(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi mummies,

RE milk :
Since yesterday, dunno how come milk supply increased alot. now pumping bout 340ml every 3 hrs. but still not enough to store cos supply increase, demand also increase. *sigh*

RE Diapers :
My bb poo poo seems like "shooting" out everytime, thus causing diaper to leak(from the back and the sides). Tried pampers, drypers and pet pet liao but all still the same leh.. Got anybody's bb also "shooting" out poo poo?

RE Number 2 :
Hehe.. Mummies here so daring.. I took 6yrs then dare to have this no. 2.

Tingting, when No 1 is a year old, difficult to save $$. Got so many bb courses around n then they got to go childcare etc, how to save? I also thinking of no. 3(my both kids are boys so hoping to have a girl) but think only lah.. now go out, the car cannot fetch pple cos got 2 car seats at the back.. If no. 3 comes along, think will have to tie the carseat on the car roof already..

Hi nicky's mom, if u hv no. 3, then time to change to a MPV! hahaha.. true lor, with each kid coming along, expenses increase. haiz.. now we are thinking of selling the car and get a maid to help me out. I think more logical.

Re: No. 2
My boy and gal's age gap is 2 years apart and I think it's too near. If I got the chance to turn back the clock, would prefer at least a 3 years age gap! haha.. But now as my boy is gradually easing into the childcare environment, I dun feel so stressed liao. Hope he continues to be ok in childcare.
re:no 2
nicky's mum, then dun go for so many courses lor! hehe, i'm not really a believer in enrichment courses, so at most will be 1 course for him each time. Maybe something associated w music, cos that's something we cannot teach.. When i go back to work will only be there for him during weekends.. rather spend time w him at home or bring him somewhere to play.

anissa, me not SAHM, but took some months off work.. going back early next year.

re: SIDS
wendy, having aircon is totally unlike a normal winter environment... winter plus heater plus comforter really makes u drowsy.. i've slept for 12 hrs straight before! and usually in aircon w comforter i only sleep max 8 hrs at a stretch.

re: EBM
some days i also pump out v little(> 100ml), esp when i dun feel a letdown.. a bit panick, but will let baby latch on for his next feed cos he can suck for as long as he like n i dunnid to know how much that is.. but i quite lazy abt pumping one... so used to fast flow that i usually give up after 10 min.. makes me think about how to continue supply after i start work. my dad wants me to switch to FM, but i still want to pump whatever i have, and top up w FM instead.
i enjoy bf too. I like to see my girl suckle contentedly at my breast. When she is fussy, i feel sian. I tried direct bf for like 7 days before and end up bb no poo. And again i tried direct bf for 10 days (with bottle feed EBM at night) and in the end, i felt so exhausted cos each session lasts an hour or more plus, sometimes she's so hungry, she doesnot sleep for 6 hours in a row! Plus so much crying. After so long of direct bf, ss still did not meet dd. So i really doubted that theory of when dd incr, ss will incr. Oh yes, i was imprisioned at home too. Still am now except i get more rest in between feeds cos i feed EBM after 1 hr of latch.

This is really a case of my spirit is willing (to bf) but my breasts are weak. Anyway, i will try to bf as long as i can .........
wah, yr boy very good. You're very lucky.. like that u can have sufficient sleep when u go back to work. My girl drinks 100ml of FM but sleeps for 3 hours only. And i think its fantastic already!
Hi i need milk,
When u direct feed yr bb at night, do u carry yr bb or lie down to feed?
When my boy use to get up for night feed, i put him beside me with a booster behind his back, then i usually doze off, letting him drink as much as he wants. So far i find it ok..

