(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

i oso got headache planning for tabi's bday. i oso din go full month so want to have big bash for 1st bday. but i think the bash abit too big for me to handle. tat day sat down with hubby to come up with guest list...our friends alone came up to 50+ people, if include family and relatives then got close to 100 liao. the function room where i'm going to hold the party think not big enuf for so many people. now tink got to cut down guests, cos don't want to do 2 days of celebrations lah.........too shaq for me, oh and not forgetting too tiring for tabi too.
i'm probably going to get cake from Awfully Chocolate. at first look here and there cos tot wanted nice nice desing but those are too expensive and don't know whether good to look but not good to eat. if i order from Awfully Chocolate then confirm good to eat. for design i'm jus making a number 1. If don't get from Awfully Chocolate then it'll be from Jane's cake house at Jln Kayu. see which 1 cheaper.

catering is a big problem for me. can't decide where to cater from. was considering Guan Hoe Soon, they cater Nonya food. any other suggestions?


think the ang mo brand is General Mills. so sorry if i'd confused u. since u buy the nestle brand can still give bb lah, jus dont give too much cos sugar content higher.

wow now all planning to have 1st birthday celebration liao.....I dun intend to do a big one..cos have a big one for Nat 1st month...invited close to 100 guest....too tired to organise....think 1st birthday will be a small scale wif family only....now thinking of wat cakes to get....any recommendation??
hi, everyone,
we also not yet start planning, think most probably will end up just a small family celebration.

initially wanted to hv house-warming cum 1st birthday party at our new hse, but the developer very bad leh, give us keys but no water no electricity yet! No water no electricity we can't do any renovation or painting. so the hse just hang there since April.
Looks like the first birthday celebration is in the hot topic...I had a big first month celebration last year, and close to 100 people at my house....It was a mad house as kids running from the first floor to the third floor...if I am doing again...I will limit all guest to first floor only....lesson learn..cordon the area that you do not want people to go....I think my friend says creative cake is okay...love, you may check it out
Hi babykhoo

I know what you mean. Initially I also want to do a big party for her. But thinking no point since she won't remember anything. My guest list including family members is about 40. Thought quite alot for me to handle liao.. hehe

Btw, are any of your bbs taking pacifier? My friend said pacifier will cause my bb to have gaps in her teeth... Now I very scared now, seem like her growing upper teeth got gaps now....

I will be doing the party one week b4 her actualbday. Hers actual falls on Sat so I just want to celebrate with her alone with my hb on her actual day.

Btw, do you know how much is the No.1 cake from Awfully choc?
hi babykhoo, no worries about the cheerios

1-yr birthday party:
din really make any plans yet... dun intend to invite friends, only close relatives lah... and like wat tomatoes mentioned, bb prob wont remember anything and i dun want to hv a big one to make ourselves so stressed out... most important is bb enjoy herself...
with regards to food, dun even intend to cater (too few pple, abt 20+ only), mayb do up some finger foods or see how lor...

joy, you're right, shld cordon off areas u don't wan pple to go to... during my bb's 1st month, my god, the kids were jumping and playing on my bed :S alamak, how to tell the kids off? so, better 'close up' those areas you don't want pple to access...

my bb not taking pacifier leh... i don't think it's true that will cause gaps in their teeth lah... my bb seems to hv gaps in her upper teeth also (although not fully grown out)... anyway, they were telling me that these teeth will outgrow with new ones in years to come :p

I also hope to have a few babies to play with her on her birthday. If not, she will be very lonely with all adults. All her cousins are big kids oredi. I only stay in a 4-rm HDB flat. Dun have much space to invite many guest also. Gonna need to use my corridor area to put the food and some chairs to sit around outside. No choice...
Been MIAing lately. Too stressed out with work.

Same in my case. No big bang celebration. The 1st month celebration had 200 guests and it was absolute madhouse. Left my boy too overwhelmed and kept having nightmares that night. We will only be inviting immediate family members... our parents and siblings only. Probably do pot-luck since we will only have about 10 persons in total.

