(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

skippy, wow ernest is a big boy nw..

Re: burp
I dunno if is reali coincidence, i always say burp burp to kylie and w/o much effort she burps..

Re: Sling
dun get impatience when u wan to put yr bb in sling.. practise make perfect.. tok/sing to yr bb when u wan to put them in to distract.. b4 tt maybe gals u wan to try on plush toy 1st?

back from visit to PD..

my boy got colic, gestational reflux, n possibly sinus... and all these problems contribute to wind in the stomach, which explains why he cries so much.

i'm a mummy, yah, ur gal is probably suffering from colic, cos situation seems similar to mine..

my boy super heavy liao.. 6kg already! gynae couldn't believe that he takes only 60ml of EBM..said he probably drank a lot more during latching on... but height only increased marginally, now at 60cm.

wendy, the PD i went to was quite nice and detailed. It's at Sengkang, opposite the bus interchange. She is also a visiting consultant at Northern Hope, but only on tues afternoons i think.
Hi tingting,

Can I know what's e clinic name & e address? My son has alot of phlegm & I may need to bring him to a pd if he still don't improve after he finish e med prescribed by my gp.
Hi Angel, Tingting,

Oh dear, i hope its not colic...my hubby doesn't think its colic leh...cause she doesn't curl her legs up (in pain action), and her crying bout lasted about 2-3 hours only. Also, my girl is actually already on Nan-HA cause previously had problem poo poo-ing, PD suggested change to Nan-HA. The PD also say her tummy not much gas, and that it doesn't seem to be colic cause only one off incident. My MIL thinks its because of overexcitement and unfamiliar place at night..let's see tonight how. Hope she is ok, keeping my fingers crossed...
I'm a mummy,
my boi also do the same. the intense crying also happened around 830pm but luckily only for short while.

Just brought my boy for his first 6-in-1 jab from GP. Costs me $100. Keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't get fever. My boy now is 5.4 kg at 6 weeks 5 days old.
everafter, here's the clinic address:

Kidslink Children's Clinic
Blk 237 Compassvale Walk
Tel: 63884466

Try to call for an appointment time so that u need not queue for long. We didn't call, and waited for about 1 hr.

i'm a mummy, my boy usually cries from 6.30pm till 8.30 / 9 pm...
how much consultation? Opposite Sengkang bus interchange... i can only think of the clinic next to the Thomson Women's clinic? I thought dat's a GP.
What did the doc prescribe for Zephan? Medicine?

Wah, all your babies cross 5kg at 1 month chkup!! Then my boy is seriously underweight.. he was 4.3kg at 1 month! Birth weight 3.5kg. And here i am complaining that he's so heavy...
ohhh, that was the clinic that i was trying to call but no answer for 2 days!! The PD is Vanessa is it?
I think quite cheap - $50 consultation?

No worried about ur baby weight. Mine was 4.8kg at 1 mth. A week later i consult PD, he was 5.2kg. Birth weight was 3.66kg. PD said his weigh gain just nice.

My bb drinks 160-180ml about 6-7 times per day.

My boy also have lots of phlegm and block nose(nose shit). Was told by PD It is quite common wor. Normally will recover itself only bb about 4 mths old. Anyway, so far my bb still can drink and active so i'm ok loh.
eh.. 1 mth increase abt 1 kg is fine liao lah... take a look at isaac... one look and u know he's well fed. Fatty arms and thighs!!

as for the sling... maybe i can go yr house and show u how to use. ha ha.

how come u can lose 10kg when bf? sigh, unfair eh... i wonder what i ate during the past mth... probably ate more than what was burnt by breastfeeding.

Nan 1 really no good? hmm.. i just started to feed my bb Nan 1 FM for 1-2 feeds for a couple of days liao... and i find that after drinking, she like got alot of phlegm.. she makes the phlegm sound. I wonder if its due to Nan1. Does yr bb have that? By the way, are we supposed to feed water to the bb immediately after they drink FM?
I gained 14kg b4 gave birth. After gave birth i lose 8kg. After confinment, i only left 2-3kg to shred. Believed it was due to water retention. Now, i started work and i am back to pre-pregnancy weight. I think it is because I used binder + EBM. All my jeans and pants can wear. Luckily no need to spend money to buy clothes.
Hi all mummies...

Long time never login in liao.. how's everyone?
So have all mummies pop oredi? (paisei.. din chk prev archives..

