(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

hi joy747, i agree with sp, u look very chio and slim :p

regarding shoes, i just got "Shoo Shoos" for my girl, she hasn't worn that yet, but it feels very soft and i think should be quite suitable for babies starting to walk... i find my gal's feet rather broad too... can check out the shoe details at http://www.tykesntots.com

Regarding shoes... my boy is now wearing Pigeon (though he hasn't started walking =p). I think so far so good. The toe area is wide and roomy. High-cut so that it gives good support to the ankle. And the groove gives good grip. Joy you might want to try that for your boy.

plim... I agree. Shoo Shoos are too soft and actually not really good for toddlers who are new to walking.
joy747, plim, odie,
re: shoes
so far we never let hh wear shoes leh, recently took out his one & only pair of shoes from storage, it's size 3 and cannot fit already, what a waste. Then MIL bought him size 5 for his 1 yo birthday, err, too big leh, so I kept it away.

Got chance must go buy size 4 for him, since he's starting to walk, it's abt time we let him slowly get used to wearing shoes and walking in them.

hh's shoes no brand one.
Not sure colette can be considered as a good walking shoes anot but so far that is the pair that at least my girl will wear to walk. It is quite sturdy and my girl like it but she doesnt like it enough to wear it for too long. She prefers to be bare footed when she is not walking outside.
Our thread so quiet! How's everyone?

My gal just started saying "Ball" while holding a ball.... finally a proper came out from her mouth... Then I ask her to repeat, she just refused.

I will be a PT SAHM wef from next month. Dunno I can tahan or not? hehehe
Hi gals, long time no talk.

Re: Shoes

I got "Shoo Shoos" for Raeyen during Robinson's sale at 20% discount, but size 18-24mths and they fit him perfectly! They are comfy and he walks well on them.

See pix:
finally, next month u'll be able to spend more time with Giselle...

wow, Raeyen got such lovely big eyes, he does look like he's gonna dance ballet, hehehe...
Hows everyone?

Wah.. finally can be a part time SAHM, looking 4ward to it? hehe, me on the other hand, er.. kinda of bored at times, coz dunno what to do with sha at home.

Then think of when #2 comes out, lagi worse, probably not much time for sha liao.

I did heard Sha mutter a few words like bear, bye, cake, ball etc at times. but then if u want her to say, she wont lor. she onli says it when she likes. haiz..

How's the progress of hh? Anymore steps?

Hi ginsengmum

how are you getting on with your pregnancy? Any diff from the 1st one? I dunno if I will get bored with my gal at home at least I do get to work in the morning... Sometimes, I think that if I were to spend 24 hours with her everyday, I may go crazy...

Same lor, ask them to say the words again and they purposely dun to.

Hi Bichon

Raeyen is so cute and he really has beautiful eyes.
hi hi, wow, Shanice can speak a few words!
so far hh will either keep quiet or if he not happy, he'll rattle off a long string of complaints... don't know what he say, sounds like rar rar rar...

not much chance to see hh walk leh, everytime go home he'll want us to carry, shortly after that he wanna sleep already...
Hey, good to know babies here are making another milestone...talking...

My boy's common words are there, go, where , tired...do not know why such words...

good day all...
Joy... if you think your boy's list of vocab is weird... try mine. He mouth words like "clock" and "flower". I think at least "tired" is more useful than "flower" or "clock" ;p

Long time since i have last posted. Kynan has started working quite a bit...can walked about 20 or so steps before he falls but he's quite "on" on learning walking.

He have also say ten after i count from 1 to 9 but depends on his mood.

BTW, would like to check how many milk feed should I be giving the a 14 mth? He refuse his morning and nite milk feed so we substitue it with cereal but half the amt of milk powder.... is it okay?
This pregnancy really quite a bit of difference. Hmm one thing for sure, i am getting pain here & there. haha..

U saw me? really ah? haha, aiyoh, how u recognize me? paisey, i dun even koe how you gers look. haha.. Y no come say hello to me? :p

As usual, gers hor, more kpo & tok more than boys lah. but Sha is rather slow in her motor skill, so i guess her vocal skill will be faster.

Haha "there" & "where" is a few of sha's 1st few words. Hehe, coz i think we always mention those few words to her lor.

Sha takes milk 3x a day. The middle feed is replace by pediasure, while her 1st & last feed is Gain. In between, she takes lunch (or early breakfast) & dinner.

yup....u look great...cos last time i did see ur pix mah...oso long time...when u pregnant wif no.1...i oso pregnant wif no.1 too....i saw u at sembawang mrt,mi oso there....then after there...realised that u in this thread lor...

u dun kw mi le...hw to said hello to u..

