...
Hi mummies, how are all of u doing/coping?

Re: Weight
Trying v. hard to lose wt now. Dunno what and how should I go abt it actually. Was told by my gynae tt my wt will take time to go down cos now it's mainly water retention and if go for slimming, will waste $$ only. haiz.. he says wait for abt 6 mths later then go for slimming if i want. Now I cannot wear all of my office clothings! So sad, gotta buy new set liao cos gg to work earlier. Now my wt is 63 kg.. so sad leh..
re: baby sleeping
chemistry, think our babies have same birthday on 3 Aug?
mine's also turning 2 months tomorrow, and he also sleeps a lot... except some afternoons when he fusses n refuses to sleep. I wonder if i had unwittingly "forced" him to sleep beyond his need... at least u also face the same situation...

my bb came out at 35 weeks and only 2kg at birth... that's why at 7 weeks, she is very much lighter than yr bb.

i also cannot remember what time i feed, what time i change diapers. Now i end up having to record it down in a notebook... my memory is failing me these days...
Re: Going Out

This weekend, i brought my bb out in a sling to shop and go church and she slept the entire trip..... very good girl... But the minute we reach home, she cries non-stop. Dunno if its too much excitement and then reach home cannot sleep?? Any mummies experience this?

Any mummies here have painful nipples? I know that breastfeeding is not suppose to be painful. But I experience pain everytime at the nipple area. I think it's called sore nipples right? The tip of my nipple is like dried blood kind of material. When baby suckles the first few times, extremely painful.
Is this due to him latching on wrongly or he suckles too hard?
How to make it heal?
Hi Miso,
Me also trying to lose those last few kgs. I put on 16.5kg during pregnancy. After about ten days giving birth, i lost 8 kg (3.57kg belonged to baby hehe), then after malay massage, i lost another 4kg. So now i have 4.5kg to go..sigh..

Hi eileenp,
Ya, you are having sore nipples. Put nipple cream (personally i feel Avent's easier to use than Medela, cause smoother to apply, not so sticky) and air your nipples after each feed. If really painful, don't BF on that side. Let baby feed on the other side and rest this side first. Use pump to express out the milk from the sore side...
Re: Swaddling..
Wendy (peifu) u can still swaddle issac.. Remember the time uncle derrick wanted to swaddle kylie, and she resist.. since full mth we hve stopped swaddling, cos my dear girl doesnt like to be tied up..

RE: burp
Skippy10, actually is good tt u burped yr bb after each feed.. this is to rid off the excess wind from their tummy.. Ever burped kylie for more then 15mins hor..

RE: Cutting of nails.
I trimmed my girl's nails when she was oni 1 week old. i used the bb's nail scissor and trim it b4 bath.. usually wif the help of 3rd party to distract her while i cut.

RE: Activities
Tingting, my girl now somehow got a fix sleeping pattern (ONI IN THE DAY) haiz.. so usually ard 3-4pm she is awake and if we r at home will flash her cards..

RE : GOing out
I need milk, did u sling yr bb all the time when u were outside? is pretty norm for them to cry after u loosen the sling and put her down. cos in the sling she feel so comfy, warm & secure.. all of sudden u loosen her, she feel very uncomfortable..
miso/i'm a mummy!....

me too... still trying to lose that few kilos.... i put on 20 kg.... lost 10kg after two weeks.... lost another 3kg... still have 7kg to go... sigh... back to work today and some of my pants are tighter now.....
Hi I'm a mummy!

Re: Diapers
I personally will recommend Petpet. It's cheap and good. I had tried Pampers Premium, Dryers and Petpet. Petpet is the best! But, can't get 's' size in NTUC. Can only get them from Kiddy Palace.

Hi I need milk!

Re: Stimulation during outing
i had brought my bb gal out for 3 times since she turned 2 months old. Yah, each time, she will get really cranky at night when we came back. I think it's bcos' her familiar routine is disrupted. But, i don't have a choice.
No one helped to look after her during weekends. And I was really bored at home. So, brought her out to shop a couple of time. I think she is the youngest person in the shopping mall.

As for overstimulation, that's what i thought too when i first brought her out to my friend's place where everyone wants to play with her. It turned out that stimulation does not seem to be the problem cos when i brought her out to shop. she slept throughout the trip but still get cranky after that.
Re PetPet
The 's' size can also be found in Giant, Carrefour and Shop N Save.