Anyone knows if my bb not no longer wakes up for night feeds (last feed at 11am and then, next feed at 8am) should i still wake him up to feed him?
hi mummies,
For those mummies that do direct BF does yr bb always need to be latched on to fall asleep? I've been latching on bb and after that sup with FM all the while and now I find that bb can't fall asleep without sucking! Most of time she'll only sleep while latching on or while feeding FM (i.e. close eyes but still shut). Then after finishing FM, she is being burped and this wakes her up and causes her to demand milk again cos she can't sleep w/o sucking! In the end she either have too much milk (spit alot of milk after that), or cry/scream until sleep
Sometime i really consfused she's really not having enuff or just want milk to pacify to sleep. Try using pacifier but she rejected also cos no milk comes out..
So nowadays i either throw her into sarong with her screaming and rock till she stop, or latch her on again till she sleep *sigh*.
the whole idea is... bf should not take 1hr. When Eliz sucks without swallowing, it's time to unlatch & burp.
Your supply increased lah. When u first brought her home, u were only doing 10ml. Then 30ml. Then 60ml. Now 100ml... this is increase mah.

nicky's mom
how could it be...your bb takes 300+ml per feed?! Fantastic!
Unless your bb is less than a month old & has jaundice, o'wise night feeds on demand is ok. Don't wake him for makan at night.
I'm so scared to use side-lying bf method, coz bb might poo & leak on my bed, & we may be blissfully unaware coz zzzzz... And if my bb doesn't burp after feeding, he'll b uncomfortable, so i can't just snooze for hours on side-lying.
re: shooting poo
I thought all BF babies shoot poo? Mine does, & leaks frequently. Now that i've "upgraded" him to "M" size, the leaks r less often. And we're very cautious about handling him after he "POOOT".n Our experience is, get those diapers with back gathers & fasten tight. Change diaper often, coz when heavy with pee, diaper sags & stretches - ie power poo more likely to leak.

i'm a SAHM for the duration of 3 months ML lor..
I still dunno how my social life will be after i return to work. What i foresee is: Mon-Fri work then rush home to feed bb. Wkends: stay at home spend time with bb. Pub hols: visit relatives. See how lah.
shouldn't let bb fall asleep while suckling.
1) everytime naptime look for food!
2) tooth decay in future.

Try other means to get her to sleep... eg rocking.
Hi Wendy,
My boy takes 280ml per feed.. That's y i feel like i'm a milk machine these days.. hehe, we usually place a changing mat below his backside when he sleeps on our bed at night.

For me, if he doze off after a feed, i usually don't carry him up to burp him. As long as he's not crying, he won't throw out milk..

Cakey, can try putting bb in bouncer and on some soft classical music. It helps to calm her down.. Can also try talking or playing with her.. Putting her in the sarong and rock will tend to cause her to throw out milk which means more work..
wendyg, may i noe which pump u r using. m tinking of changing mine. tia!!

ilmare, i m using dryers 4 my boy aso. i bought it at ntuc at $12.95. as 4 carrying my boy, yes, i usually carry him when he cries. coz bb now can't 'throw tantrums'. thus if they cry, they mus b a reason.

skippy, initially when i dun pump at nite, i do get engorgemt. but mine is not so serious tat i get fever. nowadays, i try 2 wake up 2 feed my boy so tat i dun drip milk d nxt am.

re no. 2:-
wah u ladies r solid.
me dare not even tink of it yet. anyway, since mine was c-section, my gynae advised me 2 wait 4 at least 1 yr be4 trying.

anissa, tat's fast. ur situation reminds me of mine. i m going back in 2 wks time aso. now i regret not taking d 3rd mth ML. tink will miss my boy lots. so who's going 2 take care of clarence when u r wking??
Hi Wendy,
He's 2.9kg only at birth.. Now i think got 5.5kgs or 6kgs?? I think he's not putting on a lot but poo poo alot.. he's now 8 and a half week old..
hi nicky's mum, my boy sama sama.. 3.2kg at birth but by 8 weeks, already 6kg.. been latching on so dunno how much he takes, but when feeding EBM he takes v little, about 80ml on average...
hi vone, wendyg
my gal cries cos she wants to drink more.. but she already drink alot leh.. sometime even spilt out alot after burping. She's now 6wk+. After bf for 30min (got milk although not alot) she still needs at least 90ml and usually will cry for more. Sometime i give another 30ml (may cry for more again) sometime i don't depends on the interval..
If after feed she's not sleepy, I'll play with her for a while. But after playing a while she'll cry again.. cos she's tire and want to sleep (yawning) but need some milk before can sleep.