Haha, aiyoh, then u staying very near to me? Tt time i always take mrt from Admiralty to Sembawang, then cross over take mrt again to secure a seat. hehe

just curious.. why do u give pediasure for the middle feed? btw how many ml do u give at each time?
i gave pediasure coz dd doesnt finish her milk quite frequently & comes to solid food, she oso doesnt really finish them though she is not particularly fussy abt certain type of food except tomatoes. So my intention is just to let her have complete nutrients tt's Y onli replace the middle feed

I gave her 190ml water mix with about 5 scoops of peidasure. Abbott lady says, per scoop is to be mix with 40ml water. & she oso says ok to replace a feed if i feel she is not eating well lor.
& btw, she told me even diarrahoe or vomitting oso can continue pediasure coz its lactose free or wat lah. hehe

me stay at woodlands lor, nearest mrt station is admiralty. What abt u? make sure u come say hello to me if u should see me again hor. haha

thanks for the reply.. well, im not sure if i should do the same like you as in giving pediasure for middle feed.. my gal is ok with milk but not ok with solid.. its been quite some time since she really eat her porridge.. she has been refusing it lunch and dinner.. as for solids, she just take her breakfast cereals.. maybe cos too hungry after more than 12hr never eat..
but for milk, she can finish 240ml within half an hr, i mean like 12pm drink 180ml den 1230 drink another 30ml..

i dunno whether i should cut down her milk intake so that she takes her porridge but im worried if she doesnt eat her porridge also, den her stomach will be more empty..
hi nur,

hmmm... seems like far doesnt like porridge too. now tt our bb are older, gd to try to give em variety. porridge for lunch & dinner everyday can be quite boring to them. (no offence)

some suggestions for u on the kinds of solid food tt u can gv far:

- bread & yogurt or cheese
- cheerios ( a small bowl- abt 30 pieces) w milk since she loves milk
- baby cereal is fine if she eats well

lunch & dinner:
- steamed tofu with egg, meat & vegetable & serve with rice
- pasta with cheese, meat & vegetables
- boiled soup with rice
- pumpkin stew w pasta
- mashed potatoes w meat, vegetables & cheese

hope they r helpful to u.. try to be creative in serving ur food. make it interesting.
hi mummies,
hvn't post in a while... in fact, now i'm US on business trip, was here last monday and will only be flying back this friday... i miss Bella so much

well, it appears that recently Bella has been having constipation and rather bad ones cos it is becoming very painful for her to poo... she used to poo almost everyday... now, since at least 2 mths ago, she poo only once in 3 or 4 days and on the day she decided to poo, it's a tough job for her... so poor thing... we have tried giving her prunes, vegetables (spinach), lots of water, papaya, etc. but none of it seem to work for a long time, mayb it helps for 2-3 days, then after that it seemed that it doesn't help anymore... Been to doctor also and same things about feeding fruits/vegetables was suggested... anyone facing similar problems? what are other suggestions to get the constipation out of the way? Or what other food might work?

Sigh... another thing is, she recently (Sunday) developed a lot of red dots (now becoming patches) on her body (started off on the stomach then now over to whole body)... went to the doctor and doctor mentioned something like 'Feng1 Mo4'... so poor thing... doctor says should subside in 3-4 days... i don't know how it feels but apparently she doesn't really seem to be bothered by it...
Nur... I second Joy's suggestion. You have to come up different menu to keep the baby interested in food. Do something quick. Your girl is over 1 year old already and need lots of nutrients to develop well.

Plim.... so poor thing. I hope Bella recover soon. Is there a change in her diet recently? That might cause constipation.
U can try giving her pediasure for her middle feed like me lor. from what the abbott nurse told me, it won't cause overweight or whatever. Or maybe you can get samples from abbott & try 1st?

wah.. long time no hear from u. how have u been?
for dd, i noticed if she sits & eat with us, she tends to eat very little coz she wants to eat what we r eating (even though she is actually eating the same food as us except in a different plate). But if i were to feed her seperately 1st, she will be able to finish quite a bit of her meal.

hmm, hehe i thought feng mo will feel itchy one?
Hope belle has recovered....

Did she recently has just switched formula...what formula is she on now?

How about the rest of the mum, have you switched formula milk since our baby is one year old already?I still stuck at stage two similac, still thinking should I go on to gain or switch to enfagrow...any advice?

Odie, you?
Hi Joy,

i did switch dd from enfa to gain when she turns one. Hmm, i recover one of the pd's nurse says the nutrientional value require for different stage is different, thus she ask me to switch lor.