Was just browsing The Pattissier website http://www.thepatissier.com/webtop/Browse/birthday_kids.phtml. Really like the 3D car with the number 1 on the rooftop. Probably going to get that. We had our cakes for wedding, 1st month from them. Yummilicious!!!

Tomatoes... I had the same worry too. My boy's 2 upper front tooth had a big gap. But as the teeth grows bigger... the gap became smaller. Now it is nicely closed up. So no worries.
Hi Odie

The 3D looks really good. But should be very ex rite?

Gap between teeth:
Hope it will be like what you have said.... Can't help worrying now.
hi Odie,

I was looking at the Pattissier too. looks very pretty hor. wat kind of cake flavours are there?

hi tomatoes,
i not too sure how much cos i haven't asked them yet. can't decide how many kg to order yet. headache.
halo mummies...

this morning forum so quiet :p

anyway, tot that i'd drop a message with regards to sterilising bottles and bb's utensils... it was discussed in this forum a while back as to when we can stop sterilising bottles...

well, i checked with the PD on my bb's 9th month visit and according to the PD, 9 mths is ok to stop sterilising bottles liao... and i did that! straight away, that weekend, i stopped sterilising the bottles, what i did was to just rinse it with hot water before making any milk for her... heehee, really saves a lot of time... and so far (for a few weeks), she's doing fine
Hi Plim

That's great... Me also trying to stop sterilising the bottles... slowly.. hehe

Tell you one thing, my bb finally pee in her potty this morning.. been training her to sit on the potty (without diapers) after she wakes up in the morning for a few days. Finally she did it today. Gave her lotsa of praises liao. Hope she maintain it that way....
congrats! u so good start to potty train her already.

since birth my MIL will wash with detergent & sterilise the bottles once a day in the morning. the rest of the day just rinse with cold then hot water only.
good mornin mommies!

oh, i stopped sterilising bottles since my boi turned 6+mth..only use hot water to rinse it cos we brought him for a trip then n it wasnt possible to sterilise like how we did it at home..so far ok lor.. so my steriliser has been sitting there like white elephant for quite a while..haha..

tomatoes, u started potty training? wah so fast..i thot we will only start when they can walk?? how do u do it? bring her to her potty each morning? any recommendation on which potty to get? hee..saw some can sing songs one!! so cute..
sp, hehe, we have been religiously sterilising her bottles every 4/6 hrs as recommended by the sterilising machine we got :p so, to use only hot water to rinse really makes it a lot easier

re: potty training
my mum bought a potty for her and seems that everytime (most of the time) she puts her on the potty, she will urine... our aim is more to get her to pass motion on it, but she will only urine...
at my hse, i also bought a potty and tried to put her on it once, but she just sit there and play with the potty
Hi plim

Urine in the potty is also good enuff.. they will slowly learn

Hi timie

I bought the cheapo $1.50 red potty found at those market shops. I find it better than those found at shopping centre where bb have to open their legs. Me just want her to get use to sitting on potty oni.... then slowly train her to pee and poo...
any mummies try Nepia diapers?Saw quite a no.of mummies order from maket n exchange plc.Is it good?My boi currently using mamy poko training pants.Tot of giving a change.hehe
Wow tomatoes... your baby is so clever. Actually have been thinking of potty training for a long time but I think will be hard to make my boy sit still. I think he will end up playing with the potty. About Pattisier... yup they tend to be a little bit more ex. But because ours is only a small celebration so I think can still afford to buy that.

Babykhoo... you might want to call and check with them. They are quite flexible with what type of cake you want on the inside if I remember correctly. If you are talking about the normal cakes... they always have some new and unique flavour. Best is to go down to their shop to find out more.

