(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

my tummy also has very ugly dark patches. It's due to the hormonal change when we were pregnant. My fren asked her gynae when she was pregnant what cream to use to get rid of dark patches. got scolded by doc. Was asked, "why you want to be michael Jackson?" hahaha...
well, at this point, I want to be MJ! So still looking for that cream too!

hi mummies,
my bb has fever yesterday..luckily it has gone down liao..so happi....

u are not alone..mi oso..hve flabby tummy and those dark lines..even under armpit oso have those dark patches..
Re Robinson sale
any idea when does this sale ends? Ive been wanting to get my boy musical mobile for a long long time but have not find the right one!

Re: Feeding
For my bb, I feed him on demand. Anyway, if he hungry he sure cry one.. bb cannot control hunger

Re: Clothes
I've almost gained back my figure but not my waistline. I can't wear most of my pants coz my hips have expanded and my waistline have increased. Before preggie, I was wearing size 24 or 25, now i'm wearing size 25/26/27 (depends on cutting). Can't fit into most of my bottoms, but skirts, some still can squeeze in. Still got this blob of fats on my tummy to get rid off! Unlike normal other preggie women after giving birth, I want to gain a bit more weight. I've been skinny all my life and my pregnancy helped me gained the weight that i wanted. My tummy is oso flabby flabby (yucks!) and the sight of the stretch marks irks me. The dark lines still exists on my tummy. Oso no idea how to get rid of it... perhaps it will go off naturally?
Flabby tummy:
i wonder if the Dove firming body wash actually works? I think ours is a case of lose skin more than fattty blobs??
So far, I have tried those stretch mark creams to eradicate the lines, but not much effect. My belly botton also looks bigger and out of shape.

Yesterday, i saw my mum's tummy, very fair and nice and smooth... so unlike mine ;( But she said over time the dark patches will lighten.

Wow, erlisa, you are very slim! I think my pre preggie state is your current state now. Though my waist is back to normal but my hip bone area has broaden. I will be wearing L sizes pant now.
u are very slim... i feel pregnant reading abt u!!

Tummy color
yup... saw my mum's, my grandma's tummy b4. don't recall seeing it dark.. maybe it really would fade over time... but dunno how much time though!! wish pple like zoe tay would show off their tummy color too!!

good thing ur bb's fever is gone! was it very tough when u werre monitoring temperature? big relief now, ya?

EBM at office
i think there wld be times i have to do it in toilet! sigh... just realised this 3 hours thing is really quite often when we start work.
alamak, went into ERP 2x ah ... heartpain huh. but driving there more convnient mah, no need to lug ur bag on mrt. now that u know ur way already then wouldn't get lost liow hee hee...

actually ameda not tt bulky lah. i think u might have to bring both. ameda is fast, can do it in the hotel at the end of the day. avent u can use it when u're outside sightseeing. afterall must pump periodically to maintain ss. also very heartpain to throw away the milk but def impossible to bring back. not fresh liow.
looks like quite ma fun to go tour while BF. shall shelve the plan till i stop BF - another 4 mths to go ! if i can tahan tt long

ya seems like our situation kinda similar. it's true that things are slowly improving. now after direct BF, she wouldn't cry but the moment i put her down she'll wake up! sigh. tt's the prob with my gal, need to carry sleeping sigh. if bottle feed she will zzz... tt y i prefer to bottle feed EBM. now i try to direct latch whenever possible and tandem pump at the same time so that i can build up my EBM again, it's gg low again. And the sad thing is I bot another tin of FM !
hubby say better buy. But i managed to go TBF yday so now i'm resolving not to open that tin of FM. *keep fingers crossed*

i wouldn't wake my gal up if she doesn't wake up for feed. bbs are ruled by their hunger, if hungry, they'll def cry for feed.

u very slim ley. so envious ! i can't wait to shed off my preg weight but it seems really stubborn.

sigh, my also still there, flabby like a lump of fats. yucks ! also got stretchmarks and darken skin, so ugly. everyday i see it i get depressed.

i'm trying not to get too many cos still want to wear back my old clothes *if possible* if i don't i would have to get a new wardrop cos everything i also can't wear
sad thing is everything seems expanded, hip, waist, bust area. sigh, fat fat fat !!!!

