(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

hi tomatoes,

i also tink her motor skills quite good....quite surprised. maybe genetics from my hubby's side. she today jus started going from a crawling position to her sitting position on her own. she like very proud of herself....keep doing to show people.

the brown rice u buy is it in powder form already or mus blend on our own? i seriously thinking of starting her on porridge already cos she' not taking to rice cereal very well these few days. everytime spit out. only like her pear puree.

hi tomatoes,
long time no chat. How is BB G? post her photo leh she is such a pretty girl want to see how much she has grown. Is the bbsitting arrangement with your mum going well?
Hi Babykhoo,
sorry for the late reply. My boy is 6.5mths now. Started him on solid when he is 5plus mths. he is taking well to solid and enjoy as he always swollow saliva when he sees us eat.. 'tum chap'. My nanny asking whether she shld start porridge but I think later cos rice cereal has fortified iron.. better right???

bbrayan wrinkle when I feed him anything he 1st try. maybe new to them lah. If he dun want anymore, he will rub his face and turn his head away then I stop liao. But sometimes when I stop, he makes noise so dunno he still want or now... stress!!!!

Tabitha is such a fast bb... I think bb will soon walk liao.. by then, you will have a big headache mann.
Any1 bb who is afraid of stranger???
My boy always cries when someone beside hb, myself, MIL and nanny carries. He is only 6.5mths and dun know y he behaves this way. My friend's girl can be pass ard with no problems. Sometimes I want to take a break also cannot... how to train them hah?????
Hi cherry

How r u?
Really long time no chat. Bbg is fine (tks!) How's your bb?
BBsitting ok also. Juz engaged a maid recently to help my mum with hsework. Will try to post my bb photo soon.

Hi babykhoo
The brown rice I bought is grinded oredi. My mum juz fed bb yesterday but she dun like it at all.

I am new here...I also have a bb boy in July 2005. May I join in? I will surely come here often cos being first time mum needs lots of ideas and tips to take care of bb!
Hi BBRayan

This is the stage when they can recognise environment and people very much. Think have to slowly train them by letting them meet diff people.
I tot of enrolling him in some classes.

ANy mummies tried the tumbletot lesson in Punggol or Tampines?????

Any mummies interested???
hi bbrayan,

tumbletot good or not? i haven't research yet leh. if in punggol i may be interested. still thinking lah. was considering the baby gym in serangoon gardens. but wondering how useful it is for our babies. 1 good thing is for babies to mix around with other babies.

i oso got headache with tabitha's feeding lah. she din take much today oso. i really worried leh. cos her milk feed also not much, max only 150ml each feed and interval of 4 hours. good thing she growing well and healthy...hope she's jus a small eater lor. i tink u r rite mus still give food with iron inside....the follow-on milk for babies after 6 mths oso got fortified iron. if wan to give porride i tink can tink of adding food with lots of iron inside rite???
mummies though classes are good but bb still small n it is very easy for they to fall sick after attending classes juz thot i let u all know.... muz be mentally prepared lor... take precautions......
Hi babykhoo,
my friend bring her girl for the class this wkend so will chk with her 1st. Saw the thread on Jun bb seems to be not bad leh. My boy really needs exposure...

So tabitha not feeding much also... a bit worried rite y they take so little now. I make 180ml but he will left over abt 50ml... so waste...Was told to put meat and iron rich veg in the porridge so can load up the iron level.

tks for yr advice... heard abt tat too so I will chk and see how big is the class 1st and wat precaution they have. is the place clean or not most impt.
Hi babykhoo & BBrayan

My ger weight also slowed down alot. She is 7.53kg oni at 6th month. Just increase by about 400g after 1 month.

Doc advised that I should switch by to normal Nan FM to increase her intake. He said NanHA doesn't taste good and she may loss her interest in milk. Furthermore, my ger has no known allergies to normal milk, so why not just change it gradually. My ger oni taking 120ml each time. Terrible rite?

Can understand how you feel as mummies always want their bb to take lots of milk. Is Nan FM 2nd stage (6mth-1year) formular? By the way is yr bb taking solid now? Was told their reduce in milk is becos they are more interested in solid now. Sometimes, I reduce the amt of solid so he can drinks more milk lah.

I jus upgrade Rayan to 2nd stage. He always take a long time to consume his milk... i think tat is y cannot eat so much and put on weight.
Hi tomatoes,
Sherilyn weighed 7kg at 6th mth ley.. She even lighter than ur gal ney.. She was still on total ebm then but still on the small frame.. Which I find it weird lor cos me & hubby big size wat so shouldnt our baby take after us?? Kekeke.. She is taking 5oz of milk at most now.. Sometimes onli 4oz.. It might prob be due to teething. Think I must do a proper assesment to check how much is her intake per day. Cos i heard from other moms that the min requirement is 600ml of milk per day!

