(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

i insist that diapers must be changed at the 12am feed so my hubby rather not do diaper change becos bb legs moving all over the place during diaper change at that hour.

hehee.. so much for indecent exposure. have you work out your pumping plan? you starting work vv soon leh.

hey mummies,

I am back.. aiyo so long nvr log in missed so much postings..
All becox of my hm pc spoilt den i got no access to internet..
I'm back work now.. too many postings really cannot follow & read..wats the latest topics now?
how are all of u & babies?

I have been very busy working+taking care of bb at night+BF .. total worn out ...

Hey i finally upload my boy's pic..
check it out
hi ladies,
jus bought a new camera... so finally able to upload baby Rene's pic for all liao.. :p


so how's Friday gathering? Bugis, Orchard? or Jurong West?
Rene, ur gal so cute! got nice natural curls!

Friday's gathering:
forum was rather quiet today... I think by tomo, should be able to make a decision. YOu have any place in mind if we go town?
bugis sounds good... is there a good place to eat or hang out? a bit lost touch. last time i went there was b4 preggie!! haha...
my bb hvn't learnt to sleep thru' the nite. mostly last feed (EBM) is 12am. she normally will wake up at abt 5am for the next feed. But if i direct feed her for the 12 am feed than she will wake up at 3am

she normally wakes up 1x, the 5am feed. but sometime she sleeps quite late - 2am, so quite shag

i do hear of alot of mummies taking Fenugreek to increase ss. so i think it's safe. i did think of trying it out but hvn't got down to it. Most likely will hold on and see my ss how.
if your ss can manage then don't take lor. go the natural way. eat more fish, drink more soup, drink more water. i'm trying to eat fish everynite for dinner. hope i don't get sick of it !

maybe when ur girl wakes up for nite feed, she's not really hungry tt y didn't drink much. maybe just want some love and attention. maybe u want to try to pat her back to sleep. maybe can help train her to sleep thru' the nite ?

not bad ley, accept infants. too bad my doesn't if not i'll also place her there.

ha ha gd guess ! i used to be in a administrator kinda of job! ha ha ...

i think ur gal look like you ! so cute

welcome back ! was wondering where have u gone heehee...
adorable baby too ! hvn't seen u before so don't know look like who. hee hee... so how're u managing ? hectic ? how's ur bf gg ? gd ss ?

so we're gg town ? Bugis is not bad. can go seiyu's baby care room - star rating A ! hee hee... got quite a no. of cafe joints, spinelli, coffee bean, also got quite a no. of restuarants.

u bring Rene if we go town ?
I had done my cleaning last evening, so it's all ready. Bugis is ok too, cos then i can go buy some things also...I think we can settle on Bugis.

of cos I will be bringin baby Rene... mayb we can go Sketches? They have free-flow ice lemon tea for $5 onli... hehehe :p

but i dunno how pple will react when they see all the mummies and babies gathered... hahaha
Hi shane, u all changed location to bugis!! More good for me...hahaha Me more nearer a bit.
I can confirm to go but not bringing my baby along leh cos got babysitter to take care of her. Me going to makan and relax...haha

Adora, if u want to put more things, then u should get messenger instead of carry on bag.
I am chooing carry on bag because i want it to be compact and handy for me to take milk bottles.
It is convenient to zip open, stand there and make milk using this bag. Also i want to travel light with my baby alone.
cherry, i am also putting my baby with babysitter. If your baby can sleep and eat at that house, should be no problem!!!

More funnie thing is my babysitter is also taking care of 1 yr old boy and the dad was asking my babysitter whether she can handle or not.
Think he scared the babysitter do not have time to look after his boy and might hurt himself while crawling.
Haha, at the same time, i'm also worried that his boy might hit my baby leh...alamak!

saw your girl's pict, very sweet. wondering how much you paying your babysitter since she is taking care of 2 children...cos the mkt rate for 1 baby is $550
yeah! we'll get to see u! Your bb not coming? aiya... it's ok, u can enjoy and take on a new role when u meet us! Rene can tell u abt it!!

So outing details:

Day: Thurs 25 aug
Time: 12noon
Location: Bugis-Sketches
Serrich (pls confirm cos change location!)

Anyone else? pls do come, it's one of our last outings b4 going back to work!

btw, i'm veri sua ku abt sketches. where is it exactly? must someone go early to chop seat?
mckee, wow what new role?? Photographer???hahaha

me very scared of bringing my bb out leh. Brought her out twice...aiyo me very tired carrying her the whole day leh. Cos she cannot sleep with lights and noises. Must hug her then can sleep. So i better put her at babysitter, then i can relax before i go back to work 1wk later!!
hey gals..

nice to be back..!! now i can only access internet in office as my hm pc is down..

