(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

odie, so does it mean it's quite common for babies to do that ah? most of the time, it appeared to me that she's 'playing' by doing that act. i tot it's quite unusual to do something like that for 'play'...

my gal does the same thing too! looks like a gangster.
Now she thinks that is some form of greeting. haahaa.
tabi looked so happy at her party.
i hope mine will go smoothly. Celebrating this coming sunday. hope she won't get too cranky.
hi plim,

seems that my boy does nos 2 & 3 very often.
sometimes exert force till get choke and cough and with his face all red.
hi tuffy,

all will go well when sunday comes. done mine last sat and i even forgot to use the balloons i bought.......but overall was ok and the caterer was really good and the elmo cake turned out well.
Hi plim,

Kellis does that act when she's excited too. She'd go red in the face and all.. aiyoh..

I didn't manage to bring Kellis for Aquaducks trial last Sat. Thinking maybe this Sat or 29 Jul. You keen to go for trial too?

Hi Joy,

We're celebrating princess' birthday on 23 Jul too =) So you're all prepared? I haven't even settle my caterer. Ok, better get down to it todae! =p
Hi Bleuz

No, me have not even finalised the guest list as most of them yet to rsvp.How about you?What time is your function and where did you get your cake?I hope baby will be okay with so many unfamilar faces at one goal as the guest list seem to be expanded.....Used to have function in the afternoon, but this year, do it in the evening, weather not so hot....
hi mummies, relieved to hear that my girl is not the only one who is behaving that way... thanks mummies

bleuz, let me check with my husband which week he's free then will call up to book a trial at Aquaducks... will keep you informed... you let me know also when u're going for the trial ;)

yeah, more parties coming up for the little ones ;)
where did you cater from? was the elmo cake from polar?
I do hope my gal doesn't freak out too much in front of the strangers.
hi tuffy,

got Neo Garden to do Kyan's b-day. Food was fantastic as we got the $15.80 menu since we've invited very close friends and relatives. Furthermore got 20% disc so in the end paid slightly more than $400.

Yup, Kyan's cake is from Polar. We got the elmo cut out cake and it was so cute when i saw it. Kyan's got so excited as well. Wanted to use the knife to cut the cake as soon as he saw it.
sp, mine does it all the time now till his saliva will be all around his lips. Think it's due to his teething and sometimes he looks so cheeky when he does it.
hi rowena,
I am only doing a high tea - menu is simpler.
but good to know that you are happy with their service and food.
I was thinking of getting the elmo cake too! but in the end decided on a no. "1" cake just for fun.
Hi everyone,

seems like quite a no. of u are done with ur bb's 1st birthday party. so nice & happy for u....

for me, still thinking of what cake to order!!!! oh no!!! oni got the caterer settled. 6 more days to the party!!! must really do something today. order cake & buy materials for the deco. the thought of the celebration makes me feel so tired now coz down with fever for the past 2 days. think i'm going to do just a Big Bash for Bernice's 1st Birthday.

oh yes... des anyone knows, does Jane's Station deliver the Birthday cake???
Hi Joyfulstar

You are not alone...I yet to finalise guest list as all like never rsvp...now, I just have a fixed number in mind and leave the rest to take care of itself....
Cake wise, settled, just a simple 1 as I think he only have number 1, once in his life, and everyone eat the cake, which means, one year past....
Hi Mummy who had celebrated baby birthday....

What time did you get the cater to set up before the guest arrived?

I just got back from a birthday celebration. Food was delicious and not enough though cater more....the host did not get to eat....

Wonder for their case, do you think its good that the host should keep some food for themselves in advance before the guest arrived?Its not under cater but guest over eat as the food they cater was really good....
hi, joyfulstar,
hope u r feeling better already, what bad timing to kena fever. ordered yr cake already?

why not help yourself to the food before the guests arrive? I think I'll do that with the excuse I need to double-check the food taste, hehehe. At least let me be the one to find out if the taste is out rather than have my guests tell me or worse, never tell and I don't know until they all leave & I go makan the leftover. So pai seh.
Hi All

Sorry that I haven't been posting... Really busy for the past 2 weeks. Party done on 9 Jul. Food and cake were great. I had the party started at 12pm, cake cutting done at 2pm and guests all left by 3pm - Fast right? Hehe. My hb better to chop chop finish with the cake cutting as he knows that guests want to leave early and host need a rest and clean up. My girl was quite cranky during the party as everyone wanted to carry her. Luckily during the cake ceremony, she din cry as she was puzzled what we all are doing. I only invited relatives and some closed friends that all.

My girl recently has difficulty in sleeping at nite. Most likely is dued to her big tooth (molar) growing. Can see her keep sticking her fingers in her mouth to the back of her gums. Then at nite, keep wanting me to carry her (daddy also dun want) and rock her to sleep. Tried to put teething gel but doesn't help much. Then in the middle of the nite, she will wake up a few times to cry. Haiz... Really very siong for me.

