(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

Hi Tuffy

Did u shave ur ger's hair?? Nat's hair is growing so slow..sigh....

Post ur ger pic ler....I wanna see...

here is some recent pics of ah ash




so chor lor rite...lol

Yup now school holiday....but still got work to do...need to plan for next year work...yup bought her home every nite 1 mth ago....enjoy her 1st smile when she wakes up in the morning....now she very cute......when she wakes up n I am still sleeping.....she will patiently waits for me by looking at me....and when she saw me opening my eyes.....she will smile at me...that feeling is so nice...

Tom bringing my Nat for jab....she weighs 6 kg at 3 mth.......hope she gain more tis mth....but think she didnt really gain height

Ur Ash got very big eyes...
nope - din shave her. hair just dropping like crazy.
yup still bfing.

your gal really has huge eyes! poor thing, how come stomach upset? u bfing her? At least your gal sits up quite well. mine slouches when she is in the bumbo. So much hair too! can put hair clips!
nowadays my gal wakes up around 6 to 7am. not hungry when she first wakes up even though she has gone without milk for over 10 hours. So have to wake up and pump out the milk before my breasts explode.

I can understand that..I do that too....btw u intend to bf till when??? I intend to stop after 6 mths.....bz schedule for me when I am back to school in Jan....now trying to reduce my ms......my freezer is so full of EBM that I am having headache in trying to find space to store them......

I reduced my no. of pumps already and the feeling of feeling engorgement is so terrible.........
Wah... ur sis ger & ur ger look alike ley...

hmmm.. then u express some milk for JX to drink while feeding JJ lor

r u ok now??
Miss ur ger rite?? I also miss her so much when I am back to work...keep wanting to go home immediately after work...
sometimes will still feel pain here & there. yup.. miss her. for me, different from u ley.. Shanice was 6.4kg as at 11/11... i was hoping she dun gain weight so fast
same here i miss my kids when i at wk.... this morning nearly dun wan to go wk coz can't bear to be separated.....

jx already makaning jj's ebm liao.... her level of jealousy very high but the bonding btw sibling still quite close lor.... she very cute one wan to sayang jj but think she still can't adjust her strength very well....
kekeke.. i guess young kids tend to get jealous easily. dun say kids, my mum's doggy get jealous at time oso when he see my mum carry Shanice or my nephew
doggie not very pampered lah. just tt he tends to get jealous if my mum carry my ger or my nephew, then never carry him lor. he will stand up & look at my mum, telling my mum to carry him
Really ah? hahaha... what a coincidence. this top tt Shanice wearing is cross back one.. very sexy one... kekeke. Shanice looking at the door lor.
Hi mummies

Am a oct mummy

Drop by as i have 3 extra Xmas romper for sale.
They are very cute and do consider getting one for your baby 's first christmas !

Details :-
This romper set come with 1 romper, matching cap and booties. 100% cotton, material are soft and stretchable.
Available size
3-6 mth : 2 pcs
6-12mth : 1 pcs

Provide free wrapping.

Wah, so many bb photos! Nat so sweet! Ash got big eyes & enjoying her Bumbo seat, so nice to see. JW laughing so happily! Shanice chubby-chubby gain weight good mah! Shirley yr doggie also want tlc, kekeke...

How to take nice pics of bb ah? Maybe my cam too slow, pics always blur one... (me no good at taking pics but blame cam, hahaha)
Took leave to go shopping yesterday... the Sogo warehse sale (at KL) can die man! So many ppl & the queue so long & slow... me broke now, spent close to 600, almost 400 on MP & Pigeon wipes...

KL things very ex, MP diapers normally is 38-39, yesterday 32 so grab like crazy. Sale opened at 10am by 11+am all M & L sizes bo liao...
Me still on partial bf. Although ss is so little but still struggling to hang on. It's so silly isn't it, some days what I ebm over 24 hrs is not even enough for 2 feeds of 4oz each. To get 12oz (3 feeds) must pump 4x & still no guarantee can get. Feel not worth the time & effort.