Zen... my boy uses Nepia at night (day time he uses Petpet... cheaper mah ;p). So far so good. I particulary like the texture... very cottony and soft. My boy has never suffered from nappy rash since born. It was highly recommended by a friend of mine who has tried almost all the well-known brands in the market.
Hi Odie

Initially my girl oso have difficulty to sit still. Still play with the potty somemore. I got use toys to distract her while she's on the potty. Whether she like it or not I will still make it a habit to let her sit on the potty every morning. Just want to cultivate this new habit into her routine and hope the when she is older, she will be able to pee and poo comfortably in the potty.
potty training
hehehe......i actually bot a potty for her a couple of months ago, actual since she could sit steadily on her own. somemore buy pretty pretty pink potty for her. aiyah........but put her in she oso can't sit still will stand up and crawl away. now oso become play thing. in fact her potty is put together with her toy box now, sometimes she got nothing better to do will jus push the potty around. headache!!! don't know how to get her to sit still and pee pee inside leh. wat if the unimaginable happens.....pee half way standup and crawl off.............or worse...poo half way. ...nightmare!!!

thanks for info. v tempting!

u tried guan hoe soon before?? i actually haven't tried their food before. jus anyhow search thru internet and found their website. will check out neo garden. thanks.
i use mamy poko for nite use. dun dare to use other diaper cos the other time i change to pampers premium for nite use, she woke up earlier than usual for the few days.. so i guess must b the diaper.. so i switch back to mamy poko and shes fine.. hehe..

so good that all yr babies are developing so well.. i feel kinda down wenever i read this thread.. well, my bb cant b compared to any babies here..


so good yr baby can pee in a potty.. congrats! yr bb so smart!

i havent plan what to do for bb birthday. my bb's birthday is on a thursday so dun tink can do on that day since ppl working..
pls don't feel sad, ok. my hh also not yet potty-trained.

my hh also using mamy poko for nite, hee.

guess u'll be celebrating earlier?
nur, dun feel sad...
i dun think my bb really knows tat the potty is for peeing, it just happened that she peed in it... i don't think she does that every time lor...

don't worry, we're just sharing ideas and trying to learn from everyone here... there's no right or wrong... anyway, we are all 1st time mums! :D
Hi plim

What you said is correct lor, my gal doesn't really know potty too. Was telling you all yesterday that she peed in the potty, but today din, and when I lift her up and let her crawl, she pee on my floor.


Actually we must watch for signs to see if our bbs are ready for potty training. I read from book that one of the signs is their diaper is not very wet after they wake up in the morning. My gal has this sign so I wasn't thinking why not just train her to sit kwai kwai in the potty. Whether she do any business there is not important...

Dun compare your bbs with other bbs, each bb is different. Some bbs at my gal age know who to say "mum mum" (eat). My gal can't even do that at all. Her speech is very slow lor.
hi zen, i tried nepia for my boi cos we heard it was veri gd..i like the soft material n velcro lor..but duno for wat reason, recently it kept leaking when we used it at nite, so had no choice but to switch bk to mamypoko which is much thicker so better absorption to last thro the nite..but overall nepia is still gd for its soft material..

tomatoes, thanx for the info cos i din know we've got to look out for the sign to see if bb ready for potty trg..so far i tink his diaper still quite heavy in the mornin..sometimes even leaked! hmm..when yr gal get up, will the potty topple over? juz worry dat now they cant stand yet so when they try to crawl away, the potty gets stuck to their bum then topple off..yeekss..with the urine n all..

nur, agree wif tomatoes lor, cannot compare bbs as each develops at their own pace..like my boi can babble a lot n say mum mum when he wanz the milk or food, but he's much slower in terms of flippin, crawlin or standin..tho we do keep a lookout to make sure he keeps up with the necessary milestones, we oso reminded ourselves not to stress bb (or ourselves) but to let bb develop at their own pace..we've some frenz' bbs whose devt were veri slow (like flippin only ard 10mth) but they turn out to be ok too..i tink pd will hi-lite to us during their devt assessmt if there's anythg to lookout for..so dun be upset okie?
tenx alot for the comforting words. so nice to have u guys. but yala feel sad cos wen i read everytime, yr bb sure got new development..

relatives or frens also like to ask, so baby can do wat now.. i always answer nothing..

so nowadays i always make sure she is in sitting position all the time except bathing, changing diaper n sleeping.. really hope she can sit soon
Hi Mummies,

Long time no post liao.. but have been reading =)

Time flies.. still remember discussing about our impending labour and now our babies are going to be 1 year old already. Before we know it, they be off to school...

