(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

seedy stools ... they are very watery and got little yellow tiny 'seeds' in them.
since u're gg to PD soon, then best check with PD.

oh yes i did. keep forgetting to post. it fits avent bottles BUT cannot screw tight onto the bottles. so cannot use lor. sigh. and i bot them. think i'll just use but need to hold the cap and bottle together. but i hvn't tried if will fit to the ameda pump or not. i assume can
hi gals
looks like i'm missing out a lot of action (again and best part is, you gals are very near my home!) :p was busy with last rites for late fil and reliving hubby with all those extra transporting of mil & bb to & fro places... so tiring...

anyway, saw the baby photos... they are so cute!!! but i don't think mimi is too big for bb to hug, just that the toy is hugged when bb face down.. Adriana pratically wants to hug her daddy or my dad for comfort & sleep almost everytime... and they (the dads) are definitely 'huge' compared to the baby gal.

didn't know about the exchanging of empty packages.. usually i throw them away.. looks like i should start collecting :D
tried the method posted (which is in archive now) when i left bb with my mother's care overnight for about 12 hours (who fed her fm). the results of each pumping session is amazing, and forgetting to pump is disatrous (because the milk will leak out of the breast-pad!!!).

anyway, anyone got a good washable breastpads? i bought 3 pairs of avent, but not so good (mentioned above that milk still leak out)... instead, my original 2 pairs (which i can't remember the brand) are very good but worn out.
which method of ebm pumping are u referring to ?

i hv the avent ones washable breastpads. nvr use before. u interested ? can sell you cheap cheap.
didn't go PD in the end. spoke to a few mummies and my own mummy, realised that it is normal as long as she is still active, poos, and does not appear listless. But will continue to monitor nonetheless!

I have Gerber washable breastpads. DON'T buy. very rough, breasts feel itchy cos of rough surface.

what a pity the converter you bought doesn't work! I was going to buy it after thinking abt it when u bought that day!

do any of your bbs have green seedy stools?
My gal has yellow seedy ones most of the time. But sometimes out of the blue, there's a one time GREEN seedy stools deposit.
hi Shane, Rene,
thx 4 e warm welcome!!
was staying at my MIL place 4 e pass few days so no chance 2 check out forum, and also office no internet access...
my 2mth old boy got LS recently..ever since i switch him 2 FM when he was only abt 7 wks old, he poo once daily but 2 wk ago he started to poo watery, mucusy poo at avg 4x per day.. brought him 2 PD today coz so heartache scare he didnt get enough nutrients.. lotus leg also shrink a bit le..but overall he's stil happy,eating well... PD says infection la.. intestine still cant adjust back la.. suggest me 2 e enfalac LF(lactose-Free) n some med 4 LS. wa kao.. $80 plus + 1hr 15min waiting..hai..
ya lor, wasted my money. but will still try to use it. heng got discount

my gal got green stools before as well. those myth explanation is cos bb got scared.
i rem i read somewhere before, think it's due to fibre or something tt y bb stool comes out greenish. memory not v gd, don't know correct or not.

hee hee hope u don't mind the short form of ur nick

oh dear, hope ur little boy get well soon. we mummy heartache when they're not well.
wow, 80, kinda costly huh...
tankuku, i think my boy's case quite similar to your bb's. I saw the PD this evening about my boy's frequent and slightly watery stools. He said it is not due to infection and that my boy has some gas from indigestion due to a reaction to the milk (my boy is taking similac for infant now). He suggested that i try isomil (soy-based milk) that is milk and lactose free. Didn't give me any medication for bb tho'. Will see how he adapts to it....

Me gg back to work tmr and bb will now stay with my mil on weekdays. We'll bring him back only on weekends. Not sure if i can get use to it....still feel very attached to bb...think i got a bit of separation anxiety....already missing him...
My gal also ever got green stools. I read from a book tat its probably due to intake of foremilk and nt enuf hindmilk. Old wives tales will be due to shock and scared.. Depends on ur belief. Another indication of shock and scare is some greenish patch between the eyes..

I am using the Avent washable breastpads. So far so good but the onli disadv is that the material might stick to nipples at times.

I have uploaded the pictures of our sweetie pies taken at our gathering last Fri... Do check ur email!

Wats ur email add huh? Maybe u can pm me these info: Nickname/Name/Baby's name/Popped on/Age gp/Hp No./Email/Home Location so that i can update and email u the contact list and the photos? Thanks!
oh realli ah??hmm..guess i did not listen to her carefully..hehe..
btw,wat size is bb rene wearing now??

u saw the bb fotos liao?? i hve not seen any leh...

my boy has green seedy stools..think is becos he is on fm n bm..
Morning gals!