EBM at office
i might have to stretch my interval when i'm back to office. don't think can express at 3hr interval too close already. i think each session already takes abt 30 mins. lucky for me, my ofc has a nursing rm for mothers to express milk, so i can make use of that rm.

toilet quite yucky ley. how abt mtg rms or cubicles ? my officers has cubicles so wat they do is they put a curtain at the 'entrance' then they express, very private !
Aiyah, don't envy me lah... Me not slim, me very skinny... wait till u all see me then u know wat i mean.. hee My mother keep on telling me go to gym and work out my tummy.. she always like to scare me if i never work out now, tummy gonna stay there for longer time... but i lazy lah.. taking care of baby and housework already tire me out...

Anyway, do u all have stretchmarks? I have a lot leh.. below my navel.. now have to get new swimwear.. coz going to phuket cannot wear my bikini liaos.. must cover up more... tummy dark dark plus stretchmarks very the yucky.. wonder all these celebs like zoe tay, ivy lee got any stretchmark when they bare their body...
Ya, most of the stuff at THIS FASHION are for slim people... Right now, I am wearing a 34" khaki pants from Giordano,and I can find skirts from THIS FASHION to wear to work.. tops too... does that convince you?

Just that I now hav to go for the XL & XXL instead of the S & M like last time lor...

Re Stretchmarks
Talking abt stretchmarks, sigh.. i think i hav it all... not onli around the hip areas, but along my inner thighs as well... *Sob Sob*...

erlisa, dun talk abt bikini, i dun think i ever can wear swim suits and do my sun tans anymore :<
infacol is a mixture liked formula, it comes with a small "pump" to feed bb. only need about 0.2ml every 6 hourly but i only feed twice a day. my pd recommended it but can get at any chinese medical hall or phamarcy $5plus.

i don't wake up my bb for feed. normally if she is out during the day (shopping) and have not taken her usual nap in the afternoon, she will miss her feed and can stretch for as long as 5-5.5hrs. i think its ok becos usually the next day she will make it up by drinking more; ie interval of 2.5hrs only.

fabby tummy
sian i have such huge lumps of fats as well. most of my bottoms cannot wear already. some can still button but must breath in very hard &amp; scare that the button will fly out and hit someone if i sit down. i also have the dark patches at tummy and armpit areas.

aiyo very fortunate to start off as skinny. like me pre-preg was fat and now super fat sometimes can't even fit into L size and not to mention the super huge boobs. don't know when my breast will shrink back to normal.

anyone of you will be leaving bb with bb sitter once you get back to work?
i will be bringing bb to bbsitter on 1sep for her to get familar with the place. very scare that she will have hard time adapting. *heartpain*
can understand your worries, had once myself for hours when leaving my gal with mil at her store which is out in the open exposing to morning and possible rain. but, when i leave with my mum, i have much less worries because she pratically watching over the baby. However, i'll face the same worries for long once i return work.

Japanese souveiours: i usually get sweets/cookies as gifts for other pple. but, can try their '100 yen' shops which was scattered in many places in Tokyo which equals to our 199 shops in sg, i got 2 heart-shaped mini pillows from it, material &amp; content wise is good &amp; in sg, it is sold for more than $5! quite a good bargain!

bottle rejection: yah, this is starting to worry me as bb drinks very little from bottle esp i'm the one trying. my mum have little problems so far; unfortunatly she's not going to b the main caretaker

shane u're rite, bottle-rejection is quite problematic. personally i still feel heartpain if bb refuses to latch on, probably because i will miss one way of bonding with bb.