Your bb so adorable .. nice high forehead.
Thick hair also ..

My bb looks like my husband .. aiyo like photocopy like tat .. same same wan..

Presently taking care of bb at night myself..
BB can slp for straight 8hrs at night.. last feed at abt 10pm can last till 6am..

Have been trying to keep up with my ss ever since i got back work but seems like my ss juz keep dropping.. sad to say i guess i have to stop BF soon..No choice coz my office only got 1 toilet i cant pump in office..guess bcox the stretch of hrs is too long dats why my ss keep dropping.

I'm still trying to perserve on .. i read u gals mention something abt fenugreek wats that? can really increase supply of not? Otherwise i guess i will juz stop BF totally..

So how are u gals? started work liao?
All of you still on BF nw?
you started bringing bb to bb sitter so early?
my bb sitter also looking after a 1+yr old gal. i asked her whether the gal vv naughty and will beat my bb or not. bb sitter was so shock by the question and said aiyo, i will never allow her to "pomp" you bb lah. :p

strangely enuff she is really hungry but too tired and fall asleep after drinking for awhile. we tried once to pat her and then gave her water instead, ended up waking her more and she started smiling and wanted to play!

will bring bb to "look see" bb sitter's house tomorrow. i am also paying $550.
thanks, I think all babaies are cute.. yr gal got veri fair and smooth skin, and had grown prettier too...

Thanks for the compliment...I'm goin to shave her hair when she reaches 4mth old.. so by then Baby Rene will look like yr boy boy - Botak! hahhaa :p

Sketches sells Italian Pasta and Pizzas lor.. normal cafe/ resturant... jus besides the Ajisen Ramen - Mckee, know where?
btw, i dun think there will be alot of pple so should be ok, dun need to chop seats wan lah

jamci, the new role mckee talks abt is the relief-nanny role... can help us to carry the babies lor.. hehehe, cos' last gathering i was the one who didnt bring bb so I helped out whoever needs it lor...
u r coming rite? for the outing?

LV, come lah, join us at Bugis tomolo.. then we can chat more abt Japan...hehee

BTW, the date for OUTing should be 26 Aug, Friday.. not 25 Aug, mckee, u blur blur liao lah :p

hw come nvr shave ur bb head when full mth.. cannot bear ahh? i also cannot bear but my hb insist so no choice lor.. luckily he shave ardy still not bad looking haha..
I tell u, ur bb shave head ardy sure very cute wan coz ur bb eyes very round..

So envy u all tomorrow got outing.. i cannot join in coz i'm working ..
ok set ! so it's bugis tomorrow ?! i'm so excited. told hubby abt it and he said, bugis again ?! hee hee, i've been to bugis just last week

of cos u can join ! nasty feeling abt gg back to wk huh. don't worry, slowly will ease back into it. but rem to prepare a bb's photo to put on ur desk or put her photo as wallpaper in ur pc, sure will miss bb !

so who's gg to look after ur bb after u go bk to wk ?

i hvn't start work yet. still got a mth or so.
still BF but struggling. ss always can't keep up with dd.

fenugreek is a herbal supplement tt said to helps to boost milk ss. but i hvn't try so don't know got effect or not.

wow ur bb can sleep thru' the nite already. very gd. makes it easier since back to work. who's looking after ur bb now that u're bk to work ?
welcome.. u also June Mummy? u bb boi or gal?

i oso dunno.. my mother and MIL say shave hair when 4th mth then shave lor... old folks have their own belief... anyway my gal the hair is gettin too long i think...abit messy liao..

ladies, i jus sms serrich and confirm that she will be join us tomolo...

Day: Fri 26 aug
Time: 12noon
Location: Bugis-Sketches
Forgetmenot (Confirm?)

Anymore coming?
ya LV, join us ! think this gg to be the last outing till dunno when. hopefully after we all go bk to work already still can meet up next time.

btw, someone pls rem to bring camera ok. Mine conked out on me !
ya pls take a picture to show us who cannot make it.

on giving bm
sadly and unwilling i am going to stop EBM and go on total fm. after considering for a long time and discussing with my husband, i don't think i would be able to continue with EBM once i get back to work. i would have to get up with 5am plus to pump milk if i continue. my work place is not totally bf friendly as well. i have not called up my collegues to asked about situation at work. but usually work is hectic and sometimes even have working lunch. i intend to go home on the dot so that i can spent more time with bb in the evening so can't imagine how things would be if i go express milk on and off during office hour. sometimes i think i am just finding too many excuse for not ebm.
but i suppose some thing just got to go.

for those of you who can continue with BF pls persist. i think it gives our bb alot of benefits.
Your baby got curly hair. Nice! After my girl bathes, her hair also a bit curly near the ears but when straight again when dry. funny..
Rene's baby is called Rene?