Was initially thinking of ordering a 3D Elmo cake for her. But on 2nd thots, dun think she knows how to appreciate yet and it's so ex too. So maybe not. Has anyone found out how much the Awfully Chocolate cake cost for the figure 1?

I had a chocolate cake too for her from Lana Cake when she was 1 month old. Simply luff chocolate fudge cakes...

Hey.. maybe we should try to organize a outing or something for the babies and ourselves? We could meet at somewhere baby/child friendly.

Anyone keen?
Hi Bleuz

Long time no chat! If you like chocolate cakes, maybe you can try the Dark Chocolate Truffles cake from Royal Cakes. Really very nice. Not very sweet too!

Yeh, me been waiting for someone to organise a outing. My bb just love mingling with other babies. She will be very happy if she see babies around
I am keen count me in
Dun mind to even open my house for gathering. Got bumper playmat and playyard and we can throw our bbs in to let them mingle and make friends ;)
Hi Tomatoes,

Wow.. that's really nice of you to offer your place. Kellis luffs being around other babies too.

Okiez.. I'm on =)

Anydays in particular that your place is available? Is sat or sun better for you and let us know the time as well.

Thanks again.

Great, let our bbs have some fun and make their own friends

Any sat, time maybe we have it like 2 to 4 or 5pm as some mummies may prefer to give lunch to bb first then come out. Perhaps we can start to have our own playgroup sessions on a regular basis. But dunno the rest of the mummies here interested or not....

Forgot to mention that I stay at Tiong Bahru ;)
Bluez & all,

Yes, i am keen. hehee, i've been active in the woodlands thread & went out with them etc. but our babies there got different age gap, so sometimes a bit different to arrange something suitable for all the babies.

Maybe we can have a monthly playgroup or maybe outing?
Hi Shirley

Ya, you are rite, I also prefer to let same age group bbs mingle together, so I din join in the playgroup that Workingmum (sue) has organised in other threads.

Yeh, let's have a regular monthly outing! Hand up!
hi tomatoes, bluez,

the idea of gathering sounds great... i think my bb would love to get together with other babies (she has been very fascinated with pictures of babies and would go blabbing... kekeke)

do inform us if any gathering has been decided
Hi Plim

Your gals reminds me of my gal. When my gal cries, I will bring her to see the bb posters pasted on my room walls, magically she will stop crying and smile. She even wanna lean forward to touch them.... hahaha
Great.. let's get started on organising this.

Tomatoes: Is 10 June 2pm okie for you?

If it is, let's start a list to see who can make it. =)

Yeah.. this sounds like fun...
Hello Mummies,

MIA for very long.... so sorry. Didn't get to catch up with all the reading. wow... party, potty & teething.... so many more to go.

Re: 1st Birthday
still thinking whether we shd do it? we too had a 1st mth thingy and the hse was flooded with 100 plus ppl. Maybe will be doing a amaller scale one with some close friends, family & Bernice's friends.

