(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

Hi Tomatoes,

I think it's Carpe Diem or something. I see their buses sometimes. Do you know where it is? Is it at Pasir Ris or something?

Yes, I'm also looking for a place that's not fully air conditioned. Play area should be outdoor so they're not always in air conditioned environment, which isn't good for air circulation.

Places like Pat's and Julia Gabriel's are really pricey isn't it? Hiaz..

Hi Mummies,

Just wondering if any of you are keen to take up a course by British Council, Phonics and Early Reading Skills. It's for 5 weeks, held once a week from 7.30 to 9.15. Let me know, thanks.

Tomatoes and Bluez... actually I have been looking around my place for those 2 to 3 hours playgroup. Like Tomatoes' girl... my boy is very restless at home. What's more he is the only child. So I think he is feeling bored. Actually the best option that I have found so far is this toddler progam offered by Kinderland. It is a 2 hour playgroup (morning or afternoon) and you can choose to go 3 days a week or 5 days a week. See the website http://www.kinderland.com.sg/services_toddlers_prgm.html

Too bad the kinderland near my place does not offer this progamme. So call and check if this is being offered at the Kinderland nearest to you if you are keen.
bluez, ginsengmum, normally i go zoo on saturday/sunday mornings... i don't spend much time there... just treat it as a leisure walk and at most an hour there only (since we got unlimited entries :p) wat timings do you go?

re: childcard/playschool
am also thinking of sending bella... but still looking out what are the good ones and not too pricey ones... a friend was telling me montessori @ sengkang, very pricey (to me)!

odie, the kinderland looks good... which kinderland is the one near ur place? do u know the price?
plim... the nearest to me is Marine Parade but the toddler class not available there. The Kinderland at Marine Parade only has nursery and kindergarten. I'm not sure about the costs. You might want to just call and check with them.
Bleuz, tomatoes, ginsengmum n all mummies
I think is very tough to chose the right play school for our kids. Must trial and error maybe. Heard so much about felling sick so worried too cos most of the time I am not ard. Good one too costly liao..

Any good recommendations in Pasir Ris/Tampines. changi area???
hi ladies, just returned from a week working trip.

re: slow-cooking
i used the smallest slow-cooker to cook porridge for raeyen, just right for a meal. 1st we brew the soup base with ikan bilis for a few hrs then discard the ikan. then put rice and when abt to cook, put vege & fish last juz b4 serving.

re: childcare centre
my 4yr old son kieran, attends carpe diem (CD), it's located @ punggol 24th ave. every weekday, we bring him to dayspring kindergarten (DK) then CD school van will pick him up @ 11am to bring him to CD, which is a stone throw away from DK. so far this arrangement is gd as we felt that DK gives quality curriculum as compared to a fullday childcare ctr. CD charges $616/mth for fullday b4 $150 subsidy. DK charges $480/term of abt 3 mths.

re: enrichment class
when kieran was 1yr, he went to growing up gifted @ united sq for a yr. it was a gd but the fees increase steadily.


Kinderland has a class for 18mths, mon, wed and fri. You may check it out...

Negative Ioniser

Anyone heard of it?It supposed to give good air and help in a child immunity too. There is a road show in eastpoint now. It costs 750 dollars for the device.

Personally having experienced with the older gal, I agreed with ginersengmum, be ready they will fall sick esp when they are younger.

I think generally gals are like hard to feed...that was what happened to my older gal....be patient with them...I tried pediasure too but it did not help and I find that it triggers more phelgm for my gal so I stopped...
hi, mummies,
re: eating style
oh, dear, more babies are eating less, not just my naughty hh. hh also the same, weekends we bring him out to try new foods, he will eat 2-3 mouthfuls then start playing with the food, stir with spoon, overturn the bowl. sometimes he'll use fingers to dig out food from his mouth to play with. scold him also no use, how can I make him understand that he's not supposed to play food or spill food at this age?

re: feeding milk
when should we slowly start feeding milk using cups? we are still using milk bottles to feed milk all the time, and hh will not hold the bottle himself, we must hold for him.
Hi Joy and SP

RE: Food
My Nat got no prob wif her food and milk ler....in fact she is taking in more now....I am quite suprise too...she can finish her food and milk up within 10 mins....unless her teeth coming out den she will eat less lor...Nat can hold her own milk bottle when she was 10 mths old and she always hold herself one....I just introduce Nat to straw and she can drink from straw liao.....so happy for her....but she still refuse to open her mouth n tok.......only mum mum.......my colic even make fun of me say my Nat very smart.....that is the most impt word for survivor......