ebm @ wotk:
will foreseen problems myself after work. i could not pump more than 2Oz (60ml) nowdays &amp; even i could, i have problem preseving it as the office is very far away. However, dun think is a concern as mil will not use the ebm anyway and hubby too lazy to defroze frozen ebm (but if just stored in fridge still ok).

fabby tummy &amp; marks:
hee, me too. sigh, thot i can go back in shape (and weight) easily, and i was wrong. my sketch-marks are still very distinct...sigh.
Milk Supply
Shane, I just read this in a BAbywise book. Thought it might help you:

You may want to consider the four day test. This involves offering a complementary feeding of one or two ounces of formula after each nursing period. Then, express your milk with an electric breast pump ten minutes per side. (Manual pumps are not effective for this purpose.) Keep track of how much extra you are producing. If your milk is plentiful, then the problem lies with your baby. He or she is either not latching on properly or is a lazy nurser. If your milk supply increases as a result of pumping, which will be indicated either by milk expressed or by your baby not wanting the complementary feeding, then return to breast-feeding.
If additional stimulation from breast pumping doesn't increase your milk supply, and if you have reviewed all the external factors and found them compatible with nursing, then you may be among the 5 percent of moms who can't provide a sufficient milk supply. Are you ready to give up? Before you say "that's me" and quit for good, consider asking your pediatrician for advice. ASk if he knows an older mother in the practice who was able to reverse the situation. One final caution: avoid extreme recommendations that can worsen your condition. REmember, different opinions abound. Learn and discern what is best for your family. Then make a commitment with no excuses needed.

Typo mistakes abound!
really hope it helps!
I went parkway last night to look for clothers. There's no This Fashion there, but a Top 20! haha... but couldn't find anything! Guess must go to a actual This Fashion!
Ended up buying Giordano basic Tee! Used to wear Size S, tried a M, but looked like a dumpling! so had to wear L!
Even then, looked like mini dumpling! sigh...
gd for you mah, u started out skinny then now after preg u just nice. not like me, started out just ok, now FAT
so sad. when i go out and see slim slim gals, i so envious. the price to pay for motherhood.

i have them ! very unsightly tho' my mum say will fade away, i think it will take a very long time. mine are on my tighs, tummy and butts. can't wear too short shorts already, sure can see one. so ugly. my navel is also black black one and i hvn't got back my prepreggie belly button! from the way i see it, doubt i'll get it back. so depressing !

i'll be leaving my bb with mil so not that bad. just need to let her get use to bb. but she mentioned abt getting a maid. i stressed. hopefully no need lor.

i can understand how u feel abt leaving bb with bbsitter. most imptly they hv to be reliable. how did u find her, is it someone u know? if recommended or u know personally, quite safe, so no need to worry.

ya tho' i hvn't encountered before *touchwood* but i really hope it doesn't happen. now i trying to get her used to pacifier i already find it a challenge. can't imagine if it's bottle rejection.

actually u don't have to stop latching. u can feed EBM via bottle for some feeds and latch on for some. so that bb can get used to both. also there's other ways to bond, even when u feeding via bottle also can bond. of cos nothing beats direct BF cos the relationship is special. but there are also mothers who doesn't bf from the start and they also bond with bb very well.

actually when u pump, it's normally lesser than wat bb drinks direct. when i first started pumping also harvest very little. so after u go bk to wk, bb will go on FM ? maybe it's better, if not ur mil will just throw away ur milk so wasteful. then u can feed bb BM on weekends when u no need to work. if ur hubby is wiling to take EBM fm the fridge then u can also consider not freezing. i don't freeze my EBM if i know i'm gg to use them in the next few days. i just put in the fridge. for tpt of EBM, must admit it's quite troublesome, would need cooler bag and ice brick. but u can leave in ur office fridge while u're in the office ?