Re: cake
Lana Cake is very..... nice. actually thinking of Swensen's Ice Cream Cake

Bluez & all,
we are keen to meet up but on the 10th June is my friend's wedding. may not be able to make it. will love to join u all on the next date.
my gal also like to be wif other babies. but dun tink can join u guys cos my bb cant sit by herself unlike yr babies. mayb i must join the younger baby thread
Dun say that.each bb develop at different pace.Dun be dishearted.My boi oso cant sit on the potty,cant wave his hand to say byebye or drink from a straw.So long as they are healthy,thats fine.Its only a matter of time for them to pick things up.Cheer up,mummy nur
my bb also like to be wif other babies but dun tink i can join cos my bb cant sit by herself yet. i guess i have to join the younger babies gathering..
oopss sori double posting..



well,i guess its my own fault cos didnt eat healthy food during pregnancy.

btw may i ask whether can baby eat papaya? may i noe whether banana can be stored in the fridge or not? cos wen i leave banana in the open air, there will be flies. hate it so much. so bcos of that, i dun buy bananas. i like to eat banana but only will eat it at my mum's place. hehe..
bleuz, tomatoes,
what a pity we in KL if not we sure chiong the coming playgroup! sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun!

if u free u go for the playgroup, ok!

not yr fault lah, I also didn't eat healthy food during preggie leh, I every week sure fried chicken, nasi lemak, assam laksa, ...

papaya bb can eat, I use spoon, scape & feed, very easy & hh likes it. hey, now mangoes in season, should feed some to yr bb too, it's a very nutricious fruit!

hmm, u can cover yr banana so that the flies won't get to it. alternatively, u can keep the banana in the fridge. the banana skin will turn black, but the banana inside will be fresh and cold and super shiok, u can use to make banana boat ice-cream for yourself, keke.

I'm not sure what kfc put to whip their potato, u can try asking the outlet manager, maybe they know. I think I'll wait a little longer before letting hh eat the whipped potato, definately without the sauce lor. the sauce is very salty and oily, not suitable for bb.
found this info from the web:


Mashed Potatoes
Potatoes, Salt, Maltodextrin, Whey Product [containing Whey Solids, Sodium Caseinate (a milk product), Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate, Calcium Hydroxide], Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Soybean and Cottonseed), Mono and Diglycerides, Artificial Colors, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Calcium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate, Spice. Freshness preserved with Sodium Bisulfate, and BHT.

mashed potato without gravy
serving size 108g
calories 110
total fat 4g
saturated fat 1g
trans fat 0.5g
cholesterol 0
sodium 260mg
carbohydrates 16g
dietary fiber 1g
sugars 0
protein 2g
vitamin A, C, iron

thanks for the answer. ya i did feed baby papaya but dunno whether can or not so i ask lor. cos papaya cold mah.. hehe..

as for banana, so can keep fridge huh.. but the skin will turn black, ugly hor.. but if inside fresh then okla..
ok i want to buy banana.. den i can feed bb and eat the balance of the banana.. hehe..
oh mango also bb can eat huh... but difficult to peel rite? nvm i go try buy mango cos i also like to eat mango but if sweet la.. hehe.. but i dunno choose sweet one leh.. everytime i buy not so sweet..

for kfc, i tink i wont give also la.. everytime wen i go eat fast food, i always give her eat biscuit cos she always make noise while hubby n i eating..

really thanks for telling me bb can eat papaya, banana and mango.. all put fridge, she still can eat rite?
cos my bb everyday eat the same thing.. although i sahm but i dunno how to cook.. so she always eat porridge with the same vege.. peas, spinach, brocolli.. i want to give chicken but i dunno how to go abt cooking or watsoever..
as for porridge, i use slow cooker..
as for the vege, i steam then blend then put into freezer. wen its her lunchtime, i will defrost the frozen vege in microwave. after that i will then mix the vege into her bowl of porridge.
i never bring porridge out for my bb cos i dunno how to go abt with the frozen pureed vege. so everytime go out eat cereal only.

hey nur, saw yr post here.

heard from my fren, way bk in sch wen she worked in kfc, she did mention that the gravy is made from the oil used to fry their chix. mayb thats y its oily.

as for banana kip in fridge, old people say eating bananas like this will lead to diabetes. duno how true lor. cos last time i oso kip in fridge, MIL saw n my mum saw, they mention same ting.

And STOP comparing yr dd wif othr babies lah!!
