(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?


heehee coz my kids tied her down so she can't go out buy goceries then me got chance to buy the ready made one....

hmmm ikan bili powder me better start preparing also liao sianz....

Hi Love

I managed to find Dumex rice cereal in one of the NTUC outlet.

Can check wif you all my bb's poo is army green in colour. Is it normal?

did u change her makan recently? any other symptoms like fever? urine normal? is it once or a lot of time?

if got change makan then maybe due to the diet change.... if got fever then better go see doc...

or did she kana scare?

Nat poo poo alsp army green after taking the rice cereal n brown rice.....but she dun poo poo every day now...once every 2 days...PD says baby can dun poo poo for 5 days....its normal....
Hi Sheris & Love

I din change her diet leh. Sometimes can be 2-3 times a day (not so much each time). Sometimes can be alot at 1 go.

No fever, urine normal.

My mum also said she kanna scared. How can we confirm huh? Me very worried now.
old ppl will tell u to go temple n pray or ask gods if u r buddhist or taoist.... young ppl will tell u to bring bb go see doc juz to have a peace of mind

maybe u observe a few more days 1st n see how......

my mum tell me if bb poo poo is green might be scared but poo out den ok liao.......
Gd morning ladies,
Ytd brought Shanice to see PD, she got this lump under her armpit. PD says its prob due to the BCG injection, then medicine goes into one of the pores. so now got to monitor, if got grow bigger or there is redness, have to go for minor surgery.

Then took her weight again. she lost 500g over 3 days, now onli 6.7kg. But guess it still ok lah.

Another hapi thing is, her principal at the infant care says tt shanice is very alert for her age & her motor skills is very gd. Hehee... says tt she is a smart girl, learn things very fast
shirley - old dear.. din know can get lumps from bcg. hope it doesn't get worse.

re rice cereal
what is the correct texture hah? do you still give it in runny form (ie close to BM) or more like a paste?
i too hope it doesn't get worse.

Re: rice cereal
it should be too watery, more to paste form. Coz the purpose of introducing solid food to them is to teach them how to use their tongue & how to eat from the spoon. If too watery, then its more like drinking water or milk liao. No nid to use tongue one.

Nonetheless, the mixed cereal should have smooth texture. No lumpy paste. Personal experience is tt i find Frisocream is rather coarse even b4 mixing any milk/water. & after mixed, the texture is not tt smooth. So i guess tt's Y shanice dun really like frisocream.

Just bought 2 pkts of dumex cereal, one rice & one mixed to try. Will give her today.

Another advice from the principal at the infant care is tt should try to give bb the best cereal (ie, ikan bilis one, etc) 1st, coz once they got use to a certain taste, its will take a while for them to accept another flavour.

I make the mistake of giving her the banana flavour 1st, then ikan bilis one. Coz now she onli like banana flavour most.
Morning, everyone!

shirley, shanice very bright, so happy for u!
Err, must remove the bones from the ikan bilis ah? Thought the bones got the most calcium...

How's yr bb's poo now? Hope it's back to normal.

Yr mum really super lah!

U very considerate mah, u know how tough it is for yr mum to take care of yr kids by herself, where got so much time to cook...

Kirsten so cute, got so much hair, I so envy! I vote liao...
Yesterday took leave to take hh for his jab. He only gained 650g for the past mth, now at 4 mths only 6.64kg. I was not surprised becoz he didn't seem much heavier & has not been drinking as much milk as he used to.

PD told us no need to give him water & try to increase his intake to 5oz of fm becoz he shld be taking 5oz now, not less.

Okay, after all that talking that made me so worried, I asked him, is HH underweight??? He said NO, hh's weight is ideal, just that his weight gain is not as impressive as previously only. Aii, make us so worried for nothing.

Btw, a point on cereal/ solids:
I asked PD if it's true that giving cereal will help bb put on weight faster. He said milk is the best source of protein for bb, cereal will help bb to gain fats instead. Hmm, anyone heard of this before? He doesn't recommend we start hh on cereal yet. He said earliest is after 5 mths we may offer 1-2 spoonfuls to let hh learn how to use his tongue to eat, that's all. He said the later we intro solids the better wor.
hmm.. true the bones got must calcium. but then the bones r pretty sharp so got to remove in case poke bb's throat mah.

hmm.. 6.64kg gd liao ley. shanice now 5mths, onli 6.7kg...

Re: cereal/solid
yes, better to introduce late if u can, coz some bbies are allergy to certain food.

1 thing to note, should change the FM from 1 to 2 once bb reaches 6mths, coz PD's nurse says at different stage, the nutrients needed is different.

poor shancie....better take care n monitor...

according to my mum brown cereal is good in kai wei...so after bb take brown rice....it will improve their appetite....its true cos Nat can drink better now... think it this way as long as bb drink milk better than not drinking at all rite??
Yr poor Shanice sick & lost weight mah, if not she's heavier one! Hope she gains her weight back soon!

Re: Follow-on FM
Must change ah? The brand I'm using now the f/on FM is super sweet, don't know good or not to let bb drink so sweet...