Raphael is so handsome!! I have voted for him!
Hi BBrayan

Yes, I changed to step 2 of NAN HA premium recently. Had started her with cereal since 1 month ago. My doc told me that those solid food should never be the replacement for FM at the moment wor. The nutrients should come from her FM. You right, maybe my ger is more interested in cereals now. Then also, I find doc did make a good suggested asking to let her try normal Nan premium (without HA). She should like it better and drink more.

Hi serrich

You will never know, maybe Sherilyn will increase her size when she is slightly older. My ger same intake as Sherilyn lor. Btw, any mums can see tooth growing huh? I can't see anything yet leh... but i noticed she keeps lao nua..
wah, so fast tabitha can sit & stand, my hh can't. crawling also he lazy, can only drag himself on his tummy forward to grab things. play by himself a shortwhile only then will make noise want ppl to carry.

welcome, nana!

babykhoo, tomatoes, serrich,
re: milk intake
hh also not taking much, 3-4oz only so my MIL is feeding him every 2 hrly, like newborn bb, haha. Hmm, don't know 1 day got 600ml or not.
Hi all....
long time neber cumin liao.....now I switch Nat on FM....she is taking abt 140ml every 3 hrs.....think she is drinking abt 700 ml of milk each day....and 1 time of porridge....hope she is getting enuff.....

my boy lao nua a lot also but cannot see teeth ... always chk when i clean his mounth but dun have leh.. cannot even see the 'white dot' on the mouth.
My gal never lao nua but loves to bite every parts of her pacifier ley.. Prob her gums itchy due to teething. But i offered her teething toys she dun want ley she onli interested in her pacifier..
Hi Love,
Thanks for ur concern. Can see an improvement in her condition but we got to be on the watch and give her medication on time lor. I have to put her on neberaliser every 6 hrly.
Hi Serrich

What happen to your Sherilyn? Sorry I may miss your earlier posting about her.

Re: Biting pacifier
My ger love those cold teether and everytime she will bite and bite. She only want the pacifier when she wants to sleep.

Hi Love

How are you? Long time no hear liao!
Can I check with you on porridge. How do we cook porridge for our bb at this stage. Need to use blender to make it finer or not? I need someone to teach me on this. Do you put anything to the porridge?
haven try cooking yet....my mum started Nat on porridge.but my mum did teach me lor..will try tom....then let u kinow if successful....
Hi Love

Thanks, will wait for you to teach me.. I am desperately looking for someone to teach me make porridge for my bb as I want to let her try soon. Hehehe
my mum taught me this...buy the rice meant for cooking porridge....wash n soak for abt 10 mins....then put into the small pot meant for boiling.....put half cup(the cup meant for measuring the rice) of water......then if u want can put in pumpin or ikian billis powder or carrot or dry scallop...........cook it under a pot of water(like steaming food lie that).......cook for abt 25 mins then done......

dun really know how to explain in words...hope u can understand......
Hi Love

Thanks for your formulation. The porridge turn out to be very fine ("see4" in mandarin) or can see rice grain one huh?

Sorry for so many questions.
hi tomatoes
I triedthis morning....its look successful.....btw can see the rice grain one then u use spoon to smash till very fine...
Hi Love

Tks 4 your advice. I tried today & it works! I add heinz pumkin & sweet potatoe mash. She loves it
Hi, ladies!

Wah, so good u all start to cook porridge for yr bb! I still haven't bought any cooker leh. Still thinking want to learn to cook or not. MIL said she'll cook porridge for him everyday, so I no need to cook actually...
Hi SAHMummies,

Anyone lokking for job? in accounting .
My company is currently looking for a temp staff - Account payable (assisting one of the AP executive) . This is a 6 month job , timing may be flexible so long has about 5 - 6 hour in the office every day. This will be good for those mum not planning to work yet don't mind work 6 month only.
Hi ladies

I just came back from my MCs.. got very bad headache.. wonder if you gals encounter this or not... Very bad headache.. gonna lie on the bed, once wake up, the pain is unbearable!
hi love,

is there a rice for cooking porridge? wats the diff with the normal rice? wat is the brand and where is it sold? ntuc, giant?


my bb is the same like yrs. she doesnt other ppl to carry her. even though i do go to my parents house every wk, she refuse to be carried by them. i cannot rest lor..

btw i just came across this thread.. my baby is also a july baby but she has yet able to accomplish anything..
do u put yr babies in walker? i was told it is to unable the baby to have strength on the legs so will walk early. but.. my baby hasnt even flip, is it ridiculous to get her a walker..

btw earlier in the thread, i saw someone bought the baby a jumperoo. why do ppl opt for jumperoo and exersaucer when those two items cant train bb to walk..

im a very blur and dunno everything mummy so pls pardon me if my qns are very stupid..
Bb stick to me like glue and when he is tired or hungry, he dun even want the daddy so very tired for me. Tried to bring him out often to meet ppl but still the same so give up liao.. hope he will be better when older.