hi Nicky's mom,
How do you know how much to give yr boy huh? Is it feed him till he stops crying? Do you burp him halfway during feed? Was thinking of stopping bf for a while and monitor really how much milk is my gal consuming. Partially bf latching on is very diff to monitor. Either here nor there..
when your girl is tired, do u touch her lower lip to see if she still wants to eat? If my baby wants to eat, he'll open his mouth & start rooting for my finger. When he shows signs of tiredness, we'll just carry him to sleep.
hi lib,
Thanks, actually i'm looking for the nepia 'S' size so won't need M size for now. How many samples you tired before you notice got rashes? So far i've only tried 1 sample and no rashes.
Hi Cakey,
i started feeding him ebm since he was bout 2 weeks old.. so started monitoring from then.. Usually if he's too full, he will not want to drink anymore. but if it's not enough or if we pull the bottle out half way to burp him, he will cry the whole house down(better than mr wolf in the 3 little pigs story, cos Mr wolf still got to blow the house down.. keke..) i usually bf directly if i know the ebm in the fridge is not enough for him to drink. direct latch on very tiring.. dunno how much he feeds and 1 hour later cry again.. ebm better cos can time him.
Hi cakey, Lib,
My girl don't get rashes from Nepia leh..i've used 1 pack of NB, and 2 packs of S on her already. that's more than 150 nepia diapers haha..lib, did you put nappy cream on her before using any diapers? how long did you leave the nepia diaper on her? for me, i change my girl's diaper before every feed. so that's every 3-4 hours..
Nickys mom:
I try not to sleep with baby cos scared i crush her without knowing...... plus, i find the latch while lying down not as good.. and my girl is those sleepy type. If i make her feel so comfortable and sleeping on the bed while sucking, she will fall asleep very fast. Tried a few times liao and she always fall asleep and then when finally i feed her while sitting up, she is VERY VERY hungry. And ends up screaming big time cos my letdown is sloooow.
today went to colour my hair... took 4 hours plus trip back home end up 5 hours gap.. so stressed cos 5 hours never pump milk or bf. Scared supply drop further...... Find that nowadays i have to limit my outings to 3 hours if my baby is not with me.....

For those mummies gonig back to work, who will looking after yr baby in the daytime? I really wonder if our milk ss will decrease since we won't be able to pump as often as when we are on maternity leave.

By the way, how long should we pump? I realise that i take like 20 mins to pump until no more drip drip. Dunno what my boss gonna think if i keep taking 20 mins break every 3 hours.
i need milk,
not sure if this will work, but pump only once during lunch time? by then, ur breasts should be v full and u empty them totally. I dunno if i can fit in a feed before going off to work, pump once during lunch, evening n night feeds latch on.

re: Nepia
I've used Nepia newborn size previously, and found it quite good, but i find the M size a bit bulky, and it doesn't seem v absorbant now that my boy pees a lot more.
hi mummies,

those who supplement with formula, wat brand u using??

i've to give my boy formula for a day or 2 cos he still jaundice. a very hard decision to make but for e better of him. must pump diligently now, so i can keep up with my supply.

should i pump 2 hourly or 3 hourly??
pump more often lor.. more demand will result in more supply. How old your boy?

re: pump@work
I'll still pump 3 hourly.. morning break, lunch break & afternoon break. I had an ex-colleague who did that. That time she told me that she HAD to go for break coz "you know why", but i din really know why... now I know!! heh heh.

do u really care what your boss thinks... heh
Hi Vone,

My mum will take care of Clarence when I'm at work. Intend to bring him home every night if possible but my job is very demanding and very often I'll have to work late so see how loh.

