My first baby.. EDD 9th Aug.. was 5mm on prev chkup 17 Dec, Dr Yvonne Soong TMC.
I was only 6 weeks & she asked me to sign package already?! $800
Recently i found myself feeling anxious about the impending change... my life will NEVER be the same again?! The life that i was used to, the only life that i knew for nearly 30 years.. carefree, take care of myself, enjoy myself, no dependents, no one to take care of..
soon i'll b promoted to "Mother" status.. it's a 24x7 designation, & boy, is it a HUGE jump from "Wife" status. What kind of mother will i be? Can i live up to that title? How can God use me, as imperfect as I am, to be a guardian for His precious creation? I regard this with fear & trembling.
I thought I would look forward to the pregnancy.. but right now i have doubts.. i can pray against morning sickness, but can i pray against stretch marks & back ache? I fear gestational diabetes due to family history. I'm bombarded by all sorts of unsolicited advise about what to eat, what not to eat..
When will the "glow" come? I look forward to it.