RE: Enrichment Class
Nat has been attending BJG and her teacher comment that her attention span is very good and she can sit n listen in class during flash cards time.....she even suggest Nat to jump 1 level and proceed to the next level....which is meant for 19-24 mths groups......

RE:Negative Ioniser
I saw that too......think quite good ler.....now I am using the air purifier but this one I think is better......considering to buy one too.......

RE: Shape sorter and Stacking
How many mths did ur baby learningthe above skills??

Thanks for responding regarding the negative ioniser. Heard that there is either a 5 or 10 percent discount, plus a free gift now. Roadshow will start on sunday in suntec....I yet to gather enough feedback on the use of it. Its within budget since it allows 6 installments payment via credit card.
Hi Joy,
sorry kpo here.. :p
its 5% or 10% rebate based on the Ionizer 500point. $750 is member price, will rebate u in cash on the spot thru me if not join member. Worth it to invest 1 for long term benefit

keep me informed if u go suntec, i can drop by there to meet u as i m working at city hall nia
i juz register enzo @gug.Class will start on end oct.is the school that good?cos is very full with long waiting list(esp wkend class).But enzo still cant talk.Do you think he will benefit from there?
Hi Zen

How many mths is ur enzo?? My Nat also haven tok yet..think will benefit enzo lor cos Nat also attending BJG and she learns quite fast....her attention span is good....

Anyone of ur baby haven start toking yet???

My girl is having eating problems leh (last time she wasn't lidat at all), she always shake her head when come to meal times. I did varies her food and let her go hungry b4 I feed her still the same. Haiz... I getting frustrated as I kept dumping the food that I cooked for her. Furthermore, I scared she is not getting enuff nutrients...

Milk, cookies all ok. I even bought Pediasure for standby but I just dun want to depend on milk.
hi zen

kieran attended GUG at age 1 & he enjoyed it and could do simple zoophonics action aft a few months. he couldnt talk then, only babbling. i dun understand what u gals meant by "talking". one year olds can't talk yet but they certainly can say a few simple words like mama, papa. GUG is gd is becoz the kids r exposed to multiple-intelligences and aft a yr, they will be assessed according to these intelligences & u will know which intelligences ur kid is strong at. eg, kieran was strong in kinesthetic intelligence - means he was gd at his hand-eye coordination, therefore a sporty kiddo. in kieran's class, most kids enjoyed the class except for 1-2, and kieran also became sociable as he played with the kids. the kids also hv a chance to feel what they r doing in projects, things that we hardly let them do, eg mixing tapioca powder with water to let them feel the change in texture from liquid to starchy; let them mash up jellies & at the same time, the letter of that day happened to be "j".

it is also thru GUG that kieran was exposed to keyboard music & movement that he emulated his teacher stepping the pedals while playing on the keyboard. that's why he's now talking music lessons @ yamaha.

GUG uses zoophonics to teach the kids phonics, with rhymes such as "ally alligator, a a a", "babar bear, b b b", "catina cat, c c c", etc. enjoy, it'd be fun, juz that the fees r geting higher & higher.

Hi Bichon

Welcome bacK.Just read your blog..marvel you for having the patience to write...not me, cos am too lazy...

Oh yeah, agreed with you that bkk airport was messey...hubby was the first aircraft to land in the new airport on 28.09.06 and its kind of messey there....sigh....

I heard pork nuggles in Germany is quite nice and also peanut butter...if am not wrong...

Good to know that kieran has so much fun in learning....

Regarding the zoophonics, I do come across some DVD that has got that with songs too....

Guess, enrichment class is always expensive...I did send my older gal to many....but maybe a bit older...

Have a good sunday
thanks for the effort to 'explain'gug.hope enzo will enjoy the lesson.

