(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hi skippy,
we actually plan 2 start trying 6mths later,but cos i c-section, will try 1 yr later then..
i also cant wait for my boy to be bigger .. at least easier to carry him around, now always hv to be very careful with the head n neck.

ting ting, does yr boy still poo like 6-8 times now that he's 2 mths old?

Hi ting
dunno how much rental at punggol leh..if u go there, can u find out for me who is the agent for punggol? cant find on the web

u throwing in the towel? i am also thinking of that.. but i cant sit at home and look at kids one.. will go crazy

Hi Anissa
apparently if u do exclusive bf.. then u will not ovulate.. but i got a fren who did exclusive bf and still got preg.. she got preg when her first kid was only 6mths
hi all

my CL is better,but i now worried how to cope when she leaves.

i only can pump out about 50ml every 3-4hrs, so little compared to some of you.

wendy, my place got no shop'n'save....
haha... so fast talk about no.2. Me also think want to have no.2 after this one turn to 6 mths old but due to c-section. I asked my gynae, he said if i want to opt for c-section then after 6 mths can pregnant again. If want to try for natural at least 9 mths and above. But i felt like a bit risky leh.
tulip, me throw in towel to go back to work.. haha.. not the other way round.. but maybe by 6 months when he's more interactive i won't think this way...

ilmare, ur baby still young lah, some of our babies born early august, so by now our capacity would have grown.. don't worry.

re: poo
cookies, mine only about 2-3 times a day now.

re: petpet
i'm a mummy, when the size is still too big for my boy, i try to fasten the tape on the lower end of the cartoon strip, so that the hole for the thighs are smaller.. think difference abt 1 inch.

re: sleeping
skippy, i also dunno leh... can try to tire him a little by keeping him more awake during daytime? usually he sleeps longer if he has a crying bout in the evening, like yesterday he cried for about 1 hr intermittently, then finished his feed, and slept for nearly 6 hrs. After that continued to sleep again for about 6 hrs.

re: crying
i also dunno whether my boy got colic or not.. on wed he didn't cry, though we did carry him around the whole evening. Then yest he started crying at 6.30pm... thought it was colic, but when hb came back at 7.30pm n carried him, he calmed down... dunno whether coincidence that his crying ended or bcos i just cannot pacify him... haiz...

anissa, i really regretted not installing air con in my living room, now that i'm home whole day... esp when weather is hot, have to confine myself in bedroom else both baby n i will perspire a lot...

so wanna meet up at wendy's place sometime next week? hehe, wendy, dun mind if i volunteer ur place hor?
re: no.2
people also asking... i tell them to ask again when i've forgotten the stress of caring for a newborn... :p but by then must either stay w parents or get a maid.. else will go crazy.. will prob try when boy turns 1... to give us some time to save $$ for maid, etc.

my boy loves to be carried and would cry if he is put down too long. i am trying my best to coax him to sleep.

last nite was a nightmare for the CL, he woke up every 2hrs. he poo and refused to sleep even after changing and coaxing by CL.
hi tingting
i see! ha

abt no 2.. u all very on ah... i think u all havent got into the hectic life of taking care of one... the other day, both my babies cry..i tell u that stereo effect.. my gosh
re feeding

my boi is now 3 weeks going to 4 weeks old ... feeding him almost once every hr ... cos i latch him on so cant tell how much he is drinking ... just feed whenever he demands ... usually he stays on the breast for max 15mins ... am i doing the right thing .. cos seem like most of you are feeding like once every 2-3 hr ....

re sleeping thr the night

when does your bb start sleeping thr the night ... mine is still waking up for milk ... better compared to the day ... he wakes up like once every 2-3 hr from 1am to 5am ... then once 5am onwards would be once every hr *yawn*

re no 2

aiyo me just thinking of putting in my best effort to take care of my little one ... dun even dare think of no 2 and yet some of you are already planning!! jia you okie heehee ...
For Punggol Plaza i/c, chk out Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council or smthg like that.
U back at work liao ah?