Have you decided on a name for your son already? The last we spoke your hubby still haven't come up with one
Can't always call him 'ah boy', right? Heheheh ...

re: 3rd mth ML
Also dunno how I shld clear that. 1 day a week? 1 week a mth? Or as and when I feel like going for a break??
i am using Nan 1 now but switching to Nan 1 HA. Heard HA is better. I think most moms use Similac cos it tastes better. I prefer to use lousy tasting Nan 1 cos like that my bb will prefer to drink my breast milk. Haha!

if pump only once during lunch.. that's like every 4-5 hourly...... thought must pump every 2-3 hourly to keep up supply? Sigh. my job is v demanding. I really wonder if i can leave at 6pm. Throughout my entire preg, i worked till midnight almost every day!
my boss pays me $$ leh. altho recently i am toying with the idea of not working for 6 mths to look after eliz...........................
Hi Cookies,
In the hospital, baby was partial FM on Enfalac A+. Actually wanted similac but nurse/midwife said Similac very sweet/tasty, baby might not want BM after that. So used Enfalac A+ (which is actually the most expensive milk powder onthe market now i think). Now switch to Nan-HA, cause baby got some gas in the stomach, doctor says Nan-HA gentler on the stomach, easier to digest...
i need milk,
ideally should be 2-3 hrs, but realistically speaking it's not possible at work.. at least for me.. we have no scheduled tea breaks, and even if taking a break, cannot be so brazen as 1/2 hr right? I'll probably be so stressed that i won't experience a letdown.. rather wait till breasts full full during lunch then express it all at one time. We have a nursing room in office for expressing, but not near my work station. I was also thinking if i dun take too much break then can go off on time.. at least bosses will not grumble so much...

i'll be supplementing w FM once i start work. Am now beginning to consider various brands. Heard Nan is good. My friend also gave me a tin as a present. HA is hypoallergenic, so for those who may be allergic to certain substances. But more expensive than basic Nan by about $5 i think. FM is so expensive! So maybe can cut costs by feeding BM some of the time... hehe...
My bb drnk similac at the hospital which requested by me. He is on half bm and fm all the way till I start work. 2 weeks ago just changed to enfalac A+ due to some reason. He didn't reject bm, fm with different brand of milk so far.

Hmm....my boy drink 1 tin (900gm) per week. So those BF mothers, try to BF as long as u can.

Sorry to interrupt. I'm from the Oct05 thread. Just recently promoted to be a mummy.
now sourcing for baby's full month birthday caterer that serves vegetarian food and is Halal certified.

Most of you may have already celebrated your baby's first month birthday. So would like to get some feedback from you as to which caterer is good and worth recommending.

Today i brought bb to my MIL place for her to practice looking after her since she will be the main caregiver when i am at work. Only let my MIL look after from 9am - 2pm and already my heart ache...... i miss my baby already! sigh, how am i going to go back to work like this......
Nan Ha is expensive! I just bought a big tin and it costs $28.50! Think its about same price as Similac. Didn't know FM so expensive one.. my last tin was a free sample from PD.

i used Glory Catering. Tel: 6344 1749 My relatives and parents say the food was good. Its about $12 per pax for quite a few dishes and their portion is generous.
m from oct thread though my bb is actually born on 29 Sept :p

manage to latch my boy today again after a few days of feeding him on ebm. so happi but realise unlike expressed and feed, i dun know how much he eats...so wenever he cries, i m not sure if we should bf him again. pls help to advise. tks.

1. How long does ur bb suckle? mine can be as long as 1/2hr (though at times, zz). but wen i try to unlatch him, he will be awake again

2. Do you still express after feeding?

3. How about nite feeds? do most of u wake up to feed ur bb?

hi inc
1) my babe is more than 2 months liao, he takes abt 10min per breast on average. But when he was smaller, he took maybe 20min. Once u see that he's not swallowing anymore, pls unlatch him & burp.

2) If he doesn't drain my breasts & they still feel v full, i'll express. Usually at night, so that i can sleep comfortably! The milk would've accumulated thru the day coz he doesn't drain as well as the pump does.