What is the title the DVD you mention?
hi joy747

juz returned fr bishan park w/ the kids.

actually my latest blog entry still needs some tidying up but my macbook is kind of limited or perhaps i still hv nt discovered its functions (heehee). weather there was great, unfortunately i didnt eat the pork knuckles but the saurkrat is superb, paulaner brahaus pales in comparison. i bgt alot of hanuta & ritter sport chocolates though.

i'm interested abt the dvd on zoophonics too. now i've been teaching raeyen the zoophonics fr my memory & w/o the flashcards. the whole set costs a bomb. when i read to kieran, i would emphasize the sounds by using zoophonics since he was taught before @ gug.


i remember that pediasure muz b consumed within 2 wks, so try not to keep it for too long. i usually buy the smallest can fr the PD to substitute the usual milk during the recovering period when the kids fall sick.
nat no problem eating, so good. my hh has reduced appetite the past 3 days, both solids and milk intake affected, and he's fighting sleep too, so naughty.

re: stacking
hh loves to anyhow stack then whack the structure down, hehe.

re: shape sorter
he's beginning to know which shape goes where, hope he'll get a hang of it soon.

thankfully her milk intake still ok, try not to worry so much, though I understand how frus it is to keep dumping her food away.

thanks for sharing abt GUG, sounds really interesting!

re: talking
no worries, everyone, hh is not talking also. he's slowly learning, my dad says "bird", hh imitates as "erd" haha.
Hi Bichon

You are really putting lots of effort in teaching Kieran...clap clap clap...how old is he now?

For my older gal, who is in P1 now, I think she picked up most of the things when she was in pre nursery....I used flash card initially but give up as like you said can be quite boring at times....

Agreed with what you said. My baby hardly call papa ,mama unless he is stress....guess what , he knows how to call my maid in full....maybe heard the jie jie been calling the maid. Heard my friend said that kids learn faster from another kid then from adults....
Joy... I have checked with Kinderland. The playgroup for 18 months on is not available at all the branches. The one at Marine Parade do not offer it.

SP... I think all kids will have at least one problematic area. So don't worry too much about your boy not eating as much as you would like him to as long as he is healthy. My boy is a breeze when it comes to feeding, weight gain and health etc but he is the type that survives with little sleep. When he was a newborn he chalks up only 12 hours in total when other newborns can sleep for a total of 18 hours or more. Lately he will only sleep 7 to 8 hours at night when others are sleeping like 12 hours.

Re: stacking and shape sorting. Matty has been able to stack his blocks for a few months now but still no patience when it comes to shape sorting. Very short attention span. I think he is the type that cannot sit still and will learn better through action. Very different from some of the babies here.

Re: Enrichment classes. The classes nowadays are frightfully expensive. Anybody tried "Rhytmn in Me" at UE Square? I am considering that for my boy in a few months time. He likes to clap and sway to those fast-beat music and very accurate in clapping to the rhytmn he hears. So I think he will enjoy lessons like these. Probably only waste money if I send him to those that requires him to sit down and go through flash cards =p

Re: Talking. So far quite satisfactory (I think). He can call "papa" but instead of "mama"... he started calling me "na" last night. Other words he can mouth "clock" "car" "ball" "bus" "flower" "mum-mum" "ber" (for balloon) "bam-ber" (for bubble) "gone" "go" "come" "up" "bye-bye" "biker" (for bicycle). Somehow he has unlearned a few words along the way too like "egg" and "banana". Hopefully he will repick up those words he lost again.

I keep in touch with the teachers in kinderland and they told me there is a toddler playgroup...I will check with them again....
Okay. I called the hotline last week and was told the toddler playgroup is not available at Marine Parade Branch. In fact hubby called too a few months back and got the same reply. Let me know if I got the info wrong. =)

I am very sure there is a toddler program and parents have to accompany the kids. I just talked to one of the teacher on saturday...will check up what is going on...
yr boy is really advanced, can say so many words already, hehe. but his sleep really not much, must be very tiring to take care!
sp... I think we were talking about the topic of speech vs motor skills before. Matty was spending more time practising "talking" whereas the other tods here spends more time walking and running around. He just started walking independently only last week and still not very good. I think all the other babies here are already very pro walkers and runners other than my boy! Everything has a trade-off =) Ya he really doesn't sleep alot so next time when your boy is enjoying a good night's rest you ought to be grateful =p
Re: Food/feeding

I nearly want to knock my head against the wall yesterday.