Yesterday brought my boy to frend's wedding lunch. Learnt a good lesson cos wasn't prepared for the loud yam seng and didn't cover his ears. End up, Haowen got v startled by the loud shout and cried non-stop after that. Heartpain.... *sign* what a inexperienced mummy!

Just got an automatic sarong rocker for my boy. Real helpful in freeing up time to do other stuff. Will be re-starting my BM pumping on a 3-hrly basis to see if milk ss can be further increased from the current 650ml per day (4 pumps).
hi ixwong,

ur supply is not bad leh.. u only pump exclusively or u also latch baby on?

how do u guys manage baby during wedding dinner? he's too small to sit in baby chair.. u let him sit in his stroller? i have 2 dinners in nov, not sure whether should bring him along...
I pump exclusively. Long time never latch on liao. At my current supply, I still need to supplement at least 2 feeds of FM, so am thinking of using the spare time on hand to pump more frequently. But now increaseing no. of pumps means less milk each pump, see already a bit sian. Guess must be patient to see result....

We let him sit in his stroller. But becos it's too noisy, he cannot sleep, keep whimpering/crying. We end up carry him most of the time. If I can choose again, won't bring him along cos it's too stimulating for him.

ok, guess i won't be bringing him too then... m boy also restless kind..

once i went out n pumped when i came back almost 5 hrs later.. can get about 125ml from each breast.. i also v impressed w myself... haha... now about 125ml per pump fr both sides, except when i feel stressed, then it's only 80ml.. but my boy drinks only 60-70ml, so not too bad for the moment...

hmm, wonder when we can bring our kids for swimming? my boy likes bathing a lot (only the water part.. he hates the rest!), if can dunk him in the pool for 30 min he sure eat n sleep well for the day...hehe...
hi ixwong,
Have you went for the pap smear test for pos-delivery? Anyone know if still got abit of discharge can do the test? Was told by the recept to wait till first menst. came then go for the test.. reason is Dr is very busy cos alot of deliveries these few months
Hi pinkroses

Yeah.. i was bored to stay at home during the weekends too.. since my hb at home on weekends, might as well go out. Cos on weekdays its just me looking after bb and i don't dare go out on my own.

Hi Lib
Yeah i sling my bb throughout the whole trip.. see her sleep shiok shiok all wrapped up until sometimes dun even want to wake up for milk.. slept for 4 hours straight! Now she's at home and cranky, the only to stop her crying non-stop is for me to sling her again.. but its a bad habit i guess so i try not to sling her too much at home.
Hi ixwong:

Where did u buy the automatic sarong bed rocker from? I thinking of getting one if my bb continues to be cranky and wants to be carried all the time.........

Hi all:

Re: losing weight
I put on 15 kg and only lost 5 kg so far after bb born.. i seriously doubt the claim that breastfeeding helps to lose weight. Haven't lost a single kg and i have been bf for 7 weeks.
re: losing weight
think i lose weight bcos of stress caring for baby.. his crying is driving me nuts... today he cried for 2 hrs again... haiz...

re: auto sarong rocker
u can get it from Kiddy Palace. Costs $169.
hi tingting

i think my gal is either greedy or has a v big appetite. she is already drinking 90ml to 120ml since week 3. Her pd said it is ok.

My gal gain 1.3kg in a month. fattie fattie
Isaac's arms & legs will find their way out of the swaddle, but we'll re-do it again coz he sleeps better without his arms flailing & legs kicking.

yeah, i'm also getting abt 140ml fr both sides.. i think it's abt this amt for those of us who feed direct. I only pump once in a few days when my breasts feel really full from days of accumulation, coz only sometimes does Isaac completely drain my breast until flop flop. Sigh, change shape liao... maybe next time go extreme makeover & ask for perky breasts again! heh heh.

how come Zephan cry for hours everyday... Deric lay hands & pray in tongues & Isaac falls asleep quickly. Maybe he remembers us doing it in utero.

envy those of u who can figure out the sling... i carry baby until arms *ache*
Hi mommies,
Can anyone tell me if i'm overfeeding my little boy.. He's 8 weeks old and drinking 280ml of ebm every 2 hrs.. *sigh* i've got no extra bf to store. Dunno how when i get back to work..
hi nicky's mum, maybe sometimes he only wants to suckle for comfort? but it's ok for breastfed babies to be a bit heavier for the first 1/2 year cos they'll lose the fats easily once they get active. Suppose ur PD didn't raise any concern? My boy is prob going to be around that age.

