(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

hi ladies

am on a working trip in kl now, checking emails and surfing the web in my hotel room ... read some threads here and would like to share with u raeyen's sleeping & eating habits.

0700 wake up, drink 180ml milk (gain iq)
0930 fruit cereal (nestle) + water/juice
1030 nap (at most 1hr, sigh)
1200 lunch (cereal or fish porridge) + water
1230 bath
1500 milk 180ml, then nap (max 1hr)
1800 dinner (fish porridge)
2000 bath, prepare for bed, read
2030 sleep (thru the nite, thank god)

my 2 kids drink pediasure as a milk/meal replacement when they are sick.

as for speech, he's quite slow and can mutter words like:
car, go, mama, gakgak (for the maid), mum-mum, ya, eyes, wah

his fav program:
barney and hi-5


nat so sexy! she really knows how to pose, I esp like the one she lean against the wall, WOW...

thanks for sharing! u r so hardworking to maintain a blog. r u the pretty mummy with long straight hair? u very chio leh!

I recently only started a blog for hh but never update since then, oops.
Hi all

Good morning...odie, received my latest mail....

Thanks for sharing the naps time schedule with me....Aedann temp is on a high side, probably due to teething..not fever though...

Any mum ready to go HK disneyland in Dec?Maybe we can meet on board.Will fly CX this time round....
Hi ladies.

Gd morning. Finally, its mid wk liao

Raeyen's speech not slow liao lah, quite gd mah, he can say quite a few words.
My DD up till now, though she can walk but she still feel very insecure, that most of the time, she refused to release our hands when she is walking.

wah.. going disneyland in dec? envy envy.. me will be home bound then, popping soon. DD oso teething, think she got 4 molar teeth popping at the same time.. stressed... no fever, but like Aedann, temp on the higher side.

Do not envy leh...its a venture trip...

Try to give dd more water and cooling staff or will be quite cranky...I just stew pears for him....Heard that water alone will not cool the body down. Think aedann;s molar also coming out, saw him kept digging the mouth and in the morning, upon waking up, also cried, and body tend to be a bit hot....

How is pregnancy so far...good ?take care
Hi Bichon,

Saw your blog.. wow.. so sweet. Like the way you end off with quotes. My hubby updates my princess' blog so I don't do it. Hehehe.. tho I would love to...

And those cupcakes.... awwwww.... so yummie and pretty.. where did you get them from?

I am goin HK during the 1st week of dec too.flying Cathy too....maybe will meet...which date u goin??haha....
Ginsengmum... not trying to scare you... BUT my boy was very active when I was carrying him. And now I have a hyperactive kid at home who cannot stay still for even one second. Back then... my gynae used to remind me everytime when I visit him that I must monitor my boy's movement everyday - that I must feel at least 10 movements in 12 hours. That was easily done... because I can get 10 movements in less than a minute easily. If I really total up the movements in 12 hours.... it can go up to a 3-digit figure leh =p
Hi mummies,
hows life?have nt post in for quite sometimes.But has been a silence reader.glad to read that all our "babies" are growing healthily.

ur boi speech nt slow lo.Mine still cant even say pa or ma.Only scream n shout thru out the day .I am so worried
but mum say some bb are slow in speech,to the extend of 2yr old then can say papa or mama

Any mummies start trying for no 2 or 3?

Which date are you flying...maybe I can plan the same day...how many days will you be there...Mine is the lucky draw prize and its three day two nights....

Ginsengmum,cut away, the xin and steam with nan xin, bei xin and one wu hua gup....hope this helps
Zen.. my boy only managed to call "papa" specifically since last weekend. It just happened like that. We didn't really "train" him in anyway. Actually quite slow too. But as long as your boy knows who is mummy and daddy... I think it is fine. The other day after we got back from work... he called "papa" when he saw my hubby. Then he called "car car" when he sees our car. Alamak... papa and car are more important than mummy... muwahahaha

Joy... must register first than can vote leh. Aiyoh then I think I will do it tonight.

thanks for taking the time....

Does matty has preference in mummy does this and daddy does that?

For aedann, mummy must do the morning feed , daddy feed he will push the milk bottle away but after that, he will look and roll to his daddy....
Yup... he has a preference - MUMMY must do EVERYTHING for him!! Unless he doesn't see mummy around... then he will settle for daddy. =p
Haha, i am prepared liao. But then hor, heard usually boys will be more active than gers lor, even in the tummy. So now hoping he is active but not to tt extend i cannot handle him. haha

Voted. Hmm, can find out what pear to use? is it the "shui li" or the normal green pear? then steam for how long wor? eat the pear or just drink the juice?

I am flying off tentatively on the 3rd dec....5 days 4 nite....will be staying in disney hotel for 1 nite.....think the time for the flight is 8am....I will be goin wif my family.....2 babies....mine n my sis one.....
love, joy747,
so envy, both of u going HKG for holiday!

until now hb & I still dare not bring hh anywhere far on our own, I no confidence I'll be able to feed him leh!