Aiyo, change venue so last minute leh.. I've already ask my mum yesterday to come over tomorrow to look after my girl so that I can go facial and massage. Book with salon already and the face going to rot soon. Havent do facial for long time so now finally can squeeze in one. As much as I'd like to go, i had to miss this one
My mum will be angry with me if i tell her no need to come because she changes her tuition session for me. I really hope to see how the girls have grown and must be even more responsive that our first meeting. I believe this will not be our thread last meeting right? Next one, sure go (confirm 90% leave 10% for other urgent matters hehe)
I will bring camera, no worry.. ;)

dun feel so bad, me gave bb FM too, infact i BF abt onli 3wks before I gave up. I think i was too unprepared for BF, end up so stressful when ss dun come in, and i wasnt strong enuf to persist at that time. You are anytime a better mummy than me liao, so dun feel bad.

anyway nowadays the FM are veri inclusive, that's how kids become so clever.. :p And there are many other things you can do for your bb - eg, become a happy mum, so you can teach yr bb to be a happy bb.
yes, my baby's name is Rene. hahha, oredi had this name in mind for veri long, so jus nice lor.. can use it now.

aiya, I also got slimming treatment tomolo... but i jus hav to no-show liao lor... :p where's yr salon? mayb you can drop by and say halo? then you will get to see Baby Rene? hahaha.. :p
Hi cherry

dun feel bad, i stop BF when i started work. was "she bu de", cos i enjoy breastfeeding and seeing baby suckle, then my hubby see me everynite still wake up to pump...then he also agree that i should stop...see me too tired...

Just do your best. i fell sick after 2 wks at work, think my body is still adjusting to the new schedule with 5 hours sleep everyday...so maybe reserve that energy to play with your baby maybe more worth it...as they are more interactive now

so see it from the positive side... when i stop BF, i feel "break free"...no more waking up in the nite...no more sterilising the pump...freezing the milk...time my outing...wow...and no more nursing bra...hee... ;)
LV, do drop by.. you can see bb, we can see u!

dun feel bad... no one's judging us on our motherhood ability by how long we BF!

I understand ur fears when u start work... esp when ur work place sounds like mine... busy busy all the way..
when exactly u going back to work? we can start sharing our *decreasing* fears!

U really shaving ur gal's hair? please please don't! I shaved nicole's, and till now, everyday got regret! Hair not growing out yet, I've to purposely dress her in super pink so everyone knows she's a girl! miss her hair!!
i hve a qns leh..how are u gng to eat??sling bb all the way??

i can make it..but then hor,dunno whether to bring my boy or not leh..cos he cant sit in stroller for too long..then if sling him for too long..i will be tired..hehe..
dun worry lah, bb is like tat one, "genderless"
hahaha, me bb got hair also everyone tot she is a "he"... say "handsome boy!" somemore, alamak!

Btw, I am inviting another fren of mine had a much older bb, abt 8+mths to join us tomolo... hope this is alrite?
dun worry lah, i guess it takes practice to make things perfect... i nvr bring my gal out alone too but i think some practice will do good to me n bb...

or if you hav someone takin care, and you wan some peaceful time, by all means, anyway you can still be helpful to all of us bringin our bb.. :p
wow the thread is lively today ! all looking forward to tomorrow ?

your friend definitely welcomed ! we can all baby talk together hee hee...

don't feel bad tho' i can understand how u feel. everytime i want to give up BF i feel bad. actually i also don't know i feel bad for wat. so crappy.

rem how u wanted to give up at 6 weeks ? you have already surpassed that and done such a gd job hanging on till today. you should give urself a pat on the back. I do agree tt it's gg to be tough in a bz work environment to con't to express. if it's makes u feel better and drop it. No one is gg to fault you. I think it's just the hype of BF tt making us think too much. sometimes i really feel like giving up also, BF is really not ez and it's troublesome as well
but at the moment i don't have enuf 'excuses' yet ley cos still on ML ha ha ...