My poor boy (6wks) was down with slight fever & flu last weekend..

think we went too many places...from hot weather outside to indoor aircon..
lucky we use the fever sticker to bring down temperature, then visit doc on Mon...really challenging to feed medicine wif teaspoon..but great achievment when he swallows down...

Re: Goin out/mood swing
Do u all believe in getting an angbao from the hse owner if baby 1st time visit their house? I usu not 'ban tang', visited my SIL plc w baby, but she din give ang bao, & we din ask oso...then when we came back home, baby doesn't have a good sleep.. always wakes up every 20-30mins (aftn nap usu could last few hrs) .... my mum say we shld ask fr my SIL...so paisei leh.

Re: Losing Weight
I'm already 1mth+ after birth, still got 6 more kgs

Dun worry abt your baby's milk intake. Pre-matured babies/small babies tend to feed more. I guess it's so that they can 'catch up' with their counterparts
Hi ineedmilk,

Re: Sling,
My gal dun like the clothe covering her face and somemore her legs are restrained from kicking. Yr bb don't mind all these or any way to overcome? So far i've sling her successfully 2 times going downstair but only while she's soundly sleeping. Not possible to sling her while she's awake leh.. Yesterday even got problem buying lunch for myself cos she needs to be rocked in sarong and awake once stop.

Hi Nicky's mom,
I've the same burping problem leh.. My gal seems dunno what's full and keep on asking for milk. last week she took 60 to 90ml + BF. These few days I increase to 120ml + BF she still crys for more leh.. Sometime i just dump her in sarong and rock her w/o burping.. Then later she'll spit milk and I got to clear the mess *sigh*.
hi cmy,
When using the binder do you bind including the wound part or just the tummy? I heard should bind from quite low like mini-skirt.
Hi cmy,
did u use any firming cream with the binder?
I also bought 1 from NTUC unity, suppose to use that after I ended my Malay massage session. But not discipline leh, plus the doubt dunno effecxtive or not.. pls share ur experience..
Hi cakey,

The binder quite a big piece.I can bind from tummy till the woud. And i bind very very tight one leh. Now the binder very loose liao. Can't used anymore..hehe
Hi cakey

Instead of doing the cradle carry, i let my girl sit upright facing me.. (something like burping position where her head is on shoulder).. and then i wrap the sarong over her.. so she sit on the sarong. I feel like a kangaroo mummy when i sarong her like that but she seems to like it and very comfortable. In this way, the cloth doesn't cover her face.

I didn't used any firming cream only a cream prescribed by the gynae for my woud to prevent keloid. I bind my tummy from the day i finished C-section. Bind 24 x 7 for 2 weeks even eat and sleep. I bind it very very tight. Maybe that's the main reason.
hi i need milk,
Hmm.. maybe i shld try this position instead cos my gal like be carried sitting up and no longer like to be craddle like a bb hehe... But like that you need to use 1 hand to support her neck? my bb is now starting of 7th wk.
re baby weight
hah.. i'm not worried lah. At 1 month check, PD said his weight gain was slightly below recommendation & encouraged me to try to increase BM... And then BF became less stressful & painful, & baby could eat more. So i think now that he is 2 months, his weight gain shld be back on track. Anyway he's got so much fat, no one would guess he's underweight..

u r welcome anytime... sling Eliz & come over lah, take Bus No. 3 only mah.

re binder
wah, the binder made me itch man... took it off after the requisite 2 weeks. Can't run coz boobs will bounce & hurt!! Must do some stretching exercises liaos... no more excuse - 6 weeks rest period long over!! heh.
bus no. 3 can go yr place??
isaac's thigh is twice the size of eliz's. By the way, i figured out why eliz was cranky and crying non-stop the past few days. She was hungry. Was direct bf so can't tell plus, she doesn't root for the breasts anymore these days. When carry her, she keep quiet so didn't know she's hungry. Today i direct bf her plus, fed her EBM and suddenly, she's docile and quiet again. Realised her intake has increased to 80-100ml from the usual 40-60ml.

yeah, need to support her head with 1 hand.. but not much effort cos they tend to put their face flat on yr shoulder/chest. Either that, or u pull the cloth a bit higher and support the back of yr bb's head. My bb also 7 weeks old.
your boy grow very fast ley... incredible hulk!! heh

For Isaac, when he's hungry, he roots for ANY breast, even his daddy's. haha.
how's the milk-producing drug?