3) Yeah i wake to feed him.. on demand only. I don't wake my baby up - he cries when he wants to makan. Normally every 3hrs, but sometimes can be every hour. Nowadays thank God he only takes 10min (only 1 breast) during middle of the night feeds. Last time used to take forever!! 12mn to 4am!! Now his eyes still closed when he sucks, still closed when i burp him, & remain closed when i set him back in his cot! heh heh.
6 months sounds good...
did your MIL say anything when she passed baby back to u?
sigh, FM costs $$$... BM is the BEST!! heh heh. I'm the ultimate al-cheapo... ;)

I like Liangfood Catering. they're halal certified, but i dunno abt the vegetarian bit. www.liangfood.com.sg
Tks wendyg.. hm dun tink i hv the stamina to wake up at nite to latch him on..
he really cries more often and dun seem to get into good zz for today (somehow feel he is not full so cannot zz well)
peifu to all of u who jus latch on onli...
i was at her place when my MIL was looking after my bb... except that i was supposed to pretend to be not there... quite difficult for me.. was trying hard not to snatch bb back to carry whenever she cries. I think being a mother has really changed me... nowadays i even enjoy wiping my bb poo!! To think that last time i would go Yucks!

Me envious that isaac only takes 10mins for night feeds........ eliz still takes forever. I ever fed her for 2 hours straight a few nights back. Wondered how she found the energy to suck continuously for 2 hours. Did u train isaac in anyway or did it just happen naturally??

1) my boy used to take about 30 min during each feed, sometimes even longer. Since about 2-3 weeks ago, he takes only 10-15 min to finish, and if he suckles more, can see that it's mainly for comfort only. I let him stay there until he's more or less satisfied. I dun change breasts during feed. I let him suckle on only 1 side each time.

2) I dun express same side after feed, bcos i let him suckle only one side, it's usually completely drained.

3) same as wendy, i feed on demand at night. my boy wakes up abt 2-3 times during 1st month, then now about 1-2 times, depending on when's his last feed. i find night feeds easier bcos baby's more relaxed n suckles better. To get more rest, I usually sleep after baby finishes his last feed before night time, which is usually about 9pm. He can then sleep for about 5 hrs before waking up again, so that means i have 5hrs to sleep as well. It's not so tiring when i then wake up for feeding.

I used to place the cot right next to me, and often fell asleep at feeding bcos i was waking up too often at the slightest noise he makes. Now i put him the other end of the room, so i'm "forced" to get up n walk if i want to get to him. I wake up less often now cos i'm not woken up when he moves when he sleeps.

Cutting nails
finally managed to cut his nails in peace! Did it when he was sleeping after a feed (was propping him up against my body for his milk to move down his osephaegous).. much easier than when he was awake!
i need milk,

Nan is supposed to be gentler on the stomach, so not as likely to cause constipation right?

with partial BF u still use up 1 tin per week? wah... that's $100 + per month! Hmm, think i've just reached breakeven point between costs of FM and BM (buying pumps, etc).. from now onwards, it'll be real savings liao.. haha!
re: early BF days
hah... during those difficult days of learning BF, I din hv time/energy to do anything else, like email or read this forum. Previously i was also letting him suck & suck for looooong time, until i made up my mind to unlatch him when he was suckling without swallowing. Before i unlatch, i will compress breast to make sure he's not swallowing anymore.

check if he's still hungry by gently touching his lower lip when he's not crying. If he's still hungry, he'll be rooting for your finger. If not, he's crying bcoz of smthg else. Could it be coz he's tired & needs help to fall asleep? Then all u need to do is to re-create the womb environment - dark, warm, rocking motion & some background noise.
Initial part of BF is tough, give yourself & your baby some time to get used to a routine & to each other. Doesn't happen overnight, don't shortchange yourself. It can only get better...

i heard similac also doesn't cause constipation. Saw some comments from the mummies in other threads that their bb drink similac the poo is soft stool. As for Nan, do buy Nan 1 HA rather than Nan 1. I was preparing Nan HA formula for my bb today and realised that the powder dissolves very easily as compared to Nan 1. So i guess it must be more digestible......

Also the Mt Alv nurses told me that Nan HA is most similar to BM.

Anyway, why r u intending to supplement with FM? THought u have more than enuf BM?
i need milk,
the supplementing is when i return to work.. so better do some research now.. i think my supply could be due to frequent latching. If i cannot pump enough for the day's feed, will have to supplement w FM.