gals, just thinking out loud. after trying so hard to go on TBF then the thots of bottle rejection and FM rejection came into my mind. Not so scared of bottle rejection since i feed EBM. M afraid of FM rejection. read abt some mum's experience and seem like bb who's on TBF rite from the start \i
{might} reject FM. tho' i don't face these 2 prob now. i wonder if i should just con't on partial bf to avoid that from happening and save my trouble of gg TBF
my target is 6 mths of BF, if i can manage. so sooner or later also have to start on FM. hmm, sometimes i feel the hype on gg on TBF makes us lose sight of other issues. unless, u decide to BF forever, bb will have to start on FM one day since milk is their staple from birth to their early years.
thks ! maybe i'll try that pumping after nursing thingy and see wat happens. nowadays my bb seems satisfied from nursing direct just that she likes to be stuck at the breast for comfort suckling. i'm still trying not to open that tin of FM! ha ha ...
FM rejection
Shane, don't think so much. Your worries are not going to get you anywhere!
Think of WWI &amp; WWII, the mums also TBF. Eventually, all the kids also grow up on FM later. I think the percentage of bb rejecting FM is real small, and even then, it's only initial rejection.
Afterall, there must be a reason why our breast produces milk!
[other than giving us big boobs! hehe...]
dun worry, you have me as companion, we will be the super fat mums Duo, hahaha! ;p

I put on 20+kg for preganency and now my bb is 2mths old but me still hav another 13kg to go...but come to think of it, i dun regret lah, i rather be fat than starve myself during preganency and risk my bb becoming unhealthy

at least now she is growing quite ok, everything's well.

nevermind, let's put our mind now to dieting and slimming, i'm sure we can reach our target even though the road might be longer and tougher.. Jia You!!

besides THIS FASHION, there's another shop i went to at the Raffles Place MRT shopping arcade when i managed to get some baggy tops and big sized skirts for work too, $20+ each... they are on 50% discount.. think the shop is called GLEE or something, jus next to Guardian. Maybe you can try there too...
the bbsitter is actually the mom of my sil's friend. she is currently looking after another little girl that's about 1yr plus. her husband has recently retired and they decided to take in another bb. i didn't really went scounting for bb sitters then, now kinda of regret. i still have lots of leave, guess i will take them as and when to "pay surprise visits" to bb sitter to see how she is handling my precious. :p

on FM rejection
i think different bbies react differently. my friend's bb was on partial fm and bm during her first month but went on to tbf after that. guess what she rejected the bottle when they attempted to wean her off in her second month. took quite a while to get the bb to accept bottle feeding. aiya but don't worry so much, you have come this far and i am sure you have no problem when the time comes.

hehe... the way you say super fat mum duo is so funny. i am thinking of dieting on salad lunch once i stop bf'g.
very likely I've to thrown away the ebm when i travel because i'll be travelling to outskirts and sometimes take trains can be more than an hour. it's not fresh. and also the on the plane another problem. by the time come back maybe got around 30 packs. too troublesome.

i think i'll bring both pumps there. ameda will need to put battery.

the gym trip is quite boliao! used to be able to cycle for 20 mins , now after 3 mins, i feel breathless and no strength. in the end, after half hour i give up, end up in steam bath.

i dont wake my girl up for feed. She gets frustrated if i wake her up when she's sleeping. My girl is as lazy as me. hehe

robinson got sale meh? today i went metro, got 20% also. got sassy toys too. was your girl wearing wrist rattle the last time we went out? I bought sassy wrist rattles for her and wear for her. some passers-by commented it was cute

ya lor, bf very diff to travel. think about it i abit sian .

heard my friend said the 100 yen shop keep changing venues. dont know where they have shifted now.

i also put on 20kg. difficult to lose all at once. still got 8 kg to go.
At least u go gym!

LAst night I walk overhead bridge... aiyo... I felt like my grandma walking! jia lat. Thought taking care of bb would have increase stamina.. how come like decreasing??

Wrist rattle I got was from Lamaze with feet rattle. (I saw it at MOthercare sale. The normal price is $20 plus) Yup i saw the sassy one. cute right?
people have commented that my gal so young start to wear accessories! hehe... I think u also have to start explaining like me that it's a rattle... for their motor skills!