Yr JW sleeps thru but u can't sleep long hrs becoz got to pump. My brs no full feeling can sleep longer if I want but hh wakes up 2 times or more for feed so still no long sleep for me.
where got not worth it..... if hh know u doing ur best to supply him bm he sure very happy..... try on trying... but dun stress urself also...

here's photots of my 3 devils

sheris ,
wahh another chubby bb wahhhhhh *drool* i wana pinch pinch haha..

yday brought ash for her 4th mth jab (see i delay until now keke)PD advised me to start ash on cereal earlier to fatten her up...so today got my mum to feed her ..hmm wonder how she will react to spoon feed
hi sp,
if you can still tahan, then don't give up yah? recently there was a report that bbs on bm are less prone to allergies when they start on solids. So hang in there! you still feed your bb directly? does he look satisfied after the feed? if so, then you got enough milk lah! maybe expressing out doesn't suit you, that's why less milk?
Thanks for the support, sheris & tuffy! Seems like I'm forever complaining abt my ss... so sorry...

tuffy, weekends when I latch him in the day, latch very long 40 mins to 1 hr but he only satisfied maybe half hr, then hungry again, so confirmed bm not enough. Then I'll bottlefeed him ebm/fm.

Lately I dislike bottle-feeding him becoz he'll drink a bit, then stop to look left right behind, push bottle away, then take a sip, then repeat all the actions. This can go on for maybe 30 mins then he refuses to drink anymore. So tiring... some more can't finish his 4oz! So when I'm tired & lack patience, I'll just direct bf him... at least I can rest & don't hv to bother abt how much he's taking. Too bad if not enough bm... *bad mother*

my jj like ur hh also... makan like to look left n right then suckle then let go right n left again... think they curious abt the surrounding...

actually if u dun find it a bother then let hh latch on lor even if it is juz half an hour since his last meal.... as long as he suckles n dun cry n cry i dun see y not... tt way can increase ur ss also.. more effective than expressing out...
my gal also like that - difficult to nurse her too. keeps looking left and right. Any little noise would distract her. As for bfing.. I am also struggling sometimes. There are days when she is quite contented and there are days when she is still cranky after a feed. Have since stopped analysing too much and just keep letting her latch on loh.. hopefully she has enough after drinking many times.

Nat also like to look ard when feeding her..she always cannot finish her milk one..really waste my milk....she just got her jab yest....den her appetite become worse....her body like warm warm but took her temp its ok......now she weighs abt 6.6kg....only put on 600g....so sad.....
yo yo.. here's somemore photos of shanice. Its taken ytd... 1st time let shanice sit on those Ikea highchair provide at those maken place..


Wow Shirley is willing to sit in the pram?? so nice..realise she like to lift up her leg when she sit..
She is not willing to sit in the pram lah. haha.. can onli sit there quietly at most 10mins, unless she sleeping. then can sit inside longer.

oh.. ya. she loves to lift her leg up when she sit. Very rough ger.. haha

me kapo a bit better dun let Shanice sit in those chair till she older like around 7-9 months bad for backbone development....

re:left up legs
very common me gal also like to lift her legs up when sitting down but dun do tt when she reached 20months
HI mummies,

May I join in? I am a new mum and my boy is born on 5 Jul 05. need some help here. my bb sweat badly. When I feed him, my shirt will be wet because his head is sweating badly. Is this normal?

hmm me also dun know leh... they juz seem to like lifting their legs... kekeke maybe they know next time older can't do it liao so now do it n no one will scold them now mah

welcome bbrayan
hmm my jj also sweat very badly when feeding coz they use a lot of energy to suckle so normal to sweat but my jj a bit on the fat side coz sweat even more

if u dun feel okie then maybe u can bring up the matter to the doc when u go for ur bb's jab