re shaving bb's hair
ya i also bu she de to shave bb's hair but maybe 4th mth nd to cos bb will drop hair just like mummy ? will see the situation how. one thing is my bb's hair not even ley, so many times pple say should shave should can grow evenly.
i might be bringing stroller if my hubby can send me there. If not then i'll sling bb. But recently my bb not cooperative to be in sling. she likes to be carried upright. very headache. so i think stroller will be better for me.
u wake up to pump ? so far i don't ley. but i do latch bb on at nite. but she doesn't wake up at the inteval to drink. i just latch her on whenver she wants to wake up and drink. is that ok ? i don't think i can manage waking up to pump
just want to sleep ....
don't bei pian like me!! nicole shave already, but hair not growing evenly AT ALL!! got people thought i did the shaving-cos look like badly shaved job!! sigh... it was a $17 job!!!

my mum said my head was shaven... i really dont think there's anything so fantastic abt my hair compared w my sis who didnt shave!!

cos my boy suckle a while and fall asleep, the moment i put him on his cot, he sleep for half and hour then wake up...so if this go on whole nite, i no need to sleep liao, so after a while, i wake up to pump....at least i can sleep at longer interval...
shane...actually going thru this whole process...just do whatever that you are comfortable with. Also latching on retains all the benefits compared to expressing out milk.

So good hor...u all can meet...me working...so have fun...
my bb all along likes to be carried upright..if i carry him lying down,he will cry..but then if others carry him lying down,he is quite ok leh..
strange right..i oso wonder y....
Hi Serene
I think you boy n mine look quite alike leh...hee hee i must post a recent pic of him for u to see!

My fren had tried fenugreek n said it is gd. She tried the 'raw' form, bot frm mkt. I think She put in hot water n drink. GNC also selling pills form. I have not tried both, like shane said try to go natural first!

Hi gals
Rembr must take photos for me to see okie!
oh like that ah ... ok ok then i think i better not shave bb. but don't worry abt nicole's hair, soon it'll all grow out, just need time

nvm lah, we meet next time. soon all of us also got to go bk to work ... except LV lah ! who's SAHM hee hee....

my bb also got mood. when she ok, i can manage to cradle her but most of the time she wants to be carried upright. really train my arms man...
forgetmenot/ Shane
my bb too, likes to be carried upright now, dun like to cradle... but ok lah, i can still sling her in upright position...

think i will bring both sling n stroller... so if she sleeps then i dun hav to carry :p

dun worry, we will discuss abt this shavin hair issue tomolo... mayb can hav more conclusions?
thanks for the comforting words.

on shaving hair.
aiya..i don't think there is any truth in the myths about achieve better hair after shaving.
my niece had very patchy and little hair (vv botak to the extend that everyone thot she was a boy) when she was a baby. now she is 5yrs old and aiyo.. a head full of think black hair.

my friend shaved her bb (gal) at one month. now she is almost 7mths liao, her hair has grown long but very patchy also.

anyway, for me if its a gal, i would feel heartpain to shave her.

ok you ladies at bugis tomorrow. if me and hubby goes there will drop in to look for you all.
so confirm tomolo 12pm at sketches??

how u gng to bring the stroller if u take public transport??
hmm..hehe..i'm still toying with the idea if i shd bring my boy or not..kekeke...
i just realised tt tomolo outing..all the bbs are gal gal then..
then if i bring my boy,he will hve alot of gfs tomolo..hehehe..

hmm..dunno if my hubby allows mi to bring or not..but most likely i will bring lah..must be more daring..then next time can bring him out alone..hehe..


really ..!! wow den u muz quick post a pic of him..haha.. den i can show my hb..
BF actually i tried to go as natural as possible ardy.. infact i hate to eat fish but becox of BF i try to eat as much as possible.

my office enviroment is also not very BF funny.. infact my office only got 1 toilet so its quite impossible for me to pump in the toilet.. i will always wake up 1hr earlier to pump but as my ss is running low.. the pumping time taken gets longer & longer.. its very disheartening so my hb actually suggest me to stop BF totally..

The only thing that keeps my preservence gg is becox my boy did not reject my BF. he still enjoys latching on.. dats why i feel very bad if i dun continue to BF him..

Guess i will give my last try if the ss still dun gets better i will stop & regain my freedom.. hehe..


agree with you .. my boy after shaving liao the hair also doesnt grow evenly .. alot in front little behind.. hahaha.. like (di chong hai) like tat..


ya lor.. bb like so precious even their hair also precious.. shave ardy also heart pain.. hahah... but ultimately most ppl say have to shave den shave lor.. the hair will grow again..

So good tomorrow u all gg out .. guess this thread will be very lonely tomorrow..