Btw, when are u leaving? have a great trip, in case we miss wishing you!
Gals, anyone started their period? I just got stains (like 1st day period kind) for the last 3 days. Nothing more nothing less. So strange. And my gal is only 8 weeks old!
FM rejection
ya tt's true, no use worrying. let me try to get my BF and pumping routines straightened out first! ha ha... must be that tin of FM sitting there giving me those evil thots hahahaha...

tt's wat i'm afraid of. no prob with partial then rejection come after gg tbf. anyway will see how things goes. not really sure i can maintain tbf or not also. my ss so unstable n to feed my girl direct is so trying, she will always cry for milk hrly.

weight loss
pple say BF can help to lose weight. we all are BF but how come not losing weight ?!
hey LV,
i got the sassy wrist rattle as well. one frog and one duck one hee hee... but not much reaction from bb.

today got my mimi from the bulk purchase. v cute. bb stared at it when we made it giggle hee hee...

mckee !
wat great timing i was just abt to ask abt period and saw ur posting. i just saw some staining also. yday and today i felt abit crampy and wondered if it's coming then just now saw some staining. how come so fast ??!!! i really dread menses. enjoyed those preggie days wo menses ! i thot if BF shouldn't come back so fast...
take it on a lighter note...at least we are all now much slimmer than we used to be when we are preggie.. ;p

fyi, i am now on total veggie, fruits, no carbo, no rice, no meat(except fish) diet for 5-days a week... hasn't seen much effect. so salad-lunch diet may not see results that fast too, hav to perserve and be patient..

you are one mummy that doesnt look like she got excess fats, so ok lah, dun complain abt that 8kg liao.. i really thought you look great the other time we met..

i have a fren tat BF for 9+ mths oredi, and she still hav weight to lose, so dun rely too much on BF to lose weight... heheehe, mayb we all gotto start goin gym like LV
ya i think so too. cos hor, BF cannot diet, so eat like normal and may even eat more so i think tt y cannot lose weight. i myself have been snacking quite often cos seems to feel hungry often

i think we should start a gym kaki gp and go workout together ha ha .... gp motivation
Re: Robinsons sale
Just went to look see look see, nothing much on sale leh... Anyway, I ended up getting the Fisher Price Play Dome - it's a zip-up canopy for indoor and outdoor use... Hubby simply won't leave Robinsons earlier without that in his hands!

Yeah, I saw the Sassy wrist rattles, very cute lehh... tempted to buy...

Re: excess fats
Do u gals thinking of signing up for any slimming program or gym membership? I want to sign up for gym leh... It seems watever bottoms i wear, the blob of fats on my tummy never fail to show.. very unsightly leh.. need some kakis who's interested to work out and to motivate each other leh.. anyone interested?

During preggie, I put on about 13kg.. I dunno how much i weigh now but I do think i may jus need to gain a few kilo more for me to look and feel ideal (minus the fats on my tummy)..
hehe thanks. I think all of us look great considering we just given birth (at least non of us look pregnant). I rem my colleague coming back looking still pregnant. But to save money on clothes, of coz must try to fit into old ones. The other day I went into hangten and bought many tank tops that are easy for BF. Feel so happy to get new clothes that can fit. at least it's cheaper, if not very heart pain. (But buy baby toys not heart pain leh

Ok lar, u all follow me go gym. Wait in the end we end up talking about bb stuff and forget to workout

The rattles are very cute right? small and adorable. Mine is the fish and bee. After discount only $8. She doesn't know what it is but it looks quite fashionable on her ..hehe

I saw the cozypal. I got a few big soft toys already so did not join the buying.

This sassy series got quite a lot of interesting handheld toys for babies right? And best of all, it's cheaper than other brands comparatively. I also bought the spiky ball. My hubby asked how i know about the wrist rattle, i told him from the gathering one mummy taught us
. Lamaze toys are also quite nice but slightly more ex. Babies r us has this bruiny brand also not bad.

I find looking after my girl did not build up my stamina but make me more 'yao suan bei tong' (backache) because of bending and carrying.