I have not particpated in yr chats for quite some time. But I've been reading yr posts, all yr babies r so cute
I've been 'working' like 24 7 for my baby - me now a panda-eyed mummy ;(

U gals r so brave to bring babies out on yr own. I haven't dare do that, go out need help by my side.

Shane, yr gal looks huge. How heavy huh?

Mckee, my boy has green seedy stools quite a few times. His stool can be quite explosive too. PD said green stools due to body getting rid of bilirubin (he still have some jaundice). Like wat Serrich said, I read that green stools can b due to taking in foremilk n not enough of hindmilk.

Jane, wat effective pumping method u using? wat pump? How long do u take to pump? Sometimes I still need half an hour to pump, so tiring.

Babyjun, I can understand how u feel. Now I'm still on maternity leave, already can't bear to leave my boy for a few hours. So next time when i go back to work, i can't imagine how sad i'll be.

Serrich/ Jane, I'm using Avent and Nuk breast pads, find that they all stick to nipples n once wet must change. So still prefer disposables. I'm using Gerber medium flow disposables, on some mornings, milk can also leak through! Quite shocking lor, coz it's got a waterproof outer lining. Overall, i feel Gerber disposables pretty good.

Any of u put yr baby on a routine? Like tucking baby to bed at a certain time? Feeding on schedule?
Hi cookie

I have a fixed schedule for my boy everynite, play with him, feed him and tuck him to bed, and last nite for the very first time he slept through from 930pm to 7am ;)without waking up for any feed. hope this is going to happen tonight ;)
Ladies, the photos are already emailed to you.. pls check your emails...

Jiamci, I dont hav yr email, so cant send you, can you give me?

My gal still wearing S size, but I oredi stock up on M & L liao cos' we bought quite alot of S sizes, now i onli worried she will outgrow them before it's finished.. :p

Oh halo.. Mine is a gal born on 16 June.. onli 2 days after yr boi...
What's his name? where his photo, post and let us see lei... here got many gal gal bb, if he handsome enuf sure have many mummies sign up as future MIL... hahaha :p
hi gals,
i'm back from KL... the air there was good... and the trip there oso good.. hee

anyway, we not planning no.2 lah.. just go for holiday oni to have time alone before i start work next week *sigh sigh sigh* Not looking to get back to work at all!!! So when u gals going back to work?

Away for so long, miss my bb soooo much! Makes me realise how i've taken my bb for granted...
Here are the jun babies' pics !

smiley rene

sherilyn sleeping soundly

nicole in alert mode

the prince among the princesses...Ryan!

and finally, my little gal, Esher
Wah, you really go crop the babies out! hahaha, why not show the mummies too? :p

When are you goin Japan? Planing to go too lei since there's some good offers now..
hee, share w every1 2 c mah... mummy face...mai lah. anyway din ask e mummy 4 permission 2 show face also.

wah u planning 2 go japan ah ... shiok shiok huh. ya i c papers kp advertise japan....
Hello mummies!!!
Wow, so many chubby BBs... ok, I also upload my ian's picture. On Week 6, he weight 4.52kg & 55cm length.

RE: breastpad
I'm using medela washable. So far never encounter stick to my nipples, maybe I seldom leak. As for displosable, I'm using Avent type.

My boy also have dark green stools, but once a while he will have yellow seedy type. He on EBM and supplement w/ FM. Doctor said its okay for such color. The color looks green, but when I wipe it, it yellowish.

Mummies, is your growth chart in your BB health book is like this:-
I just wonder is the growth chart is universal for western and asian.

RE: diaper
Does Singapore diaper indicate the weight of the BB instead of S, M, L?
hey shane

thanks for posting the pictures, so many princess, so my boy should have no problem to find girl fren liao...ryan is the only boy - he got the matured boy look...

your girl very sweet...
what about breastpads would u recom then? I'm thinking of cutting cost on the usage of breastpads. Imagine i'm using pigeon one and i use 4 a day, that means for one month i would use 120 pieces ~ 3 boxes. Very siong. So i'm considering using washable ones.

am i in the mailing list? If not, can retrieve my data from the apr/may contacts?