I rented a exersaucer so tat it can keep him occupied when i am busy lah... not sure wat the actual benefits... stimulate their sight and sense maybe.
Hi, ladies! cny over liao, me back to office.

re: sticky bb
I live with my in-laws, there are 9 adults & 2 babies in the house. 1 is 10 mths old, she's choosy abt who carries her, and she doesn't like going to new places.

My bb is 6 mths old, so far he's ok, anyone carry also can, used to be fussy abt new places but now not so. Hope he will stay the same as he grows up, hee hee.

Re: solids
At first when we intro cereal with vege puree, he's keen to eat. Now he like not interested, in fact, he's not much interested in his milk either. So glad my MIL good in feeding him, if I take care of him, sure can't get any milk into him & he'll starve...
Hi, fruitee,
Hope yr headache is gone with the wind.

Hi, nur,
Maybe yr bb will skip the flipping & crawling and progress straight to sitting, standing, walking? Some babies do that lor, so just wait & see ok?

Err, my bb is not using walker yet, will let my parents-in-law decide when they want to put him in a walker. Think they only started putting the other bb into the walker after she can stand with support (around 9 mths old).
Hi, I'm new here. My girl just turned 6 months on 24th Jan.... Read abt the discussion that u have. Very helpful and encouraging.

My girl doesn't like cereal at all. Given her cereal for 2wks and she doesn't seem to enjoy... I've even tried adding pumpkin puree but doesn't seem to work. She only like BM. Anyone having the same prob?
hi sp,
i do hope my baby will progress straight to sitting, standing, walking. nowadays wen i put her on the stroller, she tends to try to get up. she keep lifting up her head as though she wants to sit. but wen i put the stroller in a sitting position, she will sit but shes not strong enough n will fall to the front. wen ppl ask me wat has my bb accomplish so far, i say she cant do anything yet.
Welcome, Yohanna!

At 1st my bb liked cereal, then he got bored I think. Now he'll only take a bit then don't want already. I've tried mixing with BM, FM, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin, all no use. Maybe this weekend will try mixing with something else, let me think what to intro next, hmm...

Which brand of cereal u giving yr girl? Since yr girl likes BM, u can try Heinz plain rice cereal mixed with BM. The cereal will turn "watery" very fast, so u mix just before u feed. Good luck!
Hi sp,

I'm using Heinz plain rice cereal too. Tried last night and it works. Gave her 2 teaspoons with 10ml of EBM. By the way,
how old is ur bb?
Hi, joyfulstar!
Feels good hor when our bb likes what we feed them! My boy was born on 30 Jul, think he's 6 days younger than yr girl?
SP, ya... really glad ahe ate last night. btw, how many meals of semi solid do u give to ur boy? my girl oni has 1 semi solid for din and 5 feeds of BM.

r u a stay hm mum?
hi, joyfulstar,
Me working mum. My MIL takes care of him in the day. u?

My boy doesn't eat solid every day becoz some days by the time I come home at 7+pm, he's already cranky & winding down to sleep for the nite.

If he's ok then I'll feed a cube of vege puree with a teaspoon of cereal for his dinner, then wipe him down & change him for bedtime.

I admire u, able to provide enough bm for yr gal. My low ss can only come out 2 feeds for him. The rest of his feeds will be fm. He gets 5-6 bottle feeds a day.
Hi mommies,
Thanks for voting for Sherilyn. She got 5th position for the Cutest Baby Contest. Once again, thanks for ur support.
sp - have you tried mixing the rice cereal with water instead of milk? I find that my gal doesn't like it so much when it becomes too watery. Trying to get a thicker consistency with BM is near to impossible. I now use water instead - easier to feed and also to give her some practice eating "solid" food.

hi, tuffy,
tried mixing cereal with water plus very little milk, didn't appeal to him. Yesterday MIL & HB fed him 1 teaspoon cereal with fm, pumpkin & carrot, he also never finished.

Does yr gal enjoy eating solids? How much can she eat now?