My menses was here when my girl was about 7 or 8 weeks. very little like spotting. I went gynae for checkup wanting to do papsmear but he did a scan and said i was menstruating. but i tot BF no menses? He said still have leh..confuse
actually i thot i should do some exercise as well but i v lazy to go gym. taking care of bb is sapping away all my energy but yet don't understand how come i not losing weight.
after i start work life will even be more hectic, got to send and fetch bb to and fro everyday, major shagness man ... hopefully the hectic lifestyle will help me lose some weight

ya v cute. oh ya got the fish n bee one. i wanted to get that but it wasn't wrapped so i din get it. now that u mentioned i think my not sassy one. it's another brand cos i rem putting back the sassy one cos it wasn't wrapped then hubby saw another pair of rattles on another rack.
sigh, u know, i find myself very muddle headed and forgetful after birth and looking after bb. hubby also think so. i feel as if there's so many things gg thru my mind !
Losing weight
Shane, i went to read those bb books again to confirm that BF wld help lose weight. aiya... we all read too fast or read wrong!

Book(s) say BF would help shrink uterus! So I guess our uterus all back to normal size. didn't say BF would get rid of fats, or tighten stomach/skin! sigh... my hopes quite dashed after reading!

Erlisa, you blessed one! I think you and LV are part of the much envied women who look better after preggie!

Rene, you very disciplined! Go slimming centre, and strict diet! Sure to pay off soon!
You never know, maybe when we meet this friday, we would notice the difference!

LV, actually, what Sassy offers are what the more ex brands offer too--at a cheaper price! You know the brand Munchkins? I think it was directly facing the Sassy shelf at Centrept Robinsons. They have nice stuff too.. a little more pricey though.. Yup I saw the Bruiny brand. cheaper version of F&amp;P. It's alongside Little Tikes/Chicco..

Erlisa, ur hb got the shopping bug!
Don't worry it's a good buy. I'm big believer in F&amp;P toys!
but only own a few...too $$$!

Shane, what's mimi?

This part I tried to find in the books, but it just says delayed. didn't say won't have. sigh.. looks like the menses is back! (thank God it's not full flow!)
Losing weight
Sorry.. just have to get this off my chest. Mooncake fest is back! And it's my FAV food! sigh... I feel the lard and the egg yoke is calling out to me! sigh sigh sigh....
My clock quite reversed now. Nicole didn't sleep last night. So I spent whole day sleeping. now I'm wide awake!

How abt the outing this friday? On?
I'll summarise:
Location: Rene's / Serrich's house
Day: Friday 26 Aug
Time: 12 noon
Activities: Eat, chat, take photos,
(pls indicate if u can come! we'll keep updating thru the week)

pls let us know if it's still convenient for us to come! Don't want to impose!
You are such an angel... paiseh i looked like 6mths preggie when we met the other time.. sigh, i know how fat my hips are, never looked so fat in my life. Now I know the agony of really fat people..sigh :<

Not that me want to be disciplined.. i most lazi, cant "wake up" the energy to exercise like LV, so got to diet lor, seek the easy way out mah.. :p

BTW, my house is definitely ok but hope tat you gals dun mind my house messy.. haha, i'll try my best.

but if you gals wan to meet in town, i m also ok - anyway last 2 weeks my gal a bit better behaved liao, so I more "fan xin" now
My hubby goes crazy on baby stuffs now.. if possible, everything oso he wants to buy
I'm also also a F&amp;P believer, but most of their things are so x! Some i feel not worth to get...

Up to now, I still haven't got a musical mobile for my bb... not much varieties offered at Robinsons.. Either the 'animals' are too skinny, or the design is not appealing enough for engage bb's sensory movements...

Re: Outing
Can't join u gals
I'm off to Phuket this coming Wednesday and be back this weekend... So sad cannot join u all again... sigh Hopefully u gals are meeting again then I can join...