Yes, I fried an omelette with veggie and tomatoes for her. Then cook fish porridge with heinz pumpkin puree (to try something diff). She just refused to open her golden mouth. Even she did (1 mouth), she just spit that mouth out. I coaxed her for 30mins and gave up. Then when I eat my rice, I gave her a little rice to test, SHE EAT!!!!

Then I quickly put her omelette on my plate and fed her from there with my rice. I know adult food is no good that's why I dun really want to give her. Now I think I will try to cook every dinner so that as least she has something down her stomach and go easy on the seasoning.

Dunno if it's common for kids to be lidat or just my girl

Dun worri, not onli ur ger like that, mine oso. & i think quite a few mummies in our thread having this prob with their little ones.

i oso more or less give up liao, i oso will try to cook something different for her. but if she really really dun want to eat, i'll just let her eat our food, at least better than not eating anything. But now, realise sometimes even adult food, she oso dun want. Pengz..
Hi ginsengmum

Thanks for the assurance... really dunno if this is the passing phrase or it's her bad habit. Last time I still thought she very kwai1, eat whatever I cook for her... My mum keep saying that it's due to her teething...

Btw, how are you getting on with your pregnancy... due in Dec/jan rite?

I kept thinking if I have No.2, how am I going to cope especially my girl is so naughty.

Hehe, i oso always thought my ger very kwai ley. she eats all type of rubbish last time. :p oh ya, i oso wondering if its due to teething, coz my ger oso got 8 teeth coming out at the same time.

Pregnancy ah? aiyoh, here pain there pain, everywhere pain. This wk is the beginning of 3rd trimester lor. EDD is 2/1 but likely to come out in Dec.

Hmm, if u really have #2, u'll koe how to cope naturally one lah. i think its mothers' instinct. haha

So now u working part-time ah? then u work mornings or afternoon?

Do take care....

No man , I still cannot cope with two arounds...very different...so do enjoy with one now.....Maybe I got not much mother instinct?Hahahaha

Thks, will take care of myself.

Hehe, nay lah, say until like tt, i am sure u have mother instinct
i do agree that have 2 young kids ard can be rather handful. haha, i oso dunno how to cope, must wait till #2 pops, then i'll koe. But remember our mothers & grandmothers oso have many kids mah.. so if they can do it, we can oso
hi ginsengmum, i think my girl like yours last time, she now eats all kinds of rubbish, anything u give her she take. but i find that she always have the need to eat something ??? i find it very weird, cos sometimes just an hour after porridge, she can finish 6 oz of milk and after an hour later, she wants to eat again, so i will give her cornflakes and biscuit stuff like that... weird huh? (mayb she link me to eating? cos i somehow tend to feed her a lot of such food (fruits, yogurt, biscuits, etc.)... but still it's better than she don't eat, i guess...

You are really one tough woman lor
I peifu you. Sekali your boy want to come out on christmas day or 1 Jan

Yes, now working only during morning time. Afternoon got to go back and be "pun mui" (cantonese for filipino maid).. Then recently she got this eating problem, I lagi more stressed.
Hehe my ger oso lor, she takes rubbish & like keep eating non-stop one, at a time i still thinking hor, if she continues to eat like tt, i got to put her on diet liao. But then, now she dun like to eat liao, so another headache.

Aiyoh, i am not a tough woman lah. In fact, at time i break down oso.. too stress liao. Wait until my boi comes out, if i can cope, then u can say i tough lah, now hor, cant say so early. haha

SO wat u do with ur ger when u home? Ur ger clings to u more now?
tomatoes... your girl is not the odd one out. I think all the babies will go through that. As their tastbud matures... puree food etc no longer has an appeal to them. Last time puree food is good cos it tastes better than milk... but now they realise there is actually something better than puree food... food with seasoning and they stop liking food all mixed and mashed together. Which makes sense... cos we adults don't like our porridge to have all sorts of ingredients mixed into it.... but rather as side dish. If you are really not ready to introduce salt and sugar... but still need to coax your girl to eat.... this is what I can suggest:

- Feed her porridge/steam rice with separate dishes. Eg: Vege can be lightly cooked with chicken stock and then diced. Another dish like chicken cooked and diced or steamed fish... rather than mixing the fish and puree vege into her porridge.