Agree with u, drink milk better than not drinking. Hmm, u hv just given me an idea! If my hh still continues to drink little milk, I may want to do the same as yr mum, put brown rice into milk. How to cook the brown rice and how much to put into the milk? Then the bottle teat must change to Y-shaped is it?
Oops, just realised that I miscalculated my hh's weight gain for the past mth. He gained only 590g, so little, no wonder PD was very concerned & asked us to feed more.

We also want him to eat more so that we don't hv to throw so much milk away every day. But how to feed if he doesn't want to eat more? Hmm, maybe it's time to "kai wei" with brown rice? Kekeke...
So envy sheris, yr jj's milk intake so good! He must be a joy to feed! But wah lao, at 10+kg, he's so heavy to carry!!! Pity yr poor arms & back. But he's really cute, so chubby!
Yes.. have to change the FM to stage 2 one. Coz if u notice, the nutritional value is different.
Aiyoh.. shanice should be heavier than ur HH lah, she is 1 mth older than him ley. Now she weighs almost the same as ur HH liao

Yup.. will take super gd care of Shanice..

Actually I dun really know how to cook the brown rice ler....done by my mum...but u can buy the ready made one in supermarket if u dun mind....alt not so good....I will put 60 ml of brown rice 60 ml of EBM....total 120ml for Nat to drink...
Hi love and sp

Doc said Nan HA will give greenish poo at times... so it is normal. But then my girl gotten some virus from me (as I got food poisoning 4 days ago) that she throws out milk alot everytime. Her appetite also drop for the last 2 days. Very heartache.

Hi shirley

Glad to know that Shanice is doing well at the infant care
Hi, tomatoes!
Sorry to hear abt yr food poisoning & yr gal's vomitting. How is she now? Hugs to u both...

Love, the bb gal clothes so cute leh! No wonder u r tempted! So how, r u buying for Nat?
sayanng sayang u n ur little princess... let her drink more dilute fluids... can't let her dehydrate at tis pt... u drink more fluids tooo...take care
Hi tomatoes

sorry to hear about your girl's vomiting. hope she is much better now. U got to take care of urself too.

my boi's appetite also drops for the past 2 days. this morning he also vomitted some milk. my mom is monitoring him. but can't help getting a bit worried as he seems to be a bit cranky too. dun know if it's because of his 2nd jab taken yesterday.
Hi tomatoes

U take care of urself n bb ok??


ya tempted to buy but the one I like is currently sold out....sigh...
sp, sheris, lkf, love

Thanks... today vomitting stop and my mum is slowly increasing her milk quantity


Yah, your boi could be due to the jab... should be ok after awhile. Any fever?

Think my Kynan is the fatteast of all. He weigh 8.26kg when he went fot his 4th mth jab which is abt 3 weeks ago..think now he might weigh abt 8.5kg .... no energy to carry him
hei mummies,

i long time never come in to chat already. been very busy with tabitha.

anywaz i jus wanted to share this with all of u. i'm ordering some 2006 calenders with my baby's pictures on it. this guy can personalise the calender for me by adding our special dates on the calender as well, example baby's birthday or our wedding anniversay, etc. i attach a sample for u to see. basically u need to send him 13 photos for him to do the calendar, 1 for each month and 1 for cover.

if u interested i can give u his email address for u to contact direct. i am not getting any commision for anything from this guy. i jus tot it's quite a good idea and the guy seems like a nice fellow.

if u order at least 10 calenders, it would cost $20 each. if less than tat i think may have to pay one-off design fee. i'm not too sure how much tat is cos i'm ordering more than 10 calenders, so my is $20 each.

if u interested u can jus send him an email to ask.
hi babykhoo

my pm is not the email that I am using now.can u send to my email add at [email protected].

sorry to trouble u again.....

btw how long does it take to finish?? hope still in time..
Hi babykhoo

I have just changed my email add in my PM..u can PM now...I tried to PM u but u dun accept PM...
hi love,

i just sent u an email, din PM u.

i think can make it. It took him about 1 week to prepare the sample calender, if everything ok with you then he can start printing already.
babykhoo - 10 calenders is quite a lot.. not sure what to do with so many calenders leh..

re FM
when are we supposed to switch to follow on milk? I am quite blur about this. Currently, am on tbf but I anticipate a fall in supply when I go back to wk so am wondering what fm to give her. Still have some enfalac A+ (0 to 12 mths) - is it still suitable for bb close to 6 months? BTW, would PD usually give samples of milk powder hah? hoping to get some.
Shanice also drinking enfalac A+, my pd say to switch to enfapro A+ when she reaches 6mths. The tin got write can use up to 12mths lah.

My pd got give me a small can of enfapro A+ as sample. Think its the 400g one.
it is up to u whether u wan to switch to enfapro at 6 months or stick to enfalac till 12months....i did my switch to enfapro at 11-12months...for both my elder ones
as for sample will hv but depend on which co ur pd is good wif so may nt get enfa lor
hi tuffy,

of cos if less than 10 can lah. but not sure how much it would cost. maybe u can jus send him an email to check. i'm not too sure oso. i actually printing 11 cos giving away as Xmas present....very cheapo hor :p
morning ladies

nowadys no pic postin this thread hor......maybe we cab post pics of our baby on birth n now...see whather any different or not....how abt that???

thanks ladies!
is the follow on milk more nutritious compared to the infant milk?

babykhoo - hee. not cheapo lah! am sure they would like to see cute pix of bb!