Re: Looking pregnant
At least no one told ya that u gals don't look pregnant... my gd fren did when we went out together few weeks ago... She said i look like 3 mths pregnant... that's why I feel a great need to get rid of that blob on my tummy... sigh sigh sigh

Re: exercise
Yah lor, I oso v lazy to go gym... that's why finding kakis to go to 'force' myself to exercise.. Now i try to do sit-ups every night before i sleep.. so far, i've remembered to do so 2 times in a week... At this rate, it'll probably take me months before i can see results...
Hi all

MIAed for a while...was having fever over the weekend...think my body is trying to adapt to my schedule at work now...so hubby got two babies to take care of the weekend...as bb got fever after the first 5in1 jab. my boy is now 6.3kg...

Re : fever after 5in1 Jab

forgetmenot, my boy also gotten slight fever of 37.2 one day after the jab. but recovered. realised that if i give him the fever medication, he does not want to drink milk at all...i have to force him to drink

Re : menses
was bf during my confinement, but menses still come on the 8th week...looks like this is pretty common...but last only for 3 days...very light. different from pre-pregnant days

Re : losing weight

Yes, Mckee...BF only helps the uterus to shrink back to original size...when they say help you to lose weight is becos of the calories you burn when you express the milk out for baby...cos when you bf you burnt more calories provided you dun eat double the portion....

i put on 10kg...lost 6kg before i start work...lost a furthur 2kg since i started work which is 2 wks ago...so ladies...dun worry too much...maybe when you start work...with stress and new adjustment you probably lose more...

my daily life is pretty hectic...as in my boy wakes up for the nite feed still at 3am...then i will wake up at 5.30am and leave my home at 6.30am, reach my mom place at 7am...then i go for breakfast...and hit my office at 8am...then i will leave office at 5.30pm...and after dinner at my mom place...will leave at 8pm to avoid the CTE gantry...so by the time i hit home everynite is about 8.45pm...play with my boy until 9.30pm...then pat him to sleep...then is my own time to bath and do my stuff...usually hit the bed at 12 mid nite....taking into account i stop bf...too tired...so did not want to stress on myself...

about frozen BM
found this at one of the website :"
Breast milk is better for babies than formula, but a new study says it loses some of its best properties once it's refrigerated. While breast milk has more antioxidants than formula, fresh breast milk boasts a higher level of antioxidants than refrigerated or frozen breast milk, according to the study appearing in the Fetal and Neonatal edition of the Archives of Disease in Childhood."

So mummies, if you can try to still latch on if possible

Re : reject formula milk

my fren has been bf her boy for full 1 year...and the boy now at 1.5 yrs old still reject formula milk...so my feel is that it is good to introduce formula milk early...cos as they grow older they can recognize the taste...
ya the mooncake fest is here ! i don't quite like mooncake, too sweet for me. BUT i like those 'piglets biscuits' w/o filling one. yummy ! equally fattening i guess.

oh nicole didn't sleep ? has she recovered from her flu ?

actually eversince i been on ML, my ave bedtime is 1am and i wake up really late! sigh, don't know how to adjust back when it's time to go back to work.

Here's my bb and mimi!

Location: Rene's / Serrich's house
Day: Friday 26 Aug
Time: 12 noon
Activities: Eat, chat, take photos,
Mckee (added u, u're coming rite! hee hee)

btw, i got this urge to go town ley, hv coffee, chat and watch the world go by ... hee hee... but up to you all lah, town or rene/serrich place also can ...

same here, nvr been so bui in my life. very sad. don't know can go back or not.
u very gd ley, still can go on diet. now i bf cannot go on diet ley. but i trying to cut down on my carbo, working towards a low carbo diet.

gd that ur hub is crazy over bb's toys. if only my hub was then i wouldn't be so guilty buying toys for bb hee hee... he doesn't make noise lah but i feel guilty myself

i think if my bb's a boy then he'll def go crazy, my hub still like a little boy himself, very facinated by gundam, star wars, comics figurine

no worries, u can join us next time !
foresee tt my life will be as hectic as u when i go bk 2 wk. nd 2 ferry bb to n fro as well. hope tt helps to lose weight !

reject FM
wow 1.5 yr old still reject ? then how ? ur friend still bf ? tt y my mum also say must mix, give BM n FM so bb wun b fussy. tt's 1 of e way she use 2 console me abt not being able to tbf hee ..hee...

