(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

Here's some photos of shanice taken over the wkends



alamak, how u lost it one? aiyoh, tt time my hubby oso lost his wallet...

hm.. maybe u try to recall where u lost it lor.
Hi tomatoes and sheris

Thanks. Much to my relief, Dexter is back to his usual self on Sat. No fever but much more cranky as compare to his 1st jab.


Alamak! the cards can be cancelled and replaced but ic is more troublesome.


v. tempted to do the printing of calendar. wll check with hb tonite...hehe
poor u!
Hope got ppl send it back to u.

I love to see Shanice's curly hair! Finally a very nice shot of her laughing, so cute!
have to depends on ur luck liao.. the one who took my hubby's wallet, never return anything. not even the IC.. in the end he got to spend $100 to get replacement & somemore got to wait 2 mths for the IC.

seems like u love curly hair ah? haha

Dave email u already??He offer a combination of 2 design with min 10 calendars......if u r interested....den we can combine...how abt that??
ya lor now plus the nric $100 think i juz lost $200
inclusive or cash, redo staff pass, cost of wallet n nric....
Got this saying: small $ don't go out, big $ can't come in. Maybe after this u gonna strike liao... don't so sad ya...
Hi sheris

I have lost my wallet b4 and I know the agony... my nric also got to redo... Really got phobia of losing my wallet again.
Hi, ladies! Our thread so quiet. Some of us r chatting in the ebm thread though.

Does yr bb hold milk bottle during feeding? Wednesday my FIL let hh hold the bottle & he played with the bottle & drank the milk.

Yesterday my MIL said she got no choice but to let him lie down & play with the bottle becoz that's the only way to get him to drink milk. Seems it's less tiring for her this way than to sit down and try to feed him herself becoz he'll "fight" with her & refuse to drink.
Nat can hold her bottle when she is 3 mths old liao.....although not very ood and she drink milk lying sideway when she is abt 3 mths old too...she refuse to drink when we carrt her...
Nat so fast can hold bottle! My hh very cute, he wants to hold but can't do it properly then end up frus...

Hope he'll learn how to hold properly, then next time we just make the milk & watch them feed themselves while we do other things, kekeke...

yup I think Nat quite fast in learning ler.now she can turn 360 deg when she lie flat on her tummy liao....so funny the way she turn...usually when she drink milk we dun let her hold herself...cos she will play while drinking milk.....but when drinking plain water we let her hold herself....
so exciting....Nat can use her body to turn 360 deg while lying on her tummy.....she seem so proud after we praise her...

Nat is really clever. My boi will only try to use all his strength and wriggle his body to reach his favourite - a piece of changing mat!!! Other than that, he's really lazy and somehow, he can only flip one-side leh.
Hi ladies,

I'm actually a July 2006 MTB. Can I check with you if you gals abstain from any cosmetic products when you are pregnant? I've heard varying comments that it's not safe to use whitening products, AHA etc. but my gynae says most are generally ok except for those with Vit A.

Can share your experience with me esp now that you have all given birth to healthy babies?

Tks !!!
Hi may

Can't advise much either as I dun put on much makeup for work. I did go for facial occasionally though.
hi sheris and ikf,

tks for your advise. Oh perhaps I should say 'skincare' instead of 'cosmetics'? Are brands like loreal, biotherm etc safe to use, including their masks?
hi all

Hows your baby? just want to check wif you all, at which mth our baby will know how to flip and crawl and sit up straight? my boy now 5 mth+ liao but still cant .
hi, blur green!

My hh learnt to flip at 3.5 mths. Now he 4.5 mths but hasn't learnt how to crawl or sit up straight.

Every bb is different, my SIL's bb started flipping later, I think around 5 mths but at 7+ mths can crawl, sit up straight and stand and walk about by holding on to furniture.
blur queen,
yah - each bb different loh. Mine flipped at 3 months. Recently learned how to flip a second time from tummy to back. She is now close to 5 months - cannot sit or crawl. R u giving your bb enough tummy time? it is supposed to help.
blur queen

mine learn to flip when she is 3.5 mths....only managed to flip when she turned 4 mth....at 4.5 mths she can flip back to her back...now she can turn 360 deg when she is on her tummy.......
blur queen

yes, different babies progress at different rates. Now at 5 mths, my son can flip to and fore easily, arch his back or wriggle his body a little if he wants to reach for things and do an 180 degreee turn when on his tummy (just discover this yesterday nite). I also noticed that his back is stronger nowadays. He likes to "stand up" when I put him on my laps too.
hi sp

finally we get to see ur hh's photos. He's very adorable. Does he have single or double eyelids or hidden double eyelids?
Hello ladies..

was on leave whole of last wk to look after Shanice as she got viral infection. Now she better liao.

How's the littles babies & the mummies doing? Hmm.. Shanice got 2 little teeth at her lower gums liao.. look so cute. hehe
Hi, Shirley!
Our thread very quiet leh, so happy to see u back here!

Shanice so fast got teeth liao ah? Got take any pics? I want to see leh!

Now is "virus" season is it? Shanice kena last week. My hh down with diarrhea last weekend, then my 8+ mths old niece hospitalised since fri nite, still in hospital today, hope she can come out soon...

Got go Christmas shopping? Hope I got time to go next weekend...
Hello SP,
ya lor.. our thread super quiet. Kinda of sian, rite?

no pic ley.. when i want to see her little teeth, she will stick out her tongue for me to see instead. So can't take photos.

ya lor.. weather not gd.. so a lot of ppl sick. i also sick ah! got sore throat.

Wat happened to ur niece ley?

xmas shopping? er... can onli go on wkdays liao.. haha.. wkend not in time to do shopping liao
Luckily u r back here, keke. tuffy, me, sheris & love r chatting with other mummies in the ebm thread also.

Hope yr sore throat faster heal! Then Christmas can makan anything, keke.

My niece can't stop vomitting, so admitted. Then after vomitting stopped, she started diarrhea. Now she's better & hopefully she'll be discharged tonite.

Weekday shopping much better, not so many ppl. So u taking leave to go shopping?

Me no much leave left liao lah. last wk took 4.5 days to look after shanice. this yr onli bal 3 days which i hope to carry 4ward to next yr lor

Leave can carry forward to next yr is good lor. My leave if never take will be forfeited. Still thinking what to do with it. Dare not take to go shopping again becoz last mth when I did that, I burnt a big hole in my pocket, keke. Still haven't recovered from the hole & Christmas/ New Year/ Chinese New Year/ insurance premium all coming soon...