Your girl looks like you leh

Now got good offers to Japan? I'm going in mid oct. Accomdation booked already, now planning where to go. Do u think it's a must to go Disney land? Actually me and my hubby dont enjoy those rides and games. To pay so expensive to go in, i'm a bit hesitant. I heard still must queue up for long time to go into disney land.

yesterday when my girl was sleeping, she seemed to have a nightmare because her facial expression was crying and frowning. I woke her up and pacify her a little. Then she took a long time to get back to sleep. Anyone experience that?
Wow, all the babies so cute...JuneTen if your boy n mine go then there will be more boys...

Sometimes my boy do cry suddenly & woke up, had to carry him for a while then he will get back to sleep...not sure if he had bad dreams.

I also use 4pcs of breast pads per day. Switch frm Pigeon to Tollyjoy. Tollyjoy slightly cheaper, I bot few boxes during 20%disc so ard $6+. I used Medela washable pads before find it difficult to wash...gets yellowish after a while.

Your boy v fair n so cute! Sgp diaper do indicate weight range for each size.
U didnt receive the email meh? Okie, i resend later..

U all so good.. Got leakeage means good milk supply! Seems that my ss is beginning to drop! I used to get engorgement if i nvr feed my gal after 3 hrs... Now after 4-5 hrs i dun feel engorged at all lei. It's realli quite depressing that my ss drop so soon!!

Okie, i will add ur details into the contact list and send out 2nite..

Okie, do pm me your details: Nickname/Name/Baby's name/Popped on/Age gp/Hp No./Email/Location
my boy experience that too. Seems more like a sudden stomach pain to me.

Maybe because I hardly bring him out under the sun. The UV here very strong.

I find my boy and your girl look alike you know..really babies look alike. let me go fish out a picture that looks like your baby while sleeping
ur boy is sleeping so sweetly in the pic. so nice.

yup in SG, the weight is stated for each size.

re breastpads
so far i don't need breastpads at all. nvr encounter leakage outside, not even after 6-7 of no latch/pump, just feel abit pain and hard. don't know to feel sad or happy abt this.
I got avent washables and disposables. Don't really like the disposaables, not comfortable to wear, makes the skin feels itchy. For the washables, nvr tried them before yet.

ur case might not be ss dipping, it could be ur breasts r getting used to the qty to supply to your bb hence, no engorgement or leaking. tt's wat i read. U can read abt it here (http://www.lalecheleague.org/NB/NBmilksupplyissues.html#enough)
ha ha ya they do look abit similar. i think babies do look alike. they start to change once they grow older.
Ya lor, wanted to go during my ML but she bu de the bb then.. now at least everything more or less settled, my MIL can take care of her veri well.. so mayb can go for a short trip...

Thanks.. actually her face veri round and full now, jus like her mummy's... but some pple say she looks like daddy, esp the small mouth...got a better pic here...

Japan - mayb i'll go around end Oct, early Nov that wk if we are goin cos' there's 2 PH mah... but not sure yet, got to ask my hubby.
If i goin this time, sure I will go Disneyland, my bro had a fantastic time there.. and since I never been to Disneyland, why not? Relive childhood mah! hahaha :p
my son will once in a while grimace and squeal in his sleep too. He will be ok once i pat him and it is all over in a matter of seconds. He will then fall right back to sleep, without waking up.
so nice to see all the cute jun babies...

my girl also prone to cry out loud suddenly during her sleep...but most of the time she jus fall back to sleep by herself....only if she make more noises then i need to carry & pat her....

re: leaking breasts
i think after sometime our breast get more used to storing milk and will not leak so much...used to leak in the past even when ss not much but now i seldom got leaking prob even for up to 7hrs though supply had increased...but will leak if i carry bb even if its only after 3hrs

re:bb appetite

i bought NUK bottle with the latex teat yesterday hoping that my girl will like better...but still she doesnt like leh..."sigh" give up liao...ask my mum now to feed on demand instead of schedule at every 3hrs otherwise she always doesnt finish her milk..


your girl really very cute & sweet leh...eyes so round & big and cheeks is so rosy...very well taken pic looks like a poster baby...
thanks Milly... i think all mummy like to hear praises for their bb.. but really all babies are cutest in their parents' eyes..
But one glance at your girl really look like u. Maybe 2nd glance look like Dad

If u going Japan, u bringing baby there? I saw some promotions going on at tour agency. i think 2 nights at tokyo only $1000 per pax. quite cheap. i plan to spend less than $3k (for both of us) for this trip including accomodation.

Re: nightmare/crying in sleep
Actually she's not really crying out loud. It's like she's having nightmare while sleeping. I was the one who woke her up because i dont want her to have nightmares (crazy me right) But when i woke her up, she looked blur blur at me.