BF n losing weight
ya tt wat i read-help 2 shrink uterus n burn calories. guess e trick is to eat like b4 u got preggie but i feel tt my preggie appetite still ard !
hmmm, i've been refrigerating my BM. i try to avoid frrezing tho cos i also read tt it destroy all the nutrients. i seldom latch nowadays. bb take v long if latc. but looks like must buck up n latch more often so bb can rec'd e freshest !

looks like ur hubby is rite abt insisting on giving bb the freshest !
Hi shane

yap...turning back the clock...i would latch my baby more....but then you will face the dilema of bottle rejection...sigh...i guess strike a balance then
reject FM

so now my fren have to continue to express milk then...imagine now that they are planning for the 2nd baby....and the boy still refuses on formula milk...the boy is pretty extreme...he rather go hungry without milk....than to drink formula milk...so now my fren in dilema, cos she should reserve all she have for the next baby now...cannot everything give to the first boy...
so far i feed EBM via bottle so she get used to the bottle. but i do notice if i latch often she will fuss and cry for my breast cos she want to comfort suckle. Latching also doesn't put her to sleep. now i already facing pacifier rejection

oh dear so next time she nd to produce enuf milk 4 2! but the boy shld b on solid food already ? at least cut down on milk intake
your bb looks vv chubby leh.

ya, i am still caught between whether to EBM or give total FM when i go back to work in 2 weeks time. sian. mabbe i will try to see how it go for one week and decide if i can continue to EBM in the office.
sleeping at night
what time do you ladies put bb to bed at night? now we attempt to put bb to bed ie her cot at around 8ish sometime even at 7ish and by the time around 9plus she would be sleeping and waking up only for milk.
is it too early?

Expressing in the office
i am loss what i need to prepare or bring if i want to express milk in the office. advise pls pls.
my boy tends to sleep more aft the jab..and aft the fever,he drinks more leh..
but i find tt he dun like to drink water leh..
sighez......dunno wat to do..
hee hee, ya at the moment she kinda chubby at the cheeks.

if ur ofc 'pumping friendly'. like u say, try for a week first then see how. in the meantime try to store as much EBM as you can accumulate before u go back to work.

Expressing in ofc
err, think only need to bring pump rite ? then can go pantry and use the hot water to rinse the pump. oh ya, also need a cooler bag and ice brick for you to tpt EBM home. u can make use of ofc fridge to keep the EBM after u express.

sleeping at night
i think it's ok, bb sleep most of the time anyway. jia lat, i didn't put my bb to a routine ley. and if i put her in her cot she'll cry.

i'll be gg back to work beg Oct. not looking forward !!! but shall see how things goes. if everything is fine and if i can 'bear' to leave my bb then i might go back to work earlier and save up some of my leave.
hi cherry

i tried putting my boy to sleep at 7pm...but by 3am after the feed...he open his eyes big...and he wants to play...and i have to "play" with him for an hour before he sleeps again...so we decided to put him to bed only at about 9pm...

you can try out...but i find letting bb sleep at 7pm a bit unrealistic...which means that when you work, you got to rush back and put him to bed by 7pm....it is important to set a routine for you baby when they are young. So after much thought me and hubby feel that 930pm is most workable for us even if my hubby works late...and if we both head home early, we got 1 hour of interaction time with baby...

hope this helps
is ur bb mostly on FM ? if yes, need to feed more water. u can try to srygrine feed if he refuses to take from bottle. or spoon feed also can.

ask u gals hor,
did u wash ur bb's bottles and teats with bb detergent?
my hubby says no need leh..cos last time when we are young,oso did not use such things..