My sis got pregnant with #2 when she was still bf #1. No menses for ages & ages! How blissful...

no i dun mind... but maybe this time we go Anissa's place? Next wk Mon/Wed/Fri?
wendy: you one pack i one pack? or what?

re no 2
i pei fu all of you... thinking of no 2 liao... me so tired looking after lau da, still have to work...
ur baby shld be going thru the 1st growth spurt, when they feed more frequently.. will come across a few more of such instances later as well.. as for sleeping longer, prob have to wait a few more weeks..

re: no 2
feel that it's better to close shop earlier... haha.. while parents still can help out... told hb that if 2nd one is girl may stop at 2, but if still boy maybe try for 3rd one.. :p

anissa - can meet at ur house then? i'm free everyday...
ting ting,
when did yr boy start to reduce e no. of x he poos? my at 4wks still poo so much leh. i think we use up to10diapers a day, cos he sometimes stagger his poo poo.

think our boys only 2 days apart. btw, he also feed 1 to 2 hrs apart in e day. in the nite, anyting btw 3-5 hours, so average, i still feed 8x a day. my boy only feed on 1 breast most of e time, use to be 5-10mins,now sometimes can stay 15-20mins. i think i've gotten use to it and convince myself that my flow is fast, that's y he took shorter time to finish n refuse 2 feed more on e other side. there's always so many doubts if he has enough. but i noted that he'll smile whenever he finish his feed, so i use that as an indication that he's satisfied.

re: baby sleep lesser now
my boy tends to stay up for long hours when he's awake, as long as 6 hours, could be in e day or nite or both. can mummies advise how i can get him to sleep more,thot babies now should sleep more.
Hi I'm a mummy,

Yeah, that's the one I was referring to. Absorbent wise it's gd, just that I find it a little too small. Although the package outside stated newborn to 8 kg, my boy is only 4 kg and already have difficulties wearing. Also, I think the cutting is not very suitable for baby boys. The front is to be worn below the belly button - boys have 'something infront' that's not very convenient. Heheheh ...
Hi tulip,

That's what I thought cos no menstruction = no ovulate and thus not possible to get pregnant but then again, I have also heard of a few 'accidents' so just wanna be sure. I'm certainly not ready for another baby. This one is already driving me crazy! Heheheh ...
seabreeze and cookies

my boy also bit like yours. as long as he is awake, he wants to be fed and it doesn't matter if he was fed with 60ml BM/FM 30mins ago.

my fren suggested tat i latch him on at least 20min for him to get the hindmilk, but he always suckle for 15mins then fall asleep or reject the nipple. now i will try to latch him back on again and encourage him to suckle.

seabreeze, are you giving your boy FM??

i also need help to make my boy sleep longer.

you gals are really thinking ahead! i agree with anissa, now no time with no.1 and dun dare to think about no.2.

BTW, do you gals carry your BB alot? especially if BB cry etc.
Hi tingting & wendy,

I dun mind offering my place as meeting place. As a matter of fact, I would love to have you ladies & babies here BUT I am returning to work next Mon (10/10) ... my boss wanna me to spread out the last month of my maternity leave. Only get to spend 6 weeks with baby. *hiaz* How abt Nov? I intend to take leave in Nov to take baby for his injection. We can arrange to meet in the afternoon at my place but hor, just to warn you, my place the living room got no aircon one hor.
ilmare & cookies

me not giving my boy FM ... so I latch him on whenever he cries lor ... in fact my mum try to delay the feeding whenever we can so that he will get real hungry before we feed him ...and she wants me to rest more during my confinement ... but the longest we can stretch is 2hr ...

my boy is q impatient ... if he cries and we dun response to him quick ... he will start screaming at the top of his voice i.e his whole face will be red and his mouth will be wide open ... but NO SOUND (get what i mean) ... then i have to quicky carry him and feed him lor ...

I will also try to wake him up and offer him the breast again after he 'spit' it out to make sure that he is really full ... guess when he is full ... he will just not take up the 'offer' lor ...