I am no more BF one week before i start work. haiz... I was LS on that week. Took the medicines and don't dare to feed him. So whenever i pumped i throw it. Everytime i only pump about 50ml and throw. Who knows the ms drop dramatically and now no more ms liao..
wendyg & i need milk

Thanks for your feedback
will check them out.


my boy also feeds about 10mins and sometimes 30mins on each breasts. I used to feed one breast but now feed two. But he still demands for FM. What about your baby? do u supplement him with FM after BM?

i dont express my BM cos prefer to let him latch. Now i ask CL to give him FM during the night when me sleeping cos need to rest.

How do u know if baby just suckling and not swallowing har? Not sure if my BM is enough. Maybe not, otherwise he wont demand for FM right?

He usually pulls out from my nipple and fall asleep. I will try to relatch and sometimes he takes it sometimes he doesnt.
re: burping of bb

is it must to burp the bb if i latch him on direct? i hardly burp him as i tot if he drinks direct from the breast, there shouldnt be much air right?

Also if i burp him after a feed, he will usually wake up and then i have to coax him back to zzzz again ... very sian ler

Realise that my bb is similar to some of the bb here ... it seems like he can only fall asleep after having some milk ...

last night ... he already had 45 mins of milk ... after we put him down to his cot ... played with himself for 15 mins ... started to scream the house down again ... then had to latch him on again ... suckle for another 5 mins (he was still drinking ... must be damn hungry or what) then willing to zzzz ... hope that it is not a habit ... or very siong for me lor ...

re: 1st month party

just had mine on sat ... bb was quite co-operative that day ... drink and zzz ... drink and zzzz ... and only dd milk at 2hr interval (used to be 1hr interval)... but now back to his 1hr interval liao ...

me used Neo Garden which a few mum have used ... if bb full month can get 20% dicount
my boy is on TBM, but sometimes i express out for him to drink from the bottle. I think bet weeks 4 - 6 his last feed before night time can be for as long as 2-3 hrs. Also dunno why, but that time was really stressful. Thought he finished already, but soon after putting him to bed he starts crying for milk again. So i just resigned to that and feed him while watching TV.. helps to pass time... But recently been quite normal, at most 1/2 hr only.

babies like to fall asleep at the breast.. can hear mother's heartbeat n body warmth.. so comfy.. sometimes he'll fall asleep for about 10min then wake up for continued feed..

re: suckling vs swallowing
these are actually 2 actions that babies do when drinking. They suckle to "extract" the milk, and swallowing to ingest it. During active feeding, baby will suckle once and swallow once. When he's nearly done, he suckles several times before doing a swallow. If he's already off the feed, u can tell when his suckling is v weak, and is almost a reflex action, i.e. not consciously suckling. Then u can try to pull him off the breast. If u want to make sure whether he's done, can try to wake him up by burping, changing diaper, or stroking his cheek.
i need milk, i m aso afraid tat my ss will drop when i go back 2 wk. 4 my case, when my boy was drinking similac, he had constipation. it oni got better when i switched 2 NAN.

ting, tat's was wat i plan aso. coz i dun tink i can get away every 3 hrs 2 pump. hopefully it'll work out.

cookies, i m using NAN 4 my boy. tink it depends on ur supply. if ur breasts feel full after 2 hrs, then u pump every 2 hrs.

anissa, oic. lucky u, got ur mum 2 take care of clarence. my boy is call daryl. as 4 ur 3rd mth ML, remember tat u hv 2 clear them within 6 mths fr ur delivey date. me planning 2 take 2 wks during CNY, then d bal 2 clear 1 wk at a time.

inc, mine depends on his mood. can b as short as 5 mins, or as long as 1/2 hr. after feeding, i dun express coz i tink got no milk left. as 4 nite feeds, i'll wake up 2 feed provided i can wake up. if not, hb will feed him wif FM.


tks for all ur advice
hm.. i kind of doing partial.. latch n bottle. but def bottle at nite as cl is helping to take care of him.. cannot imagine wen she leaves. i do wake up at nite to do pump.

will monitor. the formula i buy for situation that no bf is nan ha 1.
my bb seems to be still a little yellow. do u all know how long it would last. wonder if there is a need to bring him back to PD for check again.
the last check wif her naked eye (on his 5th day of birth), she says it is jus mild.heard bf would prolong jaundice