Hi Joyfulstar

Take good care and dun fall sick becos of the party.

Hi Joy747
I think host should keep a bit for themselves first. Having said that, I din eat the food b4 the guests came, then by the time, I tried the food, the food cold liao. Not so nice anymore.
Hi All

Thanks for the feedback.I have asked my caterer to come early and will keep some food just in case late guest will have their share...

Aedann today take his first step, and follow next six steps today...I am expecting him to do it during next few months....He seems to be very confident when he makes his steps today....Tomolo, will be his chinese birthday and my wedding anniversary....

good day all
Yeah... another baby has taken his first step. Should be the first baby boy in this thread to do so ? I'm still waiting for my boy to muster the courage to let go and walk -.-""
Hi all mummies,

Can I join? I have 2 kids, girl 3 yr and boy going 1 yr this month end.

Planning for party too. tot of gathering ideas from here....

Hi Joy747,

Like ur idea of no. 1 cake... very true... thou old fashion compared to elmo cake, but it seems more traditional... from which shop u intend to order?

Any special ideas for caterer?? thinking of the cooked food from BBQ wholesaler.
ANy comments on it???
Hi Jopej

Welcome on board...sure you can join us...You have a pair of lovely kids....anyone helping you....

Have sent you an email and hope that helps....

Odie...soon your boy will cross the first step....I thought aedann will need to wait for a few more months before he walk as boy usually takes longer time than gals....I think when its time for them to walk, they will walk...so no hurry ......

hi, jopej,
yr kids are lovely!!!

so good, yr Aedann also walking already! wish him a happy chinese birthday and happy wedding anniversary to you & yr hb! anything special celebration today?

looks like our boys are going to walk later, hehe. first boy here to walk is enzo?
Hi Jopej,

Welcome.. Your kids are so cute =)

Hi Joyfulstar,

I've not finalized my cake as well! Waiting on the design from Awfully Chocolate. Hopefully, we'd get it done in time.

Hi Joy,

Congrats on your boy walking. =) Still waiting for Kellis to have enuff confidence to let go.
Hi All,

Yeah... I've recovered & guess what!!! I've settled all the Birthday Party stuffs too. *phew* Using Neo Garden for the food catering, just confirmed the cake design with Creative, packed all the goodies bags, bought the materials for the deco & booked the venue for the party. What a relief!!! Now gonna wait till Sat to do the deco & have the party. Praying hard for good weather this weekend for our little one's party.

wow... u ordering from awfully chocolate? yummy... hope you have gotten almost everything settled too. are u & hb bringing Kellis somewhere on 24/7/06??? Hee... we r going to bg Bernice over to Malacca.

congrats on Aedann starting t walk. Hee... I'm sure it's lots of fun.

Re: walking & running
Nowadays, since Bernice started walking, she is always following me whereever I go. Sometimes, I told her to play by herself in her playarea, she'll just walk ard the hse instead. At times, she gets so excited that she even started running. Guess she is too overwhelmed by her own achievement.

Thanks for all the well wishes...no celebration as hubby in south africa now.Just play a game with aedann just now, displaying all the items for him to catch since its his chinese birthday today. He go for sweet, doctor set and finally hold on to orange for a long long time as he kept digging into the orange till all the juices came out and finally he goes for the aeroplane than money....

I guess baby will usually walk when come birthday....as I have mentioned earlier....
Hi Joyfulstar,

Glad you're better now.. will need all the energy for Bernice's birthday party. =)
You must be excited.

You're really good ... doing all these on your own. I'm still trying to settle the
cake design, hope it'll turn out fine. Wanted a chocolate fudge cake (my favourite)
so we're getting half of the cake in chocolate fudge and the other half in rum and
cherries as my hubby likes tat.

I took leave on 24 Jul but hubby is busy and can't lei. =( So fun.. you bringing Bernice
to Malacca. Hopefully, he'd knock off early and we can bring her out.
Hmmmm.... b4 Bernice turns 1 yr old. Here's another pic of hers to share.




Looking at her, makes me feel wow... so fast!!! It seems to me like just ytd that I've given birth. Hmmmm.... Now starting to miss her infancy stage. But, on the other hand, seeing her walking & running on her own really melts my heart.
Hi Joyfulstar,

Wow.. Bernice looks so much like a toddler now. =) It seems like just yesterday when we gave birth isn't it? Missed those days sometimes.

Hey.. you planning for no. 2? =p
Hi mummies...

Nat just celebrated her lunar BD on Sat.....a small celebration with the family....I also played the game on choosing the items....Nat chose a pen den an orange...my mum says next time Nat want to be writer...

no 2??? not now. we want to hv at least 2-3 yrs gap. it's gd to let Bernice gets older so she can help take care of her younger sibling. & also.... must wait for God's timing.... oh yes... email u already regarding the goody bag issue
hi mummies... so quiet these 2 days...

want to ask a question:
what kind of food are you giving your babies now that they are 1 year old? (apart from the usual porridge, cereal, baby bites, fruits, etc.)... any adult food or other kind of food?