When my boy just latch on for 10mins and go back to zzzz ... I will just feel my breast ... if it seem relative empty ... I will oso tell myself that he is q an efficient bb lor heehee ....
Hi ilmare,

I usually give my baby FM for his last feed @night (around 11 pm to 12 midnight). Usually he sleeps better this way cos FM is very filling. These days he can sleep thru the night and wake up the following day morning. However if he does wake up in the middle of the night, I just latch him on and fall asleep together with him (I lie him side by side with me for breastfeeding).

i am trying to understand his feeding pattern now. how old is your boy now?

seabreeze, i not sure if should let him latch on when he is cry. i worried that he will develop a habit. i super confused now.
Hi mummies

Re: Nepia diapers

anyone use nepia here? i called their home delivery service number to order and discovered that they are having a promotion now. normally, order four packs at $16 each. This month they are offering for $14 each, min. order 4 packs. Can mix sizes..just sharing the 'good news' haha i'll be getting 2 packs small and 2 packs medium i think..i'm a big fan of Nepia keke
ilmare ...

i usually check to make sure that he is really drinking when he is latched on ... the moment he stop for q some time and I cant wake him up ... i will try to remove my breast from his mouth ... realise that sometimes when I try to remove ... he will start to suckle again ...

i tell myself that even if its for comfort ... at least he is getting some milk from me lor ... but i tend to think that they are still too young ... only know hunger hahahaha
haha.. went to the May06 MTB thread too and realised that to them "MS" means morning sickness... to me, MS means Milk Supply!!!
how old is yr bb? how come can sleep thru the night just by giving him FM? I give my bb FM at night around 12 am - 1am but she only sleeps for 3-4 hours max. Some more we force feed her full full.
ilmare, how old is yr boy?

seabreeze, ilmare... i think we jus need to get use to e irregular hours of drinking till we can observe a pattern or develop a routine for our babies.
as for sucking for comfort, i think our nipples has also become their pacificer. during e time when my boy dun wan 2 sleep n cry, he'll jus turn to my breast n open his mouth. i thot he's hungry, but he jus suck n split out e milk later on.

my CL last day on monday, after that, i'll be alone with boy boy. getting abit worry,cos still cant really hold him properly during bath time. also worry that he cries n dun wan 2 sleep. so far CL share my burden to pacify him n carry him... STRESS to come soon.
Hi I'm a mummy!,
May i know the no. to call for nepia diapers? how many pieces each pack for S and for M size? thanks.
hi i need milk,

i remember reading that you saw LC doris fok... how? got any improvement in your supply? i'm thinking of seeing an LC too so would appreciate your comments! thanks!
hi Cakey,

The number is 62262650. S size (3 to 8kg) is 54 pieces. M size (6 to 12kg) is 51 pieces. $14 each pack until end October...

yah.. ss got increase... but just when my ss increase, my bb's demand also increased so dd is still > supply now for me.

By the way, did u get the medication from yr GP to increase milk ss?

are u having problems with bf now? if u are, then do see a LC. Usually after seeing a LC, u will feel more encouraged to continue bf..

my boy going to 4 wks (full month) by next wk. i also share the same worries as you when CL leaves. so far my biggest fear is that i can't get him to sleep and need to carry him. so far i am bathing him every morning.
sorry. overlooked ur msg. will check out for u 1st. she is quite popular. heard tt she got one during CNY till march. so not sure whether she will take up the job or not. btw, she is my aunt from JB. i like her cos she is very nice n pro n carin. durin my confinement, she is my mum mentor. my mum learnt alot from her...
ilmare, cookies,

its not going to be as bad as u think... after my CL left, i am also alone at home taking care of my bb. Wasn't as bad cos every day is the same thing... feed-change diapers-bathe-feed-change diapers-feed etc etc.

if yr babies feel uncomfortable (got wind), see if u can let them lie on their tummies. This helps them to sleep better and feels more comfy for their stomach too. Or let them lie flat on your chest and u just pat them to sleep.. works for me!
cookies, i think no. of poo reduced ard week 6. it'll reduce when their bodies are more efficient at absorbing nutrients, so less waste.

anissa, eh, i will be free and can go over, but dunno whether wendy would have gone back to work by then?
Hi cakey, juz would like to ask u if u wan to buy nepia M size? i hve 2pkts, want to sell it at S$13/pkt. tried the samples, but my girl got nappy rash..