We are fine. Bernice is now getting more & more active. running ard most of the time. She really enjoys playing with other kids esp they are now so much more mobile. Bernice is also into singing as she will always babbles afte the songs that she listens. Hee.... at times, she talks non stop too and both my hb & I always find it very cute...

As for food, she loves variety in her food. So, I'll usually change her menu every 3 days. Heeheee... but, she still doesnt like porridge. Never mind la.... every child is different & unique in their own way. She is eating relatively well except when she cranky. Guess tt's norm. When they are tired after play, they would rather sleep than eat.

As for milk, still BF. The only issue with her is she no longer latch on. So, I'll have to b more hardworking. Expressed, Thawed Milk & Wash wash wash.... At times, really find it tiring!!!

Oh yes, we are heading to Bangkok for a trip with her this Sat.

The rest of the mummies,
How are u & ur baby???
Hi Mummies,

Haven't posted for awhile but have been keeping up with the posts =)


Maybe what Bella has is called roseola. It's a viral illness that usually affects children between 6 months and 3 years of age. You can goggle it.. there are a number of articles tat makes a good read. Kellis had tat a couple of weeks back as well. Not to worry, it bothers us much more than it bothers them. =)

Hi Joyfulstar,

How's Bernice? =)

Formula milk

What is the reason that you did not carry on from enfa to the next stage.I understand that gain is the third stage of similac.I find that gain is a bit too sweet and might trigger more phelgm...what you and the rest think?


Are the baby here still taking two naps?How is the nap schedule or sleep schedule like?My son sleep pattern recently going thr a roller coaster...at times, two naps, and sometime one nap. and usually with one nap, become super cranky...sigh...
Hi Joy,

Kellis naps 2 times still on most days. Usually once ard 9+ or 10am and another around 2+ or 3pm in the afternoons.

Hi Mummies,

I remembered some of you posting that your babies, or should they be called toddlers now =p, wakes up crying in the nights even though they've been sleeping through the nite for some time. Well.. Kellis has been doing that for the past week as well. Really not sure what's happening other than suspecting it's caused by teething. Any suggestions on what to do?
Hi Joyfulstar,

Wow.. bringing Bernice to Bangkok.. FUN!!.. Hubby and I will be only to Bangkok on our own end of next month. Initially wanted to bring Kellis to Tasmania but we thought we really needed a break without her (though it took me a loong loonnng time to decide not to bring her).

Infact, TG having promo. Child goes free with parents (only pay tax of around SGD80+).. hiaz.. like so wasted if dun bring her.

Hopefully, I won't miss her too much. =p
Your baby wake up early ?Aedann wakes up around 8plus or 9am ...so will not go to sleep till either 12 plus and sometimes almost 2pm.

At night, he will sleep around 10 plus...so a bit hay wire

Wow so good, I still dare not think of using my lucky draw ticket to hk...unless there is a window in the plane.....if you know what i mean....out when he cranky...
GinsengMum... same for my boy. When he eats... there must be nothing else on the table and everybody must hide. If not he will get distracted and insist on having our food... even though it is the same just different plates.

Joy747... switched my boy over when he turned 1. No issues. Agree that you don't take too long to switch over due to the nutritional value. As for naps... Matty stopped taking 2 naps when he was around 10 months old. Nowadays he naps around 2pm for about an hour plus to 2 hours max. I think Aedann is at the transitioning stage of cutting down from one nap to two. Matty's sleeping hours went haywire at this stage too. You probably have to take a hard stand for the first 2 to 3 days and stop him from taking the morning nap and stick to the afternoon nap. Believe in one week's time he will be settled into a fix schedule again. But this means that he will either sleep earlier for the night or wake up later in the morning.

Joyful and Bluez... enjoy your trip!

Thanks...he is so cranky..tired yet do not want to sleep...look at him like not really ready to cut down to two naps...Yesterday, up at 3.20pm and fall asleep at 10pm but was so cranky before sleeping at night...sigh....

One bad thing, before he naps,if he knows we are all at home or the car is in, he will refuse to sleep and start screaming...that is how fierce he can be...he is so different from deanna...very very bu tahan
odie, joy747,
actually there wasnt much change in Bella's diet leh... we changed her formula when she turned 1 to Gain IQ... is this good ah?

i see some other mummies mentioning about PediaSure, is this good? why need to hv PediaSure as middle feed, ginsengmum?

thanks Bluez, for the name, will go check up the internet on the name

just called up my mum and she said the redness has subsided slightly... so i guess it will all be gone by the time i see her this sunday...