- Stop using plastic wares. Instead use the normal bowls and cutlery that we adults normally use. My son is usually "fooled" into believing that what he eats is the same as us since it is the same bowl and cutlery. He now takes his porridge with those metal teaspoon and fish from a pair of chopsticks. We use to have a smaller bowl to scoop some porridge over to cool it for him while feeding. He will refuse to eat from that small bowl but from the big bowl. I think he has this impression that what we don't feed him is the good stuff *roll eyeballs*.

Ginsengmum... agree totally! We somehow will learn to "survive" when the time comes ;)

plim... I think that kids will associate someone of something. My MIL has the habit of letting my boy binge as well so when he wants biscult he will go to her. But for me I don't feed him in between meals other than milk cos I myself don't snack. So on weekends he usually won't get his extra treats.

I try to teach her more things at home, ie, picture flashcards, read to her, bring her to library etc... Actually not much time also when I have to cook for dinner. Then hor, I need to do abit of housework though I have a PT maid coming every 2 weeks once.

My ger doesn't exactly cling more to me as I just started PT this week. Been thinking if I should send her for half day child care to learn more things.. She really getting bored at home too.

We mummies can really never stop worrying for our kids...


Thanks for your suggestion, I tried separating her dishes on the tray but doesn't work last nite too. But I will definitely try out using adult utensils...... hopefully it works and no more headache and stress for me. hahaha
hi joy747

kieran is 4 years old now.
wow your girl is P1, must be stressful during the P1 registration. my fren's girl is also P1 and is getting a lot of stress with tests and exam is coming soon. i'm getting the jitters.

ladies, look out for today's TODAY www.todayonline.com, pg 19 on carrefour ad ... there's a $5 discount coupon if u spent min $60 on the advertised pdts ... there's Gain IQ @ $46.50 & Pediasure @ $54.50. and if u hv the posb everyday card, u get a further 5% rebate. There r also diaper offers.

Hi Bichon

agreed...exam stress is piling up....wonder what is the realistic expectation for a P1 Kid....I used to think that they should at least have 95 marks for each subject...not now, cos she is around the 90 range only...

Thanks for the info on above...


Agreed, past generations can manage many kids at one goal...but now as the environmental factors have changed and the kids are more active compared to the yester years....so....also, really depends on expectation of oneself, agreed?

i heard that aft P1, the school will place the kids in P2 class by their P1 results - some sort of grading system. those brainy ones will be taught by HODs & the unfortunate ones by relief or less experienced teachers, so sad. coz schools dun want the less intelligent-challenged kids to slow the learning speed & momentum of the brainy ones.

ur girl scores around 90 should consider as very good already, dun push her too hard. i'm scared when i heard that @ P1, they have hanyu pinyin spelling - my god!

Hi Bichon

Hanyu pinyin is actually quite easy....The more difficult one is actually the han zi as every stroke counts, a slight bent or curl means wrong.My gal school all takes compulsory higher chinese, so they are quite strict....

I expect more from her as I feel that she is being so careless all the time....I did not really push her...can you imagine, count also can count wrongly...sigh....
tomatoes... good luck and hopefully your girl's appetite will improve soon =) Yup... as our babies grow older they tend to get bored easily. They need alot of stimulation. At least your girl has the patience for flashcards and books. My boy like me doesn't like story books =p and not the least bit interested when I try to read to him. Very very short attention span.

Joy... I think your girl is doing pretty well already. Don't add too much pressure on her and yourself. Which school is she in?

Bichon... sadly that is how our education system works. The more intelligent you are the more the school will try to groom you and the better facilities you will get to help stimulate your brain. Very unfair. I think those who are not as intelligent should be given equal amount of attention as well to help them excel.

Do not console me...I got quite mad with her this morning...naughty...she is from Tao Nan.Now, giving her chinese spelling...Do not wori about pressure on her as she is very happy go lucky type, tien ta xia lai dai bei kei.....

joy747, where is tao nan? i agree that writing the han-zi is a challenge, even us, we also make mistakes on the stroke count. but i think most kids r careless, they hv this attitude of wanting to be the first to complete, hence they rush their work.

i stay at sengkang area, dunno next time to send kieran to which sch, some say nan chiau is gd.

odie, ya our edu-sys is quite inflexible, now MOE changed the sys again, no more gifted program. i suffered in the old-sys during my time, i hated science but was "streamed" to the science stream in sec 3, in the end, i flung chemistry and physics in my "O" levels.