RE: #2
Really pei-fu u mummies oredi started tinking #2..

Didn't really hve the chance to come online nwadays.. usually msn for a while.. then bb wakes up.. nw her sleeping hours is getting shorter.. so more time for activties..
hi ting ting
thanks, will observe him closer in e next 2 weeks on his poo.
ask u about EBM. i intend to start bottle feed soon. if i bring boy out. after thawing e milk or if e milk is fresh, how long can it stay in outside temp? after how many hours, then i've to discard? i scare cant find nursing room,so wanna standby milk to bring out.

ilmare, let's brave tis thru together.. that's probably my main concern too, getting him to sleep n him crying for attention.
cookies, fresh milk can last in room temp for 4 hrs. For thawed milk, i usually keep it for only 1/2 hr.. u can check up internet for more info...
temple & everyone else
yeah, i'm thinking of #2... that may happen 3-4 yrs later. In the meantime, i'll just try not to miss being pregnant. haha.

ting2 & anissa
I'll be back at work early Nov. sianzzz.

babies prefer to sleep on tummy, but i'm too concerned with SIDS.. First Year book says babies who sleep on their backs will get used to it. So this is the period of getting used to lor. My sister's 2 boys sleep on back all the way.
By the way, my MS ss has always been less than Isaac's dd. Just feed more often lor. SS will increase slowly but surely. By that time go back to work liaoz... must remind myself to pump pump pump!!
hi cmy,
Your gynae is dr Hii right?
Can check with you what is your gynae charges for delivery? i.e. pregnant consultation package + delivery (c-section) fees?
My gynae bill is $550 consultation + $1250 = $1800. It includes all antenatal consultations (from 1st mth onwards including hospital and post delivery visits). It also includes blood test and all vitamins needed during pregnancy.

Was thinking if the difference is not much might consider going to Dr Hii since it's nearer to my place. Thanks.
For EBM if can't finish but it's less then 4 hours can still keep for next feed right?

hi ilmare, cookies,
I had a hard time pacifying bb when cry and getting her to sleep also when CL left and I managing on my own. After the first week I gave up and installed the sarong. After that much better. BB quiet down and sleep easier in sarong. Before that I usually latch her on to pacifier her till she fell asleep.
One thing definitely you need is lotsa patience.. sometime i even had to rock the sarong for > 30mins before she fell asleep.
I also ask my MIL and my mum to come over to help once or twice a week to give me a break..
re: SIDS
was discussing this issue w miso sometime ago... SIDS due to sleeping on tummy is more prevalent in temperate countries than tropical, bcos when the weather is cooler, heaters are used and babies are snuggled in comfortable beddings, etc. So they're in a rather drowsy mood, and the level of comfort makes them more unwilling to respond when they feel a lack of breath. In Singapore our environment is not like that, that's why no incidence of such instances of SIDS yet.

my boy like to be moonwalker nowadays.. hoist him up, and he'll attempt to stand up n sometimes even walk.. he enjoys this a lot.. so nice to see him smile more often...

cakey, if u can, get the auto rocker... my boy needs constant rocking.. once i stop he'll wake up automatically... the auto rocker really helps me!
Hi Cakey,

Yes, My gynae is Dr Hii.

As i know for normal delivery+antenatal is $1300. For first C-section is $1700 and subsequence is $1800. It doesn't include blood test,vitamins and post delivery visit. Each visit he charged $80. The package is come from 3rd mth onward. Think yours is much more cheaper compared Dr. Hii. Recently, Dr Hii clinic changed to new machine. It's come with 3D scan. Each film he charged $100.
Hi Cakey,Tingting,
Me also facing same problem. Baby girl more awake nowadays, harder to get her to sleep in the day..and she wants to be carried all the time! We put her in the sarong or bouncer most of the time...how long do you keep baby in the sarong? is it most of the time? i'm worried she might become 'addicted' to it...also, the auto rocker is it the sunflower one? is it effective/safe?
Hi anissa, me also gg back to work on next mon, 10/10!! 2 weeks earlier.. Now anxiously getting a maid to look after my gal.. haiz, a lot of probs.