Re: breastpads/milk leakage
So far i must change a pair day and night if not i'll get breast rash hehe .. I find that looking or carrying my girl will send signal to the breast for letdown. so must still wear the breast pads.

Re:BF in public
I'm having some diff latching my girl in public becoz i can't see her face, covered by clothes or cloth. so in the end, sometimes ended up having a face jet bath for her and wet the clothes. To warm up EBM must wait, she'll get impatient and cry. Taking of baby really is a knowledge
LV, I'm using Pigeon disposable. but the last 2 weeks, I stopped using totally... lazy lah... and also, realised that the leaking stopped.

Serrich & Rene
thanks for photos and email! the babies all look absolutely gorgeous! looks like we captured them at their best... (no cranky baby in sight!)

Today, I'm back in the office. I brought nicole along for her nursery orientation! Just sit in nursery, played with all the other babies while nicole sleeps and get use to the cot/rocker. Thank God she's adapting well...

Heard there's going to be a TAKA baby fair this friday. shall we??? *wink*
agree lor. taking care of bb really knowledge. sometimes bb cry n cry feel so helpless and frustrated but yet can't do anything but con't soothing her.

now i got more courage to BF in public but like u say, sometime quite hard cos of the cloth or clothes. tt time bb was cranky, i had to latch her on in the middle of a shopping aisle and con't my shopping while nursing her

tt's one prob i face with EBM-time taken to warm up. so wat i do i usually warm up my EBM way before her feeding time like 1/2 hr before n keep it warm till she fuss for milk.

gd to hear that nicole is ok with the nursery. actually nicole quite guai ley, everytime go out she nvr fuss one, gd girl.

re baby fair
I'm on! feeling really bored at home, think go out too much liow ha ha....

sleeping thru' the nite
wat is considered sleeping thru' the nite ? Esher had her feed at 1130pm last nite and slept till 5am this am. is that considered ? actually this happened before but only comes on and off. sometimes she wakes up really punctual for her feed-3hrs later.
shane, cookie
i was referring to the previous posting by mckee (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=283057&post=1284693#POST1284693). Only when bb's not latching on for more than 2 hours, i will take 15-20 minutes to pump, 3-4oz (80-110ml) using pigeon electric pump (the portable one breast one.).

shane, thanks for offering, dun think i need so many (had 5 pairs already), i have advent ones which was leaking...

i have not seen green stools yet.. so far always yellow seedy ones.

yap, had similar problems with advent breastpads sticking to nipples which is painful when trying to 'tear' it out in a rush to feed. but, after serveral washings, seems that not so 'sticky', (but still leaking).

like what cookie says, disposalables have less of such problems but, the cost is quite high, esp have to change at least once a day (b4 getting fungus)

schedule/routine: nope didn't manage to. :p because i & hubby does not abide to schedule in the first place. but bb tend to stay awake at nights until after midnight. and wakes up at 6+ for feeding, sometimes with or without 3am feed.

sg diapers does indicate the weight on top of S, M, L... but, still it is quite deceiving.
i did not received ur email leh..oni got Serrich one..
can resend to mi? my email addy [email protected]


my hubby saw the fotos n said tt bothe Sherilyn n Ryan look vv alike leh..hehehe..

shane n mckee,
hehe..i'm thinking of gng out on fri too..but this time without Ryan...
isetan oso hving bb fair from fri onwards..
paisay leh..hehe..just got ur email..thanks..

i still hve 3 more pkts of Size S..dunno if i shd get size M or not..scared tt it will be too big leh..

Yah hor, they look abit alike.. Sherilyn and Nicole also look alike..

Hahahaha.. Ryan and Sherilyn look alike? Wah, my Sherilyn and so many other bb look alike arh?!! So funni.. Let me post their pics here k..


I think my ss realli drop cos i onli managed to pump out 100ml today!! Or nt sure if my gal is drinking alot due to growth spurt?! 2 weeks ago she was 5kg. And now 2 weeks later, she's onli 5.1kg!! She didnt seem to put on wt lei. Nt sure if its cos my ss nt enuf and she also poo veri often now. Sometimes during feed, i can hear/feel her pooing! Will see how it goes lor.. In the meanwhile i must start taking lots of fish. I have nt been taking fish veri frequently since my confinement over.. Now i must realli watch my diet liao.

Re taka bb fair:
I need to go town on Fri wf my aunt oso.. I dun mind meeting up for the bb fair. Are we meeting in noon??