Bernice's Meal
- Breakfast is either toasted/non toasted softmeal bread with banana/yogurt/other fruits.

- Lunch & Dinner will be either cubes tatoes/carrots/baby corn for her to do self feeding. Will feed her with the mashed pumpkin with Brocolli & sweet potatoes & fruits/ but, on alternate week, she'll have pasta with the sauce. will usually prepare it with chhese & she loves them.

- 3 EBM feeds will be morning, mid day & b4 bed.

so far hv not given her adult food. but i was advise we can as long as they are salt free is ok.

hee.... last sun, i was eating "pao" & she stretched her hands out for it. so i gave her the skin & she likes it.
plim, joy747, joyfulstar,
I think I very bad, give hh taste whatever we are eating, including those got salt/ msg/ seasoning... sigh...

Yesterday was hh's chinese birthday, we took him out for kai-kai at 8+pm, fed him a bit of marble cheesecake from Starbucks and took him on a merry-go-round ride at the KidsWorld... hehehe...
yesterday my MIL said hh very hard to feed rice porridge, he stored the mouthfuls of porridge in both his cheeks until bulging, then spit it all out... so he ate hardly anything... reminds me of hamsters, wish I was there to see this, kekeke...
joy747, joyfulstar, sp,
wow, looks like all of you are giving your babies some food apart from the normal stuff... and especially joyfulstar, Bernice's lunch and dinner is so yum yum

actually for me, i only dare to give her plain rice grains or beehoon(short piece) and that's all! i don't dare to give her anything that has too high salt content or msg or sugar leh... was wondering when would that be suitable?

Ever since she tasted the Nestle Cheerios, now, whenever i give her biscuits (cheerios, stars and baby bites), she will grab and finish all the cheerios first, so funny... so i think kids do know taste, once they like it, i'm scared they will not want to eat their plain food?

sp, i think your hh's behaviour quite common among kids... hehe... i am just thinking when will it happen to mine
... so, did your MIL feed him anything else after that?
Hi Mummies...

SP... actually I am not any better. Just like you I feed my boy with most of the stuff we eat. When the PD said that the baby can eat the same food as us adults when he turns one year old... I have been looking forward to his birthday. So on 1 July... we gave him the same chicken and mee sua that we were having. He also tasted his chocolate mousse cake and ice-cream cake =p Of course thats occassionally. On normal weekdays my MIL still cooks the usual food for him.

plim... my boy has been very adventurous with food by the time he turned 8 months old. This are the "unusual" stuff that he tried before he turned one:

- macaroni and cheese
- bread pudding
- fried macaroni
- scrambled egg
- steamed egg

Of course for egg... he was only given egg yolk and the bread pudding, macaroni & cheese and scrambled egg were prepared with his own milk.

As babies grow... their tastebud matures and therefore can taste better. So it is natural that they won't go back to their "baby food". Like my boy... lately he hates food that are overly mashed. We use to give him fish mixed into his porridge but nowadays he prefers the fish to be a separate dish (and fed with chopsticks some more) just like us adult. Not trying to be gross... but even for us... if our porridge has all the stuff mixed in and in a mish mash state... we won't find it appetising also cos it looks like someone chewed and spit it out =p
my MIL fed hh FM lor, he on 2 solids and 5 milk feeds a day. FM going so fast becoz 5x 6oz = 30oz... of course he won't finish and some of it is thrown away, so heartpain the $$, hehehe.

yalor, our babies are growing up so fast and becoming gourmet eaters, we hv to keep up or they'll stop eating, oh, no.
Hi 2005 mummies,

I'm hoping to buy a 2nd-hand set of Glenn Doman Maths Flash Cards. If any of you plans to let go, pls PM me.

Many many thanks!

How did the birthday celebration?

My guests have not really done the rsvp.May end up under cater...thus, gonna prepare some extra dish myself...sigh...make me extra busy...but prepare more of the desserts....

Good day all...
Oh yes, for those who celebrated the one year old birthday...did your baby nap time got disrupted....

Aedann sleeping pattern change and I am worried that guest arrived early and disrupt his nap and end up cranky as he is sleeping in the living room....just hope guest does not come so early....

Can mummies here share where you get the 1st birthday cake...I am looking for 1kg, or at l mos 1.5 kg...with the "no 1" cake...

Hi Odie

I have tried giving mee sua on my girl birthday, but after 2 mouths, she din want any more. Haiz. I see that you have given your boy some variety to try. Good leh..

My girl suddenly dunno why, just after she turned 1, she decided to walk. Last time she could take a few steps nia. Now she can walk all the way and wanna run somemore. Of course, she cannot balance if she runs and fall on the floor. See her walk like very funny, her hands will be raised up like "surrender". hehe