Hi tulip, my boy starts sleeping thru at week 7. Then only occasionally after tt he will wake up for milk.. now he is still on the sleeping thru mode.

Re: my gal
I am wondering if her pattern is starting to change, she can sleep most of the time during day. Then arnd 7+ to 8+ which is usually her feeding time, she will fuss and cry and refuse to finish her milk.. then when I carry her upright on my shoulder, she slp.. then put her on the bed on her tummy, she will sleep till arnd 2am for milk feed then all the way till morning arnd 6 - 7. If her last feed was at arnd 10+ to mn, think she will sleep thru the nite!

yr ss less than dd meh?? I used to feed on demand plus pump but it didn't really work out cos my bb end up waking up every hour (she only sleep for 1/2 hr each time). End up she never sleep much, goes cranky leh. So nowadays i just feed her EBM if she suck for > 1 hour. Like that better for her so she can get some sleep.. and wake up more energetic to suckle the next feed. Plus gives my breasts some time to refill.

Anyway i'm on partial BF nowadays.. feeding FM for 1-2 feeds so i can store EBM when i go back to work.
re: SIDS
would it be the same if bb were in aircon rm?

yeah, i pump 160ml max, but bb needs 180ml according to calc. No worries though, he's still thriving. I think it's the quality of the BM too.. my gynae mentioned her BM was watery, diluted, so din BF for long. I hv confidence that my BM is power packed with all goodness (& lotsa fat too) for Isaac to grow grow grow!!
I had that crazy phase of BF too... when Isaac would take SO LONG to feed I felt I was imprisoned in my room... complained to my sis & she gave me some tips.. she said BF shouldn't take so long (she thinks 40min is long). Not to mention my really really sore nipples during that time!! True enuf, now Isaac is done after 5-10min on each breast. Only exceptionally hungry then he'll suck suck suck 30min on 1 breast, but dowan 2nd round.
1) for baby to feed every hour - your ss will surely increase to meet tat dd. There r days when Isaac does that too. I'm puzzled, but as long as he wants to eat, i'll be there for him.
2) I also did the FM thing coz was worried & stressed abt low stock of EBM. My sis' advice was to go direct BF all the way, no matter how tough. So i bit my tongue (literally, due to sore nipples) & went direct.. Deric was there to make sure, coz so many times i wanted to give in to bottle. Now when she calls, she asks me "Are u enjoying breastfeeding?" I can say "yeah!" Truly it takes time & practise to master. We're of the "instant" age... keep thinking ss will increase instantly, baby will latch instantly etc. Dat's why i hope i can bf for as long as possible, since we took so long & put in so much effort to learning it!


My boy is 6 weeks old. His feeding pattern is quite fix - 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm, 12 midnight. Sometimes he will wake up at around 3-4 am for milk, I just latch him on (lying down position) and go back to sleep. The 6 am and 9 am feed I do the same. We will both wake up at around 11 am for his bath. 12 pm onwards I feed him on EBM. His last feed for the day will be FM.

i need milk,

My boy only stop waking up for milk in the middle of the night this week. Guess he must be really full. How much milk are you giving your gal? I feed mine 120ml and so far so good.


Guess you must be a SAHM? I just got to know a SAHM 2 days ago at Punggol Plaza. She told me that a group of them have formed a club for all SAHM in Punggol and they organise gathering once a mth to exchange pointers. Really envy all of you. Nothing beats bringing up your baby yourself.


Thot you are one of those SAHM. So you will be back at work in Nov, eh? Lets see how then ... Perhaps we can organise something on a public holiday/weekend.


You also going back to work on Mon? Yeah, dun sian ... gotta bring pump to work every day so that my baby can continue to have BM ...