Bluez, Joyfulstar, enjoy your trip
good to hear Bella's rash is getting better.
u don't worry so much ya, hv a good trip in US.

re: food
hh still on 2 meals of porridge a day, with a 3rd "dinner snack" of some rice on some days. why snack is because he is given milk before he's offered the rice so he is not hungry and won't eat more than a few mouthfuls. this is the feeding routine established by MIL, I used to think he shld be given 3 meals but after seeing how hard it is to feed him solids, I can understand why she's taking the slow approach to solids. Feed milk is comparatively easier than feed solids.

actually hh still gets at least 4 milk feeds a day, at least 5 if he only gets 1 solid. his milk intake is erratic, ranges from 3oz to 6oz, can u imagine how much milk we got to pour away each day. 400g FM finishes in 3 days, I heartpain until numb already. he's still on step 2 FM becoz he won't drink the vanilla flavour step 3.

re: naps
some days hh will take 2 naps, some days 1. if 1 nap will be around noon time for 1-2 hours. he'll sleep at 8+pm and wake up at 6+am on most days.
Hoho, i so lazi to get my bums moving, this 2nd pregnancy makes me tired so often.

I dunno if gain is sweeter, but i think i did a comparsion on the nutrientional value chart, then it seems gain provides more of what i am looking for.

DD is like Kellis lor. Haiz, she had no sleeping prob at all since young. but over the past one mth, she refuse to sleep on her own, insisting that she must sleep on our bed with company. We usually transfer to her cot when she is asleep. Heard the hard way of letting her cry & she will learn, but then heartache to see her cry. We did let her cry, she cried for like 2hrs+ for a few days & still didn't change. So give up liao. Reckon its becoz after i become a SAHM, she is too used to sleeping with me on our bed during the afternoon.

Wah lau, ur boy really same as my ger. haha. Me ger oso zzz earliest 9pm & wake up abt 9am. Then she will nap for abt 2 hrs, tt's abt it!

actually can replace pediasure with any feed, i choose the afternoon feed coz now she onli drink milk 3x a day. & for pediasure, u can used it to replace snack lor. Tt's one of my purpose, i dun want her to take too much snack. :p

haiz.. seems like HH really gd boy.. envy envy
hi bleuz,

Bernice is doing well. Really now a big girl compared to a yr ago. in fact, this is e best age to enjoy em. when they turn 2 will be more challenging.... heeheeee... terrible TWO

WOW.... u gg bangkok without Kellis. gd for u.... must really have fun & enjoy. u no longer nursing kellis???

Bernice's Usual Sleeping Schedule:
7-730am - Rise & Shine
10-1130am - Nap
3-430pm - Nap
8pm- bedtime

at times, if we r out in e am, she'll juz take e pm nap.
Hi Mummies

so long neber cum in n post liao....did follow the thread though...

RE: Nap
My Nat also nap 2 times per day....can total up to abt 3-5 hrs per days....n usually her bedtime is between 8pm to 1030pm....ans she will wakes up at between 9am to 10am the next day on weekends.....as I leave my house at 630am on weekdays.....so poor Nat will usually be awaken by me when I on my car engine on weekdays lor.....but sometimes she will cont to sleep after she reach my mum place...

share wif u all my Nat latest pics...



Joy looks like Aedann is fighting sleep. Matty always have this problem since he was a newborn. He rather play than sleep. Drive me nuts initially. Nowadays I just try and take it easy (although I go mad at times too!). I did raise this with the PD before. She assured me not to get too upset cos every child is different. She told me that it is actually not a bad sign. Smarter kids are too busy finding out whats going around them so no time to sleep. I have also heard and read that gifted children tend not to sleep a lot when young. Hmmm.. so I try to console myself lah. Hopefully that is true.

Plim. Sometimes some babies do experience constipation initially when you switch formula. Glad that your girl is better now!

Ginsengmum recently I read that kids go through another phase of separation anxiety between 12 to 18 months. Your precious could be having this problem. I also notice that Matty seems to be waking up more often recently and just wants to be cuddled. The minute I put him in his cot he will sit up and cry. Just hang in there! My boy ah haiz he sleeps at 9pm but usually will wake up between 6 plus and no later than 7.30 in the morning. And he doesnt sleep through the night. So all in all he wont chalk up no more than 11 or 12 hours of sleep in total. On days that are bad it can be as low as 9 hours in total including nap. He somehow survive. Not like he will be extra cranky or tired with that few hours of sleep.

Really ah? me still wondering is it coz she koes that she will have sibling soon, so feel threatened & thus very clingy. Sure hope what u says is true.