Here's a pic with his chubby droopy cheeks, round belly & thunder thighs.. notice he has no neck...
re: clinic's consultation
Wendy, first consult is $40, and subsequent is $35. For colic, she gave some colic syrup, and also got a nose drop for the nasal decongestion. I also got a 2nd tube of desitin from her. Total bill only slightly above $70.

my baby 2 months old liao la.. 1st month only 4.3kg..
Hi, Skippy

In fact, i have tried calling 2 CL, one recommended by cakey and both are booked on Apr.

My EDD is on 12 Apr 06. So kind of worried that is Apr a hot month?

In that case, can you give me the CL contact to this email [email protected]

So you have tried her is it?

Thanks alot
Hi Angel, Tingting, Ixwong,
Oh no, my baby girl did her uncontrollable crying thing again this evening, starting at 530pm to 6pm. Is it colic? only half an hour of crying/screaming, but my heart cannot take it lah..i wanted to cry..and worse, no matter how i carry her (me not that adept at carrying babies) also cannot calm her down. Only my MIL (who is very experienced at taking care of babies) managed to calm her down..after rubbing ru yi oil, and giving her gripe water...my baby now six weeks old. I was reading on the internet that colic peaks at week six to eight? but previously she didn't not really show much signs/symptoms leh, then suddenly yesteday like that... may i know, how old was your baby when the sign/symptoms started showing? how did you know it was colic..did you see the PD? did the colic peak at week six to eight? sigh...
re: colic
1/2 hr is already good leh.. mine lasted for 2-3 hrs each time... today we gave her one dosage of colic syrup prescribed by PD about 1/2 hr before the usual crying starts, and right from the start of his crying we carried him upright for about 1 hr, then he wanted to feed... the feeding brought about some crying bcos got to carry him more horizontally, but when he was upright he was quite calm...

PD said colic manifests itself between 1 - 4 months.. i still have about 2 months to go...

colic is usually crying at certain part of the day over several days. a few schools of thought presented by doctors.. some say no known cause of colic, but some said it's caused by wind in the stomach. My PD said so too. That's why carrying them upright positions helps prevent the wind from coming up n causing discomfort. Colic crying happens mostly during evening time most often bcos wind is accumulated over the day, n becomes unbearable by the end of the day. We starting to apply ru yi oil on him also.
I'm a mummy!

Don't cry don't cry... it's v normal to feel heart pain for yr crying baby and also from frustration at our inability to comfort our own baby.

Oh no.. it does seems yr gal has colic. Try to monitor for another few more days. Actually it is not v necessary to see a pd for colic I feel. They will either give you infacol or some wind drops to be added into milk. I brought her to kk once in the middle of the night and one trip to her pd and I feel that it's a complete waste of money lor.

If she is taking fm, she may be lactose intolerant as colic is one of the symptoms if yr gal cannot tolerate lactose or maybe only sensitive to cow's milk. So many reasons why she is crying... gotta trial and error to find out the cause of her cries.

I was tearing my hair off from the first week I brought her back until last week where I switch my gal to nan ha. She still fuss due to wind but much much better liaoz.
any mommies interested in attending sling wearing class. FOC. Wanma join me and Megan. I've already registered for the class

Date: 15 Oct 05 Saturday

11.15am: Baby Wearing Workshop- Registration Required

Venue: MIM Attic
Address: 40 Jln Pemimpin #04-10C, Tat Ann Building, Singapore 577185
(Jalan Pemimpin Industrial Area: Near Bishan, Off Shunfu / Thomson Area)
Conducted by: Moms in Mind (Ms Samuelina Wan)

For: Babies 1 month and older
Cost: Free, but limited to 10 parents

Duration: 45 minutes

Please bring:
1. Your Moms in Mind Baby Sling (if any)
2. Your Baby

A very practical session on how to wear your baby in a sarong-style baby sling will be shown. Common problems & misconceptions will be covered.

For Registration, email [email protected]

Location map:
Hi Angel,

I've also registered myself and baby for the workshop but they said only limited to 10 persons? Did you get a confirmation from them?
Anissa, I received an email from Sam which did not indicate confirmation but a reply to my question of whether I need to bring a sling.
my gal been crying A LOT since afternoon from 2pm onwards until now. She slept a little in between. Don't know why she is crying. Give her milk, she drank 20ml out of 90ml. check diaper, not wet nor poo poo, rub ruyi oil, give her gripe water, all USELESS and she's still crying all the time!!!!!