re: constant crying
wendy, i think he mainly cries bcos he's tired but dunno how to fall asleep by himself.. but funnily he doesn't have such problems during day time.. will be checking w PD... but last night he slept super long.. after knocking out at 9pm he slept until 2.45am for feed.. which is why i'm here at this time.. haha! And his previous feed was at 6.30pm! Was so hungry that he took in all the fast flow milk also...

angel - i also dunno why my boy drinks so little yet can gain weight normally... just realised he now has about only 6 feeds per day...
Hi all,

When did you all start expressing your breastmilk? I'm now latching my baby on every feed and i'm not really sure how much he's drinking. Heard can start expressing from week 6 onwards. To let him try the bottle. Is it true?
Hi tingting, how old is yr boy and how much is he drinking? My PD says as long as he's not throwing out all the milk after the feed, it's fine. I don't think it's comfort sucking cos when he's drinking and we pull out the milk bottle to burp him, he can cry and scream the whole house down. Once he finishes that 280ml, he won't cry when we burp him.

eileenp - I started expressing when my boy was a couple of days old due to sore nipples. If u are going back to work soon, then u may have to quickly introduce the bottle to him otherwise, the caregiver will have a tought time.
nicky's mum, my boy is 8 weeks old, and from bottle he only takes 60ml. I usually latch him on directly until recently when he often cries due to my fast letdown..
still haven't done my pap smear test yet. My appt with Dr Ang is this coming Saturday. Heard that BF will delay menstration, so far still have not got my menses yet.

I need milk,
I bought my sarong rocker 2nd-hand from another forumer. Brand new one can get from Kiddy Palace.
Hi wendy,

Like you, I also cannot figure out the sling. Somemore i can't always carry baby cause of bad back. So hubby and MIL carry her more often. Now i think she recognise their 'smell' more than mine and prefer them to carry her when she is in one of her moods
sob sob... i went to buy the baby bjorn active carrier, hope can use that to carry her when we go out, cause got more support for the back. Think will look a bit funny if i wear that carrier and carry her around the house right...might be hot for her also, cause fabric is thicker than the MIM sling

Re;- mood swing

Any mummies here have this type of experience before? can share your thoughts? Yesterday brought my baby girl to my mother's place. Stayed there from 2pm to 930pm. She was ok in the day, all the way until 830pmm, when she suddenly started crying for no reason. Unconsolable type of crying, until face red red and mouth open so big until i can see her tonsils. No matter how i carry or my mum carry her also no use. Hubby carry her also no use, until he prop her on his shoulder (aka burping position), then she stopped. But once he cradle hold her, she start crying again. I don't know is it because of 'overexcitement' in the day (didn't really sleep much at my mum's place), or is it because at night babies prefer to be in familiar surroundings (ie. don't recognise the place when it is near bed time) or she's not feeling well. But once we bundle her into the car and reach our house, she quieten down by a lot (although still got 1 or 2 more short bouts of crying before she fell asleep) and this morning she is ok already. scare me ah! i felt so helpless and my mum like going to cry herself...

as long as your boy is gaining weight normally, then it doesn't matter how much he drink i think.

i'm a mummy
sounds like yr gal is suffering from colic. Mine too though the hours of inconsolable crying is much much longer and it's from 11pm to 5am. I've since switched to Nan HA from Nan 1 & Isomil and she's now ok. Also fed her gripe water 1 teaspoon to 30 ml of water twice a day. No more reflux, no more crying from 11pm to 5am though she still fuss during 2am and 4am feed, no more constipation. Will fuss for about an hour after feed then fall asleep.
Hi, Cakey

Thanks for your help.

Unfortunately, she is booked in Apr already.

Hi, all mums out there,

Can anyone recommend me any good, experienced CL ?
Would appreciated your help.


hi all,
just brought bb for his after 1mth checkup. he is now at 5.43kg at 5wk... PD said his size is above average. my boy drinkin abt 100-130ml each feed.

Re MIM Sling,
hubby bought it for me but so far i still dunno how to use it.... tried on once but bb feel uncomfortable... :eek:(

Re Colic,
i read some books say tt sometime is due to the food we take. try not to take too much brocolli beans and drink too much milk. let the bb sit straight n burp them. they wil feel more comfortable.

when u due? i know one CL and she is good n experience....

i need milk,
i put on 15kg as well and after bf, i lost abt 10kg.... im now still hav another 5kg to go b4 i start work! :eek:)

i burp him abt half an hour sometime till he is awake... :p but guess he will better after each burped... ;o)
