(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

yah! v shiok to just take leave and do nothing.
don't waste it!!

shirley - oh dear... what symptoms did shanice have? hate it when the bb is sick. mine got flu.
Hi mommies,

Sherilyn is in for the Cutest Baby Contest.. I need a GREAT favour from u to vote for her ley. Best if you can help to get your frens, col & relatives to vote for her as well! Kekeke.. Here is the website for the photo contest: http://www.tangerined.com/KZ_talent/WhatsOn/CutestKID_Nov_2005.htm Hehehe..

Look for my cute gal, <font color="aa00aa">SHERIYLN</font>, and click on her picture and an outlook express will pop out and just click send.. Really appreaciate if you could help to vote and ask more ppl to vote too.. Really need alot of votes for this contest.. Thanks in advance for your votes!!
saintbaby, I've voted for Kirsten using my yahoo email, hehe! She's so lovely, I really like her hair &amp; her big smile!
oh yah, re the baby contest... Need to clarify that u can use 1 email acct to vote for a few babies but u can onli vote once for each baby using tt acct.. Hope u mommies get wat i mean lah.. So no need to use acct A for baby A &amp; acct B for baby B lah.. Use acct A to vote for baby A &amp; B once. Kekeke...

Thanks for the vote!

U so funni, let Natalynn sit in the basket!! Quite a good idea ley.. Looks retro!!
shanice okie already???? now really virus season all my kids sick one after another... me also....


me burnt all my leave liao
saintbaby n serrich
me casted my votes for kirsten n sherilyn liao

hummm thinking of emroling my 3 imps inside the jan photo contest.... sitll thinking
Yup.. Shanice is better liao. still under medication lor.

I guess weather not gd.. so a lot of virus going ard..

Haha.. i dun want to enrol shanice in those photo contest.. er.. like quite troublesome to go ard asking ppl to vote... :p

Then sekali ask ppl to vote, they dun find Shanice cute, its become like an obligation for them to vote. Not nice..

Those actual bb contest at CC, etc more interesting.. coz at mummies no nid to do work.. let those judgers judge themselves. haha...
serrich n saintbaby

i've casted my votes for both babies


glad to learn tat Shanice is well. u too got to take care of yourself too
good to hear shanice getting better....maybe can try see whether jj n shanice can match made since same b day kekeke.....

hmmm cc bb contest easier tt y me still thinking abt the contest

heehee... same bday... so one less date for my jj to remember mah... training him to be a "snag" mah..... muz celebrate dates w love ones... birthday, anniversary, date they started going out blah blah.......

ya lor... so fast 6 months liao... but my jj still not turing or flipping leh... the best he did was turn his head to see me.... nowdays very vocal leh.... make a lot of noise then when i carry n walk walk he smile smile
hello mummies.

I'm a April MTB and am looking for a good confinement lady. Would appreciate if you can email me contacts of your confinement ladies with some basic info like price and your rating of her.

Thank you v v much.
[email protected]
Hi Mommies!
I'm new here. 4 mths pregnant, very nervous!

I've been borrowing pregnancy books to read, and I read that we will be given enema before giving birth. Is this true and the procedure is it painful?

Thanks a lot!
Hi Sheris, Lfk..

Tks for voting for Kirsten!!

I jus brought Kirsten to PD tis morning.. cos she had running nose yesterday... PD says it's jus slight flu... nothing serious.. so on med now.. alamak.. so hard to feed her medicine le! such an experience!! But i'm also coming down with flu!! cham!!!

take good care of urself n kirsten....... me also down w flu.... ya feeding medicine really jialat.... when they older know how to spit out the medicine... even more challenging liao
oh dear.. many bbs and mummies are sick. hope you all recover soon.

liping - yah - enema no pain, only slight discomfort. But in the whole scheme of things, this would be the least of your worries.
not to scare you lah. The nurse should be quite experienced and can administer it chop chop.

Take care. It's not easy to feed medicine now. once they taste anything yucky they will split out and refuse to drink or eat liao, so got to patiently feed them in very very small amt.
Hi, ladies!
Yesterday my hh "jumping" up &amp; down while being held, so cute! Last time he likes to "stand", now become "jumping" liao.
Sp my Nat love to jump..her fav exercise...now I let my Nat sit in the activity gym......she love to turn round n round in 360 deg...
Hi all

Merry X'ams and have a nice long weekend ahead!


must be very excited to see JJ jumping up and down
you will get to see him surging forward in very very small steps soon with you holding his arm to reach for things.
Hi lkf,
Thanks for voting for Sherilyn!

Sherilyn also loves to jump nowadays.. She can jump very vigouriously when we place her in her FP Jumperoo.. She will jump alot when she's very happy n excited. Here's a pic of her in her jumperoo...

Sherilyn also cannot flip lei.. She has difficulty flippin on her own. Need some assistance to flip.. Anyway she refuses to learn to flip, i wonder y.. She prefers to sit! Hahaha..
aiyo sp one is hh mine one then jj....heehee

the jumperoo can take how heavy? n u bought how much maybe tt one can be my xmas present to jj kekeke

very very paiseh...haha...the j n h keys are just side by side with each other...hahaha\

really no mood to work !!! can't wait for 5.30 pm
Hi All

Merry Christmas to all of you!!! How's your holiday?

Just started my bb on Dumex cereal 2 days ago and she really love it... She cried when I din give her enuff... Now she also know who to move backward....

How's everyone bb?

Hi serrich

From the pic, your bb really enjoys the jumperoo leh....
Hi, tomatoes! Yr gal can move backwards already? So fast! Mine not yet. It's so fun to start solids! Can't wait for my bb's turn, keke.

My bb is very hard to feed now. If he good mood not so bad, he'll just play with the bottle teat &amp; won't suck. If he bad mood, wah, bottle coming he'll try to push away, if u still put the teat into his mouth, he'll cry loud-loud, sigh. Then hv to settle him down first, then try to feed later maybe in a different place.

Since fm can't keep long outside, sometimes we try until the fm "expired" already he still doesn't want to take. So hb &amp; I end up drinking it becoz so wasted to pour all away. So hb &amp; I become fat-fat while our bb becomes thin...
Hi Mummies,

It's been a long time since I've last posted or visited this thread. Great to see pix of your babies and how they've grown! Wow.. Such a wonderful journey isn't it?

Just wanted to wish you all a Blessed New Year!

Have you all started your little ones on solids yet?

Very soon will be hh turn to eat solid liao... did you ask your PD when can you start cereal? If he doesn't like milk very much, another way to start on cereal to let hh put on weight.

Hehe, you so cute, been "stealing" hh FM... hahaha

Hi bleuz

Yah, been awhile seen we see you here. How's everything?

Very soon will be hh turn to eat solid liao... did you ask your PD when can you start cereal? If he doesn't like milk very much, another way to start on cereal to let hh put on weight.

Hehe, you so cute, been "stealing" hh FM... hahaha

Hi bleuz

Yah, been awhile seen we see you here. How's everything?
hi everyone,
I have started my gal on rice cereal - she seems to like it. but she doesn't like it when I mix it with applesauce or pear leh.. just like it plain. how about your bbs? how many times do you feed your bb solids a day?