I am so frustrated and deprived of sleep that I just wanna get away from all the crying or throw Megan downstairs so that the crying will stop.

I just left her on her cot, let her cry. If she wanna cry, I leave her alone to cry la. My hb came back and said I am v impatient la.. she is still a baby blah blah blah. Already I am so lack of sleep, tired and facing a crying baby the whole day.. with his stupid comments, it makes me even angrier!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Angel,
i know what you mean. Me so distressed over baby crying, and hubby doesn'tunderstand why i am so worked up and worried over baby crying/colic. He say cry cry lah, its a phase babies go through, and keep telling me not to think so much about it. But being a mother, of course naturally we will worry and fret mah, even though we know can't do much about it..and he keep nagging/complaining at me for being worried and distracted. Irritating! Sayang sayang..are you staying by yourself or with In=laws? maybe can get them to help you look after baby? lucky i am staying with in=laws. When baby goes colicky/crying, i feel so helpless and nothing i do will calm her down (me not good at carrying babies cause arms bony, not much cushiony comfort). lucky got MIL to help, she very good at taking care of babies...but me worried that baby will 'stick' more to her next time..sigh..

anyone tried Sealer or Prokids before? How do you find it? Also, Pet Pet S size is from how many kg to how many kg har? and where i can get Pet Pet S size, and Sealer S size from? tried a few places like NTUC, John LIttle at Compass Point, and Cold storage..all don't have S size leh...

just to add..to be fair to my hubby, of course he is concerned over baby's colicky behaviour and does his part to calm baby down. Its just that, he doesn't understand why i have to be so upset over it...
hi angel,

guess we're all fretting bcos we're concerned n worried about our babies' well being. Men n women express worry differently, and they tend to be more hands-off. Maybe bcos we feel very much a personal attachment to them, afterall they've been with us for 9 months, so we take their crying more personally. Possible for you to take an afternoon off to get a breather? Mine comes when parents/ILs come over n carry baby for a while.. though i still don't go out of the house, at least i dun need to pick up baby all the time.

re: colic
colic indeed doesn't require visit to PD, but just to make sure that their crying is not due to other problems, e.g. ear infections. The PD will check for possible causes before concluding the most possible cause. Like for me, if i only think the crying is due to colic, i won't link other issues like nasal congestion and reflux to the problem as well...
Hi worshippertemple,
I also dropped by Kiddy palace compass point yesterday when i went JL, Pet Pet S size sold out leh..sigh
so hard to find..
Hi tingting,
sorry ah, me a bit blur..where got Prime in the north area (amk, bishan, toa payoh, seng kang)? thks!
I get my Petpet 's' from shop n save (Khatib MRT), Giant (Sembawang Shopg Ctr) or Carrefour. Shop N Save having promo, selling at $7.90.
hi mummies,
its indeed worrying when baby cries and we duno what's happening. my boy cries every now and then and wants to be carry, he don't really sleep thru hours these few days. quite paranoid about it.

Re: Freezing milk
Is it ok if i put the breast milk in the lower fridge and transfer to the freezer later on? intend to bottle feed him but didn't want to eventually.

Re: Sterliser
Those using pigeon steriliser, do u wash them after every use?
After sterilising the pump or bottles, can we leave it inside e steriliser or do we hv to remove n put into another container?
If we do not use the items after 6 hours, must we wash them again b4 sterilising?

Appreciate your inputs, thanks.
hi cookies

I drain off the water after each cycle of sterilisation. Once in a while I will rinse the steriliser as i notice that there will be a little bit of water rust.

For me, I don't transfer them into a different container. I just leave the bottles/teats inside the steriliser..
hi cookies

Re: freezing milk
that's fine.. i put the ebm in the fridge first before transferring to the freezer. As long as u don't leave in the fridge > 48 hours. If > 48 hours, must throw away.

Re: Steriliser
I don't wash. In fact, i never wash the steriliser. I just pour out the water cos like angel said, there will be some rust. As for the bottles, i leave them inside the steriliser. If after 6 hours, i re-sterilise again w/o washing the bottles. Should be ok lah. Sometimes i dry them with tissue paper b4 transferring to another container too.

That's a nice picture of isaac...
Looks like those classic photograph that all parents take.. those sit on the bed type.

the milk producing drug seems ok.. my ss did increase a bit.. now in morning, pump 100ml. But i also drink lots of papaya fish bone soup.. guess both helped a bit loh. But i still don't have the "raining breast milk" feeling.......