Quite number of days huh?Wich hotel you staying....I cannot confirm everything by mid nov as hubby will finish his course by then and then can talk about taking leave or arrange for off days...Okay, I will look at 3 dec, what is the flight number?So good, your princess got so many bao piao...hahahah

Ginsengmum,thanks for support...Any pear will do, I steam around half an hour, take the water and pear...they will love it...this is good for reduce heat and streghten their lungs as well...

Have some confidenece in yourself....You can do it...
Wah, so many posts... cannot catch up liao...

Re: Steamed Pear

So I just use any pear, peel off the skin and take out the core. Then steam with Nan xin, Bei xin and 1 wu hua guo right?
Oh yes, with that, by eating the apples and pears, your kids will not worry about getting phelgm due to the acid in the fruits, and foremost, its steam already...
Ok, I will try out today. But I must first go medical hall to buy nan xing, bei xin and wu hua guo. Thanks Thanks!
If your baby loves it, you can give her twice a week and subsequently you can buy the bigger pack of all the ingredients and mix yourself. For info, you might want to cut down bei xin as its more bitter....nan xin is sweeter....

Let me know she likes it

i dun have the flight details or hotel yet ler.......will letu know once I have them...cos my sis booked wif my tour agency one..
Aiyoh, i went down to buy wu hua guo.. all OOS liao. Pengz.. so now got to wait liao.
so sad, i still thought can start to cook for her tomolo.
Natmummy, let me know when you got the details. Just got to know from hubby, he should be able to finish his course by Oct.Hmmm...maybe we might just meet on board...

Ginsengmum, wow, wu hua guo so sellable in your area?Actually its also can be quite good for those who has phelgm and cough, wu hua guo also quite nice to eat....
Sigh......my Nat still dun wanna to open her mouth.....dun know when she will call mama n papa...... waiting for this day till my neck is long liao......
Ya lor, dunno Y so sellable in my area. Haiz.. tonite go another place see got sell a not.

not to worri lah.. the day will come where the little todds start toking & toking until i think maybe u will find them very talkative. haha..
But its true, when they greet u, they really melt ur heart.
Initially I put a bit of water...he loves it...later I put half a bowl, he does not like it...maybe too diluated...I guess, just a bit of water will do, some even go without water...but I THOUGHT its good to have a bit of water just for the nan bei xin and wu hua guo

How much you want to pay me first?Hahahah

This recipie was taught by my yisi...I will ask her for more when I visted her again...will keep you posted then....

Good day

Shanice can all u oredi???must be very sweet........

btw wat food r u all toking abt????can share???

Shanice can call me & my hb. She can also call the names of a few of her soft toy.

Haha no lah, it the steam apple, pear with nan xing, bei xing & wu hua guo that Joy is saying lor.
Finally my boi open his "jin kou" liao.He shouted out "pa" 2times yesterday...What a relieve to hear that
hi sp, yes the long straight hair lady that carried raeyen is me, cheo huh, tx leh ... i vain lah, cannot look like yellow-face woman.

i thot his speech is slow, but anyway it doesn't really matter coz they'll b v talkative fr 3 yrs on.

about blog, i try to update at least every week, so that when they grow up, it's like a journal & memento for them too!

re: cupcakes
i hv not tried them, but i got the link from someone else's blog. i like things small, so dainty & look more appetizing.

i've made tiramisu for my niece's birthday yesterday since they've tried kieran's tiramisu made by me. i was happy everyone liked it.

NatMummy, pls let us know how was it holidaying in HK & disneyland.

Hi bichon

sure will update u gals....really looking forward to the trip.......cos me n hubby travel at least twice a yr....this is the 2nd trip we bringing our ger but 1st trip t hat she is taking a plane.....and 1st trip wif my parents.....
hi natmummy

i think it's a challenge but fun. we brought kieran to perth when he was 14 mths old, it was great. this nov, we'll bring both boys to chiangmai, by then raeyen will be 16 mths old.

have fun
wow, u made tiramisu! it's my favourite cake! is it hard to make? pls can u share the recipe? hehe...

bichon, love,
admire u guys' "hardworking-ness" to bring bb for travel. I think abt it already feel tired, so many things to bring for bb, hehehe...

hb & I are planning to bring hh to Genting 2D1N trip, hope it materialises, hehe. The last trip we planned to Penang didn't happen.

Hi Bichon

Perth is really a child friendly place. For a kid as young as below one year old , we also can be rest assured that they should be fine...weather is nice and air is better too....Deanna went there when one year old and the mindless mummy actually put her in the car and drive with the rest non stop to pinnacle.....she has car sick but I thought she just the usual vomit milk...sigh.....

Chiangmai is cool and nice....the only thing I dont like then was the long bus ride...maybe no need to take bus now?